Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 9: Unborn = Fuxi?

This is the second more! ——

"Of course, the avenue of life is fake, there is no avenue of life at all. It is just a prison cage that I specially created for you. Alas, for 800,000 years, I finally found your soul. After entering this cage, soul The quote is to pass on to flee, no chance. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! "

The sudden laughter made everyone excited. Almost at the same time, all looked in the direction of the unborn.

The unborn person's skin was cracked, and countless golden light emerged from the cracked gap. The golden light was rich and seemed to form a large cocoon. At the moment, it was slowly cracking.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The large cocoon cracked slowly, and slowly extended a new palm from the inside.

An unborn child's skin was scattered immediately, and he quickly fell down.

"Kaka Kaka!"

It seems that a bird comes out of an eggshell, turns a cocoon into a butterfly, and does not give birth to a human body, and a new person is slowly born.

A new man who tore apart the shell of an unborn person and slowly crawled out of his body.

The golden light slowly dissipated, and the fragments of the unborn human body were slowly torn apart. The eight chains that bound the unborn human were suddenly disintegrated and opened in the wave of the person in the unborn human body.

"How can that happen? Bashou's locked up?" Ba Shoucong said in surprise.

Without hesitation, Bada Shou urged Shou Zhen, and Jin Lian besieged the Shangguan mark one after another, and suddenly surrounded the 'unborn'. However, these powerful Shou Dao Lin, when they touched him, were weird. Collapsed.

He couldn't be trapped at all, and all his life path formations were suddenly immune to him.

"Useless? Why is Shou Dao formation useless for you?" Bada Shou exclaimed from staring.


But at this moment, a huge breath fell from the sky.

It was the ancient skull that arrived with the Dragon sisters, Hetu, Mo Yike, and Montai.

"Father Father, are you okay?" Gu Tang suddenly surprised.

"I'm fine, Xiao Tang, this time you are too dangerous!" Gu Hai looked at Gu Tang with relief.

"Father, do you all know?" Gu Tang said unexpectedly.

Gu Hai nodded: "Just now, we have already seen everything in this place with idols. I didn't expect you to come here to take risks. Fortunately, you are all right. The unborn have not chosen to betray the Dahan heaven. Dahan Fortunately, I am very happy! "

"Unborn, did not put Fuxi's seven spirits into his father's body, where did he put them in?" Gu Tang's expression suddenly sank.

Suddenly, everyone looked at the man who had never walked out of a human body.

"Fu Xi? You have become Fu Xi? Unborn, you choose to commit suicide? You lunatic!" Gu Ming, who was trapped by Shouzhi Avenue, was immediately furious.

"Shut up!" Another murmured voice came from Gu Ming's body.

"God, I didn't expect him, he actually ...!" Gu Ming was furious.

"Fu Xi? You are so patient, set up a scam for so long? Just to draw me in?" His voice came again.

The man who had never crawled out of a human body put on a gold robe in a wave.

"Yeah, I'm not like this. How can I lead you to hook? Your soul, but you can run away along the road, no one can hold it, arrested the minister once in the year, did not catch your soul, but imagine Know. That's why I inherited Shoudao and turned it into eight veins. "Fuxi laughed suddenly.

"You deliberately sent out Shouxiu eight-pulse? It turned out that you knew that I was secretly studying your Shouxiu? You knew that I would realize Shouxiu, no wonder, eight Shoucongs have gone through 800,000 years. Can't consolidate the avenue of longevity. It turned out to be fake. It was a bureau you set up! "Wu Han said angrily.

"Yes, I passed on the Eight-pulse Shouxiu for the purpose of stealing you. You have learned to look like it. Unfortunately, Shouxiu was created by me. Only I know the essence of it. Shouzhi Avenue is not a avenue. It's sixty-four, corresponding to sixty-four hexagrams! "Fu Xi said.

卅 Although he can't see his face clearly, everyone can feel his anger. Unable to struggle, unable to escape, was Fuxi a big situation, trapped here, can only stare.


Suddenly, another streamer rushed in, and a strong wind came out instantly.

"Jianchen?" Shangguanhen sank.

The court official suddenly arrived. Also looked at the Quartet in surprise.

When Gu Ming was trapped, Chen Chen suddenly stunned his eyes: "Hey? Your soul has been found? Ha, ha ha ha ha, at the time, I thought that you would end up with Fu Xi and Fu Xi, It turned out that you were deceived by Fu Xi! "

Gu Chen's sudden appearance made Gu Hai's face sink.

Really opposite Fuxi?

"Master!" He Tu shouted in surprise.

He Tu flew over in excitement.

Fuxi smiled slightly and twisted his body: "Unfortunately, the current practice is not enough to complete the heavenly palace, and we can only wait for some time to improve!"

"Because, your self-cultivation is my father's. Fuxi, you took away my father, my father's consciousness was destroyed by you?" Long Wanqing cried with tears.

"You killed my father?" Long Wanyu also hated with red eyes.

Just now, when everyone was in the skyless city, when Gu Hai exposed the picture of this place, the sisters of Long were angry with the unborn, which shows that when the unborn choose to sacrifice themselves. The Long sisters also fully recognized the father.

I still remember the words of my mother.

"Your father is a hero of the world. There is no obstruction in the world. He went to a very far place because of something. But one day, your father will come back. If anyone has bullied our mother and daughter, your father will Whoever avenges us, no matter who he is, your dad will protect us from letting us suffer a little! "

The words of my mother are vivid. My father has worked hard for years to keep us from being aggrieved, and he has been working hard to be a grudge, but just now, my father died? Consciousness annihilated?

Although his father volunteered, after all, it was Fuxi in front of him that killed his father.

Long Wanqing burst into tears, and Long Wanyu's eyes became red.

Fu Xi looked at Sister Long and looked at the hatred of the second daughter. Instead of being guilty, she gradually laughed: "Wan Qing, Wan Yu, you will finally call me father!"

"Uh?" Sister Long's got excited.

What does Fu Xi say?

"I am an unborn person, and I am also Fu Xi! An unborn person is an unborn person. His birth and his new birth is me. From the beginning, he was for me today!" Fu Xi laughed.

"What was born, what was not born? I don't understand?" Long Wanyu said with red eyes.

"Haha, Wan Yu, but you are reincarnated in the sky. Do you really think that I have such a means, without a soul, to take others away with my body? Do you really believe it?" Fuxi laughed.

"Ah?" Long Wanyu suddenly froze.

"Fu Xi is an unborn person, Fu Sheng is Fu Xi. At that time, I sealed all my memories in the seven souls, and erased the memories of the three souls. The unborn three souls are my three souls reincarnation. . I'm not taking away the unborn, but the unborn have one more memory of Fuxi, he is me, and I am him! "Fuxi laughed.

Aside, the courtier's expression moved: "I see. No wonder then, when you and your uncle's ray of thoughts came to an end, I went to find the fragments of your remnant soul. I couldn't find it at all. I want to know a little about your war situation. No. "

"Unborn?" Gu Hai looked at Fuxi unexpectedly.

Fuxi nodded: "I am an unborn person, but I have an extra memory of Fuxi. I am also Fuxi. You can think of it as my three souls, reunited together after many years of reincarnation."

"You are my father?" Long Wanqing said blankly.

"Before I repaired my life, Xiaoyue painted me like that." Fu Xi laughed.

Long Wanqing hurriedly took out a scroll: "That year, the mother stared at the portrait every day."

As soon as the scroll was opened, the appearance of the unborn life repair was immediately revealed.

Take a closer look.

Fuxi in front of him looks exactly like the portrait.

"Really, really?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"How can you be sure that he is a stunner?" Fang Chen looked at Fuxi with a frown.

"Of course I calculated it. Otherwise, you thought I would easily die with a ray of divine thoughts? I've calculated it to this day, I've calculated it to the uncle's soul, I've calculated it to the date of the reunion of the eight-pulse life repair, it is sleepy At the end of the day, so I created the "Shouzhi Avenue" and set up a bureau of 800,000 years. Today's scene, as long as 800,000 years ago, I deduced it! "Fu Xi Shen said.

"Have you touched the law of time?" Jiang Chen said with narrow eyes.

"I'm different from you. The law of time you touched is 'the past'. The law of time I touched is 'the future'. So I can see today. So I set up this game! Use most of my repairs Because, in exchange for the trapped soul, it is worth it! "Fu Xi lamented.

"Fu Xi, you, you bastard! You take advantage of me." Long Wanyu cried, wiping her tears.

Fuxi looked at Long Wanyu, slightly bitter, after all, Long Wanyu was the daughter of this life.

"I didn't agree with you at the time. You turned me into your daughter? Why, why!" Long Wanyu wiped her tears.

Fuxi smiled bitterly: "It doesn't matter to me, it's a coincidence, a coincidence!"

"Hum, coincidence, coincidence can't be changed now. What about my mother?" Cried Long Wanyu.

Fuxi took a deep breath and solemnly said, "Xiaoyue is my love, and I will try to save her!"

"Just remember that, mother, come back and see I won't let your mother pinch your ears!" Long Wanyu cried.

Fuxi smiled slightly and nodded.

Obviously, once reincarnated, the unborn emotions are all taken over.

Long Wanqing's expression also looked at Fuxi very complicatedly. The mother said that Dad was a hero of the world. Can there be obstacles in the world? Count it now? Dad is unborn, but Fuxi? Is it a hero of the world, can there be any obstacles in the world?

Gu Hai was looking at Fu Xi at the moment, and for a moment did not know how to straighten out his relationship with him.

Tae Hyun is Fu Xi's sister. Long Wanqing is Fuxi's daughter. This relationship seems to be getting more and more chaotic.

ps: Two more, today is the tenth anniversary of the grandmother's death, and today is busy. Updated in advance, sorry! Nothing today!

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