Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 27: Annihilation

Fuxi borrowed the body of the river map to stir the luck of the world, to attract the wills of all beings, and to follow the will of heaven in you!

The sentient beings didn't feel deeply. There were only a few people, and suddenly their heads sank slightly, but they didn't know why.

However, the movement of air is so motivated that the masters of the three atmospheres have their own senses.

The ancient sea body shuttled through the underground tunnel, and suddenly felt that the sea of ​​Qi Yun seemed to be motivated.

"The sea of ​​luck? The river map? Is something wrong below?" Gu Hai's face sank and he accelerated.

His own luck, in addition to himself, only Hetu can move slightly, Gu Hai immediately guessed the crisis below, straight down.

Geocentric space.

The three souls of the candle dragon become three thousand avenues. At this moment, the candle nine yin can also be linked to the three thousand avenues. Although the will of the candle nine yin is not comparable to the candle dragon of the year, there are also embryos of the candle dragon will. The will to God's will is for the will of God.

And I got the help of Fuxi, which led to the surging will of all beings.

The will of heaven vs the will of sentient beings.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the entire geocentric space suddenly shook the mountains.

This time, Rong's will was not overwhelmed, but stubbornly blocked it. Even trembling in his will.

"What? Impossible, no one can achieve such a will, hey, what's going on with your will?" Howl shouted.

There was a tremor in the seventh spirit at this moment, and it was difficult to stop the collision of his will.

"Oh, nobody? Really nobody can reach me? I didn't do it?" Sneered sneer.

He didn't tell him the truth.

"It's impossible, except for the old 卅! No one except 卅, don't want to collide with the will of heaven!" 暝 coldly said.


The will of all sentient beings is beating constantly, colliding with the will of heaven again and again.

However, such a huge will of all beings is just in line with the will of heaven.

"I see, you are the will of all beings? Someone is helping you?" Wu suddenly angrily.

"Well, help me, whether you help me or not, your heavenly will is invalid at this moment!" Sneered sneered.

There is a strange balance between the two wills, but no one dares to withdraw.

As if the two were deadlocked on the sword, the will of heaven is the sword of 暝, the will of all beings is the sword of 妭, whoever withdraws the sword will be killed by the other's sword. No one dares to withdraw.

"Okay, okay, okay, the will of all sentient beings? Hahahaha, can they mobilize the will of all sentient beings? What kind of river map should it be? Such a perfect cooperation, that shows, the river map is nearby?" Lu coldly said.

"Hum!" He sighed coldly, naturally unwilling to explain.

"Leading moth!" Zhu Jiuyin yelled suddenly.

"Yes!" The humped old man respected the only living minion.

"Look for me, find Hetu, and kill him!" Chan Jiuyin yelled.

"Yes, master!" The humpbacked old man should drink.


The humpbacked elder turned into countless moths and rushed to the tunnels around him.

The moment he rushed into the tunnels, he suddenly saw that Fu Xi was working hard to spur Shou Zhen. As a node linking the wills of all living beings, He Tu was in a coma.

"I found it, ha ha ha ha!" A moth laughed suddenly.


Moths that flew into the major tunnels suddenly all gathered together.

"Master, I found it, it's Hetu, and there is a life master, I will wipe them out immediately!" The humpbacked old man shouted excitedly.

Stepping, the humpbacked old man was not far from Fuxi.

Fuxi's face sank, because Fuxi was trying his best to motivate the formation, and he couldn't distract and resist at all. As soon as I let go, the urn over there was completely over.

Fu Xi couldn't take the shot.


Countless moths flew to the river map first.

The river figure seemed to sense the crisis, and his hair grew sober, sobering up.

When I woke up, I saw countless moths fluttering.

"Moth? What is it?" He Tu exclaimed.

"Come to kill you!" The old humpback sneered.

"Kill me?" He Tu stunned.

"Ah, master, help me, help me, let me down, let me down!" He Tu shouted in horror.

"Sorry, I can't do anything!" Fuxi smiled slightly.


Hetu: "………………!"

"No ~~~~~~!" He Tu cried with tears in despair.

Why am I so unlucky!

In sight, countless moths are about to flood the river.

But at this moment. Suddenly a suction came.


Billowing moths disappeared in an instant. Being in a small space.

"What?" The old humpback's face changed.

But they saw that in front of Fuxi and Hetu, a man suddenly appeared.

"Fu Xi, hope I'm not late!" The man smiled slightly.

"Ancient sea?" The humpbacked old man screamed in horror.

"Holy, you came too timely, great!" He Tu was excited.

However, the will of all sentient beings was too strong. After confirming safety, Hetu rolled his eyes and passed out.

"It's too late, enough!" Fuxi laughed.

The old man with a humpback changed his face. When he saw the ancient sea coming, he turned around and fled towards the original road.

"Hey, here do you want to go?" Gu Hai's body sneered.

One finger.

With an axe to the sky, they rushed over the humpbacked elder's body instantly.

"Do not!"


The humpbacked old man exploded instantly and was split in half.

"Fu Xi, are you okay?" Gu Hai looked at Fu Xi.

"I'm fine, but I can't help you anymore, the situation here is ........." Fuxi briefly said what he had done to Gu Hai.


At this moment, a cold wind came straight.

However, when the old man with a humpback heard a sudden scream, it was felt that he had been killed, and he was instantly ashamed and angry.

The tunnel entrance is not large, and the candle nine is naturally inaccessible, but its right eye reaches the tunnel entrance.

The right eye was the moon, and the cold air was shining. When the eyes reached the entrance and looked into the depths, a cold air came straight to the three of the ancient sea.

"Come here!" Fuxi's face changed.

Gu Hai's face sank, and she immediately saw a large silvery eye.


Gu Hai explored a little, and another Pangu axe rushed out, toward the eye.

"Ancient sea?"

Pan Gu axe rushed, Zhu Jiuyin knew the danger, and immediately closed his eyes.


The eyelids hit Pangu axe, and for a moment, they trembled, blocking Pangu axe.

However, even so, Zhu Jiuyin's eyelids were painful and backed away.

The ancient sea stepped out of the cave, stood in the geocentric space, and looked at the huge candle in front of it.

"Fu Xi, what is the status of Zhu Jiuyin?" Gu Hai cried.

"Chu Jiuyin's will was restrained by Jiu. Now, it is Ji's will to manipulate Jiu Jiuyin's physical body, and Ji cannot exert the full power of Jiu Jiuyin. Take this opportunity to smash his eyebrows as soon as possible!" Fu Xi cried.

"Brow?" Gu Hai stared at Zhu Jiuyin's brows.

"Yes, the eyebrows heart, Jiuyin turned into the right eye of the candle Jiuyin, and its consciousness merged into the heart of the candle Jiuyin eyebrow. In the eyebrow space, the consciousness of annihilation, Jiu was dead!" Fu Xi cried.

"it is good!"

Should drink. Probing, Gu Hai took out the Pangu axe.

Just now Pangu axe rushed out, and actually couldn't cut the eyelids of Zhu Jiuyin, Gu Hai knew its arrogance.

"Open the axe? Huh, you are the ancient sea itself, you can't use the force of nothingness, three thousand avenues, listen to my curse, I want the ancient sea, the whole body is corroded, and it immediately turns into blood!" Zhu Jiuyin sang loudly.


Along with a dragon chant, on the back, the Three Thousand Avenue suddenly trembled, forming a mighty mighty gush towards the ancient sea. This time, the curse was so powerful that it seemed to form a colorful light curtain, which shrouded toward the ancient sea. Come, let the ancient sea have nowhere to run.

"Curse?" Gu Hai sank.

Pangu ax cut out in his hand.


Pangu axe actually passed through the colorful light curtain, as if not touching.

"That is a curse, the light of a giant curse formed by the Three Thousand Avenues, Guhai, you run away!" Fuxi exclaimed with a change of expression.

escape? Dodge this cursed light?

Even when Fuxi saw it, his face turned wild, knowing the power of this cursed light, he would directly curse to death.

"No!" Gu Hai grunted.

With a wave of the detective, an extra candle light suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

A sudden urging, the candle light suddenly burst into cyan flames, and instantly greeted the colorful light curtain.


Suddenly, the colorful light was blocked and burning.

"Candle light?" Fuxian's eyes lit up.

"What? Candle Dragon Fire?" Candle Jiuyin roared suddenly ...

There is also a candle in the candlestick's mouth. The candlelight is the flame of the candlelight, which illuminates the world. Infinite power. In the underground blood city, the ancient sea has also been used. The flame of the candle lantern can resist the cursing gas.

The cursed air can resist, and the cursed light naturally stops it.

"Come again!"

The candlelight blue lamp floated over the shoulders of Guhai, and the ancient seaman held the ancient axe and cut to the candlelight again.


A huge axe slammed into the candle and went away.


Zhu Jiuyin's face sank, and he suddenly hit with a dragon horn. The dragon's horn smashed out, and suddenly a large number of thunder and lightning exploded to the ancient sea. The thunder and lightning turned into a thunder dragon, and it seemed to destroy Pangu ax.

Pangu's axe was so powerful that it instantly blew up Thundercloud and chopped it on the top of Zhuojiuyin's head.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise.

Candle Nine retreated sharply. Gu Haishou held the Pan Gu axe, and looked at Zhu Jiuyin, but it showed horror, because although Pan Gu axe failed to reach its peak power, it also cut off the eyes of six immortals.

But at this moment, just cut off a small scale on the top of the candle dragon?

Just get this effect?

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly growled.

"Gu Hai, you are looking for death, you are looking for death, see that I want your life!" Zhu Jiuyin roared.

"Three thousand avenues, listen to my orders, unlimited land, endless fire, all dispatch, flood the ancient sea with me!" Zhu Jiuyin yelled again.

The back road trembled suddenly.

"Boom ~~~~~!"

The crypts were surrounded by infinite fire in an instant, and the billowing fire created monstrous magma, pouring down toward the ancient sea like the sky was falling apart.

Large underground, above the geocentric space, the sea of ​​blood seen all the way by the ancient sea all turned into infinite flames, the flames were hot, as the sun was hot, as fast as a thunder, and the ancient sea was to be completely drowned instantly.

"Be careful!" Fu Xi cried.

Gu Hai's face became cold, and the explorer took out the gourd.

"Close!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


Outside, the Haiti fire that poured into the blood like a thunder, was instantly collected by the sky gourd, and it was absorbed by the sky gourd, and everything was gone.

"What? The sky gourd for candlestick, the sky gourd for candle dragon, wasn't it broken by the cricket?" Yelled in astonishment.

"Open the sky!" Gu Haishou held the Gu Axe and sang again.

This time, it's not the power just now. This time, there are still seven hundred roads behind Guhai.

The power of the seven hundred avenues, carrying the mighty might, poured into the ancient sea, helped the ancient sea to urge Pangu axe, and exhibited an axe force that destroyed the world.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The huge impact caused the waters of the South China Sea in the Underworld to burst into the sky instantly.

The strong men in Yangjian and Hades all changed their faces, and how many strong men's eyes instantly focused on the South China Sea in Hades.

The surface of the ancient sea is exposed, full of urging, and the power is more than huge.

This time, instead of cutting off a scale, it burst into the canopy of Candelon's eyebrows.

Axe force, straight into the consciousness of the candle nine Jiuyin eyebrow heart space.

As soon as Fuxi's eyes lighted up, the fainted river figure woke up again and looked at everything in the picture, then he was stupid.

"On the ancient holy ones? Too horrible!" He Tu was trembling with shock.

"Ang ~~~~~~!"

Zhuan Jiuyin growled in pain.

"Gu Hai, Gu Hai, I want you to die, roar!" Candle Jiuyin opened her mouth in pain and swallowed Gu Hai.

However, Gu Hai's fingers, Pan Gu Axe, stubbornly stood by the space between the eyebrows of Zhu Jiuyin.

A large suction sucked in, and the ancient sea was drawn into the mouth of Zhu Jiuyin. Only in this way, Zhu Jiuyin can defeat defeat.

"Well, you can control Zhu Jiuyin, so can I. Believe it or not!" Gu Haiyin pointed.


Gu Hai's finger shot a golden light, and instantly clicked in the mouth of Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin's body suddenly stunned, as if he had been fixed, and was motionless.

"What, how is it possible, Gu Hai, what have you done? Why can't I move?" He's voice came from his brow.

"This is the mysterious body of Zhu Jiuyin's body, transmitting the sound to Yuanshi Tianzun, who originally expected Yuanshi Tianzun to rescue it. Now, I can only come!" Said Gu Haishen.

"What? The body tells a secret method to restrain itself? Impossible, I am Zhu Jiuyin, how can I tell a secret method to restrain myself!" Exclaimed Xun.

"You are part of Candle Nine Yin, but Candle Nine Yin is not you. In each of its flesh and blood, there is the mark of Candle Dragon. Do you want to use Candle Nine Yin to destroy the world? How can Candle Dragon mark agree? Naturally think of a way To restrain you! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Hyun was furious.

"Nothing is impossible. Oh, your consciousness is in the heart of Zhu Jiuyin's eyebrows. The will of all sentient beings has sealed most of your ability to mobilize Zhu Jiuyin, and a small part of your ability to be mobilized by you has also been started Tianzun this mystery is blocked, you are powerless, and my open axe will even block your eyebrow space, you will have nowhere to borrow, nowhere to escape! "Gu Hai stared and drank.

"Nowhere to run? Haha, no, you are wrong. Although I can do nothing now, but I am safe. I see if you dare to withdraw the axe and Yuanshitian esteem. I see if you dare to withdraw all beings. Force, as long as you move by one point, I will reverse everything and make you die. You ca n’t move anymore, and I am safe here! ”Biao laughed.

"No, you are not safe. At least, there is a will to kill you!" Gu Hai sneered.

"What more will to break in?" I couldn't believe.

Just at the moment of disbelief. In the body of Zhu Jiuyin, Chang Ming passed the green line on his head. Suddenly, a will rushed towards the inside.


The will of Chang Ming, the will of shock.

"What? The bat isn't dead yet? Huh, smelly bat, your will wants to compete with my will too! You can't help it!" Sneered sneer.

Without the help of Zhu Jiuyin's will, Xun's will was still extremely powerful, and he immediately rushed towards Changming's will.

"Not a stinky bat, but the will of all beings of the ancient immortal sky!" Gu Hai's body drank coldly.

Between words, the ancient sea mobilizes the will of the ancient fairy sphere like Fuxi, and the ancient sea is the master of the ancient fairy sphere. However, it is easy to mobilize. The ancient sea and Chang Ming use Dahanqi as the node, which can naturally connect to it. Ancient Hai immediately passed the will of sentient beings to Chang Ming through the sea of ​​qi.

Suddenly, like a river, with Chang Ming, he slammed his will.

"Do not!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The will of the cricket exploded.

"Successful, holy, Your will is broken!" Chang Ming rejoiced.

Next to Chang Ming, Gu Gu, a skeleton, looked cold.

"No, it's not over!" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

Along with the wound cut by the outside Pangu axe, the skeleton Gu Hai urged.


A sharp bone spur emerged from the body of Zhu Jiuyin, which instantly filled all parts of the body of Zhu Jiuyin. Of course, the bone spur did little harm to the body of Zhu Jiuyin, only passing through the gap of the mucous membrane of the body. A violent show, forced a blue light group to the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

Skeleton ancient sea turned over.

The light group was put into the palm of nowhere, but in the light group, there was a silver toad, showing the color of terror.

"Gu Hai, no, no! You bandits!" Toad shouted in horror.

"Fragment of consciousness? Remnants wrapped in three souls and fled? Useless, so many people watching, how can you escape, hey, goodbye!" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

In the cold voice, the void in the palm of my hand suddenly burst into countless black gas, and strangled it.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A scream came from the palm of your hand and was about to run out.

In sight, I was about to die, and I showed infinite remorse and despair. I have been busy for millions of years, so I want to be cheaper for this group of people? Doing your own wedding dress for others?

"No, I'm dead, and I won't let you get the candlestick Jiuyin. Without me, don't try to piece together the candlestick Jiuyin. Tai Chi, the method of the candle dragon, broken, broken ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~! "I finally yelled.


However, I saw that the huge candle outside the world was suddenly overwhelmed with numerous cracks. How to piece it together in the past is now broken and broken. It seems like it will be turned into countless fragments in an instant.

"Come on!" Gu Gu, a skeleton, grunted.


I was completely wiped out by nothingness.

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