Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 10 Chapter 2: Captive God

Under the ground!

Gu Hai is chasing after all!

The earth is heavy and the earth and stone deposits are countless. However, the strength of the ancient sea still breaks through the soil, forcibly breaking all the way, and chasing away.

The lower the earth, the stronger the squeezing force of the earth.

As for the cricket, it didn't take long to enter the ground, and it was strangely fused to the ground.

Without the slightest damage, it seems to blend with the earth and rocks and move quickly.

"Gu Hai, your speed is not enough!" I sneered Gu Hai with a sneer.

Couldn't Gu Hai see the conspiracy? It seems that Xiu deliberately introduced the ancient sea into the ground, but the ancient sea had to go at this moment. In front of him, Zhu Sansan was attached. Zhu Sansan had Nirvana in the ancient sea.

Nirvana has a certain timeliness. It is more than a scent of incense, which is useless to her. Must be fast.


Gu Hai roared louder, his body was more fierce, and more earth and stone exploded quickly under the impact of Gu Hai.

"Still as reckless as Pan Gu was then? Oh!" He sneered with disdain.

"Huh!" Gu Hai grunted, and his speed increased by one more point.

Seeing that the ancient sea is about to catch the cricket.

But I saw that Su suddenly drew up a method and yelled, "Finally, I have come to the place, the ancient sea, all forces gather, and the dragon veins shock the demon!"

Around the ancient sea, a super powerful force was generated in an instant, as if endless power instantly filled the entire body of the ancient sea.


The vast power instantly blocked the ancient sea. Gu Hai couldn't move for an instant.

"What?" Gu Hai sank.

"Ang! Ang! Ang! ~~~~~~~"

Suddenly, the earth was in all directions, and suddenly the sound of countless dragons came. Then, it seemed that there were billions of dragon veins submerging towards the ancient sea, and each dragon vein took the power of one side to block the ancient sea.

"Om!" Gu Hai twisted her body, unable to move.

"Do n’t have to struggle, this is the power of dragon veins from all over the world, oh, by the way, you also have earth dragon veins in Dahan, but unfortunately, you do n’t understand the use of dragon vein powers. The power of the earth is nothing! "I sneered.

In a sneer, I walked slowly towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face became cold, and then it suddenly trembled.


Under the tremendous force, there was only a sudden shock all around, but the ancient sea was still locked in it, unable to move.

"Your three souls and seven souls are already strong enough, but the power of the dragon veins in the whole world is not comparable to yours."

"The power of dragon veins all over the world? Yes, I don't know much about earth dragon veins, but, earth dragon veins, how can you listen to your transfer? Earth dragon veins, what part of the candle dragon?" Gu Haishen said.

"The candle dragon's body is transformed into the earth, and most of them are transformed into the earth. In the body, there are some marks of the candle dragon, or the remnants of the candle dragon. These remnants wander the earth, gather together, To mobilize the power of the earth is the earth's dragon veins! You will not use it. Your Dahan dragon veins can only manipulate the land near Chaodu, and I can mobilize all the free dragon veins in the world. This endless earth power is called for me. Although the earth is the corpse of the candle dragon, there is no power to act anymore, but the dragon veins can help me gather the force of the earth's squeeze, squeezing you to death and squeezing it! "Lu smiled coldly.

In a sneer, I was getting closer and closer to the ancient sea.

"The earth dragon vein is the remnant of the candle dragon, that is, the dispersion of the candle dragon consciousness. In other words, was it part of the seventh soul of the candle dragon, which is also part of the candle **** 'God'?" squint.

"Yes, your position is the heart of the candle dragon, here, thousands of dragon veins, listen to me call, candle dragon's body listen to me, I look at your body, but how long can I persist!" Sneered sneered again Towards the ancient sea.

"Kaka Kaka!"

With each step, the power of the earth slammed an ancient sea. With increasing strength, Gu Hai was about to be squashed. Can't even speak.

He sneered: "Pangu reincarnated? Oh, you have this power? You are there, but the God of Creation is comparable to the candle dragon. I was deprived of my power, and my consciousness was reborn, just this power? But That ’s right, your consciousness has reached the limit as it is now. The power of the Three Souls and Seven Spirits is so great that it cannot be increased. "

Saying, Detective Hand seemed to point to Gu Hai's brows.

The ancient sea is exposed, as if struggling.

"Oh, don't struggle, useless, the ultimate of the Three Souls and Seven Souls, you can only reach this, unless, you still have a Three Souls and Seven Souls. There is double the power. Die, Gu Hai!" Click here.

Just as his fingers were about to touch the ancient sea, Gu Haiyan's face calmed down suddenly, revealing a sneer.

This sneer stunned me, as if I felt something was wrong.

But he saw that Gu Hai's right hand moved sharply and instantly rubbed the earth and stones.


Even with the endless dragon vein blockade, the strength of the ancient sea seemed to break through the endless yoke, and rushed to the yoke in front of it.

"What? How can you move?" He changed his face.


With a loud noise, Gu Hai's right palm burst into the puppet Dantian.

I want to avoid, but it's too late, too close, right in front of my eyes, I'm too relaxed and ready to approach the ancient sea, and as a result, the ancient sea still has power, and there is a lot of power.


The stinging Dantian burst into a blast, and Gu Haishou explored it, as if holding something.

Gu Hai's other hand also burst into endless power, grasping the cutting finger.


Suddenly, the finger was snapped open by the ancient sea.

"You, you, how did you do that?" Xu exclaimed.


Inserted into Dan Dantian's right hand, pulled it out, and on the right hand of Gu Hai, held a nirvana.

"Nirvana? Ha!" Gu Hai burst out laughing.

If Guhai had only one set of three souls and seven souls, it was indeed blocked by the power of the earth just now, but Guhai's three souls and seven souls were not one set, but nine sets.

I was walking in the earth like a water shadow, and chasing was difficult. Gu Hai was also worried that he would not be able to meet him at that time, so he calculated the plan and deliberately pretended to be captured.

I want to kill myself, I must have condensed physically, this is the best time.

The ancient sea smashed Dan Dan, preventing him from destroying Nirvana. Nirvana was caught in the hands first.

With the other hand, he slammed his fingers. Pulled sharply.


The ancient immortal dome is open, and the ancient sea is going to pull the puppet into the ancient immortal dome.

Once in the immortal vault of heaven, even with this divine thought, there is a great ability to escape.

I was also rich in combat experience. I didn't expect Gu Hai to be so tyrannical just now. At this moment, Gu Hai's Tao changed. His face suddenly changed and I didn't know well.


Almost instantly, a colorful streamer emerged from Zhu Sansan's body.

But it was your God's thoughts that came out alone.


Zhu Sansan was immediately drawn into the ancient fairy sphere, and had nowhere to run.

But Gu Hai didn't know Zhu Sansan at the moment, and blocked Zhu Sansan with the power of the road. The ancient sea also stepped into the ancient immortal dome.


Suddenly, Gu Hai found the coffin of the cricket, opened the coffin, and immediately saw the corpse of the cricket blocked by the rules of chess.

Without hesitation, put Nirvana in it.


My body trembled slightly.

Seeing the recovery in the little by little, Gu Hai shouted a sigh of relief, and once again came out of the ancient fairy dome.

But as soon as he came out, the lingering divine thought had traveled far away in a golden dragon vein.

"That's it? I didn't think about it before, why can you travel through the earth like a ghost, even if you possess Zhu Sansan and Zhu Sansan with the body, you can melt into the earth. It turns out that you are wrapped in the earth's dragon veins, borrow The power of the earth's dragon veins shuttles the ground! "Gu Hai's face sank.


At this moment, I was slowly recovering, and Gu Hai also made a wish and quickly pursued and killed him.


The earth, rushing fast.

In the distance, the God of Thousands wrapped in dragon veins is also angry at this moment.

"Gu Hai, how much of your strength has been recovered, and the earth's dragon veins can't lock you up?" He was furious.

"You stopped, I tell you slowly!" Lu Hai chased after Gu Hai.

However, at this moment, where can I listen to the ancient sea, driving a dragon vein, and instantly traveling hundreds of miles away.

The ancient sea is unrelenting. Although its physical body is overbearing, it is still unable to shuttle quickly under the ground like a dragon vein.

The chase between the two is getting farther and farther.

The ancient sea gradually failed to catch up.

"Without grasping the earth's dragon veins, you will never catch me. Even if I have this ray of thought, no one can touch it. Ancient sea, can you go any faster?" Tong sneered.

The ancient sea was gloomy, and the ancient sea could go any faster, but the earth would be destroyed even more quickly. By that time, the earth and the earth would turn over, but the people on the ground would be affected.

Gu Hai can only maintain this speed, and can only watch 卅 slowly escape.

"Pangu? Huh, even if you are Pangu reincarnation? You were defeated by me in your heyday, let alone now? Huh!" I snorted, shot into the distance, and soon flew away the ancient sea.


But at this moment, a loud dragon Yin suddenly sounded again in the ground.

Together with Long Yin, the dragon's veins controlled by Su suddenly stopped.


The ancient sea came near instantly.

"What? Why not move? Let's go!" Yelled in astonishment.


Gu Hai grabbed at the colorful 卅 God.

"Longyin? Who is the sound of Longyin just now? Who can manipulate the dragon veins!" Wu exclaimed.


With the palm of the ancient sea, he grasped the chanting god's thoughts and held them in a ball. A force suddenly blocked and blocked them in a small ball full of restraints.


But at this moment, a streamer flashed in the distance.

It was Changming who drove through a dragon vein in an instant.

"Holy! Have you caught it?" Chang Ming was surprised.

Gu Hai pinched the God of God and nodded: "Chang Ming? Did you control the dragon's veins just now?"

"Yes, Chen got the Nine Yin Yin seventh spirit, and got some of the inheritance memories of Candle Dragon, but it is the remnant that can manipulate the candle dragon between heaven and earth. This earth vein is just one of them. So ...! "Chang Ming laughed.

"Good job!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

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