Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 10 Chapter 20: Ancient sea vs 卅

Six Immortals!

Shouyun Shenwenling, Wu Xiu has been used to the extreme by ancient shipping, the most powerful force, finally blocked five eggs.

The last egg eleven is a sword-shaped golden dragon. On the back, barbed dragon scales like swords, all over the body, bravely sword-like, fierce.

The four major sword repairs are all masters of kendo, all of them are as fierce as the original crickets.

Originally, even as fierce as a tadpole, it was still impossible to resist this eleven, but when the four of them came out, they immediately arranged a super huge jinxian sword array.

It looks like a giant sword with four handles of ten thousand miles long, which blocks the Quartet's void. Form a peerless sword formation.

In the sword array, thousands of crickets smashed the sword, and for a time, each handle seemed to be real. The shape of Zhang Sanfeng's four people also instantly turned into hundreds of millions during the shaking, all fierce kendo, trapping the stegosaurus in the center.


Stegosaurus roars, fierce swords are everywhere, incomparable, fierce and invincible. The four major swords could not be repaired for a while, and they could only trap the stegosaurus. However, those trapped are also extremely reluctant.

But, no matter what, the arrival of the six Rainbow Bridges was all blocked.

All sentient beings lay on the ground with great joy.

"All blocked, all blocked, great, ha ha ha ha!" All sentient beings were excited.

Because everyone knows that there are only six Rainbow Bridges. Now that the Rainbow Bridge is all blocked, the day and place are safe.


The same is true.

Sun Wukong blocked egg two, **** blocked egg four, and Amitabha blocked egg six.

Three rainbow bridges blasted down again.

"Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, next, it's up to us!" Shen Zhanguo said in a loud voice.

"Okay!" The two responded.

Dragon Warring States rushed towards Egg Eight!

Shakyamuni rushed towards Egg Ten!

Laozi rushed to the egg twelve!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In nothingness, there was a loud noise.

Under the shock of horror, all six rainbow bridges were blocked.

No matter what the balance is, at this moment, the twelve Rainbow Bridges have all been blocked.

Under the co-ordination of the ancient sea, the two immortal vaults have already exhausted their best efforts. The spit out eggs, all blocked.

At this moment, the two parties seem to be quite equal.

In the distance, the puppet in the depths of nothingness narrowed his eyes.

"Shouyun Shenwen Spiritual Sword? Sun Wukong, Jesus, Amitabha, Dragon Warring States, Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni? Hehe, is this the arrangement of the ancient sea?" Lu looked coldly at the two immortals.

The Twelve Rainbow Bridges were all blocked, and the sentient beings of the two immortals were naturally rejoicing.

Everyone thought anger was shame.

However, He did not, but suddenly showed a wicked smile, as if everything had been arranged by himself.

"You've done your best, haven't you?" I sneered.

The two immortal vaults, all the powerful men in the battle, all sank, as if there was a bad hunch.

"Rainbow Bridge isn't the only thing to send me a child!" He sneered.

In a sneer, Su suddenly opened her mouth.


There seemed to be a loud noise in his mouth, and then, while the beings were horrified and frightened, the dome suddenly spit out again.

"嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ...............!"

After a series of spitting, once again, twelve giant eggs appeared in front of everyone.

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The beings of the two immortal vaults uttered a grievous cry at the same time.

Twelve more?

how can that be?

Now there are twelve, and all sentient beings have done their best, and another twelve, and it's all over. It's over!

Everyone showed great fear.

And this great fear is exactly what He needs, because only the terrified soul has the greatest soul power.

It is only after giving hope to sentient beings that they are desperate completely is the greatest fear.

Fear is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and there is no strength left.

It's over!

It's all over!

Everyone showed deep despair and deep fear. This is what He needs most.

This moment is the best time to harvest all beings.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

卅 When he laughed, he flicked his finger.


The twelve giant eggs, along the twelve Rainbow Bridges, rushed towards the two immortal vaults. This time it wasn't the dome, not the beast, but despair.

Above the borderless city of heaven, the mouth of the fairyland Lingxiaobao. How many people show despair.

Useless, no one can stop me, all sentient beings are finished.

Just when everyone is desperate.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a flying dome exploded.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

A series of loud noises, twelve giant eggs flying to the two immortal vaults, all of them instantly smashed. At the time of smashing, the internal beasts had not grown up well. When the eggs broke, they struggled a bit, Suddenly, it was sucked into the twelve black vortices emerging from the surrounding area, and after being stirred, it completely dissipated and was cleaned up by nothing.

"What?" The sentient beings of the two immortals suddenly changed their faces, revealing surprise.

The egg is broken?

Even crickets were suddenly blindfolded.

His own twelve eggs and beasts were all destroyed. Who?

He stepped up and looked coldly at the Quartet. I was looking for a ferocious beast, and the beings of the two immortals were also looking for a 'murderer'. I wonder who had just destroyed the twelve eggs.


Suddenly, he stunned and looked at the distant nothingness with a hint of surprise. So, there is a figure?

Everyone looked at the figure, vaguely, but they were approaching Yu, and not far from Yu, the figure stopped.

At this moment, all the beings of the Six Immortals suddenly opened their eyes, and the weak body lying there suddenly shook.

"Holy, holy!"

"It is really the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has gone to nothingness!"

"The twelve giant eggs just now were destroyed by the Holy Spirit. It's amazing!"

"I am holy, invincible!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"




A series of excitement sounded around the six immortals.

The sudden appearance of the ancient skull and bones suddenly gave a stimulant to the beings of the two immortals.

Someone finally stopped me!

The place where He is is no longer high, no longer unattainable, at least, the Holy One can arrive.

Fuxi, Hetu, Changming, the old man watching chess, the general, the four swords, Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Jesus, Sun Wukong, and Dragon Warring States all flashed excitement on their faces.

Where is the ancient sea? The big battle has begun?

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons stepped in the nothingness, and looked coldly at the cricket not far away.

"How did you find it?" Tong said coldly.

"Along your Rainbow Bridge, you just arrived!" Gu Gu, the skull, said coldly.

"It's impossible, how long is this? In nihility, the faster the speed, the greater the force of nihilism you endure, and in a short time, you should have been decomposed by nihilism!" He revealed a trace of unbelief.

Even if you were to slap yourself and teleport a group of beasts, you must set up a rainbow bridge; otherwise, all the beasts have been decomposed by nothingness at a horrible speed, but why did Guhai do it?

"Nothing is impossible!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Xu slowly calmed down and looked at Gu Hai carefully, revealing a hint of sneer, and between the fingers of his hand, he instantly pointed at Gu Hai.

"call out!"

A golden light came straight into the ancient sea.


Gu Hai's figure flickered into a cloud of smoke and disappeared. The golden light flashed by. Shot into nothingness.

"Well, your crosshair doesn't seem to work?" Gu Hai sneered, condensing from another direction, revealing his figure.

There is no doubt about the strength of the puppet, the skull Guhai did not rush to shoot, but was testing the strength of the puppet.

"Oh, hide your head and hide your tail, Gu Hai, didn't you come to stop me? Why did you dodge around?" Lu said coldly.

"I came to stop you, but how do I stop, you do not need to judge!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh? Dodging me everywhere, is your stop? It seems that you are also a cowardly rat!" He revealed a hint of sarcasm.

"I am a cowardly rat, haven't you broken your plan?" Gu Hai chuckled.

His face was cold: "Only you? Not enough! Now that you are here, don't leave!"

While talking, the detective waved his hand.


In all directions, as if numerous large golden nets suddenly appeared, they overwhelmed and wrapped up all the places where the ancient sea escaped, instantly blocking all the way out of the ancient sea.


The shape of the ancient sea once again turned into a black smoke, which disappeared in an instant, strangely overflowing from the gap of the large golden net, and then condensed again.

"But that's it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

In words, Gu Hai was annoyed with anger, but Gu Hai knew clearly that the danger in front of him was extremely dangerous.

"Oh, your body is actually not within the rules of the two immortal vaults? The candle dragon gold net can't trap you?" He revealed a trace of ice.

He stared at the ancient sea, analyzing the purpose of the ancient sea.

Obviously, Gu Hai didn't dare to confront himself. He was tempting himself? However, at the moment, Gu Hai slipped away without holding hands, standing in the distance, but unable to arrest for a moment.

"Well, your power should be stronger than me. You can come out and try to kill me?" Gu Hai smiled lightly.

Flicked his eyes. Did not pursue the ancient sea.

Gu Hai also analyzed some information instantly.

"You don't want to step out of that area, step out of that area, Rainbow Bridge is in danger!" Gu Hai laughed.

I stared at Gu Hai for a while, and finally sneered: "The commanders of the two immortals? Oh, okay, let me also see, how capable of you commander in the end!"

He is not willing to step out of the area covered by black and white light, but He does more than that.

There was a roar in the mouth.


With a loud noise, a giant egg spouted from the mouth.

This time, instead of ejecting towards the two immortal vaults, they were waiting.

"Kaka Kaka!"

From the dome, a stupid giant-like egg and beast suddenly crawled out. The beast swallowed the egg shell, exuding a terrifying breath around him.

"Master!" The giant egg beast bowed down.

"Go, kill him!" Ji pointed at Gu Hai.

"Yes!" The giant egg and beast answered.

Turning his head, the giant egg and beast looked guilty towards the ancient sea.

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