Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 77: Bone wing


Around Ding Longzong, a dense earthquake erupted, and mountains crashed down.

Outside the gate, countless practitioners who came from the news and could n’t enter the house suddenly retreated.

"Don't you crack the chess game? Why is there such a big earthquake?"

"Ding Longzong has an accident, and also opened the Fengshan formation, something must have happened inside!"

"It's a very strong earthquake, come on, go away, come on!"




Ding Longzong made a mess.

Ding Longzong also made a mess.

Ding Rui's face changed drastically, and he looked anxiously at the chess world, but apart from seeing the dragon veins, the others couldn't see at all. What happened?


In the surrounding earthquake, the practitioners in Youran Valley also kept avoiding countless gravels.

"What happened? Is it related to the floating island?" Some practitioners were anxious.


With a sudden loud noise, Ding Longzong's Fengshan burst exploded and opened, and numerous rubbles surrounding the burst suddenly fell.


A group of practitioners quickly escaped.

"Ding Longzong burst out!"

"It's time to go out, hurry up!"

"Ah? A big earthquake outside?"

"In the end what happened?"




Ding Longzong was in a mess and was in a mess. The huge earthquake made countless practitioners tired of escaping, and looked at the floating island in trembling, revealing surprise.

"call out!"

In the distance, Shenjiying Feizhou fired quickly at Ding Longzong.

"Quick, no sooner!" Li Haoran yelled.

"call out!"

The speed of the flying boat reached its maximum.


Chess world.

Long Wanqing tried to collect dragon veins with Yinyu, but failed several times and became more anxious.

Around, the tsunami soared into the sky, the storm was fierce, and the dragon's body was twisting rapidly. The ancient sea is like a gnawing bite on it, desperately drawing the power of the dragon veins.


The ancient sea trembled slightly.


Gu Hai's hand retracted the bone net that popped out of the palm, and immediately jumped away from the side of the dragon's veins. The rolling force twitched in the body, and Gu Hai felt uncomfortable.

One thousandth of the power fed back by the knife was absorbed by the bones, and the rolling force accumulated, and the bones felt a limit.

The power of the earth's dragon veins is too huge.

The accumulation of skeletal power is just the accumulation of power, but it cannot undergo qualitative changes. It accumulates in the body, and if it continues, it will burst itself. It must undergo qualitative change to absorb more.

"Qi Qi? I need Qi Qi!" The ancient sea surface was ugly.


The ancient sea stopped absorbing the power of the dragon veins, but at the moment, the dragon veins were already manic and still twisted.


Long Wanqing screamed.

Gu Hai rushed quickly, but saw Long Wanqing flew out by Longmai Zhen.


Gu Hai hugged Long Wanqing who hit the fly.

"Fast, lead Longyu, lead Longyu!" Long Wanqing pointed anxiously at the sphere that flew out.

"call out!"

Suddenly, in the sky, a black figure lased from it, and it was also a sphere rushing into the air to attract Longyu.

"not good!"

Gu Hai stepped suddenly.


Rushed up at a very powerful speed in an instant.


Suddenly, Gu Hai grabbed the sphere of Yinyu, and fell with Long Wanqing.

At this moment, the black figure didn't catch Yinlong Yu, and suddenly slammed into the ancient sea.


A huge slap, carrying the power to destroy everything, is like breaking the ancient sea completely.

"Go!" Long Wanqing sang suddenly and threw a blue ball.


The moment the blue ball contacted the palm of the hand, it exploded and burst open, smashing the palm of the hand.

Ancient sea, Long Wanqing landed.

Long Wanqing embraced Yinyu, suddenly, forming a golden mask around her, covering herself.

Gu Hai looked at the opposite figure with a wary look.

"Monte!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Mengtai held the wind chime, and looked at Long Wanqing with a constrained eyebrow: "Church master? Are you really slow? You haven't included dragon veins into the dragon jade?"

Long Wanqing's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Are you Montaigne? You have been here just now, and you want to grab my lead dragon jade?" Long Wanqing yelled angrily.

"After accepting for a long time, I couldn't accept it. I was in a hurry for you and gave me Long Yu. I'll come!" Montai sneered.

Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Monte, you are the master of Yipintang's rudder. Do you want to commit the same as Ding Rui?" Long Wan chuckled coldly.

"Master, you look like a mortal today, but Gu Hai can't form a battle array. He is just a congenital state. Do you think you two will be my opponents? Give me now, I can put you on a journey!" .

While speaking, Montai was always on guard with Gu Hai.

Long Wanqing's face was gloomy, and the detective waved "Hoo!"

Suddenly, there was an extra box in my palm.

"Gu Hai, use this knife to block him!" Long Wanqing said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Gu Hai was slightly puzzled.

"Although I was sealed and repaired, but I still have treasures, you can use them. This is what my sister stole from my grandfather's treasure house!" Long Wanqing said.

"Huh?" Monty sank.


Gu Hai quickly opened the box.


Suddenly, endless blood rushed straight out of the box, and for a moment, the Quartet world was dyed red.

In the box, a long knife was placed, four feet long, thin as cicada wings, blood red, with a large number of blue tendons attached, the blue tendons trembled, and the blood knife bloomed more blood.

Gu Hai quickly grabbed the handle.


Suddenly a burst of blood rushed into the body of the ancient sea, and for a moment, the whole person of the ancient sea was dyed red, and a blood-red gas burst out from the whole body, and a bloodthirsty thought rushed into the mind.

"What kind of knife is this? So powerful?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"This is a copy of the 'blood prison', because the copy is very good, so my grandfather has collected it. You can use it first to increase your power to Yuanying Realm for a short time!" Cried Long Wanqing.

"Just a fake knife?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Blood prison?" Montai's face changed.

"You blocked Monte Thai, I have found the knack, and I will be able to collect the dragon veins immediately!" Long Wanqing grasped Yin Yu and said in a loud voice.

"Okay!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

During the speech, the blood knife in his hand was slashed towards Meng Tai.


In the void, a blood-colored sword gas suddenly appeared. The sword gas was more than a hundred times stronger than the ancient sea cut with a razor knife. It was cut with a single blade, like a brand new sky, tearing the void, wherever it went, the rocks on the island. Suddenly blasted.

When Montai's face changed, he turned over and took out a long sword to cut it off.


The sword gas and blood knife collided, and the exploding void shuddered.

"Good knife!" Gu Hai was surprised.

At this moment, the ancient sea was full of blood, and when I stepped forward, I felt that my whole body was full of strength, and the speed was increased countlessly.


Slashed again towards Mengtai.

Meng Tai cut it with a sword.


Scarlet sword 罡 and sword 相 collided in mid-air, suddenly stalemate with each other. With the power of blood knife, the ancient sea seemed to swell to the extreme in an instant.

"It's not a fake 'blood hell', it's actually boosting your power so much!" Montai held the wind chime in one hand, and said with a grimace.


Gu Hai took a step forward and stood up with Montai with a sword.

On the other side, Long Wanqing grasped Yin Yu, facing the veins, and released a golden light.

"Land of the earth, enter my dragon jade!" Long Wanqing yelled.


A force of suction was released from the dragon dragon jade, as if the earth dragon veins were to be sucked into it, but the earth dragon veins were too huge, and the dragon dragon jaws couldn't shake it at all, Long Wanqing was anxious.

"Drink!" Meng Tai yelled and smashed into the ancient sea.


The blood knife was only slightly deflected, and it was again slashed towards Montai.

It was cut with a knife, the sky was full of blood, and the **** storm was sweeping towards Montai.


Montai jumped with the wind chime and flew into the sky. Scarlet Knife can't touch Monty anymore.

"Blood Knife is powerful. It actually raised your strength and speed to the Yuanying Realm, but after all, you only cultivate your congenital realm. Innate realm, you can't fly, you will never be my opponent!" Montai said coldly.

Gu Hai's face was cold, and he stepped suddenly under his feet.


Like a cannonball, the powerful jumping force made Gu Hai jump into the sky and head straight for Montai.

The blood knife swayed the sword, and cut again at Montai.

Montai's eyes brightened, and there was a hint of rudeness in the corners of his mouth.

With a short figure, Montai suddenly lowered Guhai a little, and slammed his sword upward.


The sword collided, and under the mighty power, Montai was suddenly hit by the sea below, and the ancient sea was hit by the force of the collision.

"call out!"

Gu Hai was hit high, and her face suddenly changed.

"Hahahahaha, now, you have nowhere to go. What use do you have with a blood knife? Is it not for me to slaughter?" Mengtai soared up into the sky.

One sword cut to the sky, it seems that the ancient sea that fell in midair was cut in half.

Gu Hai grabbed the blood knife and fell from a high altitude. Because there was no force, even if he wielded the knife, he had little power, and he was about to be killed by Mengtai.

Long Wanqing was unable to collect the dragon veins while she was anxious. She turned her head and saw the thrilling scene of the ancient sea.

In this scene, in Long Wanqing's view, the ancient sea is finished, and there is nowhere else to force it, but to kill it with Mengtai?

"Unless you can fly, let's die!" Mengtai's sword intensified even more.

"Not good!" Long Wanqing exclaimed.

Montai turned up.

The ancient sea in the sky seemed to be cut off.


Suddenly, the clothes on Gu Hai's back were torn instantly, and from above the skin of the back, a pair of huge white wings with a length of ten feet and a pair of bone wings appeared in an instant.


The bone wing suddenly slammed, and Gu Hai's figure stopped suddenly.


Montaigne's sword gas suddenly emptied.

"What?" Monty's face changed.

Long Wanqing also looked at the wings on Gu Hai's back in amazement? How could he have wings?

The huge wings stabilized Gu Hai's figure, and he reversed one suddenly, suddenly the Gu Hai blasted down, and the blood knife slashed to Montai.

Mengtai just missed the sword. He couldn't fight back with all his strength.


The sword collided again, with a loud noise, Montai's long sword burst and burst open, and the sword burst into tears, tearing Montai's body instantly.

"No!" Mengtai's face changed, and she let out a sigh of relief, holding the wind chimes, protecting the wind chimes with all her might.


The blood knife ran across Monty's body, and on top of Monty's back, a huge blood hole was torn out, and in the sloppy blood, the bones were all over.


The ancient sea fell beside Long Wanqing, and the bones and wings suddenly disappeared behind him.

"Why?" Long Wan stared blankly at Gu Hai's smooth back and wings? Can't I spend my eyes?

"Awesome blood knife!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

On the other side, Mengtai was covered in blood, holding a wind chime, looking at Guhai with an ugly face.

"Gu Hai, I still underestimated you! Can you fly too?" Montai said coldly.


There was a vacillation in the void, and the dragon's veins of the earth struggled more and more, as if to break up this small world at any time.

"Teacher, why isn't it good?" Gu Hai anxiously said.

"I don't know, it seems that it can't be collected. This dragon vein is too powerful, and the attraction of Yinyu is not enough!" Long Wanqing hugged Yinyu anxiously.

"Yinlongyu's suction is not enough? It's bad, because this is not the place of the leader!" Mengtai's face changed.

"Faucet?" Long Wanqing showed doubts not far away.

Mengtai looked at the dragon dragon jade in Long Wanqing's hand, and a little greed flashed in his eyes, but Gu Hai was holding a blood knife, his face sinking. The wound on the back was still bleeding, and it was useless to know that it was stiff.

"Wind chimes, let's go!"

While talking, holding the wind chimes and flying high.

"Catch them, don't run away for them!" Long Wanqing called to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a while: "Church master, do you really think I am Yuanying?"

The ancient sea did not chase, but it was just a fluke that it severely damaged Mengtai just now. A series of surprises took effect, and the bone wings were used for the first time. Where is the flexibility of Yuanying's flight? No one knows whether to stalemate or lose or win.

"But don't run away for him!" Long Wanqing said anxiously.

Gu Hai shook her head, and there was a Ding Rui outside. Gu Hai didn't want to listen to Long Wanqing's random command.


The dragon vein roared and twitched frantically again. For a time, the island where Gu Hai and Long Wanqing were suddenly broken apart.

"Not good, this small world of chess is about to collapse!" Gu Hai's face changed suddenly, suddenly holding Long Wanqing and jumping towards the distance.


Around Ding Longzong, the earthquake was extremely dense. The mountains, rivers and rivers of the Quartet collapsed into a pair of ruins. Numerous repairers fled around.

Ding Rui stood anxiously on the floating island.

"It's about to break? The world of this game is about to break? Long Wanqing, why haven't you collected the dragon veins? Once there is no world seal of the game, this dragon's veins have escaped, and they have escaped! Don't you have dragon jade? Ah! "Ding Rui was anxious.

However, standing outside the floating island, Ding Rui was powerless.


Suddenly, a violent storm hit, and a behemoth suddenly stopped beside the floating island. It is the flying boat of Shenjiying.

Li Haoran stood on the flying boat, showing anger, staring at Ding Rui on the floating island.

"Ding Rui, you old slut, actually lied to me?" Li Haoran said in an angry voice.

Ding Rui turned her head, her face changed.

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