Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 87: Yao Zhengtian

This is the second more!


During the drought in the drought, the people were miserable, and the ancient government opened a warehouse to put in grain, which was a good move. Countless victims were sincerely grateful, and a grateful thought gathered in the direction of the ancient government.

Ancient house, cupola tower.

During the retreat of the ancient sea, everyone and everything were blocked out of the tower. Ancient Qin, Shangguanhen, and Chen Tianshan sat outside the tower to protect the ancient sea.


There was a sound of gold and stone strikes inside the tower.

"This seems to be the sound of bone collision? What is the breakthrough for adults?" Chen Tianshan said blankly.

Shangguanhen frowned slightly, shook his head, and was clearly unclear.

Inside the tower, Gu Hai sat cross-legged. The whole body made a sound of collision.

In the old world of Ding Longzong and Twenty-nine Heavens and Earth, the dead knife absorbed the power of endless dragon veins and fed back to the ancient sea a large amount of strength to strengthen the bones. However, in the later period, it reached the bottleneck, countless accumulations, and qualitative changes.

At this moment, with a lot of merits, a large number of qi counties are approaching, this bottleneck is broken at an instant, and the bones have undergone metamorphosis.


The loud sound oscillated in the ancient sea, after exactly three hours.


With a loud noise, the bones in Guhai's body no longer collided, but a clicking sound was made, and after another hour, it calmed down slowly.

Gu Hai opened his eyes, and now he was sweating and stretched his right palm.


Under the will of the will, the palm of his hand slowly pierced a bone. After the transformation, the bone is still silver-white, but this bone has a metallic luster, dense like silver, but it is countless tougher than silver, a silver-like metal skeleton.

Turning his hands, Gu Hai took out a long sword.


The silver skeleton pierced the sword very easily, extremely sharp.

"Is this another breakthrough in foreign power?" Gu Hai sighed for a moment.


Under the will of the will, the bones slowly retracted back, slowly regained their body, and the pierced skin was restored.

Without hesitation, Gu Hai closed her eyes again and felt Dantian. In addition to breakthroughs in external power, Dan Tian's true energy also seems to have reached an extreme.

There is still a feeling of soothingness around the body, and it is still full of qi, and slowly forming a golden halo on the surface of the ancient sea.

With his eyes closed, his mind sinks into Dantian.

Dantian was filled with countless true qi, and the cyclone of dragon-shaped true qi spiraling continually condensed true elements, but now, nine fist-sized true elements are in a circle, as if they are mutually exclusive. Can't go any further.


The dragon-shaped qi roared, the true dragon's congenital power has been urged to the extreme, and the power of the cyclone can only be so great.


Suddenly, all golden energy poured into Dantian. The golden energy was not a side object, but it was a virtue from the Quartet in the world. The golden energy slowly poured into the real elements the size of nine fists.


The nine true elements slowly merged, slowly merging into a shroud of qi.


The fusion of the nine true elements suddenly made a loud noise, and a powerful force went straight from the body of Dan Tian.


Gu Hai's body made a loud noise, suddenly a blast of air flow.

In Dantian, a watermelon-sized liquid purple true sphere slowly rotates, and a cyclone above rotates as if to condense all the true qi in the body into this true sphere. However, it seems that the limit has been reached, but true yuan cannot One more point.

Halfway through the meridians, half-qi and half-mist, like a critical point.


Gu Hai opened his eyes, looked at the hands he held, and took a deep breath: "The innate state is tenth, and the innate state is complete. Can it hit Jin Dan?"

The number of qi is still increasing, and now Guhai is very satisfied with the current state.

"Qi number? At the beginning I was in the day after tomorrow. If I had set up the country earlier to help Qi number, maybe I did not have to work so hard at the beginning," Gu Hai thought thoughtfully.

Then Gu Hai smiled a little bit bitterly: "That said, at that time, countries were controlled by major gates, and with their original strength, they could not establish a country at all!"

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai slowly got up, and there was a kind of inexplicable relaxation in his whole body. Slowly, the ancient sea went to the window of the cupola tower.

"Yifu, you broke through?" Gu Qinxin rejoiced.

Gu Hai smiled and nodded.

Gao Qi, Gu Hai determined an idea, founding the country is correct.

After another ten days, during this time, the qi numbers gathered continuously, the surface of the ancient sea seemed to have a gleam of golden light, making people look like gods.

Things that were extremely comfortable at the moment, Gu Hai frowned again.

Gai because this Qi number is coming, although it is comfortable, it is also dissipating. Over time, those Qi numbers that are temporarily unused will slowly dissipate. In this way, it causes a lot of waste.

"You have to figure out how to accumulate qi numbers. Otherwise, a large number of qi numbers are wasted. When they are needed, they are not enough!" Gu Hai thoughtfully.

Sit in the study for a while, Shangguan marks to see.

"Sir, we found the disciples at Shenjiying! But ........." Shangguanhen looked at Gu Hai with a bitter smile.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"They seemed to have encountered a big battle, blood from one place, and we also found the body of a disciple of the God Machine Camp." Shangguanhen wryly smiled.

Talking, two wicked men carried a stretcher with the body of a Shenjiying disciple wearing armor on it.

Gu Hai inspected it slightly: "One shot killed, penetrated the heart?"

Shangguan Mark nodded: "Yes! It was blown out and dropped a hidden grass to leave the body. I guess other Shenjiying disciples also died, but the body was gone! Leave footprints! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yifu, Yifu ........." Gu Qin hurriedly ran into the house from the outside.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked puzzled.

"Yifu, someone outside, came with a thousand heads, said to have beheaded a thousand Shenjiying disciples headed by Gao Liusheng, and said to give to his father!" Gu Qin frowned.

After all, it's too weird to give away?

Gu Hai and Shangguanhen stared at each other.

"Master, who is here?" Shangguanhen was surprised.

"I don't know. An old man with thin hair is kind to us. One thousand heads are packed in ten large boxes. I don't know how to get them!" Gu Qin frowned.

"Let's go and see!" Gu Hai frowned.

Shangguan marks and Ancient Qin followed closely behind.

Soon, Gu Hai came out of the ancient palace.


"grown ups!"

The people of the ancient palaces worshipped the ancient sea on Thursday and Monday. Everyone surrounded the square.

Ten huge wooden boxes were placed on the square, with the mouth of the wooden box wide open, and each one contained hundreds of **** skulls. Suddenly, Gu Hai saw a familiar face. One of them was always with Li Haoran.

This is high six?

In front of the ten large boxes stood an old man in a robe, with a lot of bald heads, slightly bulging, two hairs with white hair, and a red face.

"Old Yao Zhengtian, met Mr. Gu!" The white-haired old man smiled slightly.

"Oh? I've seen Mr. Yao. I don't know why these ten boxes of heads mean?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Thousands of people are the disciples of Shenjiying. They persuaded the four strong men to come and assassinate Mr. Gu. They accidentally hit the old man, and they all solved them in order to give Mr. Gu a greeting. Road.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Gu doesn't need to be suspicious. They deal with Mr. Gu, and they also have resentment against the old, so they can kill two birds with one stone!" Yao Zhengtian laughed.

The ancient sea was slightly surprised that this man was sincere and did not fully push into a gift, but incidentally.

"Mr. Yao, I have never met Mr. Yao yet. I wonder if Mr. Yao is ...?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Mr. Gu should know me!" Yao Zhengtian laughed.


"In the past, I took three thousand subordinates to Dafeng Gang. Many people should have heard of me, but the magic machine owner Li Haoran I met later, I fought with him, and then I had to return to the sea. Unfortunately, my three Thousands of subordinates were killed by Shenji Camp, and my enemies against Shenji Camp came from this! "Yao Zhengtian laughed.

"Huh?" Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank, "You are the sea beast 'Hegemony'?"

When the ancient sea was detained by the Dafeng Gang, the sea monsters led with three thousand sea monsters to land, spurring the heavens, and finally snatching the earth's dragon veins?

"It's old!" Yao Zhengtian smiled slightly.

"The disciples of Shenjiying Camp eat three thousand of my subordinates. The disciples of Qianjiying Camp have naturally been eaten by me. I only left one for Mr. Gu. I hope you will forgive me. I came here to ask for something. Disturbing Mr. Gu! "Yao Zhengtian laughed.

Gu Hai's eyes changed for a while, and he nodded, "Mr. Yao came from afar, please inside!"

"Thank you Mr. Gu!" Yao Zhengtian nodded.

Yao Zhengtian followed the ancient sea and slowly stepped into the ancient house shrouded in a large array, leaving a group of subordinates at the moment.

"Sea beast, Your Majesty? Am I right? Is it him?" Exclaimed the wicked.

"Adults are getting more and more powerful. When the sea beasts come down, they must be courteous?"

"Yao Zhengtian? I said how the name was so familiar at first, it turned out to be hegemonic?"




The wicked were amazed and proud. The face of an adult is his own face. Thousands of islands, the mighty sea beasts dominate, are they so kind to adults?

The ancient sea led Yao Zhengtian to a hall, accompanied by ancient Qin, Shangguanhen, and Chen Tianshan.

"Mr. Yao, please!" Gu Hai motioned for Yao Zhengtian to sit down.

"Thank you!" Yao Zhengtian was also very polite.

Gu Qin stepped forward and poured a cup of tea for the two.

"Mr. Yao, come to me, don't you do it for the dragon veins?" Gu Hai wondered.

Yao Zhengtian shook his head and said: "The old decay has been seen through. I can't touch the dragon veins. Watching the chess set the old man and it will die, so Mr. Gu need not worry. I didn't come here for this reason. Mr. Gugou! "

PS: Excuse me, something has happened every day these days, alas, it has been updated in advance. Sorry, the Guohao Building is in the book review area. If you are interested, you can fill it out!

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