Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 99: Church owner, why are you so careless?

Mengtai was out, and he lost power all at once! The authorities did everything, but in the end they had nothing, and were covered with injuries.

Looking at the dragon veins in the transparent large underground, the dragon head was taunting himself, and he was out of the game, and was no longer eligible to compete.

"Ha? Haha, hahahahaha!" Montai suddenly burst out laughing.

It was as if laughing at himself was too naive, laughing at himself too silly, looking at the wind chime corpse in a big laugh, looking at the wind chime that once loved his bone marrow, but gave up before dying.

I already have a lot of it, but I'm not content enough to let go and bet everything. Bet on the wind chimes.

In the laughter, two lines of tears of remorse flowed out of Montai's eyes.

However, everything is not over yet, and numerous practitioners surrounded him in anger.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Under the beatings, Meng Tai slammed her blood again and again. Meng Tai spit blood and couldn't resist, but she couldn't stop laughing, and burst into tears. Hate.

"Smile, kill him! Kill him!" In the rage, the crowd continued to slam Monte.

The rage was unbearable, but at the time when the crowds battered Monte.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Ten people suddenly screamed in panic.

The hand that thumped Montaign also stopped, and saw that the ten bodies dried up quickly, becoming more and more dry, gradually turning into a dead body, drained of body energy.

"Wow!" The monks of the Quartet suddenly panicked, and immediately avoided Montaigne.

It was thought that Montai had taken those ten people, but Montai was dying.

"It's him, Li Haoran, Li Haoran, he has become a chess player, ah, don't, don't **** me, ah!"

A scream made everyone turn their heads.

However, Li Haoran, who saw a gold armor, was standing on a big rock. Next to him was a protective enchantment of ten feet in diameter. Outside the protective enchantment, the disciples of Shenjiying respectfully stood up, even though they were close friends, Li Haoran did not put them into protection. Enchantment.

"How could that be? Long Wanqing?" The crowd stunned slightly.

But not far away, in the ruins, Long Wanqing covered her chest, stood up with blood in her mouth, and showed an astonishing and incredible look.

"Why? Master Li, why? Didn't I promise to give you a pawn?" Long Wanqing's eyes reddened and roared.

With a wave of Li Haoran's hand, several people next to him were forcibly pumped out of energy and poured into his body. Li Haoran's complexion returned to ruddy from pale.

Glancing at Long Wanqing with a sneer, he didn't bother, but turned to look at Montai.

"The first key, Rose! You were killed! The second key, the wind chime, was also killed by you! Monte, Monte, why are you so careless? Have you left the third key? Hahahahaha Haha! "Li Haoran laughed wildly.

"Cough cough cough cough, Li Haoran, you won't end well!" Montai laughed miserably.

"I just like your expression, ha ha ha ha, wasn't it that I was hitting just now? Is it now? No way? A pool of dead meat?" Li Haoran sneered and waved his hand.


Suddenly, everyone's strength was mobilized, and tens of thousands of applause and waved out suddenly. Meng Tai was beaten up again.



Meng Tai spit blood again, and under the palm of his hand, he fell down and his whole body was blood, as if the bones were broken.


Montagh vomited blood and was dying.

"It doesn't matter if they die, but it's not fun when you die. I'll tell you that if you do things, you can't achieve the climate if you lose things. If you want to be a major event, you must learn to cut the grass and root it out, like this!" Waved.


Li Wei in the crowd was suddenly dragged by a force.

"Not good, protect Li Wei, protect Li Wei! As soon as Li Wei dies, he will never have a chance." Wei Yan cried in horror.

"Old things, so much nonsense! Come together!" Li Haoran whispered.


Li Wei and Wei Zheng suddenly floated.

Everyone's face changed.

"You are going to kill Li Wei?" Someone exclaimed.

"Right!" Li Haoran murmured coldly. Look for the sword and take out a gold sword.



A golden sword went straight to Li Wei.

"No!" Li Wei shouted.


Even though Li Wei roared, everything was too late. Under the golden sword, Li Wei was instantly cut in half.


The practitioners panicked all around.

"The last key, the last key, Li Haoran, do you want to repeat the same mistakes and kill everyone like Montessori?" Wei Zheng exclaimed.


Suddenly, the rolling energy was forcibly extracted from Wei Wei's body. Wei Yan couldn't resist, he couldn't resist. How long does it take to get seriously injured?

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

In the scream, Wei Yan instantly dried up and turned into a dead body, without a voice. Li Haoran forcibly ingested faster than Montait.

"Another death, faster than before? He is more terrible than Monte!"

"Li Haoran, you are the owner of Shenji Camp, you will not kill us!"

"Master Li! We have no revenge with you, the son of my suzerainty, and also your **** machine disciple!"




Numerous practitioners were panicked and looked at Li Haoran in horror.


Li Haoran waved his hand, and suddenly, a large number of practitioners were again quickly drained of energy.

"No, Master Li, let us go!"

"He's worse than Montey! Help, ah!"

"No, don't choose me, ah!"




The screams continued.

Protective enchantment? Only three keys can be entered, Rose, Wind Chime, Li Wei, all three keys are dead, then Li Haoran is invincible.

"Master of the Church!" Master Liu Nian approached and raised Long Wanqing.

Long Wanqing broke the hand of Master Liu Nian, ran to Li Haoran, and shouted with red eyes: "Li Haoran, why do you tell me why?"

Li Haoran turned his head and looked coldly at Long Wanqing: "Little girl, how are you really cheating?"

"What did you say?" Long Wanqing stared at Li Haoran.

"A golden chess piece? How is that enough? A golden chess piece can't break the seal for me, and can't solve the dead chess game. What's the use? Healing? Don't you be naive, what I want is the bottom view The legacy of the chess old man, what I want is the earth dragon vein below! "Li Haoran proudly said.

"You lied to me? You would lie to me? Didn't you say that you wouldn't lie to me? You have saved my life, why did you lie to me!" Long Wanqing roared.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, say your little girl is cheating, you still do n’t believe it, who said I saved you? Oh, yes, it was a play I did, and you thought I saved you, then you just It's a deceit! "Li Haoran sneered.

"What?" Long Wanqing froze.

"It doesn't matter to tell you, it's nothing, anyway, after today, don't you want to go out alive, including you, Long Wanqing!" Li Haoran said coldly.

"Da Dan! Li Haoran, you ...!" Long Wanqing's servants suddenly yelled.

"Stop, let him say!" Long Wanqing roared. At this moment, staring at Li Haoran with red eyes, a very unwilling expression.

"Why did your cousin push you off the cliff at first? Remember her expression?" Li Haoran sneered.

"She said I abused her mother, but I didn't, I ...!" Long Wanqing said half, suddenly agitated.

"It's you. You lied to my cousin and said that I abused her ... so she became angry and saw me disapproving and pushed me down the cliff? She almost killed me, and you saved me, she was guilty, and there was no Continue to take revenge? Is it you, everything is your game? "Long Wanqing changed his face wildly.

Li Haoran smiled coldly. No explanation was given.

"Li Haoran, my Long Wanqing is also blind. Why would you believe you? You did everything just to use me?" Long Wanqing's expression of grievance slowly changed into remorse.

"Well, Long Wanqing, stop talking nonsense, and give me Long Yu! Come on!" Li Haoran said coldly.

"Ha ha ha ha, use me to fight for the dragon veins, right? Want me to attract the dragon jade? Don't think about it, I won't give it to you, impossible!" Long Wanqing's eyes flashed a bit of bitter hatred.

"You would give it, wouldn't you? Master Liunian?" Li Haoran murmured coldly.

While talking, he swung his hand.


The billowing force was forcibly drawn from the master of fleeting years.


The master of the fleeting years yelled in pain, and the Buddha immediately flew out.

"Jiuxing Lianzhu!"


Two Jiuxing Lianzhu went straight to Li Hao.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

Unfortunately, the protective enchantment is too strong, and Jiuxing Lianzhu cannot break the enchantment at all.

The master of fleeting years rushes forward.


Thousands of palms slammed into Master Liu Nian, and Master Liu Nian was immediately blown out.


The master of flying years spit blood and flew out.

"Long Wanqing, if you don't hand over Long Yu again, Master Liunian will be drained, ha ha ha!" Li Haoran said in a faceless voice.

"Here you!" Long Wanqing waved her hand with a remorse.

"Oh!" Yin Longyu flew out immediately.

Li Haoran sniffed.

"Slap!" Yin Longyu immediately sucked into his hands.

"Sure enough, it's Yinlongyu, haha!" Li Haoran laughed.

"Introduce Long Yu to you, let go of the master!" Long Wanqing was anxious in remorse.

"I said, will the Master Liuli be released?" Li Haoran sneered.

Long Wanqing's scalp was numb for a while, as if she didn't know Li Haoran. How could this happen? How could he be so bad?

Gu Hai asked me to guard against him. Last time, the knife holder was on my neck. Let me guard against him. Why am I so stupid? Why so stupid?

For a moment, Long Wanqing felt how ridiculous she was, ridiculously stupid.

"Well, not only Master Liunian, but you, have I said let it go?" Li Haoran sneered.

The detective waved.


Suddenly, a huge suction came straight to Long Wanqing, as if to drain Long Wanqing's energy.

"Li Haoran, you must not die, my grandfather will avenge me!" Long Wanqing yelled, crying. Regret yourself being too stupid and naive, why should you believe Li Haoran.

"Your grandfather, how did he know that I killed you? Hahaha, uh ...?" Li Haoran's Zhang Kuang abruptly stopped abruptly. He stopped suddenly.

No longer absorb Long Wanqing and Master Liu.

"Wait, you said you were brought in by the ancient sea and sent to Li Wei's place. Then, can you see the outside? Impossible, how can you see it?" Li Haoran's face changed.

"Cough cough, Li Haoran, you finally know that you are afraid. If you hurt Long Wanqing, people outside will definitely see, Grandpa Long Wanqing will definitely kill you, hahahahaha!" Laughing with blood.

"No, Long Wanqing, you say quickly, or I will kill Master Liu Nian immediately!" Li Haoran said coldly.


The rolling suction went straight towards Master Liu Nian, who became weaker and weaker.

Long Wanqing said with sorrow: "I said, let go of Master Liuli!"

"Come on!" Roared Li Haoran.

"The outside can't see the other people inside, but you can see the players around you, you can hold the golden chess pieces, and you can see what the outside world can do!" Long Wanqing said sadly.

Li Haoran looked ugly for a while: "So it is, so it is!"

"You miss the master of the fleeting years!" Long Wanqing begged.

Li Haoran shook his head: "I don't kill you, I can't kill you, Long Wanqing, but the master of fleeting must die, he is an old demon, just trapped here, otherwise I will be in danger once he gets out of trouble. Must die, I just let you go! "

"What?" Long Wanqing exclaimed.

"Let me drain you, Master Liunian, roar!" Li Haoran murmured coldly.


The powerful force quickly extracts the masters of the fleeting years, the status of the fleeting masters is becoming more and more dangerous.

"No, Li Haoran, I fight with you!" Long Wanqing rushed forward in sorrow and indignation, turning her hands to take out the magic weapon and seemed to be shooting.

"Huh! I won't kill you, but you also want to be extravagant!" Li Haoran hummed.


With one palm, Long Wanqing couldn't stop it, and was blown out.



In the air, Long Wanqing's eyes crossed the tears of remorse.

"Gu Hai, I'm sorry, I shouldn't listen to you, I made a big mistake, oh!" Long Wanqing spit out blood and fell down.

"Church master!" Long Wanqing's servants exclaimed, but at this moment, they were also forced to extract energy, shouting in despair.

Seeing that Long Wanqing was about to fall unconscious.

Suddenly, while Long Wanqing was falling, she stretched out her arms.


Long Wanqing, who was about to fall to the ground, was caught by the arms, and fell slowly, and was caught very smoothly, without causing injuries.

"Huh?" Li Haoran didn't expect that at this time, some people dared to pick up Long Wanqing.

The practitioners also stared around, seeing the roar of the man catching Long Wanqing, everyone screamed.

"Ah, ah, that's, that's ...!" Many practitioners were astonished when they saw the straw for life.

Long Wanqing thought that her head was on the ground, but she did not want to be suddenly embraced by a warm embrace.

"Ancient, ancient sea?" Long Wanqing looked at the man hugging her inconceivably.

"Teacher, why are you so careless?" Gu Hai smiled gently.

Gu Hai smiled mildly, as though all hatreds of Long Wanqing had been crushed. In a flash, all grievances broke out, and Long Wanqing's tears burst out.

"Gu Hai, I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you!" Long Wanqing's grievances and remorse, like a long river that couldn't stop, came out.

Fiction Net!

The author has something to say about editorbyjack2014-09-19->

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