Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 16: Is it a reward or a penalty?


The ancient Song Yinpu collapsed.


"my leg!"

"My silver!"




A series of screams came from the rubble. Outside the silver shop in the ancient Song Dynasty, many people who seized gold and silver fled hurriedly.

Above the restaurant next door.

The ancient Han also looked at this scene in amazement.

"Yifu, how did this ancient Song Yinpu fall?" The ancient man was surprised.

Gu Hai smiled coldly: "The ancient Song silver shop is not only gold and silver, all kinds of furniture are the highest grade, and even the beams and pillars are made of gold silk Nanmu."

"Ah? They even robbed the house beams and pillars?" The ancient man was completely convinced by the robbers.

"Who wouldn't want something white?" Gu Hai sneered.


Suddenly, a large number of city guards ran from a distance.


There were still a few people rummaging around the ruins, and quickly disappeared.

"The city guard is here. It seems that the pot of water in Songcheng is about to boil. You go to Prince's House at night to help the flames, and tomorrow's dynasty will be the key!" Gu Hai Shen said. More and faster chapters are here.

"Yes, the righteous father is assured. The child has become a prince for the prince for many years, but it has cost countless costs. Although he cannot control the prince's thoughts, it is not difficult to say a few words to make the prince listen. Road.


The ancient Song silver shop was robbed, and the news spread in Song City in an instant.

It was the largest silver shop in Songcheng. It contained countless fortunes, and hundreds of people poured in, and it became rich overnight.

Many people who have not had time to participate are all bare-chested, jealous, and waiting for news from the government.

The people involved also hid stolen goods, waiting for official news.

Song Cheng, calm down in an instant, calmer than in previous days, all looking forward to it, waiting patiently.

Therefore, only this ancient Song silver shop was robbed, and other ancient government properties have not been robbed by the people at this moment. Everyone is waiting for the news, waiting for the qualitative news on the matter at the Korean court the next day. More and faster chapters are here.

The news was passed to the ministers of the DPRK and China. Such huge news really made countless officials suddenly feel complicated. The DPRK will meet tomorrow.

Many ministers went to the Quartet to find colleagues to discuss matters early tomorrow.

The news also passed into the palace.

Many people in the harem applaud.

"Okay, grab a good one, the old magic thing is to grab it!"

"If I were to grab it, that ancient silver shop, even I had been there a few times. The luxury level was even better than that of the palace!"

"This is all right, the shop in Guhai has been robbed, the emperor must be happy, the people's hearts are available!"




Many people applauded, and the old emperor also listened to his subordinates in the study, carefully reporting everything before him, frowning, analyzing everything.

"Go and invite Mrs. Pang and Xiangli Liu to discuss it!" The old emperor ordered.



Prince's House.

Prince Song listened to the news of the ancient Song Yinpu today.

"Okay, hahaha, Guhai's shop was robbed, it's a real pleasure!" Prince Song exclaimed.

The death of his son, Song Zhengxi, has caused Prince Song's hatred of Gu Hai to have peaked. At this moment, as long as there is some bad news about Gu Hai, Prince Song is relieved for a while.

"Prince, this is not the time to be happy!" A staffer smiled bitterly.

"Huh?" Prince Song frowned at the staff in front of him.

"Prince, the smashed and robbed of Guhai's shop is indeed a matter of great enthusiasm, but behind it, there are tangled problems." A staff member smiled bitterly.

"What's the problem?" Prince Song sank.

"How is this case characterized? The ancient Song Yinpu was indeed a shop in Guhai. This time it was robbed by the people. Should these people be robbed, should they be punished or awarded? Is it right or wrong for the people to do it?

Say the people are wrong. They are loyal to the country. Uh, at least on the surface they stand on the moral high ground. They are serving the country, and the country is not guilty, even by any means! However, if the people are right, it violates the law. The law of Song Dynasty is very strict. This is a robbery. No matter who the other party is, it cannot be robbed. More and faster chapters are here. Robbery is a violation of the law. I regard the law of the Song Dynasty as a disregard. The law is the most important tool of the country and it must not be chaotic. The law is the foundation of governing the people. "Said an aide.

"Yeah, Prince, say that the people are wrong, that the people are serving the country! Say the people are right, that the people are trampling on the law! Is the people right or wrong, should they be awarded or punished? I think now, the ministers are having a headache, and Song Cheng The people are also waiting for the definite character given by tomorrow morning! "Another staffer smiled bitterly.

Prince Song opened his mouth and was surprised. Are people right or wrong? This requires official characterization, but how do you characterize it at this time?

There was a moment of silence in the room, which was a very difficult problem.

"If I had searched the ancient Song silver shop at the Song Dynasty government, there would not have been so many problems!" Prince Song smiled bitterly.

"No, Prince, the two countries are at war, do not slash them, the ancient sea shops are here, there is not enough evidence that they are harmful to my Song Dynasty, and they cannot be searched arbitrarily, otherwise it will cause a chain reaction, and merchants dare not transnational and cross-regional businessmen Moreover, Guhai's shops are too large and too many. Once they are thoroughly checked, it is likely to disrupt the Song commerce system. People suddenly ca n’t buy many things, which will inevitably lead to civil unrest. Secondly, they will promote the evils of Guhai just for the sake of To prevent the conspiracy of the ancient seas, the people will only hate the ancient seas, but they will not be afraid. If it is thoroughly cleansed, it will likely form a feeling of distress in the Song Dynasty and cause panic among the people! "

Prince Song showed a strange look.

"Maybe the emperor also thought about checking the ancient Song Yinpu, and maybe even prepared to eliminate hidden dangers. After all, although there was a loss, it might still be under control. But, after all, it was a step behind and was preempted by the people. Come, the situation is even more complicated! How should the people robbing the ancient Song Yinpu today? How to characterize it? The reward or punishment? "The staff member smiled bitterly.

Prince Song: "……………………!"

There was another silence in the room. It was a happy thing, how could it be so weird at this moment.

"His Royal Highness!"

A servant walked in from outside.

"What's wrong?" Prince Song cried.

"Mr. Tian, ​​please!" Said the servant respectfully.

"Mr. Tian? Tian Han? That businessman?"

"This Tian Han does have a bit of a head, but unfortunately he is too focused on wealth. Although he provided great wealth to Prince Edward, he did not get involved in Prince Edward!"

"It's better not to intervene, how can a business man intervene at will in the matter of the prince?"




As staff members whispered, Prince Song had ordered someone to ask.

Soon, the ancient Han was introduced into the house.

"Caomin has seen His Royal Highness Prince, and I have seen you all!" The ancient man said with a smile.

"Mr. Tian doesn't have to be polite!" The prince smiled.

The staff also smiled slightly. After all, the ancient Han never intervened in the Prince's House, and there was no conflict of interest with everyone.

"Mr. Tian, ​​what are you doing here?" Prince Song asked curiously.

The ancient Han smiled bitterly for a while: "Presumably the prince also knows about the ancient Song Dynasty silver shop!"

"Oh?" Everyone moved.

"Mr. came for this?" Prince Song frowned.

"Tianmou didn't dare to make this decision arbitrarily. Tianmou has no talent. He is just a merchant and can't worry about the prince. This time he just came to bring something that Tianmou saw. The angles of your adults are different, for your reference only! "The ancient Han politely said. More and faster chapters are here.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the ancient man curiously.


On the second day, Song Cheng, above the chapel.

King Song sits on a dragon chair and overlooks the ministers. The ministers seem to have experienced a fierce quarrel. Many people are still blushing. Everyone is now looking at Prince Song in the center.

"Father Emperor, my colleagues, is it right or wrong? I have been arguing for a long time. People robbing the ancient Song silver shop is trampling on the law, but the ancient sea shop can be robbed. The ancient sea has been passed down as the devil and cut off the devil. Wing, but also help justice. Each has its own opinions, this palace is not talented, talk about my ideas! "Prince Song solemnly said.

"Prince, please!" Master Zuo Lei Peng said Shen.

King Song also stared at Prince Song.

Prince Song nodded and said, "Father Emperor, colleagues, if the people are guilty, robbed them of guilty. Liu Xunxiang, you asked the most fiercely before, I will ask, you answer, since the people are guilty, according to what you said, What to do? "

Officials listed on the right as an old minister walked out.

"Return all the robberies on that day, with a little punishment, let us abstain!" Liu Xiangxiang solemnly said. More and faster chapters are here.

"People are willing to return it by themselves? I think, basically everyone is unwilling to return it. Moreover, whoever grabbed it and what was robbed, it is difficult to find out, is it a city-wide search? My Song Jun was just destroyed by the ancient sea. With 800,000 troops, now helping Gu Hai to recover his losses? What does this make the people think? "

"It can be sealed, and the ancient sea will not be returned!" Liu Xunxiang frowned.

"If you don't return the ancient sea, that is to go into our country's treasury. What is the final result of the raid? Fighting with the people for the stolen goods? Fighting between the country and the people? Are you trying to isolate our Song Dynasty official from the people? No, are they opposites?" Song The prince sneered.

"Ah? The old man never meant this!" Liu Yanxiang shook his head immediately.

"People robbed Gu Hai's things. If my official took the action, but did not dispose of the property in the name, it would not work for Gu Hai, but it would not work if I kept it for myself. It was all infamous! I already preached the evil of Gu Hai in the early Song Dynasty, and my position can never be If there is a change, you must not stand on the side of Gu Hai, help Gu Hai to recover the losses, nor can you fight against the people's confidence in hating Gu Hai when the people's heart is high! "

"People hate the ancient sea. Of course, there are some people who touch the fish in troubled waters, but because of hating the ancient sea, this impulse has been created. The people's hearts are available, indicating that I have waited for the previous propaganda to work. At least, the ancient sea's conspiracy and tricks can no longer be used The people are all over, and everyone will guard against the ancient sea! "Prince Song cried. Update the first time

"The prince means that the people can't punish him?" Liu Xiangxiang frowned.

"Yes, they are the ancient Song Yinpu who cut off the ancient sea wings, naturally they cannot be punished!" Prince Song solemnly said.

"Can't punish? But they trampled my Great Song Law, did they even reward it? My Great Song Law is sacred and cannot be trampled on, no one can! Otherwise, once the law collapses, the people no longer have the Law in their hearts, then Song Kingdom It's going to be extinct! "Xiang Liu said anxiously.

"Liu Xunxiang, you have been thinking too much. This is what I was about to say. The law is dead and people are alive. This time, things are special, so we should take a look at it!" Prince Song laughed.

"Oh? Stripped? How to strip?" Song Wang wondered.

"Father Emperor, sons and daughters think that we are entangled in the characterization of this matter, and it is a bit messy. The law conflicts with the country, because of the danger of the ancient sea. What if we stripped the ancient sea from the law of our country?" The prince smiled.

"Huh?" Everyone frowned at Prince Song.

"Those who endanger our country must not be tolerated. Why should the Song Dynasty law be protected in Guhai stores? The son-in-law felt that the people were doing it right and doing it well. The first update is that we are still thinking about whether to seal the Guhai store. At that time, the patriots of the people had already taken a step early and started to shoot. Because they firmly believed that everything in the ancient sea was harmful to my country, and the people ’s heart was with me. Why should we hurt the people ’s heart? We should support People, support the people ’s heart, because the people ’s heart is firm and the country is strong! Is it difficult for the people to sing toward me? ”Prince Song began.

"Huh?" The ministers frowned.

"We did so much publicity in the early days to publicize the evil of the ancient sea. Only yesterday ’s anti-guhai incident. If today we punished the anti-guhai people, what was our previous publicity? Joke? Popularity? Or joke? Guo Wuxin Don't stand! Jun has no jokes! Guowei must not profane! "Prince Song shouted loudly.

On the dragon chair, King Song narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"Prince, what do you mean, not only without punishment, but also reward? Reward them for robbery?" Liu Xunxiang looked ugly.

"You don't have to be rewarded, you can give them verbal encouragement, and forgive them for their innocence!" Prince Song solemnly said.

"Yes, but the Prince knows that there are not hundreds of people waiting outside the chapel today, waiting for our news. Once it is determined, it will be difficult to change, pardon them, and verbal encouragement. After today, tomorrow, I Songcheng Other Guhai shops have been robbed one after another, do you believe that? "Liu Xiangxiang frowned and worried.

"Well, Liu Xiangxiang, why are you so worried about the ancient sea industry?" Prince Song chuckled coldly.

"I care? What do I care about! Just how many industries are there in Guhai? Do you know how much wealth there is? Why didn't the government seize this robbery, but ..." Liu Xunxiang said anxiously.

Prince Song smiled coldly and shook his head: "There is so much wealth, I know, no matter who it is, I will be jealous. Even if I know so much wealth, I will be jealous, and I want to check it myself. But, Liu Xiangxiang Do n’t forget, is this wealth important, or is my Song country important? "

"Huh?" Everyone in the hall looked stunned.

"Father Emperor, Gu Hai has so much wealth. No one wants it, but compared to my big Song Jiangshan, it is nothing at all. Since the silver shop in the ancient Song Dynasty has been determined, the people go to rob the ancient government's property. Well, the government searched it, and the people also snatched it. What if there was a conflict? Fight with the people? What if the article was written by Gu Hai?

"But ..." Xiang Liu said anxiously.

"Father Emperor, the people snatched the wealth of the ancient sea because we promoted the evils of the ancient sea. This is my great song. Encourage! The wealth of the ancient sea will be given to the people and they will be thankful. The people will be convinced to make our propaganda more Convincingly, although there are many ancient sea wealth, it is still important for me to be a big song. My son felt that yesterday ’s anti-guhai incident should be encouraged and not punished! "Song Song solemnly opened his mouth to the old emperor.

The ministers whispered for a while.

"The old minister supports the Prince's words. Although there is a lot of wealth, if it is safe for the people, everything is worth it!" Mrs. Pang said.

"The minister seconded!"

"The minister waited for a second!"




For a while, Chao Tang stood side by side with Prince Song.

King Song sat on the dragon chair, watching the ministers almost support the Prince, and eventually nodded.

Indeed, what good is it to seize so much wealth? If the Song Kingdom is destroyed by the ancient sea, no amount of wealth can be enjoyed, as long as his country is still there, everything will be there.

"Prince Zhunzhen play!" Song Wang began.

"Long live my lord, live long live!"


The news of the DPRK was passed out as soon as possible.

Gu Hai and Gu Han have always been paying attention to the North Korean Association. Some people came to report for the first time.

"Father-in-law, that's great. Prince Song used me to say yesterday, above the court hall, that qualitatively praised Song Min against my ancient family. It officially pushed the Great Song Kingdom to the abyss!" The ancient man looked at Gu Hai excitedly.

Gu Hai held a tea cup and took a sip, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This book comes from the first time to see the genuine content!


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