Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 2: Gold Swallow God

The clerks of Dahan Royal Casino are all the good businessmen that Gu Hai has taken from the Quartet of the world. They are all the talents cultivated in the ancient empire of the ancient sea. At this moment, they are mobilized to the Royal Casino, and they all know the heavy responsibility.

Although busy, but a lot of salesmen are extremely enthusiastic, because Gu Hai has always been the rule, the more labor, the more the reward, the commission.

The current commission is not only money, but also spirit stones, a large number of spirit stones.

The salesman Su Mo is one of them. During this time, the business has been trained for a long time.

Across the distance, I saw twenty-one people dressed in gorgeous clothes. At that glance, I saw that the clothes were not worn by ordinary people. They were full of nobility and immortality.

In a short step, Su Mo rushed up. A few salesmen not far away saw Su Mo take a step forward, for a while, kicking his chest, fortunately, there were many repairers around, so he didn't care too much.

"All of you, the marketing clerks at Xia Dahan Royal Casino Resort, if you don't give up, how to guide you to Xia Xian, you will make you feel right at home." Su Mo politely smiled.

"Marketing salesman, tour guide." Li Shenji stared blankly at the extremely polite man in front of him.

"Yes, please follow me. I will take you to visit the Yuanying Stone Wall outside the Dahan Palace, which is the most focal point of the Dahan Dynasty. Anyone who comes here will take a look." Su Mo explained Road.

Everyone looked at Su Mo blankly, Li Shenji nodded after confirming that Su Mo was not recognizing himself.

Along the way, I saw many such teams. Some of the Taoists in front of the team held small flags and greeted dozens of practitioners looking around.

"Oh, there are scattered groups. Dozens of immortals come from all over Qiandaohai and don't know them. The salesman greeted them with a small flag, afraid that they would be lost. After all, there are too many immortals to visit." Su Mo introduced.

Li Shenji: "……………………."

Dispersal, this has become an industry.

A party followed Su Mo to the mountain wall outside the palace.

At this moment, nearly 10,000 practitioners have been surrounded by the mountain wall, and each salesman explained the origin of the mountain wall vividly.

"Did you see that, there are eighty-nine Yuanyingjing immortals on it, all of them are crucified here, they are all going to break into the palace, ah, look, there is another one over here, the ninety Now, I think that there were five yuan babies in the nine-five islands at that time. My Dahan dynasty didn't condone the troubles. "Su Mo pointed at the distance.

"Hisse." Everyone took a breath after Li Shen's body, his face twitched.

Not only them, but the tens of thousands of people watching here were full of inexplicable gasps.

"Kill the chicken and monkey, haha." Li Shenji sneered on the face.

"Owner, there is this mountain wall, as long as the practitioners come, they will not run into the Dahan Palace." A subordinate frowned.

"Tour guide, huh, although some contrition, but the effect is indeed significant, the description of this cruel fact with such a calm attitude, the impact on the hearts of all onlookers is huge, Yuan Yingjing, this is an announcement to the world The Dahan dynasty is even more powerful than they thought. Ninety yuan infant realms are not in the eyes. Do n’t you know that these ninety yuan infant realms did not capture the palace together. "Li Shenji sneered.

"Senxian, are you optimistic, here is our Royal Casino Resort, you follow me, there is the destination of our trip." Su Mo laughed from not far away.

"Let's go," Li Shenji curiously said.

Before coming, Li Shenji did not expect that Gu Hai would set up so many tour guides here.

Li Shenji and his party left shortly after Su Mo, and soon came to the Royal Casino Resort.

The crowd just came to the door.

Two columns of two hundred people in uniform said a very respectful salute: "Welcome to the immortal, please in the immortal."

Li Shenji and others widened their eyes.

"These are the welcome guests of the resort. You Shangxian can come with me. Yes, you Shangxian, do you want to stay or go tonight. If you stay, I will help you to register." Su Mo is extremely thoughtful. .

"Long stay," Li Shenji frowned.

"Come with me and see. Are there any villas over there? Most of the villas have already been rented out, and there are not many left over there. There are nine grades. The highest-level villa is a top-quality spirit. Shiyiyi has a swimming pool, billiard room, fitness facilities, and some juice drinks, wine snacks, detached houses, the best scenery, if you need, there are leisure services such as foot therapy, massage, scraping, hot springs. "Su Mo Introduced.

"A top-grade spirit stone lives for a day, you don't grab it." A person behind him glared and yelled.

Su Mo was not angry: "I said, here are divided into ninth grade, ten graded spirit stones of the ninth grade one day, a thousand times difference, but the ninth grade is the standard room, of course, there are double Villas, stacked villas, ordinary apartments ... "

"Just the best." Li Shenji said lightly.

Su Mo's eyes brightened. This group is a local tyrant. They have a commission for their accommodation. They will be introduced to gambling later. It must be a big buck.

"Please Shangxian here, rest assured, I will do everything for you." Su Mo said with a smile.

The leisure industries of pedicure, massage and scraping, when the ancient sea used to do business in the past, already opened the world, but just moved all of them to the resort at this moment.

Su Mo took everyone into a villa, something new and dazzling for a while.

A foot reflexology was done in the villa, and everyone was refreshing. Although it was a little weird, they slowly accepted it.

Su Mo has been waiting patiently. After all, doing foot treatment also requires money, and Su Mo has a commission.

"Next, whether you go to the restaurant or the casino first, the restaurant has our local specialties, the best chefs carefully cook for you, and going to the Royal Casino is the most exciting project of my Dahan Dynasty. Lottery, gambling horses Blackjack, choose as much as possible to ensure that you do not want to get off the table for three days and three nights. "Su Mo introduced.

Every time Su Mo uttered a strange noun, everyone felt like they were soil buns. You are the soil buns, OK? We are from Shenzhou.

The crowd did not believe and followed Su Mo to the casino.

After three days.

Li Shenji had already returned to the villa, looking far away, looking at the Dahan Palace in the distance, and frowned slightly.

Over the Dahan Palace, the Qi is still too small, but it is constantly increasing.

"The camp owner, the camp owner, the eighth was beaten and beaten by the ancient sea people." Several subordinates ran anxiously.

"Well, what's going on." Li Shenji glared at a subordinate.

"We have been in the Royal Casino these days, and those gambling are indeed novel. However, we have been losing and losing all the time. In the end, the old eight was in a hurry. We yelled at the casino to deceive. Stayed and had a meal. Fortunately, the former salesman Su Mo came up, otherwise ... "The subordinate looked ugly.

"The eighth loses anxious, why the eighth loses anxious. Before I came, I remember the eighth brought a hundred top-quality spirits." Li Shenji looked at the men with blue and swollen noses behind the crowd.

The nose and face were swollen, and before he had taken the ancient sea, his own person was swollen.

"Lost, lose all." The old man rubbed his face and let down his head.

"Lost, are you here to lose?" Li Shenji stared.

"It's not just me, everyone else has almost lost. In these three days, we lost nearly two thousand fine stones to the Dahan Royal Casino." The old eight bowed his head.

Li Shenji stared at the crowd with a stare.

Lost, I want you to inquire about the information these days, you have to gamble money, even if you gamble money, you are losing.

"Shangxian, Shangxian, you can't blame the Royal Casino. You gambled too much. At that time, how many people watched it? The biggest one was actually betting on three hundred top-quality spirits, so we dare to take it. . "Su Mo immediately smiled bitterly.

"You go out, we have something to say." Li Shenji said coldly.

"Okay, okay, I'm waiting outside. If you have any requirements, please inform me immediately." Su Mo went out very politely.

Over the past three days, my entitlement envyed a lot of colleagues, and it turned out to be the most profitable local tyrant group.

Su Mo went out, Li Shenji looked coldly at the subordinates in front of him, but at the moment he was in a turbulent sea.

"Inquiry about what happened, or you have all been in the casino these days." Li Shenji glared coldly.

"No, it's their casino, they cheated," the eighth whispered.

"Fart." Li Shenji glared at his eyes. "I have studied it. There is no cheating in this casino. Winning or losing is only a matter of probability. They make money with probability, and you are all gambling crazy."

They bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

Li Shenji reprimanded him, and slowly suppressed his anger.

Turning his head to look at the Royal Casino in the distance, Li Shenji flashed a dignified eye: "This ancient sea does have some means. Royal Casino, this is a beast that swallows gold, Dahan, hum." ————

Dahan Palace, study.

Gu Hai is in the process of approving the documents, but Gu Qin came with Su Mo.

"Caomin Su Mo meets the emperor, and my emperor live forever." Su Mo was very excited to see him for the first time.

"Father Emperor, Li Shenji sent a worship post." Gu Qin handed a purple gold post.

"Li Shenji, Li Haoran's uncle." Gu Hai suddenly raised a brow and stopped the writing brush in his hand.

Take the post very carefully.

"Now that Li Shenji is staying at the Royal Casino Resort, this clerk has welcomed him and has been here for four days." Gu Qin solemnly said.

"Oh, four days, what are they doing for the past four days." Gu Hai looked at Su Mo with a dignified look.

"On returning to the emperor, the leader Li Shenji only made a small gamble on the first day. The other twenty people gambled every day these days. As a result, they lost their slickness and were preparing to make a big casino. After a meal, Li Shenji reprimanded a group of subordinates and asked me to send him a worship post. "Su Mo respectfully said.

"Gambling, money was lost, and you were beaten." Gu Hai was slightly surprised.

PS: There is a third change, please ask for the first order.

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