Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 5: Shouyun Shenwenling

A few words from Shangguan marks solved the extremely powerful Miao Chen, and countless people who saw it were shaking.

The wrongdoers who live in the resort have a bad taste in their hearts for a while. We do n’t know how much the Dahan Dynasty has. The earth dragon vein seems to be getting farther and farther away from us. There is no chance.

Montai returned to the mall, more vigorously than before, patrolling all the cities all the way, bleeding all the way.

The minds of the Manchu fighters also gradually changed, and they gradually realized that the dynasty entering the practice world had changed dramatically from the previous dynasty.

Perhaps the current dynasty has countless opportunities to cultivate immortals and live long lives, but it is also full of dangers. The spiritual world and the powerful one can destroy a country by one person.

The civil and military of the Manchu dynasty became more attentive.

Ancient Qin, on the other hand, continued to study the inheritance of the old people who watched chess. After all, there are too many inheritances, not all of which can be grasped in a short while.

This incident also caused great shock to the ancient sea.

Go to the study.

Gu Hai's writing brush slowly wrote down two large characters, "Shenzhou," on rice paper.

"The land of Shenzhou, the strong is like a forest, is this Miao Chen just an ordinary member." Gu Hai thoughtfully.

Everyone was extremely concerned about what happened to Shangguanhen when he brought Miao Chen back to his residence, but the emperor ordered that no one should disturb Shangguanhen and let everyone feel helpless.

Everything went on as usual, the Dahan dynasty also returned to peace, and a large area of ​​the Jiuwu Island was not won. Gao Xianzhi and Chen Tianshan were all in the front line command.

In the cities around the world, the imperial examinations also screened out the first batch of talented people, who are being sent to the direction of the palace to prepare for a large-scale scientific examination and select important talents.

From the moment the Dahan Dynasty was established, development has not stopped.

In this way, almost a month has passed.

Shangguan marks suddenly found Gu Hai again, followed by Miao Chen, and met Gu Hai alone in Shang Shufang.

"Emperor Dahan, I was really sorry last time. I also stunned my head and ran into Dahan. Miao Chen is here to repay the emperor Dahan, hoping that Emperor Dahan will forgive me." under.

"Oh, Mr. Miao doesn't have to be like this. Those who don't know are not guilty, and they don't even know each other." Gu Hai smiled and raised Miao Chen.

"The emperor, this is the elder of the Xuanwu tribe, Miao Chen, and my former subordinates are counted as my subordinates." Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"Oh." Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt.


Miao Chen waved her hand as if forming an energy hood, covering the entire upper study room.

"The emperor, the matter is kept secret, and the emperor is asked to keep it secret for me." Shangguan marks solemnly.

"Um." Gu Hai nodded.

"Eight hundred years ago, the old man who watched chess played against heaven. At that time, there was a Xuanwu Supreme, who led the entire Xuanwu tribe, and the same one who went against the sky, but unfortunately eventually failed. Gold armor is a fragment of Xuanwu Supreme. "Shangguan marks solemnly.

"You are the reincarnation of Xuanwu Supreme." Gu Hai frowned doubtfully.

"No." Shangguanhen shook his head.

"Oh." Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt.

"I am the **** of the Xuanwu tribe." Shangguanhen took a deep breath.


"Yes, this is a unique existence of the monster race. The emperor still remembers that there was a person in the continent's endgame, the God of King Ming." Shangguanchen solemnly said.

"Good." Gu Hai naturally remembered that strong man who used peacock owls.

"He is the **** of the peacock tribe, but he is only named as the king of the Ming among the forces of one side, and he is also a god." Shangguan marks solemnly.

"God, what is God?" Gu Hai did not understand.

"Each demon race has a **** of its own, not an entity, but a **** of condensed beliefs. It is a **** that can condense after countless generations. The **** is illusory, a **** of faith. This The **** of faith blesses the entire race, and the **** of faith resides in the supreme brow space of a tribe. In other words, whoever dwells in the divine space, he is the supreme tribe and he is the **** of the tribe. "Shangguan Mark solemnly.

"The space in your brows is the **** who lives in the Xuanwu tribe." Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, when the Xuanwu Supreme was condemned, it was destroyed together with the **** of the Xuanwu tribe, but unfortunately in the end, the old man who watched Qi helped him before he died. Body, I am just too weak now, and when I grow up, I will be the new Supreme of the Xuanwu tribe. "Shangguanhen solemnly said.

"The new Xuanwu tribe is supreme. You are the **** of the Xuanwu tribe. God, what is the use of God?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"The emperor may not know that there are countless new practitioners and practice methods in this world, but the real practice roads are organized, and there are only five types of practice." Shangguanhen explained.


"Shouyun Shenwenling." Shangguan Shen cried.

"Shouyun Shenwenling."

"Spirit is the absorption of aura by normal people, breaking through their own imprisonment, and also the most basic practice, such as post-natal state, innate state, Jindan state, Yuanying state, and so on.

The essay is the four major literary arts of the "Qin chess and calligraphy and painting". The emperor's main essay "Chess Road" is the same as the old man watching chess.

God, this is a practice peculiar to my race of monsters, which is what I said just now. I am God as a collection of faith.

Fortunately, the emperor is now a nation, collecting gas and gathering gas is to transport and repair. "Shangguanhen explained.

These are very easy to understand, God, Shangguan marks first mentioned, but also understand probably.

"How long is it?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Shouxiu is just a legend. They specialize in longevity, winning the life of the sky, winning the life of people, but I have not seen it. Even in my memory of the godhead, there are not many. It is the most mysterious practice." Shangguanhen explained Road.

Gu Hai nodded. Although he didn't understand much, he had a general understanding of the practice in the world.

"Shouyun Shenwenling." Gu Hai frowned for a moment.

"You told me this, but ..." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark in confusion.

"Speaking of it, now many people should guess my identity. After all, Miao Chen was so active at first, but stopped by a few words of shouting from me." Shangguanhen smiled bitterly.

"Extreme, the subordinates are confused, and put Extreme into danger, please Supreme punish and punish." Miao Chen said bitterly.

"If your identity is exposed, you will be in danger." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark.

"Forget it. If there is no **** in this group, then this group is not far away from the annihilation group. Does the emperor remember Yao Zhengtian and Fu Xue? They were originally basaltic and tortoises, but they gave up their basaltic character and wanted Evolving into a dragon, a hegemon, a dragon, and oh, God is very important to every race. Similarly, God can also devour. "Shangguan Mark frowned.


"Every beast race, all gods want to devour other gods, wolf god, tiger god, dragon god. They must know that I am weak now, and they must swallow me by all means, because they swallow my god, their gods will The more powerful they become, the stronger their race will be. "Shangguan Shen said in a deep voice.

Gu Hai listened quietly.

"Similarly, in my basalt family, not all basalts are like Miao Chen. They are extremely devout to God, as if they were Yao Zhengtian and Fu Xue. If they knew that I was God, they would choose to devour me and refine the first time. I, myself, became the **** of basalt. "Shangguanhen frowned.

"So, your identity cannot be revealed." Gu Hai frowned.

Shangguan marks nodded.

"Then why did you tell me?" Gu Hai wondered.

"In the face of the destruction of Miao Chen, the emperor was willing to help me at the time, and my subordinates were extremely grateful. I wandered in the Qiandaohai and was robbed into the Dafeng Gang. For ten years, I didn't dare to reveal my identity until I met the emperor. From the emperor, I saw the vitality, the magical tricks of the emperor, and in the face of adversity, we could split a new world.

During this period of time, I have been thinking about where the Xuanwu tribe should go, and where I should go. Although the goddess of the Xuanwu tribe has been kept, it is weak and fragile, and the Xuanwu tribe is falling apart.

Go to the land of Shenzhou, take refuge in one party, slowly accumulate strength, revive the Xuanwu clan, and worry about suffering calamity, but be used to devour.

So, I thought about it for a long time. In the end, I want to reach an alliance with the emperor, and an alliance with the Dahan Dynasty. I ask the emperor to help me revive the basalt. "Shangguan marks solemnly.

"Alliance." Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, my basalt tribe, as the beast of the Dahan dynasty, is all glorious and all is damaged. Dahan helps me to strengthen the basalt tribe, and Xuanwu tribe helps Dahan dominate the world." Shangguan marks solemnly said.

"Oh." Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Actually, this is very common in the land of Shenzhou. The great beast in which Long Wanqing is located, the national beast is the Dragon family, my basalt family, was the guardian beast of Yitiange in the past. Similar to the national beast, the strong alliance has a clear division of labor. The land of Shenzhou is everywhere, but my Xuanwu tribe is extremely weak and chaotic. I am also extremely weak. If the emperor looks down on him ... "Shangguan marks frowned.

"I don't look at it. You laughed. How could I look down at you? Were you weak, did the Dahan dynasty dominate it? Why did you prepare to protect you with the fate of a country? That's because I saw you Extraordinary, in my opinion, your importance is more important than my Dahan Dynasty. If the Dahan Dynasty is destroyed and I have the earth dragon veins, I can rebuild the dynasty, but if you are ruined by Miao Chen, where do I go? Go find another Shangguan mark. "Gu Hai laughed.

"Emperor, what do you mean." Shangguanhen's eyes brightened.

"From today on, the Dahan Dynasty established an alliance with the Xuanwu clan. For the time being, Miao Chen will take charge of all the Xuanwu clan. You still conceal your identity. I will declare to the outside that you are a disciple of Yitiange and the eighth son of Yitiange. In the past relationship between the Xuanwu tribe and Yitiange, the identity of the eighth son was enough to block everyone's mouth. "Gu Hai looked with emotion.

"Yes, thank you, Emperor." Shangguan Hen solemnly saluted.

Gu Hai immediately raised Shangguanhen and said happily, "It doesn't have to be this way. I'm fortunate to be in Guanjian."

PS: The second change, there is one more today.

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