Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 24: Sealed Qinlou

Wan'er Fairy did not want to wipe the spurting blood, but looked at the ancient sea on the opposite terrace unwillingly.

The ancient sea at this moment, like the stars holding the moon, is appreciated by countless practitioners.

Beforehand, he didn't regard him as an opponent at all. He played the piano here, just to find a guise. It was a misfortune to introduce the world's first piano building. His goal was only the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, suppressing the first piano building on this street. Stop joking, you do n’t have that kung fu and this person who does n’t even have a mood.

But now, the fact is here, that he lost, so ridiculous.

The tragic world has become the wedding dress of others, everything, just to support the ancient sea's ability.

The city's cheers, the city's gratitude, how did it feel that in the end, they were all busy for the ancient sea.

"Damn the world's first piano building, I'm going to smash the world's first piano building."

"Demon girl, don't run."

"Catch the demon girl, catch this demon girl."




After cheering, angry revenge started.


A large number of practitioners rushed into the world's first piano building, smashed, and even snatched.

"No, **** things, you know who this is." Master An's eyes growled and roared.

Jiang Tianyi revealed a bitter bitterness: "Master An, let them smash it. The first piano building in the world is in Yinyue City, and there is no place to stand."

"No, no, they can't smash them, immediately notify the city owner, mobilize a large army, and suppress the mob for me." Master An stared and glared.

"Don't, Master An, don't, you can cause riots, army riots, and people's riots. You can't trap Lord Wang in despair." Jiang Tianyi grabbed Master An.

"What, what riots, what trapped my grandfather in despair." Master An stared.

"The people smashed the world's first piano building. After the smashing, the resentment in their hearts will be relieved. If you send soldiers to suppress it, it will only arouse the anger of the whole city. After all, the" Tragic World "just targeted the whole city All the riots will affect all of Wang ’s layout in Yinyue City. Second, will the army come to suppress it? Those soldiers almost lost all their senses just now. They also complained about the world ’s first piano building. If they disobey the military order, What to do when the riots start, Yinyuecheng riots, have you thought about the consequences, the news will only reach the capital, when the Holy Ghost asks, the Holy Ghost will ask the Lord what to do. ”Jiang Tianyi said anxiously.

"Ah." Master An's face changed.

"What now?" Said Master An, looking ugly.

"The people's grievances can't be stopped. Let them smash, smash, and the anger in their hearts will disappear. Then they calm down and think of the property of Wang Ye, and they will not let it go." Jiang Tianyi eagerly said.

Master An nodded.

Turning around to see the fairy Waner rushing towards the countless mobs, Master An's anxious to strangle her now, but she is a noble guest of King Lu Yang, a noble grandpa, but she doesn't know what to do.

"Well, Master An, we may have done something wrong this time. At first, we shouldn't have detained the subordinates of Guhai." Jiang Tianyi said bitterly.

The source of everything is the subordinates who captured Gu Hai at the beginning.

I heard that at the beginning Guhai was not sure what industry to do, but it was only the humiliation of the world ’s first piano building that made Guhai determined to open the first piano building snooze on this street.

In less than two months, he immediately became the largest in the industry and crushed the world's first piano building.

More importantly, after today, the name of the first piano building on this street will surely be as high as the sky, and its status will not be shaken.

More than just a business genius, Jiang Tianyi was bitter for a while. If he insisted on business principles and stopped Master An, he might not be like this now.

Master An looked coldly opposite.

Gu Hai has left the terrace and went back to the first piano building on the street.

But the anger in Master An's heart couldn't pass away, the ancient sea is because of the ancient sea.

Master An's eyes glowed with a hint of wickedness: "The first piano building on the street, hum, I will make it collapse, and it will soon."

"Ah, Master An, don't mess around."

"What's wrong, this is Luzhou, this is my grandpa's site. He is an alien ant, and he wants to get ahead, hum." Master An snorted--

After the world's first piano building was smashed, the people did calm down slowly, but there were still a lot of rushing towards Waner fairy.

It ’s just that Waner Fairy is surrounded by clouds and mists. You can see her there, but you ca n’t catch her at all. It looks like a matrix. Fairy Fairy is in the matrix. .

"Dame girl, come out."

"Don't run away to the nymph."




Everyone was angry.

Waner Fairy wiped the blood on the corner of her mouth, revealing a sneer, and did not care about the abuse of a group of people, but looked at the ancient sea that had left not far.

"When I left, the Master reminded me not to belittle any musician who could compose the music. Am I underestimated?" Waner Fairy sneered and thought slightly.


Suddenly, a fairy crane came straight into the sky, and a man stood on it.

"Yinyue Mountain Villa, Shao Zhuang, Yun Mo, why is he here again?"

"It is the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa. The last time I came to send a qualification post to Guhai."

"Master Gu got the qualification post and deserves it."




In the discussion, Yun Mo was before Waner Fairy.

"His Excellency is the musician who plays" The Tragic World. "Yunmo said to Waner Fairy.

"Yes, why, Laozhuang mainly came to trouble me." Fairy fairy sneered.

"His" Tragic World "has a great artistic conception, and it is difficult to resist alone. The owner asked me to send you a qualification post for" Qin Qin Conference. "Yun Mo said.

"What, to that demon girl." The people all stared at each other in wonder.

"Oh." There was a surprise in Wan'er's eyes.

"This is the intention of the owner. If you don't answer, please feel free." Yunmo shook his head.

"Yes, why not, ha ha ha ha." Fairy fairy laughed.

Detective took the qualification post.


The surrounding clouds suddenly exploded and opened, Waner Fairy disappeared in front of everyone.

"Where is the demon girl?"

"What happened?"




The practitioners screamed and looked around, but Waner Fairy disappeared so strangely.

Yun Mo frowned and stopped paying attention again. He came to the first piano building on the street and found the ancient sea.

In front of everyone, once again gave a qualification post to Gu Hai.

"Uh, another one," Gu Hai said blankly.

"This is the meaning of the owner. A song" Sadness "deserves a qualification post." Yun Mo explained.

The ancient sea was slightly stunned, Long Wanqing smiled joyfully.

At this moment, Mu Chenfeng was in a state of entanglement. He failed to get a qualification post after nine exams. In front of Gu Hai, it seemed like he did n’t want money.

"Mr. Gu, you accept it."

"Yes, Master Gu, you deserve it."

"Master Gu, it's not too much to give you another qualification post. Master Gu is much better than other musicians, and can deserve this qualification post."




Shouted all around.

"Well, thank the old owner for his love." Gu Hai nodded wryly.

Others don't know, but Gu Hai himself knows his own affairs, Master Qin Tao, joking, sad, just by chance.

Yunmo is gone.

Gu Hai, Long Wanqing, Mu Chenfeng and others returned to Xiaoyue Villa.

"Teacher, otherwise, this qualification post is for you, I still won't go." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Don't, don't, let's go." Long Wanqing also refused.

On the side, Mu Chenfeng turned his head and couldn't stand it. Yinyue City, the qualification posts that countless musicians are struggling for. In Guhai, there are all things that need to be promoted.

In Silvermoon City.

After experiencing the showdown between "The Tragic World" and "The Sad", it slowly returned to calm again.

Only at this moment, the world's first piano building closed down, not only was smashed. In the hearts of countless Yinyuecheng people, this name has long been rejected. Even if it reopens, even if it opens in other places, no one will patronize.

The world's first piano building collapsed. In contrast, the street's first piano building became hot.

Inexpensive and affordable, with maintenance guarantees, and thanks to the ancient sea, countless repairers came from all over the city to buy musical instruments.

Among them, the pre-sale of pianos once again formed a long line.

The first piano building on this street, more than just enter the gold bucket.

The spirit stone that is earned every day is to immediately go to buy storage equipment, then load the spirit stone and send it to Xiaoyue Villa in the ancient sea.

Rolling spirit stones every day.

Many rudder disciples are obedient to the ancient sea at this moment, because the rudder master is generous. After busy these days, the bonus given by the rudder master is also horrible. One month, more than a dozen There are still many years, and no one has worked hard.

Everything is on the right track, but Gu Hai no longer ignores it, but consults various materials in Xiaoyue Mountain Villa.

"Well, the host, I seem to find one place. After your mother founded Xiaoyue Mountain Villa in the past, she often set up a" qin club "here, and invited many masters of the piano to come and play the piano, but I found two people very strange. Gu Hai wondered.


"One of them is He Shikang, the owner of this Silvermoon City, and a luthier named" Mr. Huangfu ". Although they don't come and go together every time, they often participate in the concert of your mother. , Not to mention friends, at least very familiar with it, and the last piano meeting before your mother died, they all came, after your mother died, other musicians came to hang out, but these two people did not come once, No news at all. "Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Oh." Long Wanqing frowned slightly.

There are many people who have not come to pay homage, and many people have come to pay homage, but who cares about these, but it seems that it is really unusual to hear Gu Haiyi's comment.

"Who is this Mr. Huangfu, we need to investigate, and what is the situation of this Silvermoon City Lord, He Shikang," Gu Hai looked at Long Wanqing in doubt.

Long Wanqing wondered.

"It's not good, it's not good, ancient sea, the big thing is not good." Mu Chenfeng never ran away.

"What's wrong," Gu Hai wondered.

"Master An, Master An and city owner He Shikang, with a large number of troops, surrounded the first piano building on this street, and wanted to seize the first piano building on this street." Mu Chenfeng Anxious Road


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"What, seizure, why." Long Wanqing's eyes glared, and she immediately became angry.

PS: Three changes today, this is the first change, the next change, half an hour later.

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