Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 31: Yinyuehai

Silver Moon City, a huge city near the sea, northeast of the city, is the vast sea.

Gu Hai and his party left the city and took a flying boat to fly towards the vast sea.

On the deck.

The ancient sea, Shangguan marks, Long Wanqing, and Master Liu Nian showed solemn colors, and Mu Chenfeng wondered aside.

"We are going to Yinyuehai." Mu Chenfeng curiously said.

"It's just a few days before the piano conference, let's go explore the terrain." Gu Hai said with a smile.

"So too." Mu Chenfeng nodded.

The flying boat was fast, and soon came to a huge sea.

The waters are quartet with some islands.

"It's over there, Yinyuehai, and the closed sea of ​​Yinyue Villa." Long Wanqing pointed to a sea road not far away.

Everyone looked down.

At this moment, there are also a large number of sea boats coming to the sea, and some repairmen are riding fairy cranes and flying around.

"Uh, there are already many people here." Mu Chenfeng froze slightly.

"It should be all practitioners in Silvermoon City. I heard that the piano teaching conference was held here, and I came here to watch it, and there have been thousands of people around this week, presumably, not only those who got the qualification posts came, many got Those who do not have the qualification posts also come to wait and see, maybe there are unexpected gains. "Long Wanqing frowned.

Gu Hai nodded.

"I read the history of Yinyue Mountain Villa these days. Yinyue Mountain Villa was not in the city at first, but was in this sea area. The former founder of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Mr. Yinyue took charge of this Yinyue Sea. There are countless buildings and numerous people on this island in the sea, but then moved to the land, and then a city slowly rises to the ground. "Gu Hai Shen said.

Master Liunian nodded and said, "Yes, the Yinyuehai area is actually not large. Speaking of it, it is similar to your nine-five islands. Although Yinyue Villa has moved into land, the palace here has remained unchanged. To the north of Yinyuehai, there is a Yinyue Island. I heard that this is the place where Mr. Yinyue realized that all the disciples of Yinyue Villa will come here to make their first harmonica. "

"The northern part of Yinyuehai, Yinyue Island, and the southern part." Gu Hai looked to Master Liu Nian.

"Southern District, Southern District has a group of small islands, but, just small islands, Yinyue Villa has never been managed." Master Liu Nian explained.

"Oh." Gu Hai looked at Shangguan Mark.

Shangguanhen smiled bitterly for a while: "The other day, we just arrived in the Southern District. We thought that there was no obstacle. As a result, we all thought wrong."

Under the command of Long Wanqing, Feizhou slowly flew to the southern area of ​​Yinyuehai.

Flying high, hidden between clouds and mists, no monks came here, and the monks who came for the piano-conferencing conference all went to Yinyue Island in the North District.

"Emperor, you see, there are three small islands in the shape of a character." Shangguan marks frowned, pointing to the island below.

Looking at the ancient sea, indeed, there are three small islands. At this moment, the clouds are shrouded, and the interior is not clear.

"Originally I and Master Liu Nian thought that this was an ordinary desert island, but it was only recently discovered that this is not a desert island. On these three small islands, a large number of troops are stationed. Army. "Shangguan Mark frowned.

"Oh." Gu Hai looked at Master Liu Nian.

The master of the fleeting years smiled bitterly: "Long Xiaoyue was pursued by countless people, including the poor monk, including He Shikang. I would naturally study the competitors, and I am sure that the army is He Shikang's close friend. "

Gu Hai nodded.


Suddenly, a fairy crane flew over the place carrying a monk.

"call out."

Suddenly, three sharp arrows were shot from one of the islands.


Xian He screamed and was shot and killed instantly.

"What." The man on the crane suddenly exclaimed.

"Take it down." The island suddenly burst out of a group of cranes, carrying a dozen soldiers to the sky.

"What, you guys, I'm just passing by." The man screamed and fell down.

Xian He was shot dead. He had not yet reached Yuanying Realm and had to fall and escape.

In terror, you have to dive into the sea below and prepare to dive.


In the middle of Mishima, a huge white dragon suddenly burst out.


The falling practitioner was swallowed by the faucet.

Around, the soldier riding the fairy crane saw that the matter was resolved, and quickly flew back to the three islands.

"His, how can this happen, how can He Shikang's army hurt innocent people, just passing by, they must kill everything." Mu Chenfeng was surprised.

"Sure enough, it's a sin dragon." Long Wanqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

"After seeing the army, Master Liu Nian sneaked into the sea, but was found by the sin dragon inside the sea. Fortunately, there was Master Liu Nian, and we escaped." Shangguan marks his face ugly.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Chenfeng stared in surprise.

Shangguanhen ignored it, but looked at Gu Haidao: "I feel that it is here, emperor, yes."

"Is this snake head useless?" Gu Hai frowned.

He Shikang's army was stationed, and King Lu Yang's sinful dragon guarded it. Is there anything just below it, just for the snakehead?

"The snake head is poisonous and can melt most seals," Shangguanhen explained.

"Uh, what kind of snake head can dissolve the seal." Mu Chenfeng stared at the puzzled side.

However, Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian knew that they were the supreme snakeheads of Xuanwu. As for why Shangguanhen wanted them, they did not know--

The flying boat was hidden between white clouds. The garrison on the three islands below was not known, but in the deep ocean below.

Beyond a huge sea valley, dozens of dragons with a length of five hundred feet are hovering at the moment. Each dragon's head is covered with a sin mark of rice.

One of the largest eight hundred Zhang black dragons was originally hovering over a giant rock under the sea, squinting and resting.

Suddenly, the black dragon's eyes opened and the water ripples suddenly fluctuated.

"Oh, here it is again, hum." The black dragon's eyes narrowed coldly.

"Three of you, follow me." The black dragon murmured coldly.


The four dragons rushed straight towards the sea with a ferocious breath, soaring into the sky.

Altitude above the sea.

Mu Chenfeng stared at Gu Hai: "Gu Hai, what's going on, aren't we inquiring about the road conditions for the piano conference, this snake head, and the sin dragon, how do I feel, what are you guys for of."

Gu Hai ignored the morning breeze, but looked at the surrounding waters, frowning: "Perhaps, this piano conference is not so simple."

"Oh." Mu Chenfeng said blankly.

Master Liunian nodded his head and said, "Yes, the piano conference, no other places, but in this area, the old owner must have no intention."

"Maybe ..." Gu Hai frowned and looked down at the sea.

Suddenly, the sea surged.

"Um." Gu Hai's face changed.


Suddenly, a dark shadow soared into the sky and came straight to the flying boat. The huge black shadow, with a mighty momentum, formed a huge storm, and straight up the flying boat.

"Not good, it's a sin dragon." Master Liu Nian's face changed.


A dragon murmured, and a tail suddenly drew above the flying boat.


Suddenly, countless arrays appeared on the flying boat, but even so, the power of the dragon tail was too great. For a moment, the flying boat was thrown away.

"Ah." Mu Chenfeng's face turned wild.

Gu Hai and Shangguanhen quickly grabbed the railing, and Long Wanqing stabilized her figure.

The master of fleeting years rushed out of the large array and slammed into the dragon's body with one palm: "Sin barrier."

Under the huge palms, the dragon tail trembled slightly, but did not hurt much.


The flying boat was thrown on the surface not far away. Suddenly, the three-headed criminal dragon broke out of the sea and wrapped the flying boat.

Master Liuli stood in front of Feizhou and looked at the biggest black dragon in surprise.

"Ghost face." Gu Hai's face sank.

Ghost Noodle, the last time in Beihai, the group of dragons hunted basalt. The ghost surface was the head of the group of dragons. After a period of battle with Miao Chen, before leaving, Master An called out his name.

"Who am I? It turned out to be a master of fleeting years, and this group of good taste." Ghost sneered.

The huge dragon's head reveals a puppet. Although the flying boat is large, the dragon's body is also immense.

Four dragons trapped the flying boat in the center, blocking everything.

"Sin dragon ghost face, you dare to attack my flying boat, do you want to rebel." Long Wanqing stared.

"Hahahahahaha, rebellion, Lord of the Dragon Church, but you said too much, how can I revolt, just a personal grudge, don't rise to such a high level. Moreover, Yinyuehai, you should not come. Want to leave. "Grimace sneered.

"Ang." "Ang." "Ang."

The other three dragons roared suddenly, suddenly the sky was overcast with clouds, the sky came out, and the heavy rain poured down. Suddenly, the sky was dark.

Mu Chenfeng's face turned wild, and he was horrified: "How come, why are you besieging us, we just pass by."

"Master Mu Ruo, it seems that my guess is fulfilled. Yinyuehai is indeed a trouble." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.


With a wave of his hand, the master of fleeting years suddenly saw that the eighteen beads rose instantly, like eighteen round giant mountains surrounding him.

"Gu Hai, master, you go first, I'll stop them." Master Liu Nian cried.

"Okay." Long Wanqing nodded.

"The Buddha Sea is boundless." Master Liu Nian waved his right hand.


The eighteen beaded giant mountains slammed into a four-headed dragon with a monstrous ferocity.

"Well, Master Liunian, I heard your name early, but unfortunately, you are just like me, but Yuanying Realm, I'll stop you enough, you take me down this flying boat, Ang." Grimace growled.


Between the twitching of the dragon tail, the sky suddenly heard eighteen thunder and lightnings, and ran towards the eighteen beads.

The ghost rushed away from Master Liu Nian.

"Control the flying boat and go quickly," Long Wanqing called.

At this moment, the tail of a red dragon was wrapped around in an instant, entangled the flying boat formation, preventing the flying boat from leaving.


The three dragon heads suddenly spit out an ice cone storm and crashed into the formation on the flying boat.


The flying boat trembled suddenly, and, being pulled by the red dragon, the entire flying boat was dragged into the ocean floor instantly.

PS: Over the past two days, the plot is not too intense.


'> Excuse me, thank the friends in the group, and rushed to another ally, thank you, thank you, tomorrow will erupt.

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