Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 34: Gou Chen

Yinyuehai, Yinyue Island, on the main square.

The square is a huge lawn. After a few chills, the musicians also sat cross-legged, sitting on the lawn, looking at the little hut not far away.

Gu Hai and his party also found a place to sit down.

One by one, musicians entered this large lawn square.

"Come." Long Wanqing frowned.


Gu Hai, Liunian Master, Shangguan Mark frowned, but saw the city owner He Shikang step into the square. However, at the moment beside He Shikang, there was also Master An and Fang Minghou.

"Master An is on the side, and will be in touch with He Chengzhu later." Master Liu Nian whispered.

Long Wan nodded.

Not far away, as soon as the three of them came in, they saw Gu Hai and his party instantly, and when they saw the ancient sea, their eyes flashed with depression and a humming cry.

"Master An's Qin Tao is also very good." Gu Hai curiously.

"Where, because of his identity, King Lu Yang's grandson was qualified to come, and He Chengzhu also came because of his identity. He might be able to pop up the Qin Tao mood, but it must be very weak." Shook his head.

Gu Hai nodded.

He Chengzhu, Master An and others took their seats one after another, and fewer and fewer people came in behind.

At this time, a man in white came slowly.

"Mr. Gu has arrived, met Mr. Gu." The man in white smiled.

Gu Hai recognized at a glance, but was the first person to buy his own piano, Sima Changkong.

"It was Mr. Sima." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time since I met the owner of Longtang and Master Liuliu." Sima Changkong smiled slightly.

"You are." Long Wanqing wondered slightly.

Master Liu Nian suddenly changed his face: "It's you, Sima Changkong."

"Master Liu Nian, who is on official business, and also hope not to reveal my identity." Sima Changkong looked at Master Liu Nian with a smile.

In the eyes of Master Liu Nian, there was a cloud of uncertainty, and he nodded.

"Then go there first, I wish you all good luck." Sima Changkong laughed.

"Okay." Gu Hai smiled and nodded.

After Sima Changkong walked away, Long Wanqing was curious: "Uh, Master Liunian, you know Mr. Sima."

Master Liu Nian frowned slightly: "Last one, he almost became the champion of the new one."

"I, Dagan Tianchao, champion." Long Wanqing said unexpectedly.

"It's almost that his papers overwhelmed the candidates. All the examiners agreed that he must win first. For that subject, unfortunately, I didn't know what he wrote when he tried the test. He was dismissed from the examination room, so he failed to become the champion. "Master Liu Nian explained.


"However, after all, he was born. Although he was kicked out of the examination room, he still works in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, but he is not as prestigious as the champion. He is not a casual person." Master Liunian frowned.

Gu Haining glanced at Sima Changkong, who could not see far away, and was almost spotted as the champion of the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty.

As Gu Hai watched the master of the fleeting years, he suddenly felt a murderous veil covering himself.

Gu Hai turned to look, but not far away, Waner Fairy sat in a small corner, looking at herself coldly, as if to tear herself away.

Waner fairy.

Gu Hai smiled slightly in that direction.

She smiled kindly, but in the eyes of Fairy Fairy, she looked like a mockery.

"Huh, Gu Hai, I will want you to look good, I will tear you through, liar, there is no piano mood, and pretending to be, liar, hum." Waner fairy whispered to herself.


With a light noise, it suddenly came from the little hut not far away.

All of them suddenly looked at each other, stopped talking, and looked at the little hut not far away.

"If you don't come to participate in the piano teaching conference, Yin Yuehai will be closing the sea. If you don't leave now, you will not be able to go out if you wait for a while. The ban will be lifted after the piano teaching conference ends." An old voice came from the little hut.

The sound passed to the four sides of Yinyue Island for a moment, and then quickly spread toward the four sides of Yinyue Sea.

Outside Yinyue Island, above the Quartet Island, there were a lot of monks watching at the moment, all frowning when they heard the voice of the old farmer, and then there was a firmness flashing in their eyes, and they did not want to leave.


The hut opened slowly.

From the inside, slowly came out an old man in white, walking very slowly, his face was covered with old spots, and his hair was dying. Yun Mo immediately stepped forward to help the old man.

"Meet the owner of Silvermoon."

"Meet the owner of Silvermoon."




On Thursday and Monday, all the pianists respected each other.

Old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The old farmer was supported by Yunmo, walked gently to the door, slowly made his cross-knees, and sat on the lawn, stroking a guqin that was about to decay.

Looking at everyone around, I suddenly saw the ancient sea and recognized it at a glance.

"Mr. Gu, your cannon, old age is very fond of it." The old farmer looked at Gu Hai with a smile.

"Gu Hai is ashamed, just like the owner." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"When I am old, I like to listen to different songs, haha." The old farmer smiled slightly.

Everyone was silent.

A group of disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa accompanied the old farmer to sit aside.

The old farmer looked around the people around him and took a deep breath: "You, old and aging, the limit is approaching. After this piano conference, you may be dying. Here, old aging has a request for you."

"Old farmer, you said." Everyone started talking.

"This is the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Yun Mo, a descendant of Mr. Yin Yue's bloodline. After I'm not here, I hope you will be able to take care of him a lot, and the old will leave. The most unbearable is Yun Mo. The old farmer sighed slightly.

"Zhuang owner, you will be fine." Yun Mo's nose was sour and his eyes became red.

"Old farmer rest assured, as long as the young farmer does not give up, if there are any requirements, I will do my best to help."

"Old farmer rest assured."

"The business of Yunmo Shaozhuang is our business."



The crowd nodded for a while.

The old farmer smiled slightly and nodded: "Okay, this time I invited you to come, but it is because I want to determine the ownership of the last sacred instrument of Yinyue Mountain Villa, Gou Chen, Gou Chen, the peak of Yinyue For one, the old age is incompetent, and he can't make a celestial piano, but Yunzhao Shao is different. Although he has a worse temperament, he is better than me, and maybe one day, he can Reach the height of Mr. Yinyue, and rebuild the celestial piano. "

"Oh." The musicians around him suddenly opened their eyes.

Yun Mo, everyone didn't care about him before. Under the glory of the old owner, Yun Mo looked extremely dim. However, if he can make a heavenly piano, then it will be different. No, if you pay Yunmo well, will you ...?

"Old farmer, rest assured, I will wait here, and no one will insult Yinyue Mountain Villa."

"Yeah, the owner of Yunmo Shao has been sent, when he can call me directly."




The eyes of everyone looking at Yun Mo immediately became eager.

But Yunmo didn't go to see anyone, but looked at the old farmer with red eyes.

The old farmer looked at about six hundred musicians in the surrounding area, and smiled slightly, "Some people here are from the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and some people are from other places. They are all here for the sake of aging, so they should not talk nonsense anymore. Gou Chen met you. "

After the old owner said, a group of disciples of Yinyue Shanzhuang quickly got up, waved their hands, opened the thatched house, and opened it instantly. The demolished thatched house was not far away, exposing a circular altar in the center. general.

In the thatched house, there is an altar.

"Heavenly piano, where is Chen?" Some musicians said blankly.

Not far above the altar, there was a faint blue light at the moment, and the blue light poured into a man in purple on the altar.

The man in purple, with a face like a crown jade, looks like a mortal youth. His eyebrows are raised, and his spirits are extraordinary. At the center of his eyebrow, a golden birthmark is shaped like a sky thunder, which is even more aggressive in his eyebrows.

A slight breathing sound emerged from the man in purple, sitting quietly there seemed to be adjusting his breath, and he seemed to fall asleep in general, motionless.

There is nothing else but this man in purple.

"Where's the Tianqin, where's Go Chen?" Everyone looked at the old owner blankly.

The old owner smiled slightly: "This is the celestial piano made by Yinyue, Gou Chen."

"Well." The practitioners froze slightly.

"What do you mean, there is no guqin."

"Why did not I see."

"Yes, am I dazzled? Is this Guqin transparent?"

"Will it be transparent, in front of the man in purple?"




Everyone was in a daze.

Not far away, some musicians, such as Waner Fairy and Sima Changkong, were extremely quiet, staring at the man in purple in front of them.

"This, this is Gou Chen." Sima Changkong flashed a horror in his eyes.

"Where." Everyone looked at Sima Changkong.

"It's him, this man in purple clothes, he's Gou Chen." Sima Changkong was surprised.

"Uh." Everyone for a moment.

This person is Guqin, just kidding.

"That's right, this is what Mr. Yinyue said, cast, Tian Qin, Gou Chen, this is its appearance." The old owner solemnly said.

"Creating people, the people that Mr. Yinyue created, Qin Dao can create the soul, Mr. Yinyue would not want to use this to create a person." Some people were surprised.

Everyone took a breath of air.

The old farmer smiled slightly: "It's not a human, it's just a celestial organ. This is the shape, but as you said, it has a soul, but it has been separated for a while. This is the moment to unseal this celestial piano. "

The people suddenly became silent together.

Gu Hai looked at the man in purple clothing on the altar, how could he have thought that it was a harmonica.

Gou Chen, Gu Hai thought about a lot of its forms before, but never thought of it. Gou Chen actually looks like this, it is actually the shape of a human. Is this still Guqin.

PS: The second one is still there today.

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