Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Return to Pingxing Island

Flying above the boat.

Gu Hai grasped the guarantee written by He Chengzhu and looked at it, showing a slight smile: "Well, it's time to go fishing."

"With this guarantee, what is this for?" Long Wanqing curiously said.

"Look again." Gu Hai laughed.

Long Wanqing took the letter of guarantee written by the owner He Cheng before, showing a hint of doubt, looked for a while, looked, and sniffed with his nose.

"This is not ink." Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Squid juice, also called squid juice." Gu Hai laughed.

"Squid, squid, I've heard that someone writes IOUs with cuttlefish juice and finds someone to borrow money, but when IOUs are written down for a while, the writing will disappear, so cuttlefish is also called a squid." Master Liunian looked Road.

"Master is erudite, indeed." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"The handwriting disappeared, you just filled the official seal of the Lord of He Cheng, and you filled it in again." Long Wanqing looked with a movement.

"Good." Gu Hai nodded.

"But I heard that it takes half a year for the words written by the squid ink to disappear." Master Liu Nian wondered.

"The cuttlefish juice writing itself disappeared because the protein in it was decomposed and oxidized. It did take more than half a year, but I didn't need it to decompose and oxidize. So, I used silk cloth to write a guarantee to the owner of He Cheng instead of paper." Gu Haixiao Road.

Between the hands, Gu Hai took out a small bucket, which was filled with transparent liquid and some lotus root debris in the liquid.

"This is lotus root juice, which can be used to wash cuttlefish juice. Wash it with water and dry it," Gu Hai explained.

"Lotus root juice, cuttlefish juice, really?" Long Wanqing curiously said.

Speaking, Long Wanqing started to do it herself.

Sure enough, the lotus root juice was washed, and the cuttlefish juice was quickly washed away.

"It's really clean, Gu Hai, how do you think of it?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

Gu Hai looked at the cleaned silk cloth, a trace of memory flashed in her eyes.

"When I was a kid, my clothes were stained with cuttlefish juice. My mother cleaned it like this." Gu Hai said with a slight sigh.

Aside for a moment, Master Liu Nian stunned, revealing a curiosity.

Gu Hai's mother.

Master Liu Nian did an investigation of Gu Hai on the island of Jiuwu, but before the age of thirty, there was no news at all. It seems that someone who emerged out of thin air is extraordinarily weird. Who is Gu Hai ’s parents?

Long Wanqing did not pay attention to this detail, but carefully washed the silk cloth and dried it, leaving only the official seal of He Chengzhu.

"Silk cloth for me, I'll write, He Chengzhu's handwriting, I read a lot during this time, it should not be difficult to imitate." Gu Hai laughed-

Silvermoon Island.

Sima Changkong has always followed Gu Hai and his party. Although Long Wanqing quickly put away the decree, Sima Changkong saw it at a glance.

"Holy Decree." Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.

Turning his head, Sima Changkong looked at a luthier not far away, his lips didn't move, and the sound passed into the ears of the other luthier.

"Following the notification, we will fully monitor the movement of He Shikang. In addition, we will send someone to find out where Gu Hai and his party are going, and follow it quietly. If there is any situation, please report at any time."

The musician nodded respectfully, and slowly left the square—

Silver moon at sea.

Master An and Fang Minghou left Yinyue Island again.

"Master An, the piano teacher, some of us are staring at He Shikang. Although they used sound insulation when they talked before, our people have proficient lip-speakers, but they can look carefully. In addition to talking about Long Xiaoyue, His death was followed by the treatment of Gu Hai entering the palace. "Fang Minghou solemnly said.

"He Shikang, someone is staring at all times, I'm not worried, I just worry about the ancient sea, haha, the little things that didn't care at all, now, now ..." Master An's face was dark.

"Gu Hai said‘ good rights ’twice. It should be a disdainful tone, maybe….”

"No, maybe, as long as Gu Hai enters the palace, my rights are completely gone. He is mocking me, mocking me." Master An's face was ugly.

Fang Minghou was silent for a while.

Master An's face was cloudy for a while, and after a while, his eyes said coldly, "Fang Minghou, you killed Gu Hai for me."

"Kill Gu Hai, Master An, Mr. Mo has explained that he is not allowed to do anything to Gu Hai." Fang Minghou changed his face.

"No one is allowed to take action on Gu Hai, no, this sea enchantment has only ten days. This is the only chance. You killed him silently. Mr Mo did not know, otherwise, once Gu Hai entered the palace, my My status is gone, and I am the grandson of my uncle. "Master An said with a dark expression.


"No, but Gu Hai died in Yinyuehai, which is also the victim of Lao Zhuang. It is not our business. You are my person. If I lose all my status, you will be excluded. I am proud, you are proud, I am ruined, you are ruined. Grandpa asked you to protect me. Now, if you do n’t do anything, once the ancient sea gains momentum, I will suffer. ”Master An stared at Fang Minghou.

Fang Minghou frowned and thought.

Master An stared hard at Fang Minghou.

After a while, Fang Minghou nodded and said, "It can be, the four, the only thing I worry about is the master of the fleeting years."

Seeing Fang Minghou helping himself, Master An suddenly laughed and said, "Well, ten days, there are always orders when we go to the ancient sea, then we will find a way to lead away the old master, and then solve the ancient sea.

Fang Minghou nodded.

"Okay, let's find the ancient sea now." Master An flashed a cold light in his eyes--

Silvermoon Island.

The people above the square left one after the other, and the listening musician seemed to have found a direction. They left one after another. Soon on the square, only the old owner and the disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa were left.

"Zhuang owner, let's go back to the house." Yun Mo worried.

The old owner closed his eyes and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry about me, Yun Mo, I heard that the Quartet Master attracted the elves with the sound of the piano. It sounds good, and I'm sitting here."

"Yes, the wind is strong here," Yun Mo worried.

"It's okay, I'm about to die, heaven and man are in decline, and there is nothing to worry about. Shou Yuan is near. It doesn't matter where it is. Go and do it for you. Don't disturb me. I want to listen again." Road.

Yunmo was silent for a while and nodded.

The old farmer sat with his eyes closed at the front, occasionally showing a smile, and a red tide appeared on his face, as if looking back.

"Young owner, old owner ..." said a disciple of Yinyue Shanzhuang.

Everyone can see that the old owner is almost running out of oil.

All the disciples of Yinyue Shanzhuang showed sadness, and then they looked at Shao Zhuang, Yunmo together.

Everyone looked at Yun Mo as if waiting for Yun Mo's order.

Yunmo bit his lip, and there was a struggle in his eyes.

After a while, Yun Mo's eyes suddenly became certain, and a fierce flicker flashed on his face. Looking at the ocean in the Quartet, his hands gradually clenched.

Gently nodded.

The disciples at Yinyue Mountain Village all around were happy, and respectful to Yunmo.

With a wave of Yunmo's sleeves, the disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa nodded and quietly left, and began to set up in Yinyue Island.

The old owner was obsessed with the sound of music from the Quartet, and did not know the small actions of Yun Mo and others.

However, Yun Mo was quietly waiting beside the owner of the old village, using gestures, the conductor of the Yinyue Mountain Village disciples were busy--

Yinyuehai, the southern district, the land guarded by Qunlong, on the sea, there are three islands in the shape of a word, covered by heavy fog.

The flying boat of Gu Hai and his party has been put away, a flat boat carrying four people towards one of the islands.

Only at this moment, the appearance of the four people has changed more or less.

Master Liuli put on a wig, all four wore official uniforms, and their faces were modified by Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, your makeup technique is absolutely terrible. With just a few strokes, the whole person has completely changed." Long Wanqing was surprised.

"It's just a small means." Gu Haiwei smiled.

"Your eyelash curler, eyebrow pencil, give me a set, and the foundation." Long Wanqing looked at herself in the mirror and felt uncomfortable.

"No problem, I will let you make the best for you." Gu Hai laughed.

"Emperor, they found us." Shangguan marks suddenly called.

"call out."

A sharp arrow shot in the distance.


The sharp arrow was nailed to the bow and the tail trembled.

"Who are you? Don't come near." A sudden blast came from the island.

Gu Hai throws his hand.

"call out."

A jade box shot into the island.

"Um." Everyone stunned a little in the distance.


A young man on the island immediately caught the jade box and opened it for a look. Inside was a silk silk covering the seal of He Chengzhu.

"Oh, don't shoot arrows, it's from the city owner." The teenager cried immediately.

A flat boat continued towards the island.

There are formations around the island, but with this silk, suddenly no one stopped it, and the group entered the island very easily.

On the island, a group of soldiers surrounded him.

"Who are you? It's a little embarrassing." The head teenager frowned.

"Blind your dog's eyes, Master Wang Yefu, you need to inform you and call your biggest officer." Shangguan marks stared suddenly, screaming.

"Uh." The teenager froze.


Although he was scolded, he didn't dare to refute that the old man, which old man, the young man didn't know, but he knew that he was from the palace, and what he wanted to see was the general, what he wanted to intervene, and the owner of the city Introduce, what else do you worry about, let the general decide.

Under the **** of a group of soldiers, Gu Hai and his party swayed up the island and watched along the way.

"How?" Gu Hai whispered.

"About 2,000 troops, there should be no great role." Master Liu Nian nodded.

"Well, be careful later." Gu Hai nodded.

"You have‘ Citylord Warrant ’, and also


What are you worried about? Long Wanqing whispered.

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