Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 64: Wujiang

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ........."

The army set off and began to walk the team, slowly from behind Gou Chen, and moved forward.

Thousands of troops stepped out, and the neat team stepped on the ground, as if the drums were soaring into the sky, and a huge 'kill' sound rushed out, with the mighty and mighty army's majesty, straight toward the skeleton army.

"Kill." "Kill." "Kill." ……………………

Just this shouting voice, the front skeleton of Zhen's body shivered, and the smoke was about to disperse.

The army stepped on the ground with a roar of the entire land.

The front team came into contact with the Skeleton Army.

"Roar." "Roar." ...............

Hundreds of skeleton soldiers roared, slashing with a knife to Gou Chenjun, Gou Chenjun's cyan armor, he was not afraid of the white skeleton army.

"Kill." The Cyan Army yelled.


The soldier in the front row suddenly rushed out a spear and hurled into the skeleton army very neatly.


The skeleton soldier was shot in an instant, but there were still some chests that could not bear to be pierced and continued to cut.


The second cyan army suddenly fired, piercing a second group of lances from the gap between the first row, and instantly pierced the skulls of the skull soldiers.


The skeleton soldier burst instantly.

"It's amazing." Mu Chenfeng said with wide eyes.

Thousands and millions of horses, no, are millions of green armours, and they start rushing in all directions, towards a large army of skeletons.

"Kill, kill them, go to the team, one team will kill so many skeletons, how powerful it should be next, hahaha, fight with me, young people, kill them." Gou Chen yelled excitedly.

On the one side, Gu Hai and Long Wanqing both relaxed and looked at Gou Chen Na Deser. They were speechless for a while, and then they were seen by others, thinking that "Ambush on the Ten Sides" was created by you.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

After the formation of the armies of the Qingjia Army, they dispersed and opened up, like a loose sand. However, if you look closely, you will find that the armies of the Qingjia Army formed an extremely large army formation.

Expansion in the form of a large net, the net to the Quartet, one after another, a large army of skeletons into the large net, in a big siege, surrounded by a plate of scattered sand skeletons.

The big net shrouded a large area, and a fifth of the area in the Love Flower Valley was shrouded by the big net.

The Skeleton Army was expelled, and gradually, nearly 100,000 Skeleton Army was netted.

Outside, the broken army suddenly raised a brow: "It's bad, it's ambush."

On the side of King Lu Yang, his eyes brightened: "It's ambush, good tracks, good army."

"Boom, boom, boom ..............."

The army of the Qingjia suddenly turned their guns and sprinted towards the central army of skulls. The army of 100,000 skeletons, like a rat scrambling around, fled around, but there were lances and lances of the Qingjia army in all directions. , Rattling rat ramming, assassination.

"Kill." "Kill." "Kill." "Kill." ...............

Under the layers of assassination by the army, there were ambush on all sides and there was nowhere to escape. All of a sudden they hit the muzzle.

"Roar." "Kill." "Roar." "Kill." ...............

Ten sides ambush, the army hanged, and soon, 100,000 skeletons were hanged.

"In that direction, the whole army is overwhelmed. What kind of track is this." Broken eyes stared.

"Ha ha ha ha, break the army, go on, is this just a means, this is Lao Tzu's" Ambush in Ten Faces ", and your" Broken East Wind "is not so good, ha ha ha ha ha." Gou Chen Dese's voice was loud Sounded in bursts.

Gou Chen and Po Jun have amazing ears, so they can naturally hear each other's voices.

"Ambush on all sides, hum." The broken army hummed.

"Ambush on all sides." On the one hand, King Lu Yang was admiring.

There are countless Qin Dao tracks, but there are not many killing tracks on the battlefield. "Broken East Wind" is considered a proud work, but you do not want to. Now there is a "Ambush in Ten Sides", which is not weak, "Broken East Wind", jealous, King Lu Yang naturally Will not be jealous.

Moreover, if the songwriter can use it for himself, it is not an extra effort.

"Ancient sea." King Lu Yang's eyes narrowed slightly.

The recent "Liang Zhu" made King Lu Yang pay attention to the ancient sea, but then the ancient sea spread the forces to suppress the dragons, making King Lu Yang look forward to the talents of the ancient sea. A song "Ambush on the Ten Sides" made King Lu Yang even more look forward to Ancient sea.

"Everything is easy to obtain, and it will be hard to find." Lu Yang's eyes flashed with pride.

The broken army looked coldly at the direction of Gou Chen Dajun.

"Huh, this is just the beginning." Breaking the East Wind ", the Skull Army is indeed a loose sand, but because there is no Skeleton King, keep listening and see if you can ambush the Skull King.

"Ding Ding Ding."

There was a violent bounce in his hand, and a thick sound of the piano rushed straight out.


Qin Yin rushed into the battle.


In the sound of the piano, a roar, condensed a giant skeleton man ten times larger than other skeletons, the skeleton king, the skull king wearing a huge red cape, a roar, the situation changed color.


The Skull King yelled, and countless Skull armies suddenly stunned, and then the power soared more than doubled. Slowly, as if to find an organization, centering on the Skull King, attacked the Quartet Shuren and attacked the Qingjia Army.

"Dangdangdangdang ..............."

The two soldiers fought again, and in the roar, the sound of golden stone strikes was heard, and for a time, suddenly they were no different.

Outside, the broken army showed a sneer.

The Skull King came out, not only in morale and strength, but also in the strength of the Skull Army. It was connected to the short armour of the Qingjia Army, and it never showed the wind.

In the field, Gou Chen's face sank, and there was a hint of irritability in his eyes.

"Master, the other party has become stronger." Gou Chen worried a little.

Gu Hai's face sank: "What are you worried about, keep playing, this song is divided into many parts, and has gone through 'camps', 'blowing', 'pointing', 'platooning', 'walking', 'ambush' , Now it's the 'Jiming Mountain Battle', and it will be the 'Julishan Battle', and then it will be the time of the big kill, continue. "

"Yes." Gou Chen Ying said.

The ambush continued on ten sides, and sure enough, with the short soldiers connected, regardless of the middle and the middle, the Qingjia Army took this opportunity to slowly spread the formation and form a larger army formation.

This time the military formation, not only one-fifth of the Love Flower Valley, but the entire Love Flower Valley.

Outside, the face of the broken army changed: "Not good, this time it is an ambush of the giant army, ten faces ambush."

"Kill." "Kill." "Kill." ...............

When the army formation was 10%, the Qinghai Army suddenly shouted and went into a decisive battle, ‘Julishan War’.


Pangran army strangled away from the inside, like a tiger in the mountains, sprinting from the bamboo.

Full sprinting, even if the skeleton army has the leader of the skeleton king, it is useless. For a time, the whole valley of love flowers rang out with countless fighting sounds, horse hissing, knife and gun sounds, shouts, one after another, shocked inexplicably.

The bursts of shouts, the millions of outsiders who listened to Lu Yang Wang Jun were horrified.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill."

Like a meat grinder, one by one, the skeleton soldiers were quickly annihilated and hanged towards the central skeleton king.

"It's impossible. There are ambushes in all directions. There are ambushes everywhere. The Skull King leads troops to break through. There is no way to go. The sky and the ground are full of ambushes." The broken army looked ugly.

"Ambush on ten sides, ambush on ten sides." King Lu Yang stood up, listening to the violent piano sound.

King Lu Yang is also a master of the piano. He naturally heard the violent killing scene in the sound of the piano. This is an exciting scene. Unfortunately, it is the other party ’s exciting scene.

However, because of the appreciation of this song, King Lu Yang jumped out of his subjective attitude and naturally felt the power of this song.

Millions of green armours quickly slayed the Skeleton Army, defeated like a mountain, and the Skeleton Army had nowhere to run under these ten faces. It simply ran away without escape and was quickly beheaded.

The ten-sided ambush narrowed towards the center and narrowed towards the Skeleton King.

The Skull King broke through with his army, but failed several times, losing his heart and losing all.

"Master, master, great military formation, where is this?" Gou Chen excited.

"This paragraph is called 'Xiang Wang defeated.'" Gu Hai said slightly silently.

Ambush on ten sides, this is an ancient track on the earth in the past, focusing on the description of Huaxin Yin Hou Han Xin, leading the army to set ambush on ten sides, defeated Xiang Yu, and forced Xiang Yu to Wujiang.

At this point has reached the stage of `` Xiang Wang defeated, '' and then there is the last paragraph, Wujiang boasted.

Qin Yin continued, the Qingjia Army, nearly destroyed the Skull Army, and slowly pushed the Skull King to the center, leaving nowhere to go.

The piano sounds at this moment are even worse, slowly creating a tendency to surround the piano sounds of the broken army. A piano sound of the broken army pops up, and it always feels that there are ten hundred hooks of Chen Qinyin surrounding it.

The broken army piano sound fell into despair, and the Skeleton King also fell into despair.

Gou Chen Qinsheng played faster and closer, and now all directions are Gou Chen's piano sounds, completely overwhelming the army's piano sounds, driving the Skull King into a desperate situation, pushing the edge of collapse.

Gou Chen's face was exposed, but the Skeleton King collapsed and slowly picked up the long knife and put it between his neck and neck.

"No, it's impossible, you can't force my Skull King to brag." Po Jun exclaimed with glaring anger.

At this moment, King Lu Yang is also attracted by this tight piano sound. Before, how could King Lu Yang think that when this song "Ambush in Ten Faces" was so violent, it forced the enemy coach to brag.

Even though the broken army played with all its strength, the Skeleton King gradually became out of control, and the sword in his hand fell sharply.


Under the tragic melody, the Skeleton King fell down, and the sound of the piano also entered the final stage, ‘Wujiang hangs itself’.


The ten-sided ambush sounded suddenly at the most intense moment, and came to an abrupt end.

It was over, the army of skeletons, and the whole army was annihilated.


The sound of the void played by the broken army, but the strings suddenly burst, let the broken army show a horror.

"Ambush on ten sides, good repertoire." King Lu Yang's eyes glared, and he was surging.

At this moment, the outside world's millions of troops are immersed in the piano matchup just now. The sense of urgency of the piano sound


ge: url (/img/1438245484166/32846786/7126044991777615981.png) \ '> Make all the soldiers unable to calm for a long time.


There was a roar of roar within.

But it was at the biggest love tree, a huge root whisker, wrapped around the ground where Huangfu Chaoge got into, and sent Huangfu Chaoge away.

Unfortunately, at this moment, the broken army is still immersed in the defeat of Qin Dou, and has not paid attention to the changes there.

"Jin Kemu, Geng Jinqi, chop." A loud roar came suddenly.


Suddenly, a golden sword gas burst into the ground, and in a split second, the roots that rushed into the ground were cut in half.

"Chu Xi." The roar of Qinghua Qi sounded.

"Master, hurry up, Huangfu Chaoge is about to run away." Chu Yan cried loudly and broke everyone's heart of immersing in the piano.

PS: Introduce a QQ group for watching chess. QQ: 463976022 for subscription group. Only subscriptions can enter. In addition, there are three non-subscription QQ groups. I put them on the book pages. These four groups are every Thursday. In the evening, I will appear in the group, all go, interested friends, you can check it out, if you have any questions, you can ask me. In addition, starting from the 31st, there will be no monthly pass at 17K, monthly passes will be more this month, will Make up, and finally, erupt tomorrow.

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