Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 77: Couple

Dagan Tianchao, Chaodu, a palace in the imperial palace.

Outside the hall stood a group of maids and attendants.

"Is the lord asleep?" An attendant looked at the maiden's road.

"Sleeping down, the county owner came back from hunting this time, so tired."

"Well, it's too tiring. Our subordinates didn't take her whip a lot and it hurt a lot."

"Deserve it, who made you fail to do what the county master said."

"No, it's just that the county owner's requirements are too high. We tried our best. When the county owner was angry, he hit people and didn't look at the occasion."

"Be content, you have the temper, the prince is the prince, the prince does not give face, he will care about you."

"Well, yeah, who keeps the lord's holy pet, holy darling, whatever the lord wants, no one can stop her, no, her sister can."

"Yeah, she doesn't listen to anyone, even the Holy Word, she doesn't listen, she listens to her sister Long Wanqing. Today, maybe only Long Wanqing can control the small county master."

"If the little county master can be like her sister, then she has a good personality. Her sister treats others very well. Not only is she kind and beautiful, but she is also gentle and virtuous. She never treats us. When the little county master hits us, her sister All times helped us make a siege. "


There was a loud noise in the sudden hall.

"What's wrong, the little county master woke up." The housemaids panicked suddenly.

"Woohoo, my sister is dead, my sister is dead, ohh, ohh, my sister is dead." A girl cried in the room.

"The little county master has a nightmare." The housemaids and servants were in a mess.

"Sister was killed by someone, oh oh, my sister, older sister, don't you die, oh oh." The room cried and cried.



………… ——

Shenlu dynasty, over a wilderness, above the Baiyun flying boat.

Long Wanqing's soul fluttered, but there was still a soul attached to his body, and in a haze, he stared stupidly.

"Long Wanqing, my daughter, my daughter." Weisheng cried in horror holding Long Wanqing's hand.


In the murmur, Long Wanqing shook off the unborn hand and made a weak voice.

"You are not my father. My father is a hero of the world. There is no obstruction in the world. He went to a far place because of something. But one day, my father will come back. My father will take revenge on us. No matter who he is, my father will protect us from any grievance. "

Long Wanqing's hand was thrown away by Long Wanqing, and he was there, listening to the desperate voice of Long Wanqing, the whole person seemed to have no energy at once-

"My dad is a hero of the world, and there is no obstacle in the world."

"He went to a far place because of something, but one day, my father will come back."

"If anyone has bullied our mother and daughter, my father will avenge us."

"No matter who he is, my dad will protect us from any grievance." ——

Long Wanqing's words were like a sharp-pointed knife stuck in her heart.

She doesn't recognize me, yeah, she can't recognize me.

I killed her. His father is a hero of the world. There is no obstruction in the world. I am a hero of the world. Is there no obstruction in the world? Is it true? Is it me?

No one was sitting on the ground paralyzed.

Not far away, Master Liuli, Huangfu Chaoge, Mu Chenfeng vomited blood and flew over the wound.

"Master, you said that the unborn was Long Wanqing's father. How could it be, how could it be, how did he deserve it, Xiaoyue was blinded then, and would look after him." Huangfu Chaoge frowned.

"The old church owner was killed, but he was helping someone to guard the nursing home. He was not worth it, he was not worth it." Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.

"That bun, I remember, every time the piano meeting, I remember, Xiaoyue would take that bun out, and looked at it, I asked her several times, this bun is very ordinary, why are you so Like, if you like it, why not wear it, but Xiaoyue shook her head every time and smiled, and then carefully put the bun into the box. ”Huangfu Chaoge recalled.

"Unborn, he's not worthy. Xiaoyue's mind is on him, but he left Xiaoyue for a **** dream, and let Xiaoyue go to the Zizhu Forest of the South China Sea alone, kneeling for three full months before asking for 'Tiansheng "Battle water", there is no offspring in the life master, even if there is no life, Xiaoyue how much effort, how many people begged, how many people kneel, to wait for hundreds of years, but was born after all .

Because Xiaoyue said that it was his daughter, Xiaoyue repeatedly asked me, if you meet an unborn, do n’t tell his daughter about it, say that you do n’t want to affect the unborn's **** dreams because of your daughter, and wait for him to become a major event And tell him again.

However, after all, Xiaoyue didn't wait. After all, Xiaoyue gave birth to two daughters for him and failed to tell him **** Xiaoyue's expectations, how could I say.

For the first time, on the island of Jiuwu, in the chess game of life and death, Long Wanqing's life was suspended, and the unborn person stood among the crowd outside the death chess, but he did not rescue him, if not for the ancient sea, Long Wanqing He was dead then.

The second time, in Love Valley, Long Wanqing wanted to kill her with her in order to protect me.

The third time, he finally shot, and he killed Wanqing.

He doesn't deserve to know who Long Wanqing's father is, because he doesn't deserve it. "The master of fleeting years is extremely sad.

On the flying boat, the unborn person sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at Long Wanqing, who was entangled with black energy in front of him, listening to the voice of Master Liu Nian, and the whole person was powerless.

"Yeah, I don't deserve it." The unborn said in despair.

The ancient sea was previously opened by the unborn, and it flew again at this moment.

Holding the vague Long Wanqing.

"Wan Qing, you will be fine, nothing will happen." Gu Hai cried.

Grasp Long Wanqing's arm in his hand.


Long Wanqing's left arm seemed to turn into a black gas, slowly dissipating in general, the flesh dissipating, and the bones disappeared.

"Unborn, unborn senior, you save Wanqing, please save Wanqing." Gu Hai hissed in horror.

"No one can survive the people I killed, no one can survive." The unhappy despair was born.


Master Liu Nian, Mu Chenfeng and Huangfu Chaoge stepped onto the flying boat together and looked anxiously at Long Wanqing.

"It's impossible, aren't you the shoushi, the shoushi's means, she is your daughter, you can't save her." Huangfu Chaoge yelled.

"Three souls and seven souls, her seven souls have been destroyed, her bones are gone, and she can't go back. Earth souls have just entered the reincarnation, not directly into the underworld, but directly into the reincarnation. There is only the soul left, and only this soul remains. "Weiren pained.

"The human soul is broken, so fight it together, and the earth soul is reincarnated, and you will find the earth soul. Whoever she reincarnate into, you will find it for me, you must find it. The heavenly soul is here, the three souls are here. The courage is gone, you can rebuild the seven souls, can you do it, she is your daughter, your daughter, can you. "Gu Hai stared at the unborn person and shouted.

The unborn shuddered: "Yes, my daughter, my daughter, what about reincarnation, I want to find, I must find."


No one stood up suddenly.

With a wave of his hand, a jade box appeared in front of him. Open the jade box and put Long Wanqing's soul into the box very carefully.

"Ancient sea." Only Long Wanqing, who is the soul of the sky, said weakly.

"I'm here, I'm here." Gu Hai carefully held her body and then dared Long Wanqing.

Long Wanqing opened her eyes dimly, looking at the vague ancient sea, showing a faint smile, and gently stroking the ancient sea's cheek with her right hand.

"Wan Qing, you will live, rest assured, I will save you back, and one day you will be resurrected." Gu Hai cried, holding Long Wan Qing.

"I can't do it, Gu Hai, please, please." Long Wanqing said weakly.

"You said, you said." Gu Hai's tone trembled slightly.

Master Liuli wiped her tears, Mu Chenfeng and Huangfu Chaoge were full of pain. No one was standing aside, all the previous momentum was gone, and she was afraid to shrink and didn't dare to look at Long Wanqing.

"I have a younger sister, she is very ignorant. Before, I have been protecting her, so she has not been bullied by others. Now I cannot protect her, and she will be in trouble again. She is the only one of my loved ones in this world. I No longer, no one takes care of her, you help me take care of her, OK. "Long Wanqing looked at Gu Haidao in weakness.

"I will take care of her. No one can bully her. You can rest assured that no one will bully her with me." Gu Hai cried.

"She is willful and has a small temper, but her heart is kind and you have a little more." Long Wanqing said weakly.

"I will. I will protect her. When you come back, she will wait for you." Gu Hai choked.

It seemed as if it was a matter of thought, a smile appeared on Long Wanqing's face.

Gently stroked Gu Guhai's cheek, and said softly: "Don't abuse yourself, I'm gone, take good care of yourself, you, even if Chen Xianer knows, you won't be happy, you're so sorry for me . "

With red eyes, Gu Hai grasped Long Wanqing's right hand, and choked in a solemn tone: "Cangtian as a reference, Sun and Moon as evidence. Today, Gu Hai and Long Wanqing are married as husband and wife, and they are both husband and wife."

"Couple." Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai clearly.

Gu Hai was in tears, and his lips were printed on Long Wanqing's lips.

The two lips touched each other, leaving life and death apart, Gu Hai's tears hit Long Wanqing's cheek.

Long Wanqing smiled happily.

"Wan Qing, I will come back to you, I will, I will." Gu Hai cried.

"Wow la la la."

Long Wanqing's body was dissipated in a large area, and there was not much left in the blink of an eye.



"Fu Jun, don't abuse yourself anymore, I'm gone. If someone can love you for me, don't refuse, cherish it, she will love you for me, she will love you for Chen Xianer, don't refuse again, don't ... .... "


Long Wanqing's body completely turned into a black gas and completely disappeared.

"Wan Qing, Wan Qing." Gu Hai grabbed an empty hand, nothing around, Long Wan Qing disappeared into blackness.

On the side, a jade box and a level were undetected.


It was Long Wanqing's heavenly soul that was loaded into it.

Gu Hai was sitting on the ground paralyzed, with both hands empty. No matter how he grabbed it, Long Wanqing's bones were completely gone, and she disappeared.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

In the painful roar of the ancient sea, the voice reached the sky.

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