Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 85: Marshal zhennan

The Great Emperor Dynasty established the country, King Lu Yang rebelled, and Luzhou declared independence.

The news reached the Chaogan capital of Dagan Tianchao as soon as possible. At one time, the Manchao was shocked, and the civil and military hundred officials were summoned to the Chaotang as soon as possible.

Outside the hall, a group of guards patrolled back and forth with great care, and the entire palace was filled with a sense of killing.

The suffocating depression inside the hall can be felt outside the hall.

There was no noise in the chapel. There was only the sound of lightly tapping on the armrest of the dragon chair with a single finger. It was very light, but in the hall where the needles could be heard, it was like a thunder.

Not to mention the Minister, the guard at the door felt a breathless feeling at the moment.

It was so silent for a long time before a voice came from the hall.

"King Lu Yang rebelled. Since Zhu Qing had nothing to say, the puppet was dealt with by the third prince Shenwu King. If there are any dissidents, he can say it now and forgive him for his innocence. Afterwards, I do n’t want to hear it A different voice. "A majestic voice came.

There was a dead silence in the hall again.

Obviously, at this time, no one would dare to intervene and rebellion. It was a major crime of rebellion. Even if he had a good relationship with King Lu Yang, he did not dare to intercede at this moment.

Although the tone of the Holy Bible is bland, it has an unquestionable will.

"Fenglong Shenwu is the marshal of Zhennan, giving the golden tiger amulet, can mobilize all the troops in Yongzhou, calm down the rebellion, clear the conspiracy, deter the East Xinjiang, Yongzhou officials, all wait for the marshal of the peace chaos to dispatch, if there is no respect, Inverse. "The voice of the Holy Spirit came again.

"Long live forever. Long live forever." Long live the ministers, and drink the Holy Word.

Long Shenwu is the marshal of Zhennan, and the ministers have no objection.

The imperial edicts and tiger charms were passed to Yinyue City for the first time. At the same time, the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom proclaimed the world and proclaimed the rebellion of King Lu Yang.

For a time, the whole world was uproaring.

King Shenwu is the marshal of Zhennan, and he can use all the forces in Yongzhou to calm down the rebellion.

When Emperor Lu Yang settled the civil strife in Luzhou, the King of Gods also took over the mission and formed an army to prepare for chaos. Yongzhou, a state, was allowed to dispatch--

Great dynasty dynasty, in the palace.

Lu Yang looked coldly at the news from the front.

"Shenwu King, Long Shenwu, hum, sure enough, the old things were planned from the beginning, and Long Shenwu had been planning to recruit troops in Yongzhou early. Long Shenwu has been in Yongzhou for fifteen years. Yongzhou officials and generals have basically been Skillful control, and now an imperial edict is even more justified. Within two months, the army of Shenwu King fully gathered the border and began to fight with Luzhou. "Lu Yanghuang put down his battle report and said coldly.

"So, Lord, within two months, we must straighten out everything in Luzhou." Mo Yike nodded.

"Ao Shun." Lu Yang looked to Prince Long aside.

"Here." Ao Shun stepped forward.

"Thank you for your trouble. The Dragons took all their efforts to break the city, and four cities were stubbornly resisting. I broke the city first, there are rebels, and there is no pardon." Lu Yang said.

"Yes, emperor." Ao Shun responded--

Shenlu dynasty, the valley outside Lushen city.

Lu Shishen looked at Huangfu Chaoge, his face worried.

"The emperor, the army of King Lu Yang was withdrawn, but Geng Jinzong did not know what disease he had committed, and he went to war with my **** Lu Dynasty in an all-round way, leading the army, and seizing our city." Lu Shishen frowned.

"The Geng Jinzong personally led the masters in the sect, and the 15 million troops in the eighteen cities marched towards my Shenlu dynasty. The front line reported that Geng Jinzong completely shattered the covenant with my Shenlu dynasty. They were Want to rob while on fire. "Huangfu Chaoge lost his thoughts.

"Robbery while fire, Mr. Huangfu, you see him too shallow." Gu Hai shook his head.


"These days, I have been looking through the information you gave me, and what I saw, oh, this Geng Jinzong should be the hidden strength of King Lu Yang." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Oh." Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

"Geng Jinzong has been established for a thousand years, and Lizong is fundamentally a gold god. This gold **** is also a spiritual treasure, similar to our imperial seal, to suppress a luck, and I check the data. King Lu Yang killed a monster race, the Saber-toothed Tiger tribe, 1300 years ago.

"Oh, the Saber-toothed Tigers seem to be a bit impressed." Huang Fu nodded.

"The tiger demon is gold. The **** of the saber-toothed tiger family should be the gold god. Three hundred years after the death of the gold god, Geng Jinzong was established. It is a coincidence. Second, King Lu Yang sent troops to Geng Jinzong three times. Your information It shows that it is a war that is painless and itchy. It is not a big war. Geng Jinzong came out of thin air. A group of strong men appeared strangely. They mastered the eighteen cities and were calm and quiet. They did not fight with the outside world. Development. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"However, this does not mean that it is the deployment of King Lu Yang." Lu Shishen wondered aside.

"But for a thousand years, the people of King Lu Yang have never visited Geng Jinzong, and the elders of Geng Jinzong, except Chu Chu, have never visited Luzhou." Gu Haishen Sound channel.

"They haven't been in contact for a thousand years, and there have been three painless and itchy wars. They deliberately left out the relationship." Huangfu Chaoge narrowed his eyes.

"Geng Jinzong is a subordinate of King Lu Yang. If the Dazheng dynasty added Geng Jinzong, wouldn't it have impacted the imperial dynasty." Lu Shishen's face changed.

"More than that." Gu Hai shook his head and squinted.


"There are two dynasties and two Xiazong gates on the border of Yinzhou. In addition to the Emperor Shenlu and Gengjin, there are the Emperor Huanghuang and the Greedy Wolf. Oh, my analysis is that these two forces are also King Lu Yang's. After deployment, King Lu Yang's accumulation for thousands of years can be more than just a Luzhou. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Geng Jinzong, greedy wolf sect, and Dahuang dynasty were all deployed by King Lu Yang, impossible." Lu Shishen exclaimed suddenly.

Each of these three forces is not weaker than the Shenlu dynasty, but it is actually the industry of King Lu Yang. If the three major forces attack at the same time, how will the Shenlu dynasty fight?

"The power of King Lu Yang is too great." Huangfu Chaoge was surprised.

"Yeah, it ’s very big. These three forces add up to about 80 cities. They are on a par with Luzhou. If they merge with Luzhou and bring together luck, King Lu Yang is now an emperor. The Emperor Emperor Dynasty, unfortunately, he did not merge, and still let those three forces lurk. If it weren't for Geng Jinzong's sudden shot, I hadn't thought about it. "Gu Hai Shen said.

"King Lu Yang is really deep." Huangfu Chaoge frowned.

"Deep, huh, but now there is a South I haven't figured out, but it is your four major forces." Gu Hai frowned.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty." Huangfu Chaoge's face changed.

"Yes, the Great Yuan Dynasty, this is a behemoth. All four of your forces are not opponents of the Great Yuan Dynasty." Gu Hai laughed.

Huangfu Chaoge smiled bitterly: "But that is Emperor Dynasty China. We are only the kingdom of the Emperor. It is only the gate of the Emperor. How can it be compared with him? That's it, is this Emperor Yuan Dynasty also ... "

Gu Hai shook his head and said, "I have too little information at hand for the time being, and I still can't figure it out. I always feel that he has a certain relationship with King Lu Yang. However, it is definitely not the deployment of King Lu Yang. He is like a hungry wolf who can endure. Waiting for a chance to kill. "

"Oh." Huangfu choked slightly.

"The main reason is that King Lu Yang's slaying of the dynasty of Emperor Lu's footsteps in the past has turned a blind eye and behaved too strangely, so I had to connect them together. Those three forces should be King Lu Yang's industry and powerful. The Emperor Yuan Dynasty, however, was hungry and wolf-eating, hiding but not sending out. "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"If it is as you expected, it is really troublesome." Huangfu Chaoge frowned.

"I still have another proof." Gu Hai Shen cried.


"On Dagan Sheng, not long ago, the Emperor Shenwu was fully responsible for King Lu Yang's rebellion, what was sealed." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Mr. Zhennan," Lu Shishen said.

"Yes, Marshal Zhennan, why isn't Marshal Zhenan, but Marshal Zhennan, Zhennan, we are here in the southeast of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, Zhennan, defending the south, suppressing the south, or deterring the south." Gu Hai Shen said.

"You mean not only the rebellion of King Lu Yang, but also ..." Lu Shishen said in astonishment.

"At the height of Dagan Sheng, every name and every title will be considered carefully. Marshal Zhennan, huh, let's complicate him. Now, what we are facing is the war from Geng Jinzong. . "Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes, there are many masters of Geng Jinzong. There are 18 cities in his army. This time, the 15 million army was killed, but it is troublesome. And I hear you, there are the Dahuang Dynasty and the Greedy Wolf Sect. They were all deployed by King Lu Yang, wouldn't they ... "Huangfu Chaoge lost his thoughts.

"In fact, it is not difficult to crack the attack of Geng Jinzong." Gu Hai laughed.


"It takes seven inches to hit the snake, and they can be killed with a single stick." Gu Hai said coldly.

"How to fight," Huangfu Chaoge wondered.

"Fighting with snakes may be bitten by snakes. Now, look at Mr. Huang Fu, dare to let go and fight with them. If you lose, you will be bitten by snakes. The Shenlu Dynasty will be greatly injured. If you win, you will be beaten with a stick. Death, the battle between life and death, one battle will be won or lost, I don't know Mr. Huangfu, dare to gamble. "Gu Hai laughed.

"It was impossible to destroy Geng Jinzong once." Lu Shishen did not believe it.

The ancient sea was staring at the imperial court song: "Mr. Huangfu, the Shenlu dynasty is now in danger, surrounded by hungry wolves. If you drag on, it will not be a Gengjin sect, but a group of wolves will bite, there will be no chance. Now, since Geng Jinzong dared to bite, then hitting his seven inches at a time, I can arrange a super array and solve them all at once. "

"Super team."

"Yes, twenty-nine heaven and earth are in a large array. It requires a huge number of spirit stones. It is so large that all the spirit stones in your entire treasury, at least two billion top-quality spirit stones, are you willing to fight?" There was a flash of light in Gu Hai's eyes. Fighting.

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