Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 88: Sword of Demon

"I am a sword demon, and I am alone."

The swordsman Yun Beast said coldly, and between his words, he carried an arrogant tendency in his tone, and looked coldly down.

Below, all the Geng Jinzong disciples who were able to face the defeat of Dugu suddenly felt a horrible sword straight into their hearts. For a moment, countless Geng Jinzong disciples were in a state of amazement, showing their fear.

"It's a terrifying sword." Lu Shishen said in horror.

"Dugu seeks defeat, is there anyone in the world, a domineering name." Huangfu Chaoge said in surprise.

"Roar, Geng Jin Jian Qi." Saber-toothed tiger chilled loudly.

Between the roars, the golden sword gas storm surrounding the body suddenly soared into the sky.

The golden sword qi, Dao Dao all carried an invincible prestige, millions of golden sword qi, one wave after another, sharp and incomparable.

The golden sword qi has passed, but it is the countless white sword qi that surrounds Dugu.


Gold and white swords collided. Suddenly, the white sword gas was cut and broken, and the torture continued to go towards the sky.

Along the way, the golden sword qi is invincible and irresistible. Although there are many white sword qi, but the pieces are chopped into pieces. In sight, the white sword qi is about to fail.

"Geng Jin Jian Qi, the pure metallic nature of Jian Qi, surpassing countless sword Qi, this is the only way to defeat, is it just like a good thing?" Lu Shishen anxiously said.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's hard to beat." Countless Geng Jinzong disciples smiled cheekily.

Only the saber-toothed tiger was dignified at the moment.

Others look at sword qi, but Saber-toothed Tiger looks at sword intention.

Although the white sword spirit of Dugu's defeat was easily broken, the saber-toothed tiger could feel a sword that seemed to be several times stronger than itself.

Moreover, the white sword gas that was cut is only a small part. There is also a sea of ​​sword gas in the sky, which contains a general atmosphere of destruction.

Dugu looked coldly at the saber-toothed tiger in the distance, showing a sneer.

That sneer, Saber-toothed Tiger looked disdainfully.

"Broken sword."

Dugu asked for a cold drink.

He didn't pull out his long sword at all and drank it coldly. Those scattered white swords were suddenly organized.

Welcome to the golden sword.


A golden sword in front of it collided with a white sword, but this time it was not the blade but the tip.

The point of the sword was facing the point of the sword.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ..............."

Not only the golden sword qi at the forefront, but for almost an instant, all the golden sword qi's tip was blocked by the white sword qi's tip.

Coincidentally, millions of golden sword qi were instantly hit by the white sword qi.

For others, it was just a meal, but for the Saber-toothed Tiger, it seemed like time was still, and all his sword energy was all settled in an instant.

Among the millions of sword qi settled, a white sword qi suddenly radiated from the sword qi.

It's too fast, almost everyone can't see clearly.

That cowardly white sword qi came to the Saber-toothed Tiger in an instant.

It's too fast for everyone to see.

Only the saber-toothed tiger saw it clearly. At that moment, all his sword qi was settled, and the opponent's white sword qi was cut at a speed faster than all others.

Too fast, it's too late for Sabertooth to resist.


The saber-toothed tiger roared angrily.


The saber-toothed tiger was knocked out and the tiger's tail was cut off.


The sky full of golden sword gas burst out, and the saber-toothed tiger was knocked down and flew towards a mountain.


The mountains crashed.

When Saber-toothed Tiger's tail fell in midair, everyone took a breath.

Everyone just saw that Dukuo shouted a ‘broken sword’.

Once the sword of one million geng gold was blown, the saber-toothed tiger was knocked out and its tail was cut off.

"How is this, this, this possible?" Countless Geng Jinzong disciples exclaimed.

Lu Shishen also rubbed his eyes, some unimaginable.

"No, no, it's useless to defend the mountain and fight against Dugu. He can attack the saber-toothed tiger in the team." Huangfu Chaoge's eyes brightened.

Huangfu Chaoge said that everyone's eyes were also bright, yeah, this guarding the mountain array cannot stop the loneliness and defeat.

"Tail, my tail, roar."

The roar of the saber-toothed tiger came out of the mountain ruins, bursting away from the rubble and jumping out.

Saber-toothed tiger growled and watched Dugu seeking defeat. At the moment, Dugu seeking defeat was waving his hand gently, and a horrific oppression went straight to the saber-toothed tiger.

However, I saw that the sea of ​​sword air in the sky was slowly condensing, condensing into a huge sword, the sword appeared dark, exuding a mighty power, pressing against the large array below, right Watching Saber-toothed Tiger, watching Saber-toothed Tiger's eyelids jumping wildly.

"What sword is so big, it's a stick." Lu Shishen said in surprise.

"There is no Kaifeng sword, it looks a bit like a black iron sword, and Huangfu Chaoge wonders.

"The epee has no edge, and Daqiao doesn't work." Dugu shouted for defeat.

While talking, Qian Zhang black sword chopped down.

"No, he's going to break the line, roar." Saber-toothed tiger stepped into the sky.


Suddenly a golden sword-pump emerged from the whole body, welcoming him.

The golden sword cricket and black iron epee collided at the Shoushan formation.

Under the loud sound that destroyed the earth and the earth, the golden sword owl burst into pieces, and the Shoushan array burst and burst open under a big explosion.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

The Shoushan burst exploded, and a hundred thousand mountain burst into a strong earthquake.

"Hmm." "Hmm." ...............

Huge shocking force, the shocking countless Geng Jinzong disciples spit blood.

The black iron epee is like a giant sword-shaped mountain, which is inserted into the earth, and the saber-toothed tiger is also inserted into the earth, suppressing it.


Lu Shishen looked at the black iron epee in horror.

"No, no, I won't lose, but I am a **** of gold. I mobilized a situation. I was in Kendo, how could I lose to you and break me." The voice of the saber-toothed tiger suddenly heard from the ground.

Under the huge impact, the Xuan Iron Epee was shocked as if it had been exhausted.


After all, the Kaitian Palace gave a full blow, and the black iron epee exploded and exploded with 18 mountains around it. The gravel blasted the Quartet and 100,000 mountains, and it was a mess.

"Ah." Countless Geng Jinzong disciples were affected and screamed again.

The black iron epee smashed, and the saber-toothed tiger with the power of hatred turned into a sword light, it seemed to rush out of the ground.

The expression of Dugu's defeat is still cold: "It's just a piece of spirit iron. You are a golden god, not a sword god, a sword. You don't know a sword yet."

"Old thing, say I don't understand swords, watch me tear you." The saber-toothed tiger growled and rushed out.

"Sword, do you think Jintie is the sword? As long as the sword is enough, everything can be a sword." Dugu sighed coldly.

There was a sudden tremor in the ground below the floor during the talk.


Suddenly, a large stone sword emerged from the ground, rushing towards the saber-toothed tiger.

"What." Saber-toothed tiger's face changed.


The saber-toothed tiger that resembled the stone sword retreated sharply, and the saber-toothed tiger exploded toward the distance.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

Above the ground, a stalk-shaped mountain peak, either vertical or horizontal, sprinted out from the ground quickly, hitting the saber-toothed tiger again and again, all the practitioners looking around looked wide-eyed.

With the earth as a sword, all mountains and rivers can be swords. The sword that seeks defeat alone is not endless. Everything you think can be a sword.

"No no no no………………."

Saber-toothed tiger screamed in horror.


Suddenly, ten mountain swords pierced the body of the saber-toothed tiger and nailed it to a mountain.

The saber-toothed tiger could not move, his eyes widened unwillingly.

"How could you have such a strong sword, let me down, I will fight you again." Saber-toothed tiger growled.

Tokgo looked at Saber-toothed Tiger coldly and sneered, "You are not worthy to let me draw a sword."

The saber-toothed tiger was nailed to the mountain and lost.

At this time, all the talents had a taste of it, but the lonely one who was fighting for defeat had a sword in his hand, and he had not pulled it out, and the sword had not been scabbard.

How strong is this lonely kendo.

Not only was everyone horrified, Gu Hai was also shocked at the moment. Although he had gathered the loneliness to seek defeat, he only showed the invincible state of mind in the loneliness to seek defeat. However, the twenty-nine heavens and the earth are full of battles, but He used his strength to show his demeanor and pride.


Under the control of the ancient sea, Tokgo's defeat broke out.

"Master, Dugu is crazy to be defeated. I, I can't help but want to make a few songs for him, how can you make him disappear." Gou Chen yelled suddenly.

Gu Hai rolled his eyes and ignored.

You only know that Dugu is a great loser. Do you know that he spends money and is even more powerful. At this little meeting, at least 800 million top-grade spirit stones are gone. Hold on, you give money.

"The Shoushan formation has been broken and the Saber-toothed Tiger has been defeated. Next, it's up to you." Gu Hai said in a deep voice.


Around the world, cloud beasts, Xiang Yu, Cao Cao, Gou Jian, Lu Bu, and so on once again gathered.

The army of one million cloud beasts appeared again.

A group of elites of the Shenlu dynasty immediately controlled the cloud beast, and then respected Gu Hai and said, "Yes, Mr. Gu."

Just now, Tokgo's defeat, has conquered the hearts of a lot of elites, this ancient array of Mr. Gu is too great.

"I am Xiang Yu, Jiangdong Erlang, kill me."

"I am Goujian, three thousand Yuejia, kill me."




With a call, a million cloud beasts killed Jin Jiazong--

Qinglu Town.

Geng Jin Sovereign siege with soldiers.

After more than half a month, it seemed that Qinglu City was about to break open, but this battle was too difficult, even worse than Tianhe City, and countless corpses piled up like mountains.

"At least three million people died, and a dozen elders also sneered." Chu Yan's face was ugly.

"It's about to break the city soon. They can't hold it for long. At most tomorrow, they can break the city. After breaking the city, they will slaughter the city." Geng Jin Zongzhu said coldly.

"Yes." A crowd of Geng Jinzong strong faces said fiercely.

"Well." The follow-up clan suddenly changed his face.

"Master, what's wrong?" Chu Yan wondered.

"Fortunately, Saber-toothed Tiger mobilized a situation in the world, something went wrong at the headquarters." Sect Geng Jin's face was ugly.

"I also heard the voice of Saber-toothed Tiger.


span> What happened? "Chu Yi's face changed.

Disciples of Geng Jinzong also heard the voice of Saber-toothed Tiger on Thursday, showing surprise.

"Huangfu Chaoge, I said that there has been no news of him lately, he actually hit the west and went straight to my Geng Jinzong." Gengjin Sovereign said in surprise.

"Ah, that lord, what now?"

"Hmm, there are saber-toothed tigers, and they have mobilized a situation in the world. Huangfu Chaoge is definitely not an opponent. Continue to attack the city and continue to speed up the progress." Geng Jin Zongzhu said in a cold voice.

"Yes," everyone answered.

The siege continued, but it didn't take long for the Gengjin Sovereign's face to change.

"Master, what do you feel again."

"No, the saber-toothed tiger is defeated, and is dying, how can it be, how is it possible." Sect Geng Jin exclaimed.

PS: Something happened today.

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