Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 95: Focus on Nine Five Island

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Silvermoon City, the main city.

"Sir, Lord Wang has already urged you to go to the front and fight against the thief Lu Yang at once. It will start immediately." A general respected Sima Changkong.

Sima Changkong stood on the floating island, staring at the sea in the northeast for a moment, silent for a while.

"Master," the general urged again.

Sima Changkong suddenly smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Uh." The general was blank.

"What is the meaning of frontline battles? If you go back to Wang Ye, you will say that I am going to see the ancient sea to kill the dragon." Sima Changkong laughed.

"Ah." The general stunned.

"Ao Shun, the former Prince of the Dragon clan, the strong man who opened the Tiangong Palace, there is a Golden Dan Realm in Guhai, only a Golden Dan Realm. How can he deal with it? I ca n’t figure it out, hahahaha, it must be wonderful, it must be wonderful "Sima Changkong's eyes glowed with excitement.

"But, Lord Wang urged ..." The general said bitterly.

"Be assured, the Lord will not blame me. In the realm of Jindan and the weakest dynasty, he slaughtered the dragon, and this time, Ao Shun also led the army of rolling dragons. What will he do in Guhai, you can return it. , I must not miss this time, you go. "Sima Changkong said with excitement.

"Ah, but ... but ..."

"Rest assured, take my words to you, the Lord will not blame you, I wo n’t tell you anymore, I will go to Jiuwu Island immediately, hahaha, weaker than strong, no, this is not just weak, he ancient sea wants What to do. "Sima Changkong said excitedly.

Leaving the general and greeting a group of his subordinates, Sima Changfei drove a flying boat and quickly flew out of Yinyue City toward the distant Jiuwu Island—

Dasao Dynasty, Basho, study.

"The keel instrument, why didn't you say it earlier, why no one told me." Mo Yike's eyes glared.

"Sir, we have just got the news and haven't noticed. Who would have thought that Gu Hai would drill this hole." A counselor smiled wryly.

"Dongkong, ha, duangkong, do you think it is really digging a hole? This was planned by Gu Hai long ago. Before Gu Hai went to Geng Jinzong, someone had arranged to go to Yinyue City for the Qinlou Tower to cooperate, otherwise the time would not run out So accurate. "Mo Yike said ugly.

"Uh, no, he won't be so early ..."

"First let the imperial emperor's treacheries see the fangs, evoke the vengeance of the fangs, use the emperor's resentment against the ancient seas, calm down the tusks of the fangs, and lead Qunlong to leave the camp without permission.

The emperor has long ordered that this is a death penalty, no matter who it is.

Let Ao Shun know in advance that Ao Shun is protecting his own dragon and must conceal it with all his strength, but he cannot conceal the fire. The best concealment is to make his name justified.

In addition, the ancient sea moves frequently, which is a scourge after all. The Geng Jinzong was overthrown. Certainly many people would ask for a book to overthrow the Dahan dynasty. Ao Shun will be the first to ask for it.

The ancient sea calculation is good.

Moreover, they did not consider that it was Ao Shun who was going to Geng Jinzong this time. Ao Shun was intimidated by the ancient seas this time.

Everything, just forced Ao Shun to lead the Dragon Army to Jiuwu Island. Mo Yike's face was gloomy.

"His ~~~, no." A group of conspirators looked ugly, who would have thought that Gu Hai was so deep.

"Ao Shun is in danger." Lu Yanghuang sank.

Mo Yike said bitterly for a while: "The most important thing is that the war between the emperor and Long Shenwu started immediately, and now there is no one to go to Jiuwu Island to support, and Ao Shun has been away for three days."

"Ancient sea." King Lu Yang's face was gloomy.

"Mr. Mo, you said that the ancient sea set up an ambush on Jiuwu Island, waiting for Prince Ao Shun to count. But how powerful is Prince Ao Shun's army. This time there are thousands of Dragons, and Yalongs have 3,000. There are so many, what Gu Hai took with Ao Shun. "A counselor frowned.

"I don't know yet." Mo Yike said bitterly.

"Is it possible that the strongest **** sent the strong one to go," a counselor wondered.

If Dagan Sheng sends the peerless strongman to go, Ao Shun will indeed be dangerous.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "It's impossible to be a great man."

"Uh, why."

"Daigan Sheng sent the leader of the Dragon God Wu this time, and everything has been explained. Although the Lord God rebelled, he would not fully deal with the Lord God. He would only give it to the Dragon God Wu. Yi Ke affirmed.

"He will be so good." Lu Yanghuang took a deep breath.

"Because he wants to show the dignity of the monarch, at least on the surface, he won't send other people. Many people in Dagan look at it. The emperor, you were the hero of the Dagan heaven, after all, you helped the Dagan Saint. He won the world, and if you do n’t rebel, no matter how lawless he is, he wo n’t treat you like that, and now he is showing his monarchy to all his subjects. ”Mo Yike explained.

"Hum." Lu Yanghuang snorted, apparently disdainful of this grandeur on the holy.

"So what now?" A counselor worried.

Mo Yike sighed slightly: "It's been three days and everything is too late. I can only hope that Ao Shun can turn the danger into danger, alas, just ..."

"Just what," said Emperor Lu Yang later.

"Ao Shun's psychological quality is, after all, a little worse, hehe." Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean," said a conspirator aside.

"In the old days, he was Prince Long, Prince of the Dragon Tribe, but was eventually forced to become a Dragon of Sin, and he was removed from his position as Prince of the Dragon Tribe. What does it mean that Prince Long today is a man of superior means, Ao Shun, in the past, he was Chujun, and the Dragon Supreme never heard of the world. He was the only dragon in the Dragon. Without Supreme, he was the biggest, but even so, he was forced to become a sin dragon and was removed. Prince Edward, alas. "Mo Yike bitterly.

"Uh, does that mean he's not good enough?"

"You said that an emperor was taken down by a courtier and degraded to a sinner. What do you think of the quality of this emperor?" Mo Yike explained.


"Also, not long ago, Gu Hai used a large array at the end of a strong crossbow to fight alone and scared away Ao Shun. It was scared to run away. His psychological quality will be strong." Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"But he is powerful." A counselor frowned.

"Yeah, strong, I hope he can dominate the island of Jiuwu, alas." Mo Yike sighed slightly--

Qiandaohai, Jiuwu Island.

The Baiyun flying boat landed on the Chongtian Temple Square.

Ancient Qin took the civil and military hundred officials and stood respectfully.

"Meet my emperor, my emperor live long live long live long live." The ministers worshiped respectfully.

Ancient Qin's eyes were full of excitement, and Baiguan was also very happy at the moment. The emperor was back. This is a big thing. The emperor has been away for more than half a year.

Standing on the flying boat, Gu Hai looked at the luck over the Temple of Heaven, and showed a slight smile.

On the one hand, Gou Chen looked around, looking curious.

"Be flat." Gu Hai said lightly.

"Xie Xie," said the ministers excitedly.

Above the flying boat, it was full of storage equipment.

"Chen Tianshan, arrange for people to deal with the spiritual stones and books on the flying boat." Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes, emperor." Chen Tianshan answered.

"Gao Xianzhi, you take Gou Chen around." Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes, emperor." Gao Xianzhi laughed.

"You are Gao Xianzhi. The host said that the next time he took you to Shenzhou, you took me to stroll around, and I will sing a song for you." Gou Chen jumped over excitedly.

"Good." Gao Xianzhi smiled slightly.

Gu Hai stepped down slowly and looked at the ministers in front of him.

"You Aiqing, I have just returned, and I feel a little lacking. Let ’s go back first, and see you tomorrow morning." Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes, emperor," the ministers respectfully said.

Gu Hai made some arrangements, and Gu Qin approached the palace with a cloud of fog.

"Father Emperor, you heard the news from the past. Yesterday, a group of dragons, lords, dragons, and a noble son arrived. I informed senior Miao Chen and set up a large array and caught them. It seems that one of the one-eyed dragons almost ran away. If it wasn't for the double result of Miao Chen's predecessor and me, he would have almost run away. "Gu Qin said excitedly.

"One-eyed dragon, it's fangs, noble son, ah, it's Lu'an." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Oh, that is the grandson of King Lu Yang." The ancient Qin looked.

Gu Hai's eyes were stunned: "It seems that it is not too late for me to return. In a few days, Ao Shun is coming."

"Ao Shun will be here in a few days." Gu Qin frowned.

"Yes, is Mu Chenfeng here?" Gu Hai questioned.

"I arrived three days ago, I have already arranged it, and there are a group of tree people." Gu Qin thought for a while.

"Mu Chenfeng is back, it shows that I want him to do things, well done, oh, wait for Ao Shun." A glimmer of cold light flashed in Gu Hai's eyes.

The three men from the ancient sea stepped slowly into a large cloud and mist array inside the palace. The large array had sound insulation effects, and the outside could not hear the internal sound.

"Roar, don't even try to run. The emperor will take revenge on us. Miao Chen, you dare to fight me. The prince arrives, and it will destroy your family." The roar came from within.

Hundred heads of dragons, one hundred heads of overlords, ten dragons, and fangs were all passed through the body by chains, unable to move easily, roaring.

Not far away, Lu An was sealed and repaired, tied to a stone pillar, with a look of terror.

Around, there were guards of the Dahan dynasty. At this moment, all the guards were tingling. These are dragons, but my Dahan dynasty caught so many dragons and hegemons.

Meng Tai, Miao Chen and a few basalts stood not far away and looked coldly.

Gu Hai and his party stepped into the large array and immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Ancient sea." Fang growled and stared.

Monte Thai's eyes brightened when he saw the ancient sea.

"Chen Mengtai, meet the emperor, the emperor will live forever."

"Long live my lord, live long live," said the guards.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Senior Miao Chen, you have worked hard this time." Gu Hai smiled at Miao Chen and said


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Miao Chen, an elder of the Xuanwu clan, was stunned by Shangguan in the past, and led the entire clan to the bottom of the island near Jiuwu Island.

"Gu Hai, you finally came back. I can help you catch the fangs at most. I heard that the Prince said that you still have to attract Ao Shun, Ao Shun, I'm not his opponent." Miao Chen was bitter.

"Anyway, Ao Shun, I have a way to pack him, you don't need to worry, you don't need to take a shot." Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh." Miao Chen froze slightly.

PS: Something happened today, we changed first, and two more, and everyone can guess, Gu Hai now, with the resources at hand, how to deal with Ao Shun without resorting to external forces.

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