Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 109: Revenge woman

Gu Hai and his team flew boats. Wherever they went, the strange stele appeared.

"The emperor, this matter is too weird. How could anyone know in advance where we are going, even if we have to change our position, he already expected it to be normal, and the stone monument was set up early." Gao Xianzhi looked ugly.

"Yeah, what's even more weird is that there isn't a figure besides the stele. What is this?" Mu Chenfeng said with complex eyes.

"Stop." Gu Hai's face suddenly changed.


The flying boat stopped suddenly.

"Mr. Gu." Long Sanqian looked worriedly at Gu Hai.

Long Sanqian's subordinates were also worried, after all, the scene in front of them was too weird.

"Can't go anymore," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Well," everyone wondered.

At this moment, the sky had darkened, but the surroundings were covered by dark clouds and the mountains were towering.

"The person who carved the stele seems to be able to predict our journey. No, we can't go anymore. This is to introduce us to a certain place, go, and return to the same way, we can't go any more." Gu Hai's face sank.

"It's impossible to introduce us to a certain place. It didn't drag us, we walked randomly." Mu Chenfeng was surprised.

Gao Xianzhi, however, quickly arrived at the flying boat control area, preparing to turn the flying boat head, and returned to the same way.

"Hum, it's too late to think about it now, and want to leave." Suddenly, a cold hum rang in the void.


Long Sanqian's face changed, and he yelled loudly. Under the yell, the flying boat suddenly burst into a dazzling light, and bursts of bursts appeared on the flying boat in case the sound came.


But at this moment, a black mist burst out of thin air, instantly covering the flying boat in all directions, and it was impossible to distinguish between the northeast and southwest.

"Emperor," Gao Xianzhi called, waiting for Gu Hai to speak.

Gu Hai's face sank: "This is a formation, don't act rashly."

"Huh, Gu Hai, I've waited for you for a long time and it took a lot of effort to introduce you here. Today is your death." There was a dark voice in the black mist.

The voice is very weird, like a woman, but it seems like it has been intentionally changed so that it is impossible to hear who it is, but there is a bit of hatred in the voice.

"Who is your lord, why are you enemies with me, how do you know we will go like this?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Hum, hum, hum, so much nonsense, do it," the voice yelled.

"Yes, Tianyuan place, Huang Quan order." Like another person's long drink sounded.

"What, the order of Huang Quan, the chanting of the book." Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

"Shudao, what Shudao." Gu Hai looked at Mu Chenfeng.

"Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, headed by the piano, the book is the first, the host is careful, the book is the rule, that is the most reasonable, order is one, divide the world." Mu Chenfeng anxiously said.


Suddenly, in the dark mist, a Huangquan River emerged and came straight to the flying boat.

"Well, run away." Long Sanqian's face changed.

However, it is not just this Huangquan River, but a hundred Huangquan Rivers.

The Huangquan River surrounded Feizhou, and the moment when he touched Feizhou's formation, the formation suddenly disappeared strangely, and his mana was completely lost.

"Broken." Mu Chenfeng probed his hand with a scepter, and suddenly turned into a hundred tree roots and rushed away.

"Wow la la la."

The roots of the mana condensed touched the Huangquan River, and they instantly decayed, and flew into the dust in an instant.

"This is it." Everyone's face changed.


Hundreds of Huangquan rivers drowned the flying boat. All of the power of the flying boat disappeared in an instant, and the flying boat failed and fell down.

"Don't," roared Long Sanqian's subordinates.

"This is the elimination method, and all mana is completely absent." Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

The blood knife of the ancient sea slammed into a Huangquan River.


The blade suddenly disappeared, and it was ablated.

Gu Hai's face changed, and she stepped away from the impact of Huangquan River instantly.

"Wow la la la."

Numerous Huangquanhe Rivers formed a curtain of Huangquan water immediately, which separated the ancient sea from everyone.

Although everyone couldn't help this Huangquan River, they did not suffer much damage.

"The Huangquan Extermination of the Sutras, this is the" Huangquan Extermination of the Sutras "of the Sima family. How is it possible that the Sima family would hunt the ancient sea.

"Emperor." Gao Xianzhi and others rushed to the Huangquan water curtain quickly.

However, no matter what radon or magic weapon, when it touched the water curtain, it immediately eliminated all mana.

Gao Xianzhi slammed into the curtain of Huangquan water.


Gao Xianzhi ran into it, but suddenly broke back from the next moment.

"Why am I back again." Gao Xianzhi's face changed.

"It's useless, this is the method of Shu Dao formation. Shu Dao is the way of order. It is the way of collecting the rules of heaven and earth. If you ca n’t go to the other side, you ca n’t go anyway."

"I don't know what kind of Taoism or Shudao, the emperor will be in danger." Gao Xianzhi said anxiously.

Long Sanqian looked at the Huangquan water curtain in front of him, revealing a strange trail: "Is it him?" ——

The Huangquan water curtain separated the ancient sea from others.

In an instant, the black mist on all sides was replaced by the yellow mist. The yellow mist shrouded the area. The ancient sea felt that all mana could not be exerted. As long as it was displayed, it would immediately melt away. An ordinary long knife.

"Squeaky squeak."

Suddenly, bats popped out of the void, opening their blood basins and rushing towards the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face changed, and the blood knife immediately greeted.

"Bang bang bang."

Suddenly, a large swath of bats were cut in half by Gu Hai, but there were too many bats, and Gu Hai was so embarrassed by the moment.

The ancient sea wolverine jumped around and looked around at the same time. Sure enough, not far from a small mountain peak, a group of black-robed men was standing at this moment.

The first one appeared to be a woman with a long whip in her hand.

A man in a black robe next wrote a volley, and directed a bat to attack the ancient sea.

"Bit him, bit him." The woman in a black robe chuckled.

The voice of the woman in black robes was the first person to curse the ancient sea.

"Yes." The man next to the bat commanded a response.

Holding the brush in his hand, the brush stroked into the void.


In the thick fog of Huangquan, the billowing bats suddenly burst out again, this time a hundred times as before, and the ancient sea was torn up once.

The ancient sea's mana could not be used, and the defense was more than a mere ditch at this moment.

"You are here." Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Boom." The bats swarmed up, instantly covering the ancient sea, which was submerged by the bat.

"Squeaky squeak."

But screams came from the bats.

"What," the man in black robes holding the pen was startled.

The writing brush waved.


The bats spread out innumerable. Immediately when they saw the surface of the ancient sea, a bone spur was emerging, like a hedgehog's spike, and all the rushing bats were stabbed to death.


"What a feat." A group of people in black robes were surprised.

"Huh." Gu Hai grunted, his body trembled, and a pair of huge bone wings came out.

The mana could not be cast, but the bones were solid, and the bone wing flew, and the ancient sea flew up.

"Go, kill him, kill him." The woman in black robe headed hated.

The man in the black robe grabbed the pen and wrote a word ‘pardon’ to the brows of the three people in the black robe.


The three men in black robes suddenly flew into the sky and rushed towards the ancient sea.

Obviously, with the word 'pardon', this book-travel method has no effect on it.

The man in the front of the black robe suddenly approached, and a sword was cut to the ancient sea.

The ancient sea was exposed, and the blood knife was chopped off.


Gu Hai didn't have a sword, and the opponent's sword was fierce, but the blood sword was still strong. He collided with it and immediately chopped the sword, but Gu Hai was also chopped out and retreated nearly ten feet.

"Hidden things," Lu said in the ancient sea.

With wings flapping, he greeted the three men in black robes.

The three men in black robes suddenly cut out their swords, and all of them suddenly shot away from Guhai.


Gu Hai roared, but unfortunately, after all, there was no sword, the blood knife collided with the sword, and the figure broke back again, but the sword energy around it was directed at its body.


A layer of armor emerged from the surface of the ancient sea, which immediately blocked the sword.

"Huh, Gu Hai, I can see how long you can stop it." The three men in black robes said coldly.

Obviously, under the use of mana, Gu Hai could only flee. Gu Hai was beheaded again at this moment, which made the three feel that Gu Hai could not hold on for too long.

The ancient sea retreated to the top of a mountain, and the big sleeve was thrown away, but there was a bone knife and a dead knife suddenly in the other hand.

As soon as the dead sword came out, the ancient sea was exposed, and was about to rush up.

"No, there is danger. Watch out for that evil knife, retreat, do not retreat, you will die." The former woman in black robe exclaimed suddenly.


The three men in black robes seemed to be extremely convinced and burst into countless moments.

Gu Hai, who had just struck a ferocious face, changed his face, as if punched in the air.

No, the breathless knife did not reveal anything, how did the woman in black robe know the horror of the death knife.


Gu Hai had a wing and chopped it towards a group of Heipao people.

"Be careful of the bone knife, the evil knife of the bone knife, try to avoid it," the woman in black robe shouted.

"Yes," the black robes answered.

The man in the black robe who had previously held the writing brush stroked his hand, and then another curtain of Huangquan water blocked in front of the ancient sea.

The deadly knife slammed away.


The Huangquan water curtain was weird torn apart by a dead knife.

"What, this bone knife can break my order," exclaimed the man in a black robe with a brush.

The ancient sea was very fast, and in a moment came to the black robe crowd.

The thief first captured the king and went straight towards the woman in black robe.

"Bold." "Presumptuous." "Protect the County Lord." ...............

A group of people in black robes drank together and lifted their swords towards the ancient sea together.

Gu Hai's body armor was inaccessible, and the speed broke out. It was too fast. It was going to be in front of the woman, and it was chopped off with one stroke.

Suddenly heard the word "spanclass>"


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When Gu Hai's face changed, the razor knife suddenly changed its direction.


Gu Hai was chopped off by a group of Heipao people.

However, with the bone armor, the ancient sea did not cause much damage.

"Country Lord, which County Lord are you?" Gu Hai's face changed.

The woman in the black robe no longer concealed, the detective opened the black robe hat and looked coldly at the ancient sea.

As soon as the hat was lifted, a beautiful woman's appearance was suddenly revealed. The appearance was similar to Long Wanqing, but at this moment looking at Gu Hai was a life-and-death hate.

"Long Wanyu." Gu Hai suddenly remembered the portrait given by Master Liu Nian, her face changed, she was surprised.

PS: Sorry, sorry, so late today, just finished writing, sorry, sorry.

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