Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Recommend Gao Xianzhi

Zhennan City!

Master Liu Nian went to look for Long Wanyu. Long Sanqian went to report to Shen Wuwang.

Sima Changkong stayed with Gu Hai and his party. In a small courtyard, Gu Hai and Sima Changkong drank tea and talked.

"The prince set a banquet in the evening to get wind for Mr. Gu, here I will tell Mr. Gu about the army of the broken army!" Sima Changkong said with a smile.

"Huh!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Broken army is a heavenly piano. First of all, you can control millions of figurines. You have seen it!" Sima Changkong sipped his tea and chanted.

"Millions of bronze people, all of them are the peak of Yuanying, with super strength, more than one million, siege the city, is it all good?" Gu Hai recalled.

"Yeah, there is no disadvantage, it is really disadvantageous. In the past, with the help of Long Wanyu, we found all the spies inside, and slandered a handful of Mo Yike, making Mo Yike in a difficult situation now, Long Wanyu's arrival, but It helped us too much, resulting in a record of seven wins and one defeat! "Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Little Prince told me!"

"Well, Lord Wang went to Jiuwu Island in person, with the sincerity of Lord Wang. The problem we encountered was the army that broke the army, the million piano figurines that broke the army, and siege. It didn't take long to break the city. It's no disadvantage to enter, but fortunately, we have a way to deal with it! "Sima Changkong laughed.


"You have also seen 'Shu Dao' before. There are also some strong scholars in our military camp. Our Sima family's" Huangquan Extermination Methodology "also shines. As long as a Qin figurine breaks through the city and enters our book immediately, Among the Tao rules, I am constrained by the order of my Tao to let them flee! "Sima Changkong explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

"But the figurines are too flexible. Unless they break in by themselves, it's hard to do nothing about them. Although we have a way to resist them, we can't get out, not only this figurine, but also broken bombs. "Tragic World!" Sima Changkong frowned.

"The tragic world, we have seen. In the past, Silvermoon City, but it covered a city, there is no escape?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yeah, the miserable world of Waner Fairy, ah, in the past, Waner Fairy went to King Luyang's house as a guest, and presented this song to the broken army, so ........." Sima Changkong bitterly.

"The army does not dare to step out of the city, otherwise it will break the five senses and become deaf and blind?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes! The army cannot get out of the city, how to move forward? So we ........., huh, although it is not glorious, but nothing, we sent assassins!" Sima Changkong said in a deep voice.


"If you haven't gone back, you haven't come back. You went to many people, including a Kaitiangong strongman!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Kaitian Gong strong?" Gu Hai frowned.

Sima Chang nodded his head: "Open the palace, huh, huh, when you enter the army camp, there is no sound, not even a little struggling movement!"

"Lu Yang?"

"No, Lu Yang is sitting in the main camp, and has not come out. It should be in the army camp, and there are strong people. According to our repeated verification, it should be a longevity division!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Gu Hai remembers that Long Wanqing left a letter and the words of the unborn person mentioned that King Lu Yang also had a life master, that life master, who detained the three souls of Long Xiaoyue?

"I heard that there are less than two masters in the world! Why ...?" Gu Hai frowned.

With less than ten people, why is King Lu Yang here?

Sima Changkong smiled slightly bitterly: "You are right. The true inheritance masters are only eight people, four white robes, four black robes. For thousands of years in the world, there are only eight! Born, uh, I can't say what's going on. However, there are eight people who can be inherited by the Daqian ancestors! But there is one!

"In the face of the broken army, ordinary troops cannot go out of the city, and the masters are more ferocious and less fertile?" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes, that's why Wang wants to ask you to crack the" Tragic World "!" Sima Chang said in a deep voice.

Gu Hai frowned slightly. Let Gou Chen crack it? How to break?

The two talked for a while, and in the evening, the ancient sea belt was hooked with Gou Chen, Gao Xianzhi, and Mu Chenfeng. The four arrived at Zhennan Hall with Sima Changkong.

At this moment, the two columns of Zhennan Hall have been filled with banquets, and a large number of civil and military officials have also arrived in the hall, seemingly waiting for the ancient sea.

The main table, just north of the main hall, was seated by King Shenwu.

King Shenwu is very casually dressed, only in a gorgeous brocade. With a broad face and no anger.

This is also the first time that Gu Hai has met Shenwu King. Although there was a smile on his face, a great majesty loomed across the distance.

"Meet the commander, this is the master of the ancient sea hall!" Sima Changkong gave a small gift to the King of God Wu.

"Gu Hai, I've seen Marshal Zhennan!" Gu Hai gave a small gift.

"Mr. Gu is polite. I heard Mr. Gu's talents early, but I missed it. I can see Mr. Gu today. Mr. Gu is very pleased. Mr. Gu, please take a seat!" God Wu slightly smiled.

The attendant immediately led Gu Hai and his party to a table in the front left of the hall.

The ancient sea four sat down.

Gou Chen sat down, his eyes lit up, watching the food on the table, he raised his chopsticks to clamp.

"Hmm!" A group of civil and military officials frowned suddenly.

One of us has n’t touched the chopsticks, we are all waiting for you to come. If you do not say hello, you are about to eat.

"Gou Chen!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Gou Chen looked stiff, and he put down a piece of meat on the chopsticks, but his eyes kept staring.

"Mr. Gu, the boss respects you, thank you for your many shots and unloading the dragon army of Lu Yang!" King Shenwu raised his cup and laughed.

"Thanks Marshal!" Gu Hai toasted.

For a moment, the civil and military officials raised the glass and coordinated with the drinking.

The drink was dry and clean. The atmosphere in the hall also eased.

"Let's eat!" Gu Hai said to the side.

"Ah! Ah!" Gou Chen quickly picked up the dishes.

"Mr. Gu, I wonder if you have any opinions on the war between our two armies?" Shenwuwang laughed.

"Marshal Zhizhu is holding it, so he won't talk much!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"I heard that Mr. Gu also had great hatred with Lu Yang. Therefore, it was only afterwards that the great luck was cut off, the two annihilation of Geng Jinzong and the three annihilation of the dragons?" Shenwu Wang looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly: "Do not share the hatred of heaven!"

"For Long Wanqing, Long Xiaoyue?" Shen Wuwang said in a deep voice.

"Good!" Gu Hai looked away.

"Xiaoyue is my sister, the most aura of my group of sisters. She had the best relationship with me. When I learned that I had died from King Lu Yang, I was the first to ask the Holy One to let me take revenge. Only today Marshal Zhennan, unfortunately Long Wanqing ..., alas! "Long Shenwu sighed slightly.

"Thank you Marshal!" Gu Haicheng said sincerely.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, I have read your information. Mr. Wu is ingenious and has superior means. Would you like to annihilate the army of Lu Yang and avenge Long Wanqing and Long Xiaoyue with me?" Shenwu Wang invited.

Gu Hai nodded: "This time I came with the little prince, this is what I meant!"

"But it's so good. How about this coach sitting down with the Sixth Army and leaving it to Mr. Gu for the time being?" Shen Wuwang laughed immediately.

"Commander Sixth Army?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

"Yes, the Sixth Army is a group of brave and warlike troops, but it lacks a wise commander, Mr. Gu does not give up, how can I help steer the Sixth Army? In this way, we can annihilate the army of Lu Yang as fast as possible! Solemnly.

Gu Hai frowned slightly and did not speak.

Commander of the Sixth Army? It was true that a large number of army forces were immediately grasped, but this was not what Gu Hai wanted. Gu Hai is the emperor of a country after all. He can cooperate with you, but cannot surrender to you.

The identity of the owner of Yipintang is just a cadre who does not succumb to anyone. Did you enter your barracks and be your subordinate?

But the tone of Shenwu King was sincere invitation. Perhaps the Emperor Dahan has not yet seen it in the eyes of the King of Shenwu, but others don't despise it, does not mean that he can leave it alone?

"How's it going?" Shenwuwang laughed.

After being silent for a while, Gu Haiwei smiled, "Is the coach so trusted?"

"Natural!" Affirmed the Emperor Shenwu.

With a bitter smile, Gu Haidao said, "Thank you for your trust, but now that you have a trust, I have a proposal below, I hope the manager will not mind!"


"I'm old, I'm used to being idle, I haven't led a army for a long time, I'm afraid I won't take it! I don't know if the 6th Legion lacks a wise commander. I recommend one, I wonder?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh?" Shenwuwang frowned slightly.

In the hall, a number of civil and military officials also looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

The commander is willing to be the sixth army commander, but you don't appreciate it?

"Mr. Gu's recommendation should not be worse, I don't know who it is?" Shenwuwang wondered.

"Gao Xianzhi!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"The minister is here!" Gao Xianzhi immediately stood up and respected.

The ministers looked at this middle-aged general in doubt, before thinking that they were the followers of Guhai.

"Shenwu King, this is the next relative, Gao Xianzhi, the sixth army commander of the commander, can be placed under the helm of Gao Xianzhi!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


There was an uproar among the ministers in the hall, and one of your subordinates was recommended?

The commander gave you an outsider to master the Sixth Army. It is already a blessing of heaven, but you are not content, and you order someone to come out? Do you look down on our army?

Some officials even stared at Gu Hai.

King Shenwu frowned at Gao Xianzhi.

The Emperor Wu of the God did not speak, and not far away, a big-bearded Han suddenly jumped out.

"Gu Hai, you are presumptuous. The handsome commander treats you like a scholar, but you are so indifferent to the handsome commander? Are you insulting us?" The unbearable big man stared.

"Your Excellency?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I am the sixth army commander today, fighting for hundreds of miles!" Dasu Han stared.

"It turned out to be General Baili, oh, why are you sure that I am insulting you, which one of your eyes sees me indifferent?" Said Gu Hai Shen.

The Emperor Shenwu did not speak, but drank wine, squinted, and watched quietly.

"Is not neglecting the commander, you send a subordinate, and also want to command the Sixth Army?" Baili Zhan stared.

"The commander needs a wise man, as long as he leads a war and can surpass you, doesn't it?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Only for him? A subordinate? Did he participate in the monks war?" Baili Zhan glared.

Gu Hai looked at Gao Xianzhi and motioned for Gao Xianzhi to answer.

Gao Xianzhi took a deep breath and suppressed the tension in his heart, knowing that it was the emperor who disciplined himself.

"Back to General Baili, just led the secular army underneath!" Gao Xianzhi took a deep breath.

"Have you just led a secular army? Have you never participated in a monk's war? Have you ever participated in a monk's war, and dare to do anything you want to command our 6th Army?" Baili Zhan stared.

"The commander needs a wise man, not a reckless husband!" Gao Xianzhi replied lightly.

"Reckless husband? Haha, you are a suckling boy, dare to say that I am a reckless husband?" Baili Zhan stared.

"General Baili, war is not quick!" Gao Xianzhi said lightly.

"Miscellaneous things!" Bai Lizhan stared, seeming to explode.

"Hundred Miles!" Shen Wuwang said.

"Master, this boy doesn't know the heights and heights, let me teach him lessons!" Baili warned suddenly.

"Huh?" Shen Wuwang frowned.

"Master, I'm not talking about martial arts. There is no one in this kid's head. I want to give him a sand table deduction and let him know that the army of repairers is not something they take for granted. Every child in my 6th Army is precious. Can't let him mess up! "Cried Bailizhan.

Shen Wuwang frowned slightly and looked at the ancient sea.

"Deduction on the battlefield?" Gu Hai looked at Shenwu King in doubt.

"The battlefield deduction is a magic weapon. Use consciousness to enter the magic weapon. The two sides each lead a group of armies. They have all kinds of arms and fight each other to separate the winners and losers. This is a magic weapon for studying war!" .

"Gu Hai, didn't you recommend your subordinate? Let him try it? How about I let him have a thousand troops?" Baili war sneered.

"Master, since General Baili is interested, let Gao Xianzhi try it?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Okay!" Shen Wuwang nodded.

Not far away, a hundred-mile battle revealed a proud smile.

The ancient sea looked at Gao Xianzhi and said, "Gao Xianzhi, you have to fight for the battle of hundreds of miles, don't belittle you!"

Gao Xianzhi's expression suddenly disappeared, and he immediately understood the meaning of the ancient sea. This hundred-mile battle seemed reckless and harmless, but it was savvy and not to be taken lightly.

"Yes, emperor! I will not let the emperor disappoint!" Gao Xianzhi respectfully said.


Not far away, several servants carried a huge jade platform, on which a large number of rune arrays were recorded.

"Come on, boy, use this arena for the first time to do the stage, learn from me, with your palms on this edge, and your mind sinking into it!" Bailizhan sneered.

Gao Xianzhi nodded and walked to the center of the hall.

The two stood on both sides of Yutai with their hands on the table.


A sudden light emerged from Yutai, and the two consciously entered into it, slowly closing their eyes.


Above Yutai, a dazzling light suddenly bloomed, projecting a battlefield of mountains and hills.

At both ends of the battlefield, Gao Xianzhi led an army of 100,000 repairers on one side, and Baili War led an army of 100,000 repairers on the other.

A deduction is about to begin.

Gao Xianzhi vs Baili War!

Dragon God's Legion vs. Gu Hai's Legion!

[,! ]

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