Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 119: Inexplicable

The bell peppers run into the nose, crying and runny.

I really didn't want to cry this time. Long Wanyu was just anxious and perverted. She didn't mean to be sad at all. It was anger, anxiety, not sadness.

However, the ingestion of Tianjiao is not under his own control. The desperate expression of that snot and tears. The tears could not stop. Long Wanyu was anxious and wanted to stop herself from crying. I made Tianjiao by myself. In order to laugh at the ancient sea, I also put the maximum dose.

At this moment, Long Wanyu kept rubbing her eyes to stop the tears from flowing down, but the tears couldn't stop them at all.

That miserable look, seeing Gu Hai's guilt for a while, Wan Qing asked herself to take care of Long Wan Yu, but she repeatedly bullied her. Did she really do too much?

Aside from looking at Long Wanyu's grief and despair, Master Liu Nian was also bitter for a while.

"Gu Hai, although I really want to go, but I think the person who cares about Long Xiaoyue the most in this world is Long Wanyu, oh, after all, she is her daughter, and she can understand her heart. You can see her sadness, oh. "Master Liunian sighed slightly.

"She's not wise yet, I'm worried ..." Gu Hai's tone was a little loose, but she was still worried.

"In the longevity circle, the crisis is pervading. I can't get much effect when I go there. Long Wanyu is a prophet and has the ability to avoid evil and evil. Maybe, it can point you to the right path." Master Liu Nian sighed .

Obviously, this time to trace Long Xiaoyue's two souls, he could not participate, and the master of the fleeting regrets.

Gu Hai frowned slightly and looked at Long Wanyu in the courtyard.

Long Wanyu has crawled out of the pit.

"I don't cry, I don't cry, ohhhh, wow." Long Wanyu cried.

Long Wanyu really didn't want to cry, she was anxious, but Tianjiao was in the nose, but she couldn't stop. The feeling of crying and running was uncomfortable, so she had to stop it.

"Eh, I can't help it. Who asked you to put so many days peppers, or else, try washing your eyes and drinking some water." Yao Guiling said silently.

In the eyes of the ancient sea and masters of the fleeting years.

Long Wanyu was extremely sad, but she also had to be strong. She shouted that I should not cry, and ran to the small pond in the backyard. She was washing her face with pool water, pretending to be strong, and holding back sadness.

There was a sense of intolerance in the eyes of Master Liu Gu and Gu Hai.

"Well, Gu Hai, forget it, you still take Long Wanyu, Xiaoyue has two daughters, Wan Qing is dead, Wan Yu is also distraught, and she wants to go so you can complete her." Liu Nian The master could not help but persuade.

Not far away, Long Wanyu drank a few mouthfuls of pool water, washed her face with clean water, and finally stopped the bad effects brought by the pepper.

Exhale long and turn your head.

Turning his head for a moment, his face was mixed with tears and pool of water, looking extremely embarrassed and pathetic.

"Well, let alone, the master doesn't have to go, let Long Wanyu go with me." Gu Hai sighed slightly, and finally let go.

"Uh." Long Wanyu turned around slightly for a moment.

What happened just now, Gu Hai's head was broken, why did he suddenly let me go again.

"Long Wanyu, go to freshen up and prepare yourself. At most the day after tomorrow, we will set off. This soul seed is for you. Remember, this is the voucher you followed. Don't lose it. "The ancient sea is extremely solemn.

Long Wanyu took the soul type blankly: "……………………" ——

Two days later.

Zhennan outside the city.

Long Wanyu is deliberately upset at this moment, looking at the ancient sea that is still not far away from Sima Changkong and Master Liu Nian.

"Gu Hai, hurry up, don't grind." Long Wanyu exclaimed in a good mood at the moment.

Gu Hai, Sima Changkong, and Master Liu Nian turned their heads and looked at Long Wanyu, who was carrying a small bag as if she was going on an outing, and the expressions of urgency and disappointment were silent for a while, and they continued to talk.

"Mr. Sima, everything is up to you. When we go, the biggest threat comes from the broken army. The ear strength of the broken army is as strong as Gou Chen. Although Gou Chen can set up a sound barrier for us, it ca n’t keep too much. Time ca n’t be too far away. Only if you attract the attention of the broken army can we safely reach that place of life. ”Gu Hai was very solemn.

"I have already said to the commander, and I will cooperate with you fully in the future. I will move Chen Qin to face the army, and the army will be noisy, and the army will not notice you." .

"That's good." Gu Hai nodded.

"Gu Hai, Long Wanyu is here, so you bother." Master Liu Nian laughed bitterly.

At this moment, Master Liunian suddenly had an regret to let Long Wanyu go, right?

"Relax, I promise Wanqing, I will take care of her." Gu Hai nodded.

"Walk, Gu Hai." Long Wanyu said anxiously.

Gu Hai: "……………………."

"Gouchen, come here," Gu Hai cried.

"Master." Gou Chen respectfully said.

"I told you yesterday, as well as your tune, you remember it." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Master, rest assured, tune, I will remember it once." Gou Chen nodded with certainty.

"Okay, what's the situation when you look back, Master Liu Nian will tell you how to deal with it, whoever listens more to Master Liu Nian." Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes." Gou Chen nodded.

"I remember that in Yinyuehai, Yun Mo used your artistic conception of the piano to tie a string of artistic moods and **** a group of musicians. At last Yunmo took control, and all the tied musicians in Yinyuehai were Pulled back to Yinyue Island in an instant. "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Oh, that's easy. I want to create a string of mood. Only you two can touch it. Others can't see or touch it." Gou Chen nodded.

"Now, you will bind Long Wanyu and me with that mood string. As long as you receive my signal, no matter what the situation, immediately pull me back and Long Wanyu." Gu Hai solemnly said.

In this way, Gu Hai and Long Wanyu could be pulled back instantly even if they went deep into the quagmire.

Gou Chen nodded.

"Long Wanyu, come here," Gu Hai cried.

"Why." Long Wanyu frowned.


Suddenly, Gou Chen had two more golden silk threads in her palm and handed them to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai tied one to her waist, and the other tied to Long Wanyu's waist.

"Why, Gu Hai." Long Wanyu stared.

"If you want to go, don't move." Gu Hai Shen cried.

Long Wanyu was uncomfortable, but she was still **** by the ancient sea.


The golden thin line trembled a little, disappeared and disappeared. Others couldn't see or touch it. Only Gu Hai and Long Wanyu could see and touch it.

"Add a layer of insurance, don't break it, this is life-saving." Gu Hai Shen said.

"Hum." Long Wanyu sighed coldly, and did not move after all.

"You, we are gone." Gu Hai solemnly said.

The crowd nodded.


Gu Hai and Long Wanyu drove two fairy cranes, flying against the ground, and headed towards the broken army barracks filled with fog in the distance.

Above the crane, Gu Hai looked to Long Wanyu aside: "Long Wanyu."

"What?" Long Wanyu sternly said fiercely.

"I do n’t care what kind of attitude you go with me, and no matter how much you hate me, but I hope you remember one thing. Today, we are not going to play, or when we are out of breath, I hope you Can cooperate with me, today is to trace your mother's ghost, the chance is only once, don't be willful, listen to me, cooperate with me, it's good. "Gu Hai solemnly said.

Long Wanyu frowned slightly. Speaking of it, Gu Hai's resentment has never faded, but maybe Gu Hai was right, no matter how great her resentment, she can't vent her today. There is only one chance to trace the ghost of his mother today.

With a sudden look, Long Wanyu solemnly said, "Hum, rest assured, I won't trouble you today."

"Okay, then we will enter into it. You can avoid bad luck and avoid evil. I hope you can notify me in advance when you encounter" big fierce "and" big luck ". You must not lie to me or allow unauthorized actions." Gu Hai solemnly Road.

"Don't worry, in order to find my mother, I won't be angry at this time, I cooperate with you." Long Wanyu nodded.

"Thank you." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"You still thank me." Long Wanyu stared at Long Wanyu with wide eyes.

Gu Hai shook his head without saying more.

On the other side, Sima Changkong watched Gu Hai and his party disappear into the distant mountains and forests, and also turned to look at the crowd: "Well, we should go back and prepare for the invitation.

"Okay," Master Liu Nian, Gou Chen and others answered.

Everyone entered the city and made preparations according to the prior consultation.

King Shenwu stood on the tower and looked into the distance.

"Master, it's almost time." Sima Changkong stepped forward respectfully.

"You come to command, this coach, this coach does not intervene." Shen Wuwang said lightly.


When Sima Changkong waved his hand, the subordinates not far away quickly fluttered the small flag.

"咚, 咚咚, 咚咚 咚咚."

Zhennan City, the sound of war drums soared into the sky, and the sky was suddenly sounded in all directions.

"Ohh Ohh ohh."

The huge sound of the horn was also soaring into the sky, and the powerful pre-war momentum blown away the clouds and sky. All of a sudden, there were no clouds.

The Quartet's soldiers had gathered at the gates and walls of the city, and the war broke out.

The sound of drums and trumpets rang out at the barracks in the clouds in the distance.

In the distant cloud military camp.

The number of ordinary soldiers is not large. The army that breaks the army is mainly the one million piano figurines and one million bronze men arranged neatly on a huge square, which is extremely shocking.

In the distance, the sound of a huge drum of war and the sound of a horn sounded, and immediately raised the brow of a broken army in a hall.

"General, Long Shenwu Army, actually called out." A subordinate ran in in amazement.

The broken army got up, walked out of the hall and looked away. The brows frowned slightly: "Long Shenwu, finally agreed to the two armies, oh, with me, your Zhennan army can only be a shrinking turtle, never think Out of town Nancheng. "

"Drums, ready to fight." Po Jun twisted his neck, showing a slight disdain.

"Yes." The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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