Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 121: Brother-in-law

Among the ghost ponds, the screams and struggles of the ghosts, but they couldn't escape at all.

Gu Hai's brows frowned slightly, and her heart was not happy, but this is the army soul who just died in battle.

Although he was displeased, Gu Hai was powerless, and at least there were important things to be resolved.

"Quack, quack, two little dolls, how did you get in, my life array, but psychedelic, more shameless flesh, but you came here safely, without being disturbed by a large array, It's strange, it's strange. "Mr. Dongfang looked very calmly to the two.

"Mr. Dongfang, take the liberty to disturb, I want to ask you something." Long Wanyu said eagerly.

Long Wanyu begged her mother, and the ancient sea was not easy to stop.

"Oh, please tell me something, then come up with sincerity first, you say first, how did you come in safely." Mr. Dong said with a doubt.

"We have two soul species, you see, this is it." Long Wanyu immediately took out the soul species.

"Long Wanyu." Gu Hai frowned, trying to stop, but everything was too late.

The soul species in Long Wanyu's hands have been seen by Mr. Dongfang.

"Ding Xi's 'Soul Species', this is what I gave to Emperor Ma'am. The two are really a good means. They actually got it." Mr. Dong Shen said.

"A coincidence." Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"She's Ding Yan, what's your soul seed, show me," Mr. Dong said lightly.

"Gu Hai, show him, hurry up, I want to know my mother's news." Long Wanyu eagerly said.

Gu Hai looked puzzled at Mr. Dongfang, why did he have to look at his ‘soul species’.

No matter how urged Long Wanyu was, Gu Hai did not take it out, but stared at Long Wanyu and said, "Long Wanyu, you are sure, you are definitely lucky."

Long Wanyu froze slightly, for a moment I didn't know what to say, Gu Hai smiled slightly for a while, and knew that she shouldn't trust Long Wanyu.

"Gu Hai, where's your soul? Show me," Mr. Dongfang cried.

But Gu Hai took a deep breath: "Mr. Dongfang, take the liberty to bother, and don't expect to blame. We are now representing the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, this is the most beloved Wanyu County Lord in Dagan Sheng. If she has an unexpected, Dagan The Holy Spirit is bound to burn the sky with anger. This time, he will be against the grandmother, not the enemy. Mr. Lai Ri will go to Dagan, and the master of Wanyu County will be treated like a guest. "

"Giggle, Guhai, are you threatening me?" Mr. Dongfang sneered suddenly.

"No, I just want to make Mr. Dongfang good." Gu Haiwei smiled.

"You don't have to pay it, Dagan, that sage master, I have resentment against me. You said that I would be afraid of Dagan Sheng, giggle, today you two broke in by yourself, no wonder me, no wonder me, quacking." Mr. Dong smiled proudly.

Gu Hai's face changed.

"Mr. Dongfang, I want to know, where is my mother ’s heaven and earth soul, do you know?" Long Wanyu called eagerly.

"Oh, it turned out that it was for the two souls of Long Xiaoyue, quack, okay, good, okay, come on, you want the two souls of Long Xiaoyue, come to me and I'll give it to you. "Mr. Dong laughed.

"You really do." Long Wanyu really took a step forward.


Gu Hai grabbed Long Wanyu's arm.

"What?" Long Wanyu frowned.

Gu Hai looked at Mr. Dongfang and said, "Mr. Dongfang, I have been disturbed a lot this time. I'm still leaving."

"Well, he said there are two souls to my mother." Long Wanyu anxiously.

"Shut up." Gu Hai stared, drinking only Long Wanyu.

Grasping Long Wanyu, she has to back away.

"I'm Shou Zhen, but this is where you want to come, you want to go." Mr. Dong sneered.

Spoke a finger while talking.


The rolling black overcast wind suddenly condensed from the four sides, instantly surrounding the ancient sea and Long Wanyu.

"Ding Yi, haha, my soul is seeded, but it's for your use, joke, broken." Mr. Dongfang snapped his fingers.


Long Wanyu's 'soul species' burst instantly and turned into a cloud of smoke surrounding Long Wanyu.

"It's over, it's over, girl, you're making evil, now see how you go out, this shaving wind of flesh and bones, you will touch it when you touch it." Demon ghost shouted in despair.

"You, you, how can you do this." Long Wanyu stared at Mr. Dongfang with wide eyes.

"Why can't I do this," Mr. Dong sneered.

Gu Hai, however, protected Long Wanyu behind him and said to Mr. Dongfang, "Mr. Dongfang, come here today, we don't want to blame with Mr., we just want to ask to teach something, and what's the requirement, Mr. He proposed that as long as we can do it, we will definitely do it for him, and please let him anger. "

"I'm angry, giggle, you guys also want me to be angry, but I'm not angry, I want to catch you up, and, I want to make that cadre and student angry, quack, I don't know I killed Long Wanyu, what kind of anxiety will Dagan do? "Mr. Dongfang sneered.

"How could there be such a bad person, how could there be such a bad person." Long Wanyu's eyes suddenly became red.

Long Wanyu was fierce and wayward, but, from childhood to most, lived in the palace of Dagan and was sheltered from the holy sacrament of Dagan, where would anyone think that the people outside were so bad.

Gu Hai's face sank. This Mr. Dongfang didn't make sense, but there was nothing worse than worse.

But when he saw Mr. Dongfang suddenly surprised, "Well, what's the little girl tied to?"

"Um." Gu Hai's face sank.

"Oh, fortunately, the soul has spread and covered you, and I only saw it, giggling, really prepared. Baishou Peach tree, the roots move for me, broken." Mr. Dongfang waved his hand.


A cloud of mist dissipated not far away, and the Peach Blossom Peach Tree was suddenly exposed.

As soon as the Baishou Peach tree came out, the roots suddenly turned into a large weaving net, which instantly wrapped the entire internal space, densely packed with infinite roots. Even if the ancient sea two wanted to escape, they would be blocked.

"This is the string, little girl, with the string tied on her body, giggling, and it really comes prepared." Mr. Dong sneered.

"Not good, Gou Chen, Gou Chen." Gu Haixian yanked the moody strings on Long Wanyu's body.

The string yanked, reminding Go Chen in the distance.


Gou Chen yanked the strings.

"Ah." Long Wanyu was dragged upside down, preparing to drag back to Zhennan City.


The large net woven by the roots of the Peach Blossom Peach Tree is like a sturdy wall, blocking Long Wanyu instantly.

Can't escape.

"Ah." Long Wanyu called in pain.

"Escape, you can't escape, this string is also broken for me." Mr. Dong sneered.


Two tree roots crashed against the strings.


The strings broke suddenly.

"Woohoo, you are a badass, you are a big badass." Long Wanyu cried in fright.

"I'm good for you, little girl, no soul seed, fled into my yin wind array, and immediately cut bone and flesh, if I hadn't stopped by the root of the tree just now, you're dead, escape, you escape Can't fall, I'm going to find you a decent way of death, giggling. "Mr. Dong laughed.

"Woohoo, mother, sister." Long Wanyu cried in horror.

For the first time, Long Wanyu realized that she was scared and extremely scared. She had never experienced such a threat of death before. Now the momentary shock makes Long Wanyu frighten her whole body. Deep regret.

"Bai Shou Peach Tree, I heard that the nourishment of Bai Shou Peach Tree is a ghost, but the original gentleman has refined these ghosts for this peach. The ancient sea is not talented, and by coincidence there is a Bai Shou Peach. It's okay for people to offend, Mr. Dongfang. "Gu Hai looked at Mr. Dongfang.

"Oh." Mr. Dongfang was slightly surprised.

"I remembered, congenital endgame, that ancient sea is you, you do have one, giggling, you brought it to me, I think about it," Mr. Dong sneered.

"OK." Gu Hai nodded.

During the exploration, it seemed that he was going to get the Baishou Peach, but his figure was close to Long Wanyu in terror.

"Long Wanyu, this time I made a big loss for your mistakes." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Woohoo, me, me, me." Long Wanyu was still frightened.

In the face of Gu Hai's accusations, there is no energy to refute.

At this moment, Gu Hai suddenly lifted Long Wanyu.

"Well," Mr. Dongfang said for a moment.

"Ah." Long Wanyu was suddenly cuddled by a man, and suddenly screamed.

"While now, Go Chen, get up." Gu Hai yelled, his waist trembled, and pulled the strings of his artistic mood.

Gou Chen pulled suddenly.


The ancient sea was pulled up instantly, holding Long Wanyu in her arms, and hitting the tree root wall again.

At this moment, Gu Hai also took out something, not Baishou Peach, but a blood knife.

"Break it for me." Gu Hai shouted with a stare.


Under the mighty power of the Blood Knife, the tree root wall was split into a blast.

Gu Hai held Long Wanyu and was pulled out of her mouth instantly.

"Shuzi, dare to bully me." Mr. Dong burst into a rage and waved his hand.


The rolling tree roots rose suddenly.

There is a soul species in the ancient sea, next to herself and Long Wanyu, can not be harmed by the wind, and the string dragging force is particularly strong, and they are pulled to a distance in an instant.

"Saved, saved." The demon spirit wept for joy.

Long Wanyu didn't care about being hugged by the ancient sea bear at this moment, but widened her eyes.

I escaped by myself, and this escaped.


The two were too late to celebrate, and suddenly a tree root instantly entangled Gu Hai's right foot.



However, for a split second, hundreds of tree roots entangled the ancient sea, and even together with the right arm of the ancient sea grasping knife, entangled together


40672932299/32846786 / -927798515280591620.png) \ '> The right hand is extremely volatile.

This is not the most horrible, and then, the overwhelming tree roots came over, and it seemed that they would be completely swallowed up in the sea of ​​tree roots.

"It's over, I can't run away." Demon Spirit said in despair.

Long Wanyu was frightened by this scene.

Gu Hai smiled with a sigh of grin, could this not be escaped?

Pulling his left hand to the waist, he untied the strings on the waist, and immediately put it on Long Wanyu's waist. The soul in his hand was stuck in Long Wanyu's palm.

The frightened Long Wanyu froze slightly, and suddenly felt that there was a cold soul seed in her palm, her waist tightened suddenly.

His own soul was broken by Mr. Dongfang, and his strings were also broken by Mr. Dongfang. Now this is, this is all ancient.

"Long Wanyu, don't be too capricious in the future." Gu Hai shouted a grin.

"call out."

Long Wanyu was pulled by the strings and shot into the distance instantly.

As she was dragged by the strings, Long Wanyu's eyes widened and she looked at the ancient sea, drowned by the roots of thousands of arms, and dragged into the large array.

call out.

Because of the soul type, Long Wanyu was not disturbed by the gloomy wind, and the powerful dragging force was instantly pulled out like a fishing line.

"Saved, saved." The demon ghost exclaimed excitedly.

The demon spirit was excited, and Long Wanyu was stupid. Gu Hai gave himself the hope of life, gave me the soul, gave me the strings, and saved me, but he was killed by the tree. Genkai devoured.

At that scene, Long Wanyu would never forget her life. Even if she was dragged in the air, the picture of Gu Hai just being engulfed by Wan Gen is still vivid.

No one except mother and sister is so good to themselves.

He had to kill him, tease him, and lie to him, but he was killed by the bad guy in the end to save me.

In a short time, Long Wanyu met the worst person in the world and suddenly saw the best person in the world. The contrast of this moment made Long Wanyu's whole body stunned, leaving only her mind The last sentence of the ancient sea.

"Long Wanyu, don't be too willful in the future."

The ghosts celebrated for a while, and Long Wanyu shouted with red eyes: "Brother-in-law ~~~~~~~~~~~~"

call out.

Long Wanyu was instantly pulled towards the distant horizon.

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