Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 123: Ten thousand ancient seas

"Thirty heavens and squares chess game, invite you to crack." The old man who watched chess invited again.

However, this time, the old man who watched chess seemed to have an independent mind.

"Old man watching chess," Gu Hai wondered.

"I was just thinking about the old man who watched chess. Someone cracked the game, and I broke up." The old man watched chess laughed.

"Oh, there is a legacy," Gu Hai wondered.

"Inheritance is just this game of chess." The old man who watched chess laughed.

"It's just this game. It's good. If I crack this game, I will also have a shocking array, but why do you set up these games for people to play, is it just inheritance?" Gu Hai puzzled.

The old man watching chess smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Twenty-nine heavens and earth, the game of chess, but playing, is dead, this chess game." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"What do you say." The old man watching chess laughed.

Gu Hai's face sank, and she smiled bitterly: "It's also dead. The outside world, my body has fallen into the mud and can't move at all, and a large force is breaking down my shield. I don't think I can hold it for long, and I hold my breath It is impossible to continue without limit. "

"If you crack this game, you can easily leave. I can't crack it. I can only wait for the next person." The old man watching Guanqi said lightly.

"Waiting for the next person."

"Guanqi Jiuzi, after all, there will be someone who can crack." The old man who watched Qi said lightly.

Gu Hai was silent for a while.

"So, time is limited, please." The old man Guanqi said lightly.

"How is this game of chess better than the twenty-nine heaven and earth game?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"It's like the difference between twenty-nine and twenty-eight." The old man watching chess said lightly.

Gu Hai: "..............."

Gu Hai is eager to meet his opponents. If it is normal to encounter a chess game of thirty heavens and earth, Gu Hai will be very happy, because Gu Hai is confident and confident that he can crack, but it is only a matter of time, but now, he does not give himself time at all.

Twenty-nine Heaven and Earth chess game, but at the beginning, I experienced three stages of elementary, intermediate and advanced, and in the place of life and death chess, one sitting is a whole day, and finally resolved.

Now, do you have a whole day, hold your breath, hold your breath for a maximum of three or four hours, and the viscous liquid outside constantly destroys your mask, do you have so much time?

The difference between thirty and twenty-nine is like the difference between twenty-nine and twenty-eight, twenty-nine and twenty-eight.

"Time is limited, please settle as soon as possible." The old man watching chess said again.

Gu Hai: "........."

Not afraid to hesitate, Gu Hai immediately looked at the chessboard.

Thirty heavens and squares, with thirty lines each, were complicated many times in an instant, and the powerful endgame was arranged by the old man watching chess. At first glance, the ancient sea was a mysterious world.

If Twenty-nine just builds a house frame, everything is hollowed out, and in front of thirty, the hollowed out place has been filled with bricks and tiles, closing the Quartet, into a complete house, a complete world.

"His." Gu Hai took a deep breath.

At this moment, I don't know if it should be happy or sad.

As the old man who watched chess said, the game in front of him was really esoteric. It was not impossible to crack, but there was no time.

Gu Hai wanted to explore with heart, but, due to lack of time, he didn't dare go too far.

How to do how to do.


Suddenly, Gu Hai's consciousness space made a loud noise.

But it came from the 100,000 endgame map brought from the earth below.

100,000 endgame maps, formerly 80,000 sets, four or four merged, and condensed into 20,000 sets of super complicated cross-section 19 endgames, and then when the last "crack" was cracked, again with another 20,000 sets of complex endgames The April Fourth merger, a slow merger process, was finally merged at the moment, and finally turned into the most complicated endgame of 10,000 games.

The 10,000-square-four-four combined chessboard condenses the countless wisdom of the ancient sea and the endless understanding of the ancient sea by the ancient sea. In each game, the wisdom of the ancient sea is concentrated.

Ten thousand disks were merged.

"Please drop off." The old man watching chess called again.

Without seeing the game of thirty, how could Gu Hai easily fall, but there is no time to see what to do.

Suddenly, Gu Hai frowned and thought of something.

"In this ten thousand pieces of endgame, all my wisdom is condensed. Can I integrate my consciousness and manipulate my wisdom accumulation." Gu Hai looked with a movement.

With this in mind, Gu Hai said what he did, and his conscious body slowly collapsed.


The body of consciousness collapsed into 10,000 bodies of consciousness, each of which got into an endgame map.

Distracted consciousness is difficult to say, but it is not difficult to say, just like ordinary people working with only their right hand is a conscious body manipulation. However, when using two-handed work, the conscious body is divided into two parts and used at the same time. With both hands and feet, the body of consciousness is divided into four parts.

Gu Hai now divides a body of consciousness into 10,000 parts and manipulates the endgame of his wisdom and cohesion.

On a board of ten thousand, each slowly condensed a vague figure of the ancient sea, like a projection, extremely light.

Ten thousand ancient sea ghosts slowly opened their eyes.

Manipulating a 10,000 chess board, they flew across from the old man who watched chess.

At an instant, the chess player opposite the old man who watched chess was no longer one, but 10,000, 10,000 ancient seas. At this moment, he was analyzing the 30-day world chess game with his own wisdom.

The wisdom of 10,000 ancient seas seems to be comparable.

Ten thousand ancient seas, playing against the old man who watched chess.

The old man who watched chess also showed a hint of surprise: "Chess soul, you are actually a chess soul condensed in this way."

Looking at the chessboard, nine hundred and ninety-nine ancient seas, only one curiously asked, "What is chess spirit?"

"You and I have taken a different path. My own body was a chess body, which continuously strengthened and expanded the infinite consciousness. But you, based on 10,000 consciousnesses, looked forward to oneness, uniting the chess body, maybe One day, when your 10,000 ideology is united, it is when the chess soul is completely condensed. Chess soul, huh, huh, you will be the second person to consolidate chess soul in this world. Road.

"Oh, the second one, who is that first one."

"The first one is me." The old man watching chess said lightly.

"What's the use of chess spirit?" Gu Hai wondered.

"That's your seventh spirit." The old man who watched chess said lightly.

"What seventh spirit." Gu Hai wondered.

"Three souls and seven souls, everyone knows, but ordinary people can only find three souls and six souls." The old man who watched Qi said lightly.

Gu Hai remembered instantly.

Three souls, heaven and earth people three souls.

And Yuan Yingjing, Yuan Ying is the soul, Dan Tian Yuan Ying, the heart, the liver, the spleen, the lung, the kidney, the kidney, there are only a total of six, but there is no seventh soul, are you condensing the seventh soul.

The old man who watched chess no longer said, but suddenly looked at the chessboard, as if he had discovered the situation.

The only ancient sea that talked was no longer talking, but looked at the chessboard with 9,999 others left.

10,000 ancient seas, simultaneously cracking thirty heaven and earth chess game.

The power of this analysis is terrifying.

Just a moment of incense.


Suddenly one of the big chessboards where the ancient sea sat down suddenly condensed. It was a big chessboard merged with four or four, that is, the four chessboards were put together, four times in length and height, and many chess pieces.

At this moment, it was condensed, and slowly narrowed into a 19-stroke chessboard. The discarded chess was eliminated, and the complex situation in the previous four games was slowly condensed into a game.


The second ancient sea sat down on a large chessboard condensed into a small chessboard with nineteen vertical and horizontal lines.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

More and more big chessboards are condensing.

While analyzing the game of Thirty Chess, although this game has not been settled yet, it feels countless in an instant.

10,000 ancient seas, as if entering the world together, scattered and open, each person sees one ten thousandth, and quickly analyze and understand the entire world.

Seeing more and more clear, each has great insights.

Ten thousand large chessboards, after an hour, were completely condensed into small chessboards.

At this moment, 10,000 ghost images of the ancient sea seem to be clear a little bit in a flash.


10,000 ancient seas, looked up at the same time, at that moment, it seemed that the whole world was suddenly bright.

The old man who watched chess smiled bitterly: "Congratulations, you've unlocked."


Ten thousand small chessboards suddenly merged again and again.


Four of the chessboards suddenly merged into one, but the four ancient seas above were in physical shape, and the four merged into one. The shape was still blurred, but it was more clear, presumably, when 10,000 When the ancient seas brought together the wisdom accumulated in the endgame, it was when the chess spirit was completely born.

The others are still going on, but obviously a long process is still needed.

The only ancient sea that merged four or four, caught a sunspot.

"Old man watching chess, no matter what your end is, Gu Hai is grateful here."

Speaking, that ancient sea slowly landed on a chessboard.



The entire chessboard trembled suddenly. If someone who knew chess looked at it, it looked like the entire chess world, and it instantly collapsed and was destroyed.

The entire chessboard suddenly turned into a mist of smoke surrounding the old man watching chess.

"You don't need to thank me. One day, you will know that I should thank you too." The old man who watched Qi smiled slightly.


The old man who watched chess suddenly burst out and disappeared into smoke.

In the smoke, there was suddenly one more Yi Tianqi fragment, one larger than the three previously obtained by Gu Hai.

"It's another one." Gu Hai froze slightly, and consciousness returned to the external ontology.

At this moment, Gu Hai suddenly felt that she was able to move. Although the viscous liquid was still unchanged, her body was covered with a layer of light from the Yitian chess fragments, allowing her to move freely in this liquid.

Freedom of movement.

The ancient sea was exposed, and its body slammed into the inner wall.

This is the "stomach" of Pak Sum Peach, or the melting furnace inside.

"Smelting the living, smelting the ghosts will not let the rebirth, but it is not a good thing, it should be destroyed." Gu Hai eyes cold.


The knife stabbed out suddenly, piercing the entire wall of the melting furnace.

"Bai Shou Peach Tree, a rare treasure in the world, **** it up and help me destroy it. The absorbed power does not need to be transferred to me. It all turns into ossified power. I want to destroy this whole hell." Howling.


A deadly knife pierced the inner wall of the furnace, and countless skulls swarmed out in the billowing black gas, quickly eating away.

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