Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 125: Qindao showdown

This is the second more-

The ancient sea and millions of ghosts walk out of the bone valley.

There was a thick mist of fog all around, covering the bone area.

"Boom." "Boom." "Boom." ...............

The sky was filled with endless dark clouds, roaring in the distance.

Gu Hai stood on top of a mountain and looked into the distance.

The dark clouds in the sky, but the fate of the "Tragic World", were played by the broken army, as if it were more miserable than the original, the sky was overcast, the world was full of Xiaosuo's cold wind, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, Despair of vice bitter cold.

However, the loud noise came from outside the city of Zhennan City in the distance.

Outside the town of Zhennan, there are millions of bronze people, all of whom are the peaks of Yuanying, with superb power.

The soldiers in the old city must not withstand the millions of bronze men, but those soldiers are just disguise.

But I saw in the distance, four copybooks hanging in the sky, four super huge copybooks.

The copybook hangs vertically to form a square space. Above the copybook, bright white light blooms.

At this moment, about 600,000 bronze people are trapped in the square space by these four copybooks.

The dazzling white light blooming on the copybook was like four giant walls, sealed in all directions and trapped 600,000 bronze people.

"That copybook, on the copybook, is the spirit of the book," said a ghost surprised at the side of the ancient sea.

"Haoran righteousness." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, Qin Qi calligraphy and painting, book-oriented, the book is the most original, the copybook must be awe-inspiring, and sealed 600,000 bronze people with four copybooks, the original commander had been prepared, so it is, I Said last time how to find people in major colleges. "The ghost was surprised.

"The major colleges," Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, look at those armored soldiers, they just confuse the broken army, they are all masters of shudao, you see, four copybooks, a group of shudao masters, keep writing on the copybooks, that is to educate Into the spirit of righteousness, but the general outline on the four copybooks must be more powerful, otherwise it would not be possible to block 600,000 bronze people. "The ghost explained.

Gu Hai looked, and sure enough, the group of generals were all holding brushes, writing in the space facing four super huge copybooks.

"Humm, hum, hum, hum."

Baiguang is soaring into the sky, calligraphy is self-made and righteous, borrowing the potential of four copybooks to form a monstrous cage, imprisoning the bronze people who are constantly colliding inside.


Ancient sea eyes narrowed.

But I saw that in the righteous prison cage, there were countless little elves flying, and the elves kept banging on the bronze man's head, as if trying to seize control of the bronze man.

"Sima Changkong used the man to seal the bronze man, and wanted Gou Chen to take back the bronze man, but how could this bronze man be captured so easily." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Six hundred thousand bronzes were sealed, and another 400,000, but they were hitting the large array of Zhennan City.

"Gou Chen, Sima Changkong, you are treacherous. You thought you had sealed my 600,000 bronzes with a sermon, and you could recapture it, dream." Broke army roared.

Above the watchtower.

Gou Chen looked to Sima Changkong and said, "This method doesn't work. My elves are outside the bronze, and the elves who break the army, including the elves who break the army, can restrain each other, but they are only restrained. They can't get in."

"If you ca n’t do it, this" Tragic World "is even more arrogant than the original Silvermoon City. Haven't you played" The Sadness "before, you can't break the" Tragic World "at all, it can be broken the last time, that is an assembly With the will of the people in the city, this time, there is only the will of you alone. This is a spiritual mood. It ca n’t be broken. Let your elf capture the bronze man for my use. Come on. "Sima Changkong shook his head.

"Eh, I have another piece of music, which was passed to me by the host before leaving, but I need to play it with my full strength." Gou Chen explained.

"But now you have blocked the other 600,000 Bronze People. Of course, blocking them is not only the credit of four copybooks, but your credit is also important. Without your six million elves interfering with the Bronze people, The four copybooks ca n’t stop them either. Because of your interference, they ca n’t break them. If you go all out to play a new song, the trapped 600,000 bronze people will break out. At that time, millions The Bronze shot together, we in the city defense team, but I do not know how long it can persist. "Sima Changkong frowned.

"But, I want to play that song." Gou Chen's face was a bit bitter.

The Master Lao Nian laughed bitterly: "Mr. Sima, from a purely intellectual perspective, you are right, after all, for the sake of stability, you are worried that the tunes of the ancient sea will not achieve the effect. Everything we did previously will be defeated, and may even be bronzed. It's broken, but after this time, I found that I believe more in Gu Hai's tunes, and I suggest let Gou Chen try. "

Sima Changkong frowned slightly.

At the four copybooks, Hao Ran is righteous, and the strong man who is holding the pen has a Hao Ran righteous body guard, a group of bronze people can not touch them at all, and they have a sound barrier, and they are not affected by the "Tragic World". The cage is very special. The interior is extremely sturdy. Six hundred thousand bronze men attacked in disorder, but could not be broken. The bronze men outside could not touch it, and wanted to destroy the copybook. It was in the righteous prisoner.

The 400,000 bronze men attacked the city, but they could not break open. The broken army was also anxious, looking coldly at the prisoner in the distance.

"Hum, dividing my strength into two, so that I can't break the city, then I won't break the city, I will destroy your four copybooks first." The broken army gave a cold drink.

The detective waved.


The 400,000 bronze men who siege stopped all of a sudden and broke into the righteous prison together.

"Well." Sima Changkong's face changed.

After all, the power of the millions of bronze people gathered together is too great, and the interference of the six million Goblin elf is limited.

Suddenly shot all out.


With a loud noise, a crack appeared in the four Haoran Zhengqi walls.


A multitude of masters of sutras were immediately flew out by a powerful recoil.

"Not good, fast, stop, write fast." Masters of the Taoist rushed forward in horror, grabbed the writing brush, and quickly wrote.

"Broken." Pojun yelled.


With a sudden loud noise, millions of bronze people gave a full blow, and the righteous prison cage burst and burst open.

"Tear Tear."

Four loud noises, four super huge copybooks, shattered into pieces, and disappeared.

Millions of bronze people were suddenly free.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Shu Dao, Shu Dao is just that." Po Jun sneered.

Above the tower, everyone looked pale.

"Break the city for me," the broken army murmured.


Millions of bronze men shot at the same time, bombarding the tower together.


The tower trembled suddenly, and the generals immediately rioted.

"Gou Chen, maybe I really think wrong, oh, you try it, Gu Hai's song." Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"It's long time for me to come. Although the master's song is a little worse than my song, it is still very effective." Gou Chen did not forget to put gold on his face for a moment.

The detective waved.


Six million elves were put away immediately.

"Oh, don't disturb my Bronze Man." The broken army in the distance was slightly surprised.

Because of these little elves, the actions of their own Bronze Man could not reach an agreement, and the damage caused was much smaller and more or less disturbing, but now, what is going on.


With the flick of Detective Chen, a huge lyre appeared in the void, amplifying Gouchen's voice.

"Playing the piano, haha, is it" Sadness "or" Ambush in Ten Faces ", Gou Chen, I will be your tune, and I want to fight the piano in front of me." The broken army sneered.

"Ding Ding Ding."

The gospel of Gou Chen sounded, and with the sound of the piano, there was a sudden blast of war drums in the sky.

"Uh, uh, uh."

"Uh, uh, uh."

"Uh, uh, uh."




The war drums shook the world. Under the sound of powerful war drums, thousands of miles of snow drifted along with the war drums, and the war drum sounds had a killing momentum in it.

The rioting generals in the city heard a drum of blood suddenly when they heard the drums of war.

"It's not" Ambush on Ten Faces. "" The broken army frowned.

"Uh, uh, uh."

The sound of war drums is getting more and more dense, and slowly, in the void, the green soldiers and ghosts are condensed, and the drums are constantly being beaten, and the drums are particularly many. At a glance, there are millions of People are drumming.

"A million drummers, is this the army?" Countless people were surprised.

During the war, the drums of drums rang, but only a few people played the drums. What kind of scene was this to be played? It is no wonder that millions of people played the drums.

However, a million people beat the drums, but what kind of battle is they going to fight? Millions of people are a huge fighting force. You let them just beat the drums.

Sima Changkong stared at the drummer in the sky.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding."

As the sound of the piano continues, the images displayed by Qin Tao's artistic conception constantly change.

But I saw four million soldiers around, and there were four million soldiers.

"Well, the ghost images condensed by these piano channels are at least as powerful as the innate world. What's the use of it, my bronze man, a hundred, can destroy them, one million drummers, four million Waste officer, Gou Chen, can you just stand up to this? "Po Jun sneered.

Four million soldiers stood respectfully in the four corners, and millions of drummers beat the drums. Together, they looked at a huge military account, a huge military account that slowly appeared in the center.

"The general is mighty."

"The general will win."

"The general is invincible."

Four million soldiers opened their throats, and the roar shook the sky. Along with the shock of the drums of that sky, a mighty atmosphere of 'general mighty' gushed out, and a conviction of victory in all battles suddenly burst into the sky. .

The belief of victory is as if it infected everyone in an instant. In Zhennan City, everyone was boiling with blood. What kind of general was in that huge military account.

"Millions of drummers and four million soldiers are all foils. They just need to shout, for the generals in the tent, to consolidate the power of a peerless God of War. How can there be such a strange song, what is its name." Sima Changkong was surprised.


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"General's order." Ancient sea far away answered a question from the ghost.

PS: If you want to listen, it is recommended to listen to the ‘Percussion’ version of the general order.

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