Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 19: Bingji


Cui Tie yelled in pain, his tail was crushed by the **** of the town, and the body of the tortoise was unable to move. The extremely hard turtle shell was smashed and torn apart.

"No, it's impossible, you're in a Jindan realm, I've opened the Tiangong, no!" Xuangui growled and stared.


The mysterious snake with a broken tail rushed towards the ancient sea.

"The emperor is careful!" Shangguan marks exclaimed.

Cui Tie is only the weakest Xia Tiangong, but that is also the opening of the Heavenly Palace. The effect obtained by the Tianxi Shenxi is surprising, but the emperor has only this one. What if the black snake rushes to the emperor?

In the distance, the King Daming and the woman in the white robe stared at the ancient sea after they were surprised at first.

The black snake soared into the sky, and the immense number of thunder and lightning followed the snake's head in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, it would be in front of the ancient sea, as if the flying boat was to be broken in one bite.


Gu Hai snorted. Without the town's seal, could I not do anything?

But I saw Gu Hai slowly take out the repaired puppet rod.

When everyone was in doubt, flick.


Suddenly and aggressively, the mighty snake head suddenly stopped.

The sky lightning suddenly disappeared.

The black snake opened his eyes wide and settled in the air. Numerous officials and people in the city looked at the snake head in amazement.

how? The emperor took out a cross rod, and the snake head was afraid?

"Daming King God, you have Dong Shihui's eyes, what treasure is that? It seems ...!" The woman in white robe wondered.

Daming King Shen said in a deep voice: "The cross rod, with transparent thin lines, manipulated the soul of the mysterious snake? Something is like the‘ cross ’of my Sun Temple!

"An imitation of‘ the ten parties are extinct ’?” The woman in white was surprised.

"Yeah, one of the sixteen ancient magic weapons of the ancient era, destroyed all ten sides, this is just a copy, but it has some effects!" Daming King Shen said.

In the distance, the general Dahan on the flying boat was in shock.

This line of puppets has not been cut by Fairy Fairy? The emperor fixed it?

"What's the matter, I can't move?" Xuan snake said in surprise.

Gu Hai looked at Xuan Snake coldly: "One finger can pinch you?"

"Roar!" Xuan snake twisted his body frantically.

For a moment, the body quickly shakes and rises, as if to break free from the lifting puppet rod.

The thread puppet rod of the hand was shaking for a while, Gu Hai's eyes became cold, and the other hand waved.


The billowing fire instantly burned the black snake.

"Ah, what kind of flame? Damn!" Xuan snake screamed in horror.

"This is, do not destroy the magic fire? Guhai is a monster? No!" The woman in white robe said unexpectedly.

The mysterious turtle below was pressed by the Tianzhen God Seal, and also twisted quickly, trying to break free.

The black snake could have been freed, but the fire burning interfered, and the black snake could not break free for a while.

"Go, bite yourself!" Gu Hai shouted coldly.


Under the thread puppet, Xuan snake twisted his body painfully, biting towards Xuan turtle.

"No! Jerk, Guhai!" Xuangui growled suddenly.


The black snake snapped a piece of meat from the black turtle.

"Let me go, bastard!" Cui Tie said coldly.

Gu Hai didn't bother, but looked at Shangguan marks.

Shangguanhen's eyes narrowed for a moment, and a killing rushed towards Cui Tie.

"What do you want to do? King Daming, save me!" Cui Tie cried suddenly.


But saw Shangguan marks suddenly opened his mouth and sucked.

"Huh?" Daming Wang Shen suddenly made a deep sound, and pulled out his right hand, as if to shoot.


Cui Tie's mysterious snake's body was suddenly sucked by Shangguan marks, and the body of several hundred feet seemed to shrink to the mouth of Shangguan marks.

At the time when Shangguan Mark opened his mouth, Gu Hai also took a look. The line puppet rod and the immortal fire were all collected.

"Eat? Then there is a problem with Shangguan marks! It must be more than just Xuanwu God fragments!" The woman in white robe said in astonishment.

At this moment, Tianzhen Shenxi was turned away by the ancient sea.

Shangguan marks opened his mouth and sucked to Xuangui.

"Hum!" Daming Wangshen snorted, pointing his finger.


A glaring light radiated towards Shangguan marks.

Gu Hai's face turned cold, and the Tianzhen Shenxi, which had just flew up, did not return, but smashed towards the finger of Daming King God.


Qingguang looked like a pillar, and actually stood up to the town's seal.


The black chess on Tianzhen Shenxi suddenly gave off a faint black light.


Qingguang was instantly crushed by the town's seal and burst open.

"Huh?" King Daming's face sank, and his figure came forward.

At this moment, the Tianzhen God Seal shattered the blue light of the Daming King God, but returned to the palm of the ancient sea in an instant.

On the other side, Shangguanhen ate Cui Tie's turtle body with a sip.

"No, no!" Cui Tie screamed in Shangguan's mouth.

The moment Shangguan's mouth was closed, Cui Tie seemed to see a bright figure in the darkness.

"Xuanwu God? Xuanwu God? Are you still alive? Impossible, impossible!" Cui Tie screamed.

However, he was swallowed into the abdomen by Shangguan marks, and his whole body strength was quickly refined by Shangguan marks.

"Bold!" Daming Wang Shen immediately drank Shangguan mark.

"Daming King God!" A deep-fried drink rang from the ancient sea.

The God of Ming Dynasty, who was about to shoot at Shangguanhen, suddenly looked up, and shot a fire of Mori Han in the black robe.

"Oh, I saw the news from Miao Chen, saying that you came to me on behalf of your master Taiyi, came to thank me? Thank you so? Taiyi, in front of you, just fart?" Gu Hai coldly .

"Presumptuous!" Daming Wang Shen snorted.


A mighty breath emanated from the body of the God of the Ming Dynasty. The breath was fierce, and the clouds of thousands of miles were blown away instantly.

The ancient sea looked coldly at the God of the Ming Dynasty and refused at all.

On the side of Shangguan marks, he sneered, "Daming King God? You are also indifferent? Who said something about the Xuanwu tribe just now and didn't get involved? How long has it been before I broke my word?"

"I said I wouldn't get involved in the Xuanwu tribe, but I didn't say let others get involved!" Daming Wangshen said coldly.

"The Xuanwu tribe is the Dahan national beast. The Dahan dynasty and the Xuanwu tribe are one. The emperor intervenes, and it is also an internal matter of my basalt tribe. It is not your turn to control it by an outsider, hum!" Shangguan marks snorted, slowly flying Flying to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai supported Tianzhen Shenxi with one hand, grasped the puppet rod in one hand, and looked coldly at the God of Daming. The two sides looked down on each other, as if the outbreak of the war was about to start.

"call out!"

At this time, a white light flew out of the city and instantly reached the center of the two sides.

"King Daming is angry, and Emperor Dahan is angry!" But the woman in the white robe stopped in the middle of the two sides.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly at the woman wrapped in white robe.

"Daming King God, Gu Hai is right. You promised Lord, the Shangguan mark promised, but you want to go against it? And, Cui Tie takes his own blame, why do you care too much for him? , Will only cause trouble to the Sun Temple, even if he died, the Sun Temple does not lack him! "The woman in white advised.

"Huh?" King Ming shouted Shen.

On the side of the ancient sea, there was a hint of doubt, and the tone of the woman in white robe stood beside her?

"Oh, Bing Ji, you have already begun to speak for the ancient sea?" Daming Wang Shen said coldly.

"The Lord ’s account, you forgot? The purpose of my coming here, do you forget? Do you want me to remember it for you?" The woman in the white robe suddenly said in a deep voice.

In his tone, he was in tit-for-tat with the God of the Ming Dynasty.

Gu Hai and Shangguanhen looked at each other, and the two were full of doubts. Shouldn't the two be together? How did it conflict?

King Daming stared at Bingji, a white robe woman, silently for a while, and suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahahaha, okay, okay, okay, bingji, can you really take the role?"

"From the moment I stepped out of the Sun Temple, my identity was different!" Bingji said lightly.

"Hum!" Daming Wangshen hummed.

King Daming turned his head and flew back to the city.

But Bingji turned her head to look at Gu Hai, and suddenly said slightly: "The Emperor Dahan, the Emperor Daming has a weird temper, and I still hope to forgive you!"

"Oh? No problem!" Gu Hai shook his head in confusion.

Bingji's attitude in front of him seemed too weird.

She came with Daming King God and Cui Tie. Daming King God and Cui Tie were hostile to the Dahan dynasty, but Bing Ji in front of her was very friendly?

"Emperor Dahan, I wonder if I can board your flying boat?" Bingji solemnly said.

"Please!" Gu Hai turned his hand to put away the treasure and nodded.


Bing Ji fell on the deck.

"Bingji? Sun Temple, as if you are not your number?" Shangguan frowned and looked at Bingji.

"Mr. Shangguan, are you familiar with the Sun Temple?" Bingji said lightly.

Shangguanhen yelled, "I do n’t know, but I have heard it a lot. Your Excellency hasn't shown people the truth these days, why?"

Bingji slowly lifted her hat.

When the hat was lifted, everyone's eyes were full of flowers. That one was as if the heavens and the earth were dark. The face of Bing Ji lighted up the whole world instantly.

The beautiful face, bright red lips, coupled with that white snow-like skin, aqua blue hair and blue eyes, look exceptionally bright and fresh. A slight smile seemed to bring out countless beautiful things in the world.

"Bingji, I've seen Emperor Dahan!" Bingji said slightly.

Bingji opened her mouth, and all the people came back, but Bingji's appearance was indeed beautiful and unusual, and she felt like an iceberg. Her cold temperament instantly attracted countless people.

"Girl Bingji is polite, but I don't know, what is the purpose of the palace owner of the Sun Temple? Thank you? I don't know how good Xiaorou is now? No, it should be Queen!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

The ancient sea is not fascinated by the beauty of Bingji. After all, Chen Xianer, Long Wanqing, and Waner Fairy have different characteristics, but they are not lost to Bingji.

"After the queen? Everything is okay after the queen. Besides, there are really few people in this world who can make the queen bad!" Bingji shook her head and said.

"The Lord of the Sun Palace wants you to come ...?" Gu Hai frowned.

PS: The plot is not powerful these two days, is in transition, no wonder!

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