Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 27: The war is over


Chang Sheng slaps on Chang Ming's face.

"Sin child, wanton!" Chang Sheng yelled.

Chang Ming covered her mouth and widened her eyes with grievance.

"I'll tell you, you are in a state of decline, and your father will draw you, you still don't believe it! Haha!" Long Wanyu said smugly.

Long Wanyu's pride was like spreading salt on Chang Ming's wounds, and Chang Ming was immediately dry.

"Little girl, look at me ..." Chang Ming immediately became angry.


Chang Sheng slaps again.

"Can't control your mouth, right?" Chang Sheng exclaimed.

Chang Ming: "………………!"

Qin Zibai: "………………!"

Gu Hai: "………………!"

King Shenwu: "………………!"

Everyone looked at the father and son blankly. The situation was a little complicated, and some people couldn't understand it.

Only Long Wanyu had expected it long ago, with a smug look and disdain.

"Dad!" Covering his mouth, Chang Ming struggled for a while.

Daddy smokes me when he comes? Where am I wrong?

Chang Ming seemed to have to speak, but Chang Sheng stared at Chang Ming with a stare, and blocked it back to his mouth.

After treating his son, Chang Sheng looked at the crowd again.

When I saw Long Wanyu, I suddenly showed a warm smile like spring: "The host of Wanyu County, met again, the dog is not sensible and offended you, and I hope to forgive you!"

Lord of Wanyu County? Qin Zibai suddenly picked his eyelids.

Although I don't know Long Wanyu is a prophet, but Qin Zibai knows how precious she is on Dagan Sheng. Is this Long Wanyu?

Chang Ming covered her mouth and felt vomiting blood in her face, shouting in her heart: "Am I born to you? I was pumped for this little girl?"

"Forget it, it's okay, he's also bad luck, good discipline in the future!" Long Wanyu old-fashioned Road.

Chang Sheng smiled slightly bitterly: "Rest assured, I will strictly discipline!"

"This time, thanks to the matchmaking of Wanyu County Master, Dagan and Dayuan can shake hands, otherwise, in the war between the two dynasties, I don't know how many innocent people lost their lives!" Chang Sheng thanked.

Chang Sheng spoke, and everyone around him understood immediately. No wonder Chang Sheng was so polite to Long Wanyu. Da Yuan and Da Gan shook hands? Is Long Wanyu's credit?

"Of course, the old man will not agree anymore, I will remove his beard!" Long Wanyu immediately proudly said.

Qin Zibai: "………………!"

Old man? Undress him? In this world, who would dare to say this? Looking at Long Shenwu aside, Qin Zibai was speechless for a while, are you accustomed to it?

Chang Ming stared at Long Wanyu, tangled for a while. What is this girl from?

Chang Sheng thanked Long Wanyu and turned to look at Gu Hai and Shenwu King.

"Chang Sheng has seen Mr. Gu, and has seen the King of God Wu!" Chang Sheng smiled slightly.

Gu Hai also gave a gift.

"Changsheng? The Holy Spirit has given you the will?" Shenwuwang frowned.

"Yes, the war between the two countries is over, will the imperial edict be in the hands of the King of Gods? I won't say too much!" Chang Sheng laughed.

"Mr. Gu, the dogs were offensive in the past, so don't blame it!" Chang Sheng said again.

"Changming? He didn't cause any damage to Dahan!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Chang Sheng nodded. Turned his head to look at Qin Zibai.

"Marshal Qin, the war has ended. Please retreat. I have the imperial edict of the emperor. Please return to the class immediately. Someone else will take over!" Chang Sheng solemnly looked to Qin Zibai.

Qin Zibai frowned slightly: "Duke Changsheng wins? You go to Dagan to talk to the capital, and there is no dispute with Dagan. come back!"

There was a cold in Gu Hai's eyes, and it seemed that Qin Zibai didn't give up.

However, Chang Sheng shook his head and said, "No, Marshal Qin, everything is over. As a result of my peace talks, I will return to all Dagan cities in Luzhou, and no more soldiers, including the Dahan Dynasty!"

"Huh? What does it mean that you can't move the sword? Including the Dahan Dynasty?" Qin Zi sank in white.

"It is from this moment on that no more swordsmen are allowed to move, and Da Yuan is not allowed to send troops to work, nor is he allowed to send troops to Dahan!" Chang Sheng solemnly said.

"What? Why?" Qin Zibai suddenly stared angrily.

"This is written in the peace treaty and is the last sentence added on the Dagan Sheng!" Chang Sheng solemnly said.

"Huh?" Qin Zi sank in white.

On the side of the Emperor Shenwu also showed a hint of surprise.

Dagan Sheng added a temporary sentence, not allowing Dayuan to take action on Dahan? How could this be added to the Holy?

Aside from the ancient sea, a hint of doubt appeared, and he turned to look north.

Holy Lord? Is he protecting me?

In a fluttering sentence, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty did not dare to do anything to himself?

Gu Hai understands that if there is no such thing as Dagan Sheng, Da Yuan and Da Han will fight for nothing. Even if Qin Zibai returns without power today, there will surely be more powerful people in the future. Da Han will never rest. day.

The Dahan dynasty has just stepped into Shenzhou. Although there are twenty-four cities, after all, people's hearts are unstable. What the ancient sea needs is time. Once the war is endless, the people will inevitably complain.

Now, Dagan Sheng gave me time?

Qin Zi flashed an unwillingness in his eyes.

However, Chang Sheng's eyes were extremely determined. Non-compliance must also be complied with.

"The class teacher is back!" Qin Zibai growled loudly.


The army behind Qin Zibai suddenly shouted in unison.

Chang Ming was covering her mouth, but she was unwilling.

"Dad!" Chang Ming looked at Chang Sheng, and seemed to have something to say.

"Go back and talk!" Chang Sheng suddenly froze.

Chang Ming: "………………!"

"The Lord of Wanyu County, Mr. Gu, King Shenwu, I'll wait to say goodbye!" Chang Sheng once again saluted to the crowd.

"Go, go!" Long Wanyu laughed.

King Shenwu frowned and nodded.

The ancient sea was a little gift, it was considered off.

Just as Changsheng has to go. There was a sudden sound in Chaoge City.

"Changsheng Boy!" It was the King God of Daming who was sitting in the floating pavilion, holding a wine glass, and looking out of the city.

The sound was not loud, but it spread to the audience instantly.

"Huh?" Everyone suddenly changed his face.

"Who, who dares to insult my father?" Chang Ming shouted suddenly.

"Shut up!" Chang Sheng immediately stopped drinking Changming.

Chang Ming: ".........!"

Why are you so unlucky? What's the matter, dad has to scold me?

"There are still masters?" Qin Zi looked at the city with a white complexion.

Chang Sheng's face was sullen, and a little horror flashed in his eyes. Suddenly respectfully said to Chaoge City: "The boy always wins, I have seen the God of King Ming!"

"Daming King God?" The Emperor Wu of God suddenly darted his eyes. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

In the song city, there is also the God of the Ming Dynasty?

There is the God of the Ming Dynasty here, isn't Chaoge City as solid as gold? How could the ancient sea be lost?

King Shenwu glanced at the ancient sea, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. When did this ancient sea catch the line of the **** of the Ming Dynasty?

Qin Zi's face was also cloudy and uncertain, apparently the information he received was not comprehensive enough, and he didn't know much about the God of the Ming Dynasty. At this moment, he heard that he was the God of the Ming Dynasty, and his face turned wild. Looking at Gu Hai was also shocked. No wonder he is not afraid of me at all?

But what everyone does not know is that the God of the Ming Dynasty will not help Gu Hai at all, and he can't wait to see Gu Hai die.

"Go back and tell Emperor Xiyu that I will go to him soon. Oh, my grievances with him should be finished!" The voice of the God of King Ming came.

Chang Sheng and Qin Zibai all looked pale.

"Yes, I will bring your words to the emperor!" Chang Sheng respectfully said.

"Huh!" Daming Wang Shen gave a faint hum, and then he lost his voice.

Chang Sheng and Qin Zibai looked at Songcheng with complex eyes.

"Back to the North!" Qin Zibai yelled.


A group of flying boats slowly turned their heads, merged with the Yuan Yuan soldiers, and slowly withdrew from the Dahan Dynasty.

At this moment, Chang Sheng's previous flying boat also flew.

Chang Sheng, with Chang Ming in depression, set foot on the flying boat and left slowly.

Rolling soldiers, menacing, blocked by the ancient sea outside the city, at the moment retreat as much as possible.

"Long live the emperor live long live!" The people in the city cheered.

King Shenwu looked complex, and turned to look at Chaoge City.

Chaoge City.

Daming King God suddenly came to Bing Ji.

"Bingji, since Dahan is stable, I won't stay anymore, it's time to go!" Daming Wang Shen said lightly.

Bingji did not give Daming Wang God a good look: "You should have gone!"

"Before you leave, remind you again, remember who you are! Oh!" King Daming made a strange laugh.


Suddenly, the King of Ming was transformed into a blue light, soaring into the sky, the blue light condensed a huge peacock, his wings spread out, and he headed for the west. The speed was very fast, and he disappeared into the sky in an instant.

Outside the city, Gu Hai and Shenwu Wang frowned when they saw it.

"To the people of the Dahan dynasty, Yuan Bing has retreated, and Dahan is worry-free!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The sounds of the ancient sea instantly passed into the twenty-four cities and the nine-five islands.

The people who had originally lent power to Gu Hai were slightly surprised for a while, and then they were overjoyed: "Hahaha, worry free, long live the emperor!"

How could it be possible that the people who did not lend strength to the ancient seas were stunned? The emperor defeated Yuan Yuan? Earlier, I didn't optimistic about the emperor, so I didn't borrow the power, but how did the emperor ...?

No matter what the people think.

The war did end.

The army of Shenwu King stayed outside the city.

The ancient sea took King Shenwu and his party and slowly walked towards the city.

Feizhou flew over and went straight to Huangfu Temple.

Soon arrived at the Huangfu Temple.

Bingji, Shangguanhen, Gao Xianzhi, and Baili Zhan have already been waiting.

"Chen Gaoxianzhi, meet the emperor!" Gaoxianzhi paid respectfully.

Baili Zhan and others also gave a small gift.

"Be free!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Gao Xianzhi, meet Marshal Zhennan!" Gao Xianzhi once again paid homage to Shenwu King.

"General Gao, you don't have to be polite!" Shen Wuwang laughed immediately.

"The emperor, led troops to come to the song, the minister made a mistake, which caused some deviation from the expected, please forgive the emperor!" Gao Xianzhi ashamed.

On the one hand, Shenwuwang and others frowned slightly. Gao Xianzhi's leader was a miracle. He even claimed to have made a mistake?

"Nothing, just a few flaws, it doesn't affect the overall situation!" Gu Hai shook his head and smiled.

"Xie Xie!" Gao Xianzhi respectfully said.

"General Marshal of the town of Zhen, I just heard about the formation, and I have heard all the insignificant duties. The war between Da Yuan, Da Qian, and Da Han has ended. At this point, Gao Xianzhi's mission has been completed. Here, I hand over the tiger charm to the Marshal and resign. The post of the Sixth Army Commander returns to Dahan! "Gao Xianzhi took out the tiger charm and seal that led the Sixth Army Commander.

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