Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Tuesday

"Not necessarily. If he is a dependant, he won't linger for so many years in the mortal period, hum, it's been a lot of luck in the past few years, this person can't stay, I will solve him in person!" Xi Yan said coldly.

While talking, the detective waved a wave, and the vampire who attacked Waner fairy stopped suddenly.

"Qin Zibai, this Waner fairy, I will leave it to you, I will deal with the ancient sea!" Xi Yan chuckled.

"Huh? Wait!" Qin Zibai was annoyed suddenly.

"Follow me!" Xi Yan yelled.


More than two thousand vampires rushed out of the battle with Xi Yan.

Qin Zibai was immediately annoyed.

What does Xi Yan mean? Obviously, let Qin Zibai stop doing wall watching.

To deal with Waner Fairy, let me come, do you do a wall stand? How can there be such a good thing? With this opportunity at this moment, Xi Yan naturally dragged Qin Zibai into the water.


In a blink of an eye, the vampire was gone.

The pressure of Waner Fairy suddenly disappeared, and she turned to look at Qin Zibai with a sneer.

"Qin Zibai, after all, are you going to shoot? Haha!" Fairy Fairy stood up sneerly.


Qin Zibai hummed.

"If you don't do anything, I'm leaving!" Fairy fairy whispered coldly.

"Can you make it this big battle?" Qin Zi said coldly.

Waner Fairy is a trick.


Remove a coffin from the storage space.

"Huh?" Qin Zibai showed a hint of doubt.

Waner Fairy turned her hand to open the coffin cover, and a bronze figure suddenly appeared inside.

"Qin figurine?" Qin Zi frowned slightly.

"Yeah, the figurine!"

"Well, what about the figurines? Your piano channel has not yet reached that level. To manipulate the figurines, you need to pop out the elf ...!" Qin Zi said in half a vernacular.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Waner fairy once again fell on the piano. In an instant, a little elf emerged from the sound of the piano and rushed into the figurine's body.


The bronze man in the coffin suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of blue light was shot in his eyes.


The bronze man suddenly moved, blasted the coffin, and came out.

Bronze people all over the body exude a strong killing breath, and the large array of blows suddenly flew away.

"This is the piano figurine of Xiatian Temple?" Qin Zi sank in white.

On a mountain in the distance.

The young boy in white with narrow eyes narrowed: "Oh? Waner, she actually broke through?"

"Give me a break!" Waner fairy drank.

"Yes, master!" Answered the figurine.

It's not too difficult to break the strength of opening the palace. With a slap of his hand, he slammed towards the base.

"Want to run? How easy is that? Huh!" Qin Zi glared with white eyes, welcoming with his palm.


The figurine was immediately repelled.

After all, Qin Zibai is a master of the Heavenly Palace, a violin figurine under the power of the Heavenly Palace, is his opponent?


The earth cracked.

Qin Zibai's body breath suddenly burst into bloom, and the suddenly suppressed Wan'er fairy retreated back and forth.

Rather than fear, Waner Fairy showed a sneer. Qin Zibai finally shot--

Outside, Xi Yun rushed out of the battle with more than two thousand vampires.

Suddenly, the endless bats covered the sky, covering all sides.

Xi Yan's whole body bloomed and opened, and a storm came straight in the direction of the ancient sea, as if to blow the ancient sea down.

Holding the bronze sword, Gu Hai looked coldly at Xi Xi.

"The Emperor Dahuang?" Gu Hai sneered.

Xi Yan looked at Gu Hai coldly: "Emperor Dahan? Oh, but I don't understand. What are you relying on, just after entering Yuanyuan, and you want to deal with me?"

"Squeaky squeak!"

The bats all around showed the color of crickets. It seemed that whenever Xi Xi ordered it, they rushed towards the ancient sea together.

As soon as Xi Xi opened the atmosphere of Tiangong, the horrible pressure was not as strong as that of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai alone? Just want to fight us?

"Not to deal with you, but to kill you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Between words, I saw a Go-like spirit stone between the middle fingers of the ancient index finger. Ling Xu pressed.


Suddenly, with the ancient sea as the center, a gush of heavy fog burst, and the sky was covered by bats in an instant.

"It's a big array? Gu Hai has been clamoring constantly, just to draw them out and enter their ambush circle?" Li Shenji's eyes were cold.

"Ah? Lord, how is it possible that Gu Hai has just arrived? How can there be traps?"

"Isn't it Lu Shiren? Before the ancient sea came, the Lu Shiren had buried the spirit stone in the ground, just waiting for the ancient sea to start?"

Li Shenji squinted and looked at the bottom: "I said how could Gu Hai dare to come alone? It turned out that a trap had been set up long ago. Oh, unfortunately, Xi Xun is the Xiatian Palace, unless he arranges the super big array like Geng Jinzong Otherwise, it will not be possible to trap Xi Yan, and Geng Jinzong's original array of solidarity and defeat seemed to have heard that it cost two billion top-quality spirit stones. Guhai certainly does not have so many spirit stones now! "

"This trap in Guhai is useless?" A subordinate frowned.

On the other peak, the boy in white looked a little narrowly: "Qidao array?"

"Uh? Master, are you sure you are playing chess?"

"It can't be wrong, and it is the twenty-eighth world of the old man who watched chess. Oh, this ancient sea has eaten it through, and added some elements to it, no wonder? The previous swordsmanship brought the trend of the game. It turned out that His chess skills are so amazing! "Said the boy in white.

In the twenty-eighth battle.

For a moment, the ancient seas condensed, and the vampires and Xi Yan around their faces also changed.

Gu Hai didn't dare to delay, and took a step forward, and immediately beheaded at a crowd of vampires.

When you step on Tianyuan, the sword will become a realm, and it will be cut instantly with a purple light.


Under "Zhou Tianyi", the power was extremely powerful. Ten vampires next to each other exploded instantly. Countless blood mists, blood spilled in all directions.

"Hum, look for death!" Xi Yan flew up instantly.


In the large array, Gu Hai stepped strangely in the distance.

"Sunday!" Gu Hai cut off again.


Six more vampires were cut off with one sword.

"Miscellaneous account!" Xi Yan was furious in his eyes, and the sword in his hand fell sharply.


A huge sword **** was chopped in front of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's figure flickered, disappeared again, and appeared in another vampire.

"Sunday!" Gu Hai cut it again.


Purple light soared into the sky, and eight vampires exploded again.

The vampire was in front of the ancient sea, as if it were vulnerable.

The white boy in the outside world was slightly puzzled: "Chou Tianyi? What a weird name!"

Li Shenji showed a sneer: "It's useless, Xi Xi opens the heavenly palace. With force, you're not as fast as him!"

Sure enough, Xi Yan really got angry.

"Huh, Gu Hai, do you really think I can't take you?" Xi Yan hummed.


The figure flickered, and at a strange speed, he came to the front of the ancient sea in an instant.

Gu Hai's eyelids were picked, but Xi Xi's sword has been cut with all his strength.

Helpless, the ancient sea can only lead the knife up.

"Hehe, your sword is powerful, but the one killed by you is only just entering the Yuan infant realm. In front of me, a hundred knives 'Zhou Tianyi' is useless!" Sword urn brought out an indomitable trend, and cut to the ancient sea like the sky.

When Gu Hai stepped on Tianyuan, his eyes glared, and when the long sword waved out, a new area of ​​knife air suddenly condensed again.

However, this time it seems different from before, the momentum in the field of knife gas suddenly soared by countless ordinary.

"Huh? No, this is not Zhou Tianyi!" On the mountain peak, the boy in white suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Li Shenji also sank.

"Sir, what's going on in the big team? We can't see it, and only you can see it clearly, tell us?" A subordinate curiously said.

But how could Li Shenji have time to explain, he watched Gu Hai die again.

This sword is almost a hundred times more ferocious.

"How is that possible? What kind of knife?" Li Shenji was surprised.

"Tuesday!" Gu Hai shouted.

Carrying the sword, the sword 罡 collided with the sword 罡.

The huge collision, the whole array was shrouded in dazzling purple light. Vampires all around fled.


Thirty vampires were blown away by the aftermath.

Xi Yan stood still, but widened his eyes, because the sword just failed to chop the ancient sea? how can that be?

The sword collided, and Gu Hai was struck 50 feet away. He stepped on twenty backward footprints before stopping.

"Ha, ha ha ha!" Gu Hai laughed.

"How can you stop my sword? Also, the collision force just now, with your Yuanyingjing body, has been blown up by the anti-earthquake, but you are all right?" Xi Yan stared at Gu Hai.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Gu Hai sneered.

The physical body of Guhai was made by practicing external exercises. Would this kind of anti-earthquake hurt Guhai?

"Well, what can you do if you are fine? You are not my opponent at all, even if you have soared strength just now! It is not my opponent, Gu Hai, you will die!" Xi Yan faced Lu Sen coldly.

"Suffer? Oh, I already know your strength, ah, far worse than Cui Tie at the beginning. It's almost the same, don't play!" Gu Hai smiled coldly.


But I saw Gu Hai's move, and suddenly a puppet rod was raised in his hand.


Throw it out abruptly, and suddenly, countless transparent thin lines, went straight to all the vampires in all directions.

"Be careful!" Xi Yan's face changed, and a sword was chopped towards the ancient sea again.

"Come here!" Gu Hai snorted and waved his hand.


The Quartet of vampires was suddenly controlled by the ancient sea. They rushed to Xiyu quickly, grabbing their swords and rushing towards Xiyu with their claws.

"Ah, Lord, save me!"

"I can't move!"

"Lord, it wasn't me who wielded the sword at you, I couldn't control it!"


Two thousand vampires, desperately welcome Xi Xi Jianyu.

"Huh!" Xi Yan's face changed, and he immediately closed his sword.

However, the sword cricket was so powerful that dozens of vampires were instantly killed by the sword cricket. The rest of the vampires had arrived in front of Xi Yan. All swords and swords were cut.

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