Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 37: Zhu Qiang saves the ancient sea

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

In the air, only a skeleton was eaten by a vampire and it fell down.

Gu Hai held the knife in his right hand and looked coldly at Xi Xi in the opposite panic.

On Wednesday, although he couldn't show it, Xi Xi, who was shocked by the sword just now, had no chance to win.

If it wasn't for the knife burst just now, would you have blasted it to pieces?

"Ancient sea!" Xi Yan glared and roared, venting the great fright in his heart.

He Zhixiong, others were surprised by Gu Hai's stab.

And in a big battle.

The fairy figurines of Waner and Qin Zibai also stopped.

"How could that happen? What adventures did Gu Hai have? What kind of swordsmanship?" Qin Zi's eyelids jumped wildly.

Waner Fairy was slightly excited.

The deadly knife swallowed the vampire, and fed back one thousandth of its strength to the ancient sea. Although it did not complete the entire strength of the ancient sea, it also added 60%. From the appearance, the ancient sea was no different.

Holding the deadly knife, Gu Hai looked at Xi Yan coldly: "Xi Yun? Oh, open the big array! You can't stop me! Also, is Qin Zibai inside?"

"Huh?" Qin Zibai's face suddenly changed in the large array.

Gu Hai knows I'm here? How does he know? Knowing that I am here, how dare he come?

Xi Yan frowned deeply: "How do you know? Qin Zibai, did you leak the news?"

"Miscellaneous account, how could I leak?" Qin Zibai's anger came from the array.

Suddenly, a gale screamed from all directions, but one strong one finally arrived from Longmai City.

"Whirring whirring!…………!"

The strong men arrived one by one, quickly occupying the tops of the mountains, grasping the sword, watching the valley coldly.

After all, in the previous scene of soaring swords, the powerful men felt threats a long distance away. Therefore, the moment the powerful men arrived, they were arrogant and shot anytime.

Xi Yan's complexion looked around.

But it was a practitioner in purple who ran into the mountain where the young boy in white was living.

"Get away!" The Purple Dresser said coldly.

The boy in white ignored it at all and continued to look at the valley.

The purple-repaired practitioner suddenly cut off with a sword towards the boy in white and the breeze. The sword is fierce, and it is surrounded by nearly a thousand swords. It seems that it is necessary to chop the white boy and the breeze in an instant.

The boy in white remained indifferent, while the breeze was narrowed with his eyes closed, his right hand grabbed his back and put on the hilt.


A cyan light bloomed between heaven and earth. A large number of practitioners around the stab could not open their eyes.

At the moment when vision was restored, the breeze's great sword had been sheathed. Inserted in the back again, turned his head away from the purple repairer and looked at the valley.


Purple Sword Master's sword 罡 and sword qi burst out. The clamor of the purple-clad monk just now, but his eyes were wide, and those eyes were full of despair.

From the center of the eyebrows, the blood on the body surface of the Xiu Xiu appeared.


The corpse of the Purple Dresser fell in half and a half.


"Is that the master of purple robes? The peak of Yuan Yingjing! A sword?"

The monks, who were still fierce around, were quite quiet in horror.

"Breeze? The person in Waner Fairy Sect? It turned out he was here?" Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly.

On the other side, Xi Yan frowned sharply.

Li Shenji recognized the breeze, Xi Xi also recognized the breeze, including Qin Zibai within Dazhen.

"The person in your case?" Qin Zi's face turned white.

"Oh!" Fairy Fairy sneered slightly, and didn't speak.

The people in Wan'er Fairy Sect? I was thinking about dealing with Waner fairy godless, and she could n’t let her ancestors know, but now, not only Gu Hai has known for a long time, her ancestors have been here, only to do something extraordinary. Things, justify yourself?

Qin Zibai and Xi Yan all jumped wildly under the eyelids.

"Where is the dragon vein?"

"Are you in the big team? Are they using the big team to capture the dragon veins?"

"In the battle, there must be something!"

"How about breaking it?"




The practitioners who came around all flashed a glow in their eyes.

This period of time has been long enough in Longmai City, and, as time goes by, more and more strong come, and more and more families settle in Longmai City. The further you go, the less likely you will get Dragon Veins.

Suddenly, when I heard the news from Longmai, it was natural to be eager.

"Qin Zibai, it's okay, stay in the big battle, is it interesting?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Between the words, Gu Hai looked coldly at Xi Xi. Seems to warn Xi Xi generally.

Sure enough, it's boring to hide it again. What I wanted to do was very secretive, but now everyone knows it. Qin Zibai was also extremely angry.


Qin Zibai's big sleeve flew, and a burst burst out.


The dust dispersed, revealing the inner Qin Zibai, the fairy Waner and her piano figurines.

Seeing Wan'er Fairy was fine, Gu Hai secretly exhaled.

"Where's the dragon vein?"

"Isn't Dragon Vein in the big team?"

"Waner fairy? Qin Zibai? Why is there no dragon vein?"




Suddenly the practitioners were anxious all around.

Qin Zibai looked up at the top of the Quartet Mountain, and said in a deep voice, "You guys, are you here for the dragon vein?"

"Yes, there is news in Longmai City. There are dragon veins here and there, Qin Zibai, why not?" A red repairer called immediately.

The practitioners looked at Qin Zibai together.

Qin Zibai shook his head and sneered: "Dragon vein? I see, have you been cheated? How could there be dragon vein here?"

"Huh?" The practitioners looked pale.

Over the past few months, the practitioners have long remembered the surrounding mountains, but the landscape here has not changed at all, indicating that no dragon veins have really appeared before.

No dragon veins?

The practitioners looked ugly all around and were cheated? Run away?

When Qin Zi saw everyone no longer tangled with dragon veins, he smiled slightly, and then sneered and looked at Gu Hai.

"Ancient sea? Oh, we've met again!" Qin Zi said with a pale expression on his face.

"Gu Hai, you go! I help you stop him!" Waner fairy exclaimed suddenly.

Qin Zibai's eyes were full of murderous energy. He wanted to kill Gu Hai?

Waner Fairy saw it, how could Gu Hai couldn't guess, even before coming, Gu Hai guessed that she must face Qin Zibai herself.

In the face of Xi Xi, Gu Hai could scare him for a short time, making him afraid to act lightly, but Qin Zibai is different. He is only in the Heavenly Palace.

In the past, the song city was because of the potential of the world, and the name of a country was able to resist him, even to scare him, but now? Totally impossible. With all his treasures, he was frightened to deal with the Heaven Palace, and now Zhongtian Palace is more heaven and earth.

Moreover, Gu Hai also knew that Qin Zibai had resentment with himself last time and wished to beheaded himself immediately, and then Da Yuan could easily win his own city.

Therefore, before Gu Hai came, he expected that Qin Zibai would kill himself.

But, obviously guessing that Waner Fairy is trapped, can she shrink her head and pretend not to guess? Waner Fairy is trapped, can the ancient sea not come?

The ancient sea is here!

Fortunately, Long Wanyu had predicted that Gu Hai would have Qin Zibai in advance, so he had time for Gu Hai to prepare.

The preparations for the ancient sea are the greats who came from Longmai City.

"Go away, Gu Hai!" Wan'er Fairy said anxiously.

"Oh? Just want to go now? Is it too late?" Qin Zibai smiled.

Turning his head, Qin Zibai looked at Xi Yan and said, "Oh, Xi Yan, won't you be scared by the ancient sea?"

"Hum, just the ancient sea was lucky, how could I be afraid?" Xi Zheng retorted immediately.

"Oh, is that it? Xi Xi? Otherwise, how about being slammed by me again on 'Wednesday'?" The ancient sea surfaced and looked at Xi Xi.

Xi Yan's eyelids jumped wildly.

Qin Zi sneered, "No more reluctance, Xi Yan, you don't need to deal with the ancient sea, you just stop Waner fairy. Sunday? I'd like to see what would happen on Wednesday before his death. Style! "

Qin Zibai stepped forward.

"Miscellaneous account!" Fairy's eyes were angry.


Xi Yan's figure flickered, and she immediately stood in front of the fairy figurine of Waner.

On the mountain peak, Li Shenji's eyes narrowed.

"Sir, how about Wednesday? Can you deal with Zhongtian Temple?" A subordinate said blankly.

Li Shenji shook his head: "It's not enough. Zhongtian Temple and Xiatian Temple are also different from each other! There is no country in the ancient sea. Even if there is a great ability, it is useless!"

"Isn't that ancient sea dead? Another subordinate was excited.

Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly, a doubt flashed in his eyes.

On the other peak, the breeze was doubtful: "Young Master? Why is Gu Hai's eyes still so indifferent? He, after all, he's just Yuan Yingjing?"

The boy in white shook his head and did not speak, but stared at it deadly.

Qin Zibai took a step forward, and a horrifying breath pressed down to the ancient sea. The bones of the vampire that fell to the ground all around were even more crumpled and cracked under the pressure.

Gu Hai did not back away, but showed a hint of sneer: "Qin Zibai? Xi Yan? Oh, what a good show? Do all the strong men, all the heroes of Dragon Vein City play with each other? Dragon vein? Hahaha! "

"Huh?" The practitioners on the surrounding mountains narrowed their eyes.

Qin Zibai, Xi Xi? What did they lie to us? What dragon vein?

"Gu Hai, what did you say?" Qin Zi whispered.

"What do you mean? No? You treat everyone as a fool? Or do you want to trap everyone in Dragon Vessel forever without death?" Gu Hai glared and glared.

"What?" The practitioners looked around at Gu Hai with a stare.

"Nonsense, what place is there to die for?" Qin Zi stared with white eyes.

"Isn't it? Oh, Xi Xi, what do you say?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What did I say?" Xi Yan stared blankly at Gu Hai.

"You were the lord of the Dahuang dynasty in the past, but there are earth dragon veins? You have earth dragon veins, and you also take your people to grab earth dragon veins? Oh, isn't this contradictory? Don't tell me, you want Your dragon vein swallowed the earth dragon veins here. If you had that ambition, how could you surrender the Emperor Yuan Dynasty? "The ancient sea surface sneered.

"Huh?" Xi Yan raised his eyelids and looked at Gu Hai in amazement.

The practitioners all around were also blindfolded, yeah, Xi Xi has a land dragon vein? Why come to grab it?

"Gu Hai, you deceive everyone!" Qin Zi chuckled.

On the hand, Qin Zibai took out his long sword, and there was a coldness in his eyes.

"The demon confuses the crowd? Huh, the demon confuses you, the dragon veins? The earth dragon veins here are not bred from heaven and earth at all, but the Xi Xi's one. It is your demon words to confuse the masses, and let Xi Qi direct the dragon veins. Gao Yin, in order to create the illusion, in order to attract everyone, you are the devil and you deceive everyone. In order to achieve your unspeakable purpose! "Gu Hai shouted.


Suddenly the monks rushed around.

"It's you that confuses you, Gu Hai, you're looking for death!" Qin Zibai roared.

In the roar, the sword in his hand suddenly cut off towards the ancient sea. A thorny white light illuminated the heavens and the earth. The sword was fierce, and it seemed that the ancient sea would be cut into two halves in an instant.

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu exclaimed in the distance.

"Asshole, hide!" Waner fairy exclaimed.

On the mountain peak, Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly, showing a sneer, it seemed that Gu Hai was finished.

The breeze was slightly anxious. Only the boy in white was still very calm.

Others are looking at swords, white teenagers are looking at hearts, and looking at the eyes of the ancient sea.

In the eyes of the ancient sea, there seemed to be no fear.

Suddenly, a golden chain from a mountain peak rushed straight down, blocking in front of the ancient sea, and welcoming Qin Zibai's sword.


The golden chain and the sword cricket collided, and a huge force formed a violent wind. It swept across the square in an instant, the forest fell to the ground, and the sand and rocks skyrocketed.

But it was the strong men who came from Longmai City. One of them suddenly shot.

A man in a golden robe, the face of the man is extremely fierce, with a bone protruding from the forehead, which looks extremely embarrassing.

The man in the Jinpao shot suddenly, blocking Qin Zibai's sword.

The wind of the collision blew across Gu Hai's body, bringing up Gu Hai's constantly flowing hair. Gu Hai stood still, but showed a slight smile.

As I thought, someone shot.

"Who?" Qin Zi glared with white eyes.

"Qin Zibai, before Gu Hai's words are finished, do you want to kill people in a hurry? Oh!" The man in Jinpao sneered.

Not far away, Li Shenji's face changed, and he looked angrily at the past, seeing that the ancient sea was going to be beheaded by Qin Zibai. What came out of it actually helped the ancient sea be blocked?

Li Shenji was angry, Qin Zibai was angry, but the expression of the practitioners around him gradually cooled down, and suddenly the tone was the same, and they looked at Qin Zibai coldly. It seems that in an instant, everyone has become an ancient law guard and bodyguard.

PS: I stayed up late last night and actually wrote it. I sent it to everyone in the morning. Today I was on the road today.

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