Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 39: Blood Dragon Shouzhen

King Xi, Qin Zibai, Xi Yan, and a number of strong men, holding the ancient sea flying boat slowly towards the city of Longmai!

Above the flying boat, the soundproofing matrix opened by Gu Hai could not hear the insider's conversation.

"Mr. Gu, what you said earlier is true? The dragon veins are fake?" Sima Feng said anxiously.

Gu Hai took a deep breath: "I don't know!"

"Ah? I don't know?" Sima Feng exclaimed.

"Just now just to stabilize everyone and give me a chance to breathe!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

"But, however, are you even more dangerous now? Once they enter Longmai City, they find that you lied to them, don't they ...?" Sima Feng worried.

Gu Hai shook her head gently and said, "No, as long as people are okay, there are always opportunities to escape, don't they?"

"Uh?" Sima Feng looked anxious.

"And, I guess not necessarily wrong!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.


"Qin Zibai and Xi Xi, they have a purpose in Dragon Vessel City. There must be something under Dragon Vein City, Death Grave Valley, whether it is a good thing or a disaster, but I don't know!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"You don't know? How can I find it?" Sima Feng smiled bitterly.

"I can't find it, doesn't mean Wan Yu can't find it!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Me? How do I find it? Brother-in-law, I have used the prophecy previously, only once a month, I can't see the future anymore!" Long Wanyu worried.

"It's okay, aren't you able to avoid good luck and avoid evil? In the next period of time, we will turn around in Longmai City, and I will look for opportunities to leave. Look for it! "Gu Haishen said.

"Oh!" Long Wanyu nodded blankly.

Soon, the party had arrived in Longmai City.

Longmai City is almost the same as the mortal city, covering only dozens of mountains.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Oh, such a big place, still have to cast the city? Now, I am more and more certain of my guess!"

"Gu Hai! Here you are, where are you?" Qin Zibai yelled suddenly.

Everyone came over.

Gu Hai waved his hand and removed the soundproof array on the flying boat.

"Oh, Qin Zibai, what are you in a hurry? Before I start looking, you're guilty?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh! How do I look for you!" Qin Zi chilly.

The flying boat slowly flew into Longmai City.

"Close the big array to prevent the ancient sea from escaping!" Qin Zibai yelled.


An enchantment suddenly formed on the tower, enveloping the sky over the city.

Gu Hai frowned at the enchantment and turned to the closed dragon vein city.

In Longmai City, a large area is divided, and each area has a large number of buildings and is full of people. Gu Hai and his party fell on top of a mountain.

"A lot of people?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Of course. Whenever the dragon veins appeared, they gathered a large number of ancestral gates, a large number of families, and a large number of casual repairs. Each side here brought their own disciples and army. Oh, just for the dragon veins!" Gu Hai sneered .

"Well, Gu Hai, let's start looking, I'll stay with you!" King Dao said coldly.

Not only the King, the lords around, the lords, and the various major repairers, all looked at the ancient sea gloomily, and, as time went on, more and more powerful people got the news, or approached the ancient sea. Staring at the ancient sea, or in the distance.

Looking at the ancient sea one by one, they were not very friendly.

Gu Hai looked at the crowd, but smiled slightly: "You guys, looking for treasure, you can't do it overnight. Next, I will slowly search, if you can't wait, don't follow!"


Hummed a group of practitioners.

"Then I was in an area, and an area started to search!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Please!" King Wang chirped coldly.

"Wan Yu, come with me!" Cried Gu Hai.

Called Shanglong Wanyu, the group began to search in a lot of areas.

"Pick that mountain!" Gu Hai pointed at a mountain.

"Look at me?" One of the lords frowned.

"Everyone wants a treasure, follow me, it's hard to do something?" Gu Hai looked at the suzerain.

The lord frowned: "Well, if you can't find it, Gu Hai, I want you to look good!"

The lord quickly instructed his disciples to dig the mountain.

After digging up the mountain for a long time, Long Wanyu shook her head.

Gu Hai nodded and moved on.

"Cut me that mountain!" Gu Hai directed another homeowner.


The owner's face sank, and then he chirped, "I cooperate with you, but if you can't find the treasure, Gu Hai, I want you to look good!"

Gu Hai ignored it, and stood next to Long Wanyu, not caring.

The army brought by that master began to dig the mountain.

Gu Hai constantly instructed a lot of family and suzerain to do things, and it seemed to anger the strong.

Occasionally, Gu Hai glanced at Xi Xi not far away.

Xi Yan sneered and looked at the ancient sea. Earlier he was worried that Gu Hai would please the group of practitioners and turn against him. Now, Gu Hai is dying. If you can't find the treasure, don't do it yourself, the grievances of this group will kill you.

Longmai City battles open, nowhere to escape.

"Oh? Xi? What about Qin Zibai?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Master Qin's whereabouts do not need to report to you, right?" Xi Yan sneered.

Gu Hai glanced at the king, and the king frowned slightly. They searched around.

Indeed, Qin Zibai has disappeared.

"Gu Hai, find it quickly, at your progress, when will you find it?" Xi Yan said coldly.

"Oh!" Gu Hai smiled coldly and ignored.


Dragon vein city, a palace door. Standing Qin Zibai and a white child.

"Giggle, ancient sea? Yo, that little girl? Actually broke in by herself? Gaga quack!" The young boy in white looked at him with a hint of distant voice.

The boy in white is not a stranger. It was Mr. Dongfang, the life teacher of King Lu Yang. In the past on the battlefield, was killed by the ancient sea, but was saved by its body, and now appears again in Longmai City.

"Mr. Dongfang, the ancient sea is here, will it be bad for us?" Qin Zibai whispered.

"No, the entire Longmai City is a longevity array. The ancient sea can enter and cannot escape. Giggle, good come, good come, the path of the enemy is narrow!" Mr. Dongfang said humbly.

"Isn't there enough people now?" Qin Zibai frowned.

"Nearly, don't worry, there will be more and more people entering my blood dragon's birthday!" Mr. Dongfang sneered.

"What's underneath? Gu Hai said there is a treasure? Really?" Qin Zibai curiously said.

"Treasure? Oh, maybe! You'll be responsible for cooperating with me!" Mr. Dongfang said lightly.

"But Gu Hai he ...!"

"Oh, don't worry, no one can find my blood dragon's birthday. Emperor Xiyu promised to let you cooperate with me, you can cooperate with me, don't ask more!" Mr. Dongfang said coldly.

Qin Zibai frowned slightly. Obviously uncomfortable.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes, oh, this time, it's not just me, my body, but personally promised Emperor Xiyu, who is responsible for helping him deal with Dagan, you should be content!" Sound channel.


Under the dragon vein city, in a ground palace.

Inside the palace, there are two people who are fat and thin, who are as fat as giant mountains and as thin as a skeleton.

On this day, Ziwei was suddenly inside a giant underground palace hall, and a lot of soft hairs appeared on his hands, and the soft hairs were brushed as if they were stained with ink.

In the palace, the figure fluttered, and the ink splashed out instantly.

"Wow la la la!"

The ink fell to the ground and suddenly formed thousands of black runes.


Suddenly, the earth under the palace was red, as if it had become a soldering iron, and the endless flame seemed to burst out from the ground.

However, thousands of black runes suddenly burst into dazzling black light, which instantly suppressed the fire.

"My obedient, very dangerous, this time the character is almost late. It's all blame for longevity! Otherwise, I will be roasted into jerky!" Ziwei exhaled.

Ziwei glanced at his masterpiece with satisfaction, slowly holding his fat belly and walking towards a small door in the hall.

Through the small door, entered another earth palace.

In that palace.

With a long, thin skin, there is a lot of soft fur on his right hand. On a piece of animal skin, he paints something carefully.

"What? Longevity, what are you doing?" Ziwei glared suddenly.

"Ah?" Jangsheng immediately hid the animal skin picture behind him.

"No, nothing, hey!" Changsheng smiled guilty.

"Your turtle son, do you paint again? Lao Tzu is so fat, it is all your harm, you are all harm. Do you still paint? Do you still paint?" Ziwei was furious.

"I just watched you delineate, so itching for a while, itching for a while!" Changsheng replied.

"Bitch's hand is itchy, your hand is itching to hurt me! I've fight with you!" Zi Wei stared and rushed up.

"You, don't come over, you come over, I'll show you the painting!" Changsheng cried instantly.

"You show me? You show me, you show me, I'll recite poetry for you, believe it or not?" Ziwei rushed forward.

"Don't, don't, brother, big brother, you don't recite, I'm all skinny like this, if you recite again, it will kill me. I won't show you my painting, I won't show you!" Frightened.

"Shit, I don't believe you, you say that every time, and then I hit every time!"


Ziwei clutched Changsheng's neck.

"Aren't you? Every time I go to describe a character, don't you also recite poetry?" Changsheng also pinched Ziwei's neck.

"Shit, don't you listen?"

"I don't listen to a fart? Your poetic sound can penetrate everything, even if you plug your ears!"

"God's day, I'll kill you, make your hands cheap, make your hands cheap!"

"Are you different?"




Grunting, the two rolled up in the palace while they were talking to each other.


Suddenly, a voice came from outside the palace.

"What is it?" Purple froze slightly.

The two stopped talking to each other and listened to the outside world.

"Brother-in-law, can't dig anymore, this can't be dug anymore! Hurry, get away from here!" Long Wanyu's voice passed anxiously.

"Someone found us?" Changsheng stared.

"Are you saved? Come on, come on, dig!" Zi Wei said instantly.

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