Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 44: Complain with virtue

King Xi covered his belly, sweating and looking at Gu Hai step by step.

"Oh, huh, you want to kill me?"

King Wu never knew that the most painful time was not all fractures, not physical disability, but blocked when he was about to give birth.

It hurts! The sore body is running out of energy, and the embryo is still forcibly destroyed with its own babies. Can only be born, the key is not born.

Pain, pain all over sweating, pain all over the body.

At this time, the dying ancient sea appeared.

I used to force Gu Hai over and over again, and threatened to unscrew Gu Hai's head. Now Gu Hai is coming to revenge?

Can I deal with him myself?

Yuanyingjing? But when he went to the valley by himself, the sword of the ancient sea definitely reached the strength of the Xiatian Temple, and his body was weak. It was simply slaughter.

"Ha, ha ha ha, I can't think of it, I'm going to die here! Ha ha ha!" Said the sorrowful bitterness of the king.

The ancient sea came closer and stopped.

Take out a small knife slowly.

"Hey King, this is for you!" Gu Hai handed out the knife.

"What?" King Ye stared at Gu Hai.

I'm going to die, do you want to insult me? Give me a knife and let me commit suicide?

"In the past, the valley was owed to King Yu's shots and rescued people from danger. I have clear grievances from the ancient sea, and the gratitude of the past can be repaid today!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Retribution, retribution? Not revenge?" Wu Dawang looked at Gu Hai in amazement.

"Not revenge!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

"Uh?" Numerous big belly around looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"What are you doing with my knife?" The king stunned.

"There is a baby in the abdomen, I must not be able to come out, I have a way, I hope to help you!" Gu Haishen said.

"What can I do?" King Ye's eyes brightened.

"Caesarean section!" Gu Hai solemnly said.


"It's an open belly!" Gu Hai explained.

King Wang's face changed, and then he instantly understood the meaning of the ancient sea.

Open-mouthed? I used to fight in the past, and I was so badly injured that my intestines came out. It was a common occurrence.

If the embryo can't come out, just open your own belly and dig it out, just fine!

I didn't expect it before, and it was all the inertia of the practitioners. They all thought about how to expel the embryos without hurting the vitality. I never thought of replacing this damage with another kind of damage.

King Wang looked at Gu Hai in amazement, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Nodded, took Gu Hai's knife, and stroked it on the stomach.

"The whole body is relaxed! It is better to seal the neural pain in the abdomen!" Gu Hai pointed out.

King Wu nodded and performed a self-cesarean section according to Gu Hai's method.

Although this kind of thing is difficult to do by yourself, after all, you can't fake it.

With cold sweat on her head, she opened her belly little by little, and suddenly blood came out.

King Xi closed his eyes and reached into the **** belly.

All around, 100,000 painful belly, eyes widened.

"Mum, mum, mum!"

After a moment of groping, the king yanked suddenly.

Suddenly, a **** embryo was pulled out.

"Come out, come out!" Exclaimed countless practitioners in the Quartet.

"Guys, Gu Hai, in the past few days, I have been blessed. This method of cesarean delivery, I hope to help you!" Gu Hai cried.

Everyone stared at Gu Hai for a while.

"Thank you Mr. Gu!"

"Mr. Gu, Daen, it's memorable!"

"Mr. Gu, I have offended a lot before!"




At this time, the ancient sea not only did not fall down, but guided everyone out of the bitter sea. For a moment, everyone's perception of the ancient sea changed. Gratitude is endless.

King Wu is the best example. The embryo was taken out and no longer absorbed the energy in his body.

King Xi swallowed a large amount of elixir, and then wiped the wound gently with his hand, and looked at the embryo in the palm with sweat.

Is this your own fetus?

"There are no three souls and seven souls, is it a stillbirth?" Master Wang frowned.

"So, I also say goodbye!" Gu Hai glanced at the Western Shen channel.

Qin Zibai didn't know what was delayed, but he didn't come? You must leave immediately.

Gu Hai said goodbye and turned around.

King Wu watched Gu Hai leave, and his expression was extremely complicated for a moment. Just now, he almost thought that he was going to be beheaded by Gu Hai, but he did n’t want Gu Hai to repay him by virtue?

Looking at Gu Hai's departure, there was an apology in the eyes of King Yun.

"Quick, quick, give me a cesarean!"

"I want to, too, aren't you the midwife? Get the fetus for me!"

"Oh, come out, come out, a stillbirth, finally fine!"




One hundred thousand people had a cesarean section together, and the scene was spectacular.

The fetus was taken out, and the pain suddenly disappeared. It was simply a hell, a heaven.

The practitioners who had previously threatened Guhai suddenly felt sorry for wanting to thank Guhai, but Guhai had already left.

King Detective burned his stillbirth, barely stood up, and looked at the underground palace not far away.

The detective waved.


A large amount of dirt was immediately taken off. Exposing the whole picture of the underground palace.

The previous excavation was only a small part, and the area of ​​the palace was ten times larger.

Below the underground palace, red light constantly appeared, as if there was a force of evil charm to burst out, but there were a lot of black runes around it.


It seemed that the underground palace was destroyed, a trace of black runes were rapidly melting, and the red light under the underground palace became more and more abundant.

"There's something under the palace, this red light? Is it the fire of drought?" King Wang frowned--

Qin Zibai did not appear.

That's because Qin Zibai and Mr. Dongfang are studying Xi's belly together.

When Mr. Dongfang said Xi Xi was pregnant with a quadruplet, all three were dumbfounded.

"Mr. Dongfang, save me, save me!" Xi Yan cried in horror.

Mr. Dong's eyes narrowed slightly: "There are four vitality in your body. There are two ways to forcefully extract your strength!"


"First, open your belly and dig out the four embryos, so you will have great vitality!" Mr. Dong Shen said.

"What about the second?"

"Second, use the dead pressure to make a living, and force the power in the four embryos back to the original place!" Mr. Dong Shen said.

"Natural is the second way. How to use the dead pressure to make a living?" Xi Yan said suddenly with a smile on his face.

"I have a longevity array that can help you absorb death, but, to be dead!"

"What dead man?"

"When killing people, there will be death gas, that is, to collect the death gas, and the person who died in extreme terror is the most intense death gas!" Mr Dongfang explained.

"Kill then, as long as I can recover!" Xi Yan cried immediately.

"Unjust death, there is only one kind, those of your subordinates, you want to kill them?" Mr. Dong Shen cried.

Xi Yan froze slightly.

Not long ago, more than 2,000 vampires were killed by Gu Hai outside the Great Array, but there are still a group of their own subordinates in the dragon vein city. Kill them?

If they die in their own hands, they are indeed most wronged. Who would have thought betrayed by the follower?

"You choose!" Mr. Dong Shen said.

"Let them die!" Xi Yan gritted his teeth.

As long as you are okay, the subordinates can recruit yourself!

"Okay, you choose it yourself, giggle!" Mr. Dong sneered.

"Right, what about the others?" Qin Zibai frowned suddenly, surprised.

"They, all strokes, all strokes!" Xi Yan bitterly.

"All strokes? Not good!" Mr. Dong's face suddenly changed.

"what happened?"

"They're going to run, they want to run away! How can they stay in the city with such humiliation?" Mr. Dong's face sank.

"Mr. Dongfang, what do you say?" Qin Zi sank in white.

"Come on, close the gates of the Quartet and blockade the whole team! No one wants to go out!" Mr. Dong's face sank.

"But you said, aren't there enough people?" Qin Zi frowned.

"Not enough people? No! Enough!" Mr. Dong faced coldly.


"Don't you still have 100,000 troops stationed in Longmai City? Even if it's not enough, let's try it slowly!" Mr. Dong Shen said.

"What? The people I brought, they were all my subordinates, the elite in our army, you count?" Qin Zi stared with white eyes.

"The gates of the Quartet are closed first. The blockade is completely blocked! This is the order of Emperor Xiyu!" Mr. Dong Shen said.

Qin Zibai stared hard at Mr. Dongfang. Reluctant at all.

"Qin Zibai, I asked you to help me with the Blood Dragon Shouzhen, and let you take charge of the opening and closing of the big team. It doesn't mean I won't, hum!" Mr. Dongfang hummed all his life.

The detective waved.


The doors of the Quartet closed suddenly. Then a burst of blood-colored energy immediately surrounded the city, the Blood Dragon Shouzhen was fully opened, and a stream of blood-colored smoke slowly spread out.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Big formation? What kind of formation is this?"

"The Quartet's gate is closed. Who?"




The practitioners who had just had a caesarean section all changed their faces.

Even the King of Puppets who looked at the runes in the palace also suddenly raised his eyebrow and looked to the west.

Gu Hai naturally wanted to leave Longmai City immediately, and rushed to the gate. Seeing to go out.


The door closed suddenly.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed. Step forward quickly.

The long knife in his hand slammed away at the door.



With a slash, the force of a big rebound bounced Gu Hai back instantly.


The ancient sea landed, and looked horribly to the far door, the door remained motionless.

Can't get out?

Gu Hai's face sank.


Suddenly a man in a black robe appeared behind Gu Hai.

"Emperor!" The man in black robe respectfully said.

"Ju Lu? Didn't you just go out?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I, I ..., my subordinates have been chasing after Xi Xi! It's a pity that he is so strong that I couldn't get closer." Julu was ashamed.


"The emperor, the city gate is closed, as if there is a big shroud, I will try it!" Ju Lu suddenly turned into a huge Lu Shiren, slamming into the gate.


With a loud noise, the gates remained motionless.

"What? Impossible, why not move at all?" Julu surprised.

"Forget it, can't go out for the time being. Xiyu? Let's go, take me to Xiyu there!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

ps: said tonight qq chat, be sure to come, just to be late, go to eat at night, go home immediately after eating qq chat!

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