Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 46: spear

"Ancient emperor, do you have to deal with Xi Yan? I have a way, we help you!" Someone cried suddenly.

Gu Hai had not spoken yet, and the crowd kept crying for help.

Looking at an excited crowd, Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "Thank you all!"

"The ancient emperor is polite, and over there, follow me!" A monk called immediately.

The crowd pointed towards the dark fog area not far away.

Within the dark fog area.

It looks like a huge altar. The altar is transparent, and there are a lot of red flames below. It seems to be gushing out, but it is completely suppressed by the altar.

On the transparent altar, there are countless strange runes, apparently arranged by Mr. Dongfang, and no one can understand what it is.

This is a huge altar. Above it, there are as many as two thousand people tied up, and the spaced-apart **** ca n’t move. There are hundreds of people who have died.

The two thousand people who were bound all looked in horror at Xi Yan who was holding a long knife not far away.

"Lord, Lord, Lord, follow the Lord, work hard, never have a second heart, why does the Lord kill us?"

"The emperor, when you persuaded us to establish the Dahuang dynasty, you promised to make my family strong, and my whole family will serve you. Why did you kill me, why did you kill me?

"Don't kill me, emperor!"




The two thousand people who were bound, looked at Xi Yan in horror.

Xi Yan held his big belly and walked step by step in front of a man in black.

"The emperor, the minister is not guilty, the minister is not guilty. In the past, the emperor went to the old mansion to feast, and there were assassins attacking. My family was killed and wounded in order to help you block the assassins. My wife was also killed by the assassins. The emperor ... ...! "The man in black counted his achievements in horror, begging Xi Yu for his life.

Xi Yan revealed his face and held the knife: "Chen Aiqing? Oh, maybe you don't know? There were no assassins!"

"What?" The man in black said in astonishment.

"If you want to blame, blame your wife. It's so touching and unreasonable! I spoil her, but she dare to resist? Hehehe sneered."

The man in black suddenly changed his face: "Not assassin? You, you, you! No wonder my wife was undressed when I died, and I blocked the assassin for you. It turned out that you were arranged by the assassin. Traitor, treacherous, you still My wife, you return my wife. Ah .........! "

In despair, the man in black wore a roar of unwillingness and roared, his eyes glaring, and he could not eat it.

Xi Yan showed a hint of satisfaction: "Sure enough, the more injustice, the heavier the grievance, the more life-giving me!"


A knife was inserted into the brows of the man in black.


However, it seemed that there was a force condensing in the large array, and suddenly the man in black was killed and the condensed vitality was killed.

Death gas was dark, 90% of which was suddenly absorbed by the runes on the altar below.


The runes grew richer, suppressing the flames below the altar.

Only one tenth turned into Xi's body, and Xi's stomach pain was suppressed a bit.

only a little bit.

Xi Yan's face was ugly: "Huh, Mr. Dongfang? You even count me? I have to die, you have to **** Jiucheng?"

Although very angry, people still want to kill. Slowly, Xi Yan went to the next person.

"No, emperor, don't kill me!"

"Hey, I haven't told you something yet!" Xi Yan shook his head and came over.

"Devil, demon, Xi Xi, you must not die!"

"Xi, I'm blind to be your courtier, you are a demon!"




Around him, all of Xi's former subjects showed despair and despair. Looking at Xi, they all ate his flesh, gnawed his bones, and drank his blood. It was all the feeling of being blind in the past.

"Help me, who will save me, demon, don't kill me, demon!" The man who was about to be killed shouted in horror.

"Who's here to save you? No one can save you. I haven't treated you all these years. It's time to repay me. Don't cry. No one can save you. May save you! Let your fate go! "Xi Yan said coldly.

"Oh? Who said?" Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind Xi Yan.

"Huh?" Xi Yan's face changed, and he suddenly turned his head to look.

"Ancient sea?" Exclaimed the bound people around.

"Gu Hai, how could it be you?" Xi Yan exclaimed.

Not only Gu Hai, but also Qin Zi deployed in the past, thousands of people are standing behind Gu Hai at this moment.

"Xi Yan? Oh, good skill, you can kill people with such a big belly?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Xi Yan's face has changed, and he is no longer an ancient sea opponent at this moment.

"Mr. Dongfang, Qin Zibai!" Xi Yan growled.

But there was no response at all.

"I really have to go, these are your deployment, right? How loyal are you to a group of people, you really don't deserve to be emperor!" Gu Haishou took out the bronze sword and walked towards Xi Xi.

"Kill him, the ancient emperor, kill him, kill him!" Shouted the old officials with hate.

"You guys, please help me to rescue this group of people!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Ancient emperor's mercy!" Qin Zibai's old Ministry immediately took out the swords, cut off the chains on the former officials of Xi Xi, and unlocked the seals on them.

It's fast. Just a few moments, the restraints on everyone have been released.

"Thank the emperor!"

"Thank you Mr. Gu!"

"Thank you!"




Zhong Xi's old part worshiped the ancient sea together, his eyes were full of gratitude and guilt.

"Let's do it! Xi Yan, I don't care, I leave it to you, but I want his head!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Xie Guhuang!"

"This traitor, I killed you!"

"I want you to die!"




A group of old princes suddenly took out their swords and chopped towards Xi.

Xi Ying's strength at this moment, Yuan Yingjing could not reach, holding a big belly, his face was exposed: "Bold, I am your emperor!"

"The emperor, shit, traitor, kill my elder brother, I want your life!"

"kill him!"


More than 2,000 people killed Xiang Xi together. Under the chaos, Xi could not hide.

"Ah! Let's die, let's die together!" Xi Xi in despair, a roaring sword cut to the altar below.


There was a sudden rift in the altar, and a little red flame burst out.


Someone was contaminated by the red flame and immediately burned.

However, in the midst of chaos, Xi Xuan was chopped into meat sauce by a group of subordinates in a blink of an eye.

"A dry fire broke out, it's bad, hurry up!" Qin Zi's pale old part changed his face.

"Ancient emperor, thank you for your help, this is the head of the traitor Xi Xuan, please put it away!" An old Xi Xing minister respectfully handed over Xi Xuan's head.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Ancient emperor, I am the owner of the Ma family in Sanyuan City. If the ancient emperor is to be sent in the future, as long as he knows it, if he can do it, he will go to the soup and do nothing."

"Ancient emperor, but there will be missions in the future, I will do my best!"

"me too!"




Regardless of Xi Xi's former minister or Qin Zibai's former ministry, he immediately thanked the ancient sea again.

Looking at the crowd, Gu Hai didn't refuse, nodded and said, "Thank you so much!"

"Ancient emperor, hurry up, the fire of drought is about to rise again, and it will grow bigger and bigger, and the altar seal cannot be suppressed!" Anxiously old minister anxiously said.


"Death Grave Valley, every time, some dry fire comes out from here. I don't know what's inside, so that Shoushi cares so much. It was blocked by the fire of drought. There was also a sound of Long Yin from inside, but it was sealed by the shoushi, and now it seems to come out! "

"A dry fire is here?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

You know, there is also a seal in the east of Longmai City. This is the west of the city? Two places?


Suddenly, a lot of flames came out again, and shot in all directions in an instant.

"Come on, get out of here!" Everyone anxiously said.

"Ancient emperor, hurry up. I saw Shou Shi's battle array that day. There was a **** battle outside. I know how to untie it!" A Qin Zi Bai Jiubu called.

Saying, hitting a stone in the distance.


The stone shattered, and suddenly a large number of cracks burst in the blood and water.

"Ancient emperor, there will be a period later, we leave first!"

"Come on, hurry, the fire is getting more and more!"

"Ancient emperor, go!"




Qin Zibai's old ministry, Xi Yan's old minister quickly fled from the tears of the blood and water array to the outside.

Xi Yan was dead, his head was put away by Gu Hai, the trip was quite smooth, Gu Hai was about to leave quickly with the crowd. Suddenly his face changed, and his whole body exploded.

But not far away, two figures were standing, staring at themselves.

The fire of the drought raged quickly through the cracks in the altar, and everything in the Quartet was about to be burned.

But strangely, the two people stood there, but the fire easily bypassed them. Including bypassing the ancient sea.

It seems to form a huge circle of flames, enclosing Gu Hai and the two people opposite.

It was Jianxiu Qingfeng and the boy in white who were outside the city in the past.

Qingfeng's eyes stared at the ancient sea with so sharp eyes that it seemed to prevent the ancient sea from escaping.

The other is a boy in white. It was a slight smile.

Although the boy in white chuckled, Gu Hai saw an arrogance from his eyes.

"Dahan Dynasty, Gu Hai! I have seen the two, I wonder if they are ...?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Wangshou Taoism, all the way to heaven, alas!" Young Bai Yi said in a young voice.

The tone was not heavy, but there was a strong rush to the sky.

Longevity Taoism? Through the sky?


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