Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 56: Rice bucket demon

Xi's head.

A group of Lu Shiren was there.

The emperor who opened the heavenly palace, the emperor did it. The murderer who killed the old supreme Lu Shi god, was beheaded by the emperor.

For a moment, all Lu Shiren's eyes became red.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka."

All the Lushi people suddenly wet their eyes, kneeling on one knee.

Julu also knelt down, his voice choked slightly: "On the day of the supreme death, we thought that there would be no revenge in this life. Opening the Tiangong Palace, Yuanying Realm, and the first floor are two worlds. Thank you, the Emperor Thank you, Emperor, for revenge on the Supreme Master. Thank you. "

Ju Lu sincerely worshiped.

"Thank you, Emperor." Lu Shiren choked.

The day that the Lu Shi **** died was the darkest day for the Lu Shi people. He was killed by Xi Yan, and there was no day of revenge.

Today, the emperor did it.

The old supreme and imperial court songs made all Lu Shiren surrender to the ancient sea. Although all the Lu Shiren did, they still had a kind of heart in their hearts.

At this moment, that trace of indignation was completely transformed into the recognition of the ancient sea, and gratitude and worship were integrated. At this moment, the Lushi people completely belonged to the Dahan Dynasty.

"Ju Lu, this Xi'an head, leave it to you to deal with it. All Lu Shi people have a bad gas in my heart. I will help you report this bad gas, so that all Lu Shi people can vomit." Xi Yan's head was handed out.

"Xie Xie, I will give this human head to every Lushi person." Julu thanked.

Gu Hai nodded.

This matter allowed Julu to do it, on the one hand, to establish the prestige among the Lushi people on the one hand, and on the other hand, to make all Lushi people completely attentive.

The ancient sea explained something, a group of Lu Shiren slowly sink to the ground, and the flying boat continued to fly towards the song city.

It was getting dark, and Gu Hai walked back to the front of the deck again.






Ziwei and Changsheng are still eating.

There are a lot of Dahan officials standing beside them, constantly giving them delicious food and wine, and constantly sweating.

Long Wanyu kept staring at the two, her face was stiff, her throat swallowed, and she didn't know what to say.

"The emperor, the emperor ..." A Dahan official stepped up with a pained face.

"What's wrong," Gu Hai wondered.

"They, they ..." The official accused Ziwei and Changsheng.

"Gu Hensheng, creak, you are late too, there is still here." Ziwei cried as she ate.

"No need, you eat, I'm not hungry." Guhai looked weird.

Ziwei nodded and continued to eat.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, it hasn't been eaten for three thousand years, and the smell of birds has faded from its mouth."

"Emperor, food, food is almost gone," the official whispered.

"Well, what is the food?" Gu Hai frowned.

In any case, this banquet is for Ziwei and Changsheng, and they have already made a speech to let them eat as much as possible. Under this subordinate, how can the food be gone?

"The emperor and the helper are helpless, these foods are just for our preparation, so we don't prepare much, but even if not much, that's enough for 10,000 people, 10,000 people, 10,000 people. "The official feared.

Gu Hai: "..............."

10,000 rations, 10,000.

Suddenly, Gu Hai did not blame these courtiers, they did their best.

How long has it been since the two have eaten so much, rice bucket, no, rice bucket demon.

"Brother-in-law, these two evildoers, don't take Chaoge back, or you will be poor in a few days." Long Wanyu exclaimed with wide eyes.

Long Wanyu, however, witnessed the birth of two super rice barrels. No, is this a rice barrel? This is a demon, it's dark, and they didn't stop eating.

What's that stomach?

"Emperor, there are not enough ingredients, what to do," the former official anxiously said.

Gu Hai: "..............."

Watching the two of them eating vigorously, did they want to tell them that they had no food.

"Emperor, these are the last twenty ingredients." The official looked bitterly at some of the beef delivered last.

"I know." Gu Hai nodded silently.

Looking at the two, Gu Hai slowly stepped forward: "Two."

"Woo, Mr. Gu, you eat, if you do n’t eat, just the two of us, I'm so sorry." Changsheng cried.

Gu Hai: "..............."

Long Wanyu: "..............."

Sima Feng: "………………."

Would you be embarrassed?

"Two, take a break, or hurt your stomach." Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, we used to eat like this before."

"Yeah, how many years have we eaten."

The two of them suddenly ate the last twenty servings.

Seeing that it was about to be emptied in a moment, Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly: "Two, I said that taking a break, there are some things, and I want to ask the two."

"Oh, Mr. Gu, you say."

"Yeah, you saved us and asked us to let go and eat, you friend, we made it, you ask."

The two immediately refreshed.

While eating, look at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly, and did not bother with their meals, but asked: "Two people, the previous thing, how it happened, can you explain to me, and three thousand years, the life of ordinary people, is not ..."

Three thousand years, that is not what ordinary people can achieve. The two did not eat for three thousand years, and they must be over three thousand years old.

"Oh, you say that, we are all heaven-grade pens. I'm a writing brush. He's just a painting brush." ​​Ziwei explained with a twirling cow.

"Heavenly pen." Sima Feng exclaimed suddenly.

They glanced at Sima Feng as if to say, you are rare.

"No, I heard that heavenly pens, drawing on the rules of calligraphy and painting, all are knowledgeable, but what about you two ..." Sima Feng looked blank.

"Knowing the book, we know the book well." Ziwei wondered.

"Yeah, you, you can't speak clearly. We are scholars." Changsheng stared.

Well-informed, you have so many stomachs.

Knowledgeable, you are not so particular about eating.

Sima Feng's disdain was about to say.

"Sima Feng." Detective Gu Hai stopped Sima Feng.

Sima Feng looked at the ancient sea, but could only hold his heart depressed and not speak.

"Heavenly pen can live long," Gu Hai wondered.

"Of course, our Shouyuan is different from yours. As for the question you asked about the underground palace just now, hey, we don't know, anyway, I don't know which old man's ribs are wrong. Let's follow the runes they made. Every time we strengthen, we sit for three thousand years, "Ziwei explained.

"Old man," Gu Hai wondered.

"It is our master. Unfortunately, we sense that he is dead, so we are free now," Changsheng explained.

"The old man was really stingy. We were celestial pens, celestial pens, who were refined, not all were offered as treasures. The old man was a guest of the Jiang family. So rich, he still often let We are hungry. "Ziwei complained.

"Oh, dead, make you hungry." Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, we both eat a little too much, but we do a lot of things. We can help him write the books and paintings as much as possible, and we will eat something for him, and he will die or live. Finally, we will be locked in the underground palace, let us seal that evil spirit of Jiang Yan. "Changsheng complained.

Eat a lot.

Long Wanyu's eyes widened a bit, you still called a little too much.

"The old man is a guest of the Jiang family. It should not be short of food," Gu Hai wondered.

"We said the same thing, but he just didn't give it. He cried poorly with us every day, and said that he wouldn't care about it. The piece of a hundred mountains he lived in, we just ate it, then went out for a month, and came back and scolded us. "Ziwei recalled.


"Yeah, isn't it the 10,000 monsters who emptied his hundreds of mountains? He said let's eat whatever we want." Changsheng recalled that bad memory.

Gu Hai: "..............."

"Ten thousand monsters, one month." Long Wanyu's eyes widened.

"Yeah, we're saving to eat." Ziwei nodded.

Gu Hai: "..............."

"Just think about it, forget it, don't eat it." Ziwei swallowed the last piece of beef in his belly and drank it for a while before stopping.

"Ziwei, I don't want to eat anymore, I'm only 30% full." Changsheng asked holding the last altar.

30% full, all of them suddenly froze again.

"Do n’t eat it, shit, the old man did n’t give us food, and he hid delicious food in most of the cities. You forgot it, three thousand years ago, that thing, it should be now ..." Ziwei eyes lit up.

Changsheng also suddenly opened his eyes, "Yes, yes, ha ha ha ha, the old man is dead, isn't it just the two of us who know that thing."

Talking, there was a trace of drool in the corner of Changsheng's mouth.

"Mr. Gu, we're not bothering, see you in the next day, thank you for your hospitality." Zi Wei stood up and excited.

Gu Hai nodded.

Gu Hai is not clear about the ability of the two, but the abnormal ability of Changsheng's painting has given Gu Hai an impulse to seek ethics. These two people must recruit Dahan. That strange ability, use the right It ’s a terrible place, but it ’s a very powerful thing. The King of Zhongtian Temple ca n’t stand it. How can you let it go.

So, the first thing I was going to leave was to find two people.

However, the appetite of the two just let Gu Hai completely give up the idea.


One month, I eat 10,000 monsters, 10,000 monsters, take it back, I do n’t know how many troubles will happen.

Therefore, when the two said that they were leaving, Gu Hai didn't hold back such a capable person for the first time.

"Yes, Mr. Gu, we're going to most of them


5.png) \ '> Farewell. Cried Changsheng.

Gu Hai was about to bid farewell, and suddenly he moved: "Two, there is something, maybe you should bother about it."

"Oh." The two looked at Gu Hai in doubt.

"The elder fairy who was with me earlier, Lin Waner, you see it." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Of course, that little girl looks at you differently." Ziwei nodded.

"She's gone to most of you too. If you meet her, if she is in danger, please ask the two to help as much as possible." Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Mr. Gu, you're welcome. You can rest assured about this little thing."

"Yeah, not only did you save us, but you also invited us to have a big meal. We must remember this." Changsheng also packed the tickets.

"Thank you," Gu Hai laughed.

Send them away, wait for them to reach the sky, flying above the boat, almost everyone booed suddenly.

"The rice barrel demon." Everyone counted unconsciously.

"This is to harm most people." Long Wanyu said strangely.

PS: QQ chat tonight, I'll go to dinner first, I'll come after dinner.

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