Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 89: Hee Yong

"The host of Wanyu County was frightened? How could this be? Your Majesty asked me to host you, but it was my fault. Mr. Gu, please allow me to visit the host of Wanyu County and express our apologies. Moreover, my grandson There are still many treasures of tranquility, as long as Wanyu County master can use it, I will fetch it immediately! "Mo Yike said immediately.

Mo Yike wants to make sure that the host of Wanyu County is gone.

Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike, but his heart sank slightly. Sure enough, this Mo Yike was really smart. As soon as I shrugged off, I guessed something.

"Alright!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Mo Yike also stared at Gu Hai desperately. He wanted to see the clue from Gu Hai's face. In his heart, Mo Yike was also anxious.

See your Majesty first, understand the general situation, and instantly understand the importance of Long Wanyu.

Before anyone else noticed the problem, Mo Yike arrived here for the first time to make sure that Long Wanyu was no longer in the metropolis.

If you are gone, you must chase it back as soon as possible! Even if you use force, you must chase it back.

You know, the ram saint disappeared, was taken away by the Dagan people, and the metropolis was turned into a ruin. The ram saint must have guessed something, and the gan saint must take the shot. This is the essence of the dynasty.

The most effective way to stop Dagan's actions is to take their lifeline, that is, Long Wanyu.

Mo Yike came eagerly. The previous politeness was just to see Long Wanyu.

Staring at Gu Hai, want to see Gu Hai refuse, but Gu Hai smiled and nodded?

Mo Yike frowned slightly, but did not say anything. After all, if Long Wanyu was in the metropolis, it would be better.

"Mr. Mo should wait, I'll ask the county master, how?" Gu Hai said with a smile.

"Good!" Mo Yike nodded.

Gu Hai did not invite Mo Yike to enter the manor. The mansion has a large array of ancient seas, and the fog is rising.

The ancient sea entered the thick fog.

Once in the fog, Gu Hai's face sank: "Fast, notify Li Shenji to come back! The situation has changed!"

"Yes!" Ju Lu answered, disappearing quickly.

The ancient sea looked gloomy across the fog.

If he changed his person, Gu Hai would find a way to cheat, but this is Mo Yike. This is not a simple role. He can't stop seeing Long Wanyu.

Can I just tear my face? However, Long Wanyu has just left the city and hasn't gone far. Even if Ye Shenzhen is protected, if Emperor Xiyu hunts down in person, it will inevitably lead to the situation. Moreover, the ancient sea's strength against Ye Shenzhen is still uncertain.


It can only be dragged now! Give Long Wanyu more time to leave.

Outside, Mo Yike watched the ancient sea enter the foggy area and frowned slightly.

"Come!" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.


"Send someone around to see if there are any crane trucks leaving, and notify the guards of the Quartet City Gate to check all the crane cranes in and out!" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.


"Notify the Ministry of Industry, the Metropolitan Matrix Method, which is based on the underground array method, will be opened immediately, making it impossible to smash the ground, at least, as long as someone digs the underground tunnel, it can be found immediately!" Mo Yike ordered.


After a short while, Gu Hai stepped out of the fog again and met Mo Yike.

"Mr. Gu, can you visit the county now?" Mo Yike laughed.

"Sorry, Mr. Mo, the county master is taking a rest ...! Or, you will come again tomorrow?" Gu Hai shook her head with a bitter smile.

"Anyway, I can wait for the county master!" Mo Yike's face changed suddenly, and his tone was resolute.

"So that's up to you!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Mo Yike also frowned slightly, because Gu Hai didn't invite himself into his manor?

However, considering the recent unhappiness in Mofu, Mo Yike could not force anything.

Looking at the fog in the villa in front of him, Mo Yike frowned slightly, anxious in his heart, Gu Hai's excuse that he could not move arrogantly? But just wait?

No, you have to go in and see!

There was a bad hunch in Mo Yike's mind that Long Wanyu was gone. However, after all, I didn't tear my face, and it wasn't hard to break.

"Come!" Mo Yike called.


"Is Xiao Wang nearby?" Mo Yike looked at the subordinate.

"Yes, Shizi has just built a restaurant not far away!" The subordinate respectfully said.

"The prince will apologize to the ambassador in the hall of the grand palace, and it will take some time, without showing sincerity, to invite the little prince to come here and apologize once for the prince!" Mo Yike ordered.

The subordinate stunned, and finally said, "Yes!"

The subordinate left quickly.

"Little Prince?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The son of King Xikang, Xi Yong!" Mo Yike nodded.

"Oh? Xi Yong?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

These days, but constantly researching these top noble materials of Da Yuan, Xi Yong? Like Mo Yike and Qin Zibai, they are all second-generation aristocrats. However, this Xiyong has no Mo Yike's wisdom and no Qin Zibai's martial arts. The only thing that is different from ordinary people is that they have a hot temper and are in trouble.

Mo Yike called him to come?

For a moment, Gu Hai understood Mo Yike's plan.

Gu Hai's face was gloomy, but at the moment, he could not reveal it. After all, Mo Yike said so nicely that Xi Yonglai apologized on behalf of his father.


Xi Yong has not yet arrived. Another team came quickly.

It was Qin Zibai who quickly arrived outside the Guhai Manor with some subordinates.

"Master Mo is also here?" Qin Zibai frowned slightly.

"Master Qin?" Mo Yike frowned.

Qin Zi smiled and nodded.

Instead, Qin Zibai immediately looked at Gu Hai.

"Mr. Gu!" Qin Zibai walked in front of Gu Hai, but suddenly paid respects.

Gu Hai immediately avoided: "Master Qin, what are you doing?"

Qin Zibai smiled slightly bitterly: "Mr. Gu, thank you for your presence in the north of the city! Otherwise, you may have died under the sword of the commander of the Second Army, and Qin Zibai owes you again!"

"Master Qin is polite. I was only invited to help by Mr. Mo!" Gu Hai smiled immediately.

Mo Yike smiled bitterly for a while, and naturally heard that Gu Hai said to himself. Gu Hai just gave you face and helped you a lot. You turned around to tear down his stage. Isn't this revenge?

Mo Yike sighed in his heart that he would not do anything in his position! As a Da Yuan official, you must put Da Yuan's interests first.

Mo Yike didn't dare to say anything when he heard the words of Gu Hai.

But Qin Zibai shook his head and said, "One yard to one yard. Before going home, my father repeatedly asked me to thank Mr. Gu. At the same time, my father also asked me to thank the Lord Wanyu in person in any case. Thank you She disregards her suspicions and can let Mr. Gu shoot! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

The owner of the Qin family?

Gu Hai glanced at Mo Yike. Obviously, Mo Yike thought about it, and the Qin family owner also thought about it. Worried that Long Wanyu is gone?

"By the way, before leaving, my father said that the county master might be frightened. Let me bring a sacred pearl, give the county master the peace of mind, and let me hand it over to the county master!" Qin Zibai solemnly took out a jade box .

Mo Yike smiled slightly a bit, Qin Zibai's father was blind, but his heart was clear. Even Gu Hai's excuses had guessed the clues and sent Anshenzhu?

Gu Hai frowned slightly, shook her head and said, "Sorry, the county master has rested, or should he come back tomorrow?"

"No, my father explained. If the county master rests, let me wait here! Only sincerity!" Qin Zibai said solemnly.

"Okay!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Mo Yike, what are you calling me to do?" A sudden rage came from the other side of the street.

"Huh?" Everyone turned to look.

But he saw a young man in a red robe, followed by a group of followers, stepping on, but with a gloom on his face.

"Little Prince!" Mo Yike laughed.

"Xi Yong?" Qin Zibai frowned.

The man in red, Xi Yong, suddenly saw the ancient sea and everyone.

"Oh? Gu Hai?" Xi Yong's eyes narrowed, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

These days, Gu Hai has indeed shown a lot of limelight, but in the eyes of Xi Yong, he is extremely hated. Not long ago, Wuyue Academy, his father King Xikang, was beaten by Gu Hai in the presence of the people in the city. what.

Strange shame!

If it wasn't for King Xikang's order not to disturb the messenger, Xi Yong would have come to the door.

Xi Yong may be better than Qin Zibai and Mo Yi, but after all, he is the most noble master of the Xi family.

Just right in the restaurant, Mo Yike's people came and said, let me apologize to Gu Hai?

Xi Yong borrowed a bit of wine, and suddenly came over with red eyes.

"Little Prince!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Mo Yike immediately preempted: "My little lord, Your Majesty has made a decree and is preparing to be in the Grand Hall. In the presence of the civil and military ministers, let King Xikang apologize to the ambassador to Gan, and apologize for the rudeness in front of my Mo government not long ago! After all, after all, it was just a misunderstanding. I just saw the little prince nearby, so I asked the little prince to come here. The little prince can apologize to the county master on behalf of the prince! "

"What? In the Grand Hall, let my father Wang apologize to the little girl in the presence of civil and military ministers?" Xi Yong suddenly became angry.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded.

Gu Hai could see that Mo Yike was killing someone with a knife and let Xi Yong come to trouble so that he could detect that Long Wanyu was still away.

"Mr. Mo, you think I'm doing a mission, isn't it messy enough?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Gu!" Mo Yike turned his head to explain.

"It goes without saying, Lord Xiyong? Please come back, huh, we don't need your apology!" Gu Haishen said.

"Ha? Let me go back? How easy is it, Gu Hai, don't you want me to apologize to your father? Come on, go, let me meet the little girl, hum, this time after my apology to my father, The previous thing was written off! "Xi Yong was suddenly thinking about going away.

"Stop!" Gu Hai stared.

Xi Yong has a look that doesn't care about the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, and her voice suddenly expanded innumerable, spreading all around in an instant.

"I am a ambassador and came with friendship, but you have repeatedly humiliated us. This is the way Da Yuan treats guests? Wuyue College, prepared to insult me ​​by cultivation. Bing searched the body of my ambassador, insulted me. I forced us to buy another manor. Da Yuan just was in distress. I did not forget the friendship between the two countries and helped each other. Someone in the corps was frightened and wanted Take a break, why, in the manor I bought, I will not let me rest for a moment? Want to search again? Xiyong, you deceive people too much! "Gu Hai shouted suddenly.


Gu Hai's voice spread all over the place. In an instant, people in countless places in the metropolis heard the sound of the ancient sea.

Xi Yong's eyes widened and he couldn't argue. I haven't troubled yet? Stop me again, I won't break into it, what are you shouting for? What are you shouting I do not have……!

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