Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 11: Six Fingered Demon

In Yinyue City, a sneer suddenly sounded: "Things beyond your control, want to touch the muddy water to enter the back mountain of Yinyue Mountain Villa? Find death!"

The voice spread across Silvermoon City in an instant.

Seven Kills stood in the corner with his eyes narrowed: "Following the sound of the piano, actually found me? Did you hear my voice? Who are you?"

In the minds of the Seven Killers, Yinyue Mountain Resort is dead. If the emperor did not let himself provoke Yinyue Mountain Villa earlier, he would have broken into Yinyue Mountain Villa.

This time, because he was too pretentious, he would hide in the dark.

The previous Yinyue Mountain Villa was completely out of breath when it was suppressed by a Fengtong old man. Isn't it fragile in front of itself now?

What Qindao Holy Land. That is long gone.

The Seven Kills are confident, and can completely destroy Yinyue Mountain Villa and even the entire Yinyue City, but this suddenly brings up another master of piano?

"I don't care who you are, hum, what about finding me? Do you think you can deal with me?" Qisha's face was gloomy.

For a moment, the Seven Kills completely released their momentum and played with full force.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."

"Oh!" "Oh!" ……………………

Under the violent sound of the piano, one by one the violent birds roared out and rushed to the giant phoenix outside Yinyue Mountain Villa again.

Bichin said, the Seven Kills have not been afraid of anyone yet. The harpsichord is getting faster and more intense.

The battle with the Seven Kills was a man in a pink coat in a restaurant outside Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The man had six fingers in his left hand, and behind him a string of void strings emerged. It was him who played "Hundred Birds and Phoenix". Playing more and more intense.

"Oh, do you still want to leave? Find something dead!" The man with six fingers sneered.

With a flick of his hand, the sound of the tumbling piano rushed out, and the phoenix became more and more fierce.

The two masters face each other.

The luthier in the city has stopped everything, watching the phoenix spread its wings and press down on the birds.

The ancient sea showed a hint of surprise.

Yun Mo frowned slightly.

"Who is this shot?" Bingji surprised.

"So powerful Qin Tao, the sky above Yinyue City has been completely covered by their Qin Tao mood!" Mo Yike frowned.

"Who is it again? Are you protecting Yinyue Mountain Villa?"

Yun Mo frowned slightly, as if thinking.

"Yun Zhuang, who do you know?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I can't hear what we shot, but the one who helped us just now, but ...!" Yunmo frowned.

"Can you hear who it is?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Zhuang Zhuang simulated a voice with Guqin before his death, as if he should be, he should be ...!" There was a hint of surprise in Yun Mo's eyes.

The man in the pink coat found the Seven Kills, and the seven kills also found the man in the pink along the sound of the piano. Although he could not see it, through the sound, the Tianqin could feel it probably.

Seven kills slowly closed his eyes, feeling while playing the piano. Suddenly, Seven Kills opened his eyes and stared.

"Six fingers? Qin Mo, Qin Mo six fingers?" Qisha's face changed.

"Heavenly piano, six fingers!" Yun Mo explained to Gu Hai.

"Tian Qin?" Gu Hai brow and suddenly remembered.

I heard that for the first time in Yinyue City in the past, Yinyue Mountain Villa used to have four mouth-level pianos, all of which were made by Mr. Yinyue: Ding Ding, Po Jun, Gou Chen, and Six Fingers. Dingding was given to Dagan Sheng, the broken army was given to King Lu Yang, and eventually it was broken by the ancient sea. Gou Chen is now in the hands of Gu Hai, and he still has a six-finger.

Six fingers?

The Seven Killer's face changed, and then his expression gradually stunned: "Six fingers? Huh, you're just a defective piece of the celestial piano, with six fingers on the left hand, an incomplete celestial piano, you want to block me?"

During the talk, the fingers of the Seven Kills fluctuated again.

"唳, 唳, 唳 ..................!"

Ten thousand birds came again, seeming to tear up the Phoenix completely. In the eyes of the Seven Kills, even the six fingers? Celestial piano is built on the basis of human form. How can a perfect person be six fingers and a defective product, and also want to fight with himself?

"Defective? Hehe!" Six fingers sneered, and his left hand waved.


The giant phoenix at Yinyue Mountain Villa suddenly turned into ten, and ten phoenixes suddenly skyrocketed.

"Ming!" "Ming!" "Ming!" ………………

The immense power of the Phoenix instantly swooped down the fierce birds. Ten phoenixes soared into the sky, and among the long chanting, a group of fierce birds shivered for a moment.

Also playing the piano, the string vibrations at the six fingers have been blurred so that the strings cannot be seen clearly.

Between the long chanting of Phoenix, he suddenly commanded all the fierce birds.

Six fingers sneered.


The Phoenix sang in unison, flapping its wings, and rushing to the city with all the fowls.

That direction is where the Seven Kills lie.

"What?" Seven Kill's face changed.

Unlike the imagination, the six fingers are not weak? How can you control your own birds?

The Seven Kills suddenly jumped towards the outside world.


Suddenly, a large number of violent birds blew there, but the Phoenix ordered more than that, the violent birds kept on, and they immediately followed the seven kills.

call out!

The Seven Kills flew in the sky at a high speed, a thousand miles away.

A large number of violent birds flew in, and the seven kills were too late to counterattack. In a blink of an eye was chased and killed.

The restaurant window, six-finger eyes were cold, staring at the seven kills that were continuously hunted in the distance.

"Seven kills? There are sixteen pianos in the world, I don't mind one more!" Six fingers coldly.

The sound instantly traveled to the distance through the fluctuating channels.

Seven kills flew out of the city under the hunt of fierce birds and phoenixes.

As he fled, the Seven Killer said, "You just take the convenience of the song. If you come again, I will kill you!"

"Then don't go, let's try?" Six fingers coldly.

"Huh!" Seven kills fluttered and flew out of the city.

The Seven Kills still refuse to accept, but have to admit that the six fingers are not weak. If you change the time, the Seven Kills can fight with him. Explain.

"call out!"

The Seven Kills vanished into the sky.

The six fingers at this moment are also exposed in front of everyone.

Gu Hai and Yun Mo looked at the restaurant not far away.

Feng Tong, who had just climbed out of the pit not far away, turned wild: "Not Master? Seven kills? He wants to frame me?"

When Feng Tong was horrified, the six fingers in the distance looked coldly.

As the six fingers seemed, an icy coldness came out of his eyes.

Feng Tong Lao Yi Ji Ling: "Six-finger Demon?"

"Feng Tong Lao? Wanshou Taoist disciples? How brave you are! Dare to go to Yinyue Mountain Villa for wanton?" Six fingers said coldly.

"You, you, haven't you been given away by Yinyue Shanzhuang? Why did you help Yinyue Shanzhuang? You just ........." Feng Tong Lao Yi excitedly said.

Six-finger eyes narrowed slightly: "I was indeed in the city before. I want to see the integrity of the current owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa. Oh, when your husband is here, you must worship Mr. Taoist, and if you are not there, you are Ignorant descendants also dare to presumptuously? Oh, no one cares about Wanshou Taoism? I will control you on behalf of the Tai!

Six fingers cold.

Above the sky, the Phoenix turned its head abruptly, leading thousands of fierce birds to dive down.

"No!" Exclaimed Feng Tonglao. Seeing the baptism of thousands of fierce birds again.

"Mr. Six Fingers, keep your men!" Suddenly, a man in a white robe stopped drinking on a mountain peak outside the city.

With a swift drink, a sound wave rushed into the city, and the sound wave entered the city, and it seemed to instantly turn into a long river, blocking it in front of the Phoenix.


Phoenix led thousands of violent birds to stop instantly. Some venomous birds that had not had time to stop falling into the river, all melted in an instant.

"This is it?" Mo Yike frowned.

"Luo Ruoxianhe? This man is a master of piano and calligraphy, and extremely powerful!" Bingji sank in a dull expression.

"Master, save your life, Master!" Feng Tong old exulted suddenly.

"Miscellaneous things, see how I can pack you up when I look back!" The man in the white robe said coldly.

"Eh!" Old Feng Tong froze.

Six fingers turned his head and looked cold, "Oh? Too much mystery?"

"Xuan's generation is too close?" Bingji's face changed.

"Xuan's generation?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Xuan's generation is the highest generation of Taishang's pulse, and the giant who is too close to the pulse is Xuan's generation!" Bingji explained.

Xuan En said slightly: "The bad guys are bad, and they have caused trouble for Yinyue Mountain Villa. I will take them home and be good at discipline. Here, I will give you a gift. Mr. Six Fingers. Trouble you! "

Six fingers looked at Xuan En coldly: "Oh, the bad guy is bad? Is this just bad?"

"In the past, Waner, who was too close to me, also suffered a lot in the hands of the owner of Yunzhuang. This time, it would be a good deal. Besides, Mr. Six Fingers was in the city before. Any damage, isn't it? The giant has arrived in Dagan, and there are many misunderstandings, and I hope to forgive you! "Xuan En said lightly.

"Huh!" Six fingers hummed.

"Sin barrier, don't follow me!" Xuan En said coldly.

"Yes!" Feng Tong old suddenly said.

Take out the flying boat with your hands, take all the Taishang Taoists and the corpses into the flying boat, and fly towards Xuan En.

"Mr. Six Fingers, leave!" Xuan En smiled slightly.

With a smile, Xuan En glanced at Gu Hai.

That glance was quite complicated, as if there was something to say, but it stopped for a while, smiled coldly, and took everyone away.

Gu Hai looked at Xuan En in the distance with narrow eyes.

"How strong is Xuan En?" Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji.

"I don't know, but Wanshou Taoism is too close. Xuan's generations are at least Zhongtian Temple, and at least they are in the middle and late stages!" Bingji shook her head.

"Xuan En?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Six fingers gave up on Feng Tong because of him? Explain that six fingers also avoid this person?

But I saw a distant six-finger big sleeve.


The sky full of phoenixes, fierce birds, and black clouds suddenly burst apart.

With six fingers striding, he flew to Gu Hai and Yun Mo in an instant.

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