Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 22: Treasures of Yipintang

Heaven, Tianchen City!

Under the guidance of Mu Chenfeng, the ancient sea flying boat slowly landed on a huge square.

"Teacher, this 800-mile radius is my resident of Yipintang! Outsiders are not allowed to come in at all!" Mu Chenfeng pointed to the surrounding area.

It looks like a pristine grassland, surrounded by a large number of ornamental animals, and a large fog forms on the periphery, so that the internal scene is not seen by the outside world.

There are some low hills all around, which are lined with various palaces.

The flying boat landed at the mouth of one of the largest palaces.

Above the entrance of the palace is a plaque with the words 'yipintang' written on it.

When Gu Hai entered the front, the news had spread throughout Yipintang headquarters.

Almost all the disciples in Yipintang who are stationed here know that the ancient sea is coming.

When the ancient sea Feizhou fell, the square was filled with excited Yipintang disciples.

Gu Hai turned his head.

"Meet the Lord!" Disciples of Zhongyipintang respectfully bowed down.

"Oh?" Gu Hai was slightly surprised.

After all, I never came back, but I appointed it halfway. I was worried that someone might make things difficult, but I didn't want to, and the disciples at Yipintang are so respectful to myself?

"Daughter, you don't know yet. After Long Xiaoyue's death, the whole Yipintang is gone. Later, Longwan Qingtang took over, and Yipintang was better. However, after Longwan Qingtang's death, the whole Yipintang is almost there Desperate, until you become the church owner, this is the headquarters of Yipintang, a lot of news will be summarized here. For the church owner, the disciples in the hall are still very concerned. No, it is particularly concerned.

They respect the church owner so much, because the church owner's actions over the years have made them see hope and let them see respect! "Mu Chenfeng explained.

Gu Hai nodded: "Dear everyone, please!"

"Xie Tangzhu!" Zhongyipintang disciples said immediately.

Ancient sea, Mu Chenfeng stepped down the flying boat.

"Daughter, how did you force King Lu Yang to die?"

"Church Master, you even killed Emperor Xiyu. How did you do that?"




Gu Hai stepped at the entrance of the main hall of Yipintang, and a group of young Yipintang disciples surrounded him excitedly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, and did not speak, Mu Chenfeng immediately said: "Well, don't make a noise, the host just came back and let the host rest for a while!"

"No, show me the headquarters of Yipintang!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng nodded.

"Lord, let me familiarize you!"

"Lord, I'll come, I'll come, I'll tell you!"




The disciples of Yizhong Yipintang received Gu Hai very warmly—

Tianchen outside the city.

"call out!"

A flying boat came quickly.

"Stop, who are you, can you register?" A captain flew to the sky and stopped the boat.

Standing above the flying boat, there were a group of angels and a group of masters of the Sun Temple with Ye Hua.

"I don't know you anymore?" Ye Hua sank.

"Oh? It's the messenger of the Sun Temple. I wonder why you are going to Tianchen City?" The general frowned.

"Hahahaha, why, what can I do to report it to you? That's how the big guys treat guests?" Ye Hua said in a deep voice.

"Don't dare, please, just remind you, this is Dagan Tianchao, Tianting City Group, you all think of yourself!" The soldier shook his head and stepped back.

"Huh!" Ye Hua snorted.

The flying boat flew directly into Tianchen City.

On the flying boat, all the strong men were serious.

"Second son, is the news reliable?" A Seraphim said later.

"Should not be wrong, Gu Hai is here? Just at the headquarters of Pinpin, hum, just come, just come, I see where he is going this time!" Ye Hua said coldly.

"But here is the heaven, after all, will we ... if we go like this!" The Seraphim worried.

Ye Hua's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he was silent for a while: "It doesn't matter, you can do it.

"But, second son, can we do it, okay?" A subordinate wondered.

"Two six-winged angels, plus the King of Assassins, are also in the Heavenly Palace, that is, three Heavenly Palaces, and four-winged angels, two-winged angels, you can't even deal with an ancient sea?" Ye Hua said coldly.

"That ancient sea will only play tricks and tricks, killing him is easy!" A six-winged angel said suddenly.

"Even if Dagan Tianchao is held accountable, the ancient sea is dead, and I can protect you in the name of the Sun Temple then!" Ye Hua said coldly.

"Yes!" A group of subordinates should say--

Tianchen City, Yipintang headquarters.

A group of Yipintang disciples stationed here are overly enthusiastic about Gu Hai. Guhai wants to visit Yipintang. The disciples are rushing to introduce them. Although many people are roaring, Guhai has not stopped them. After all, this is a recognition, a passion .

Take a turn and go to the treasure chest.

There are a lot of treasures collected by Long Xiaoyue in the treasure house. However, these treasures did not attract much attention from the ancient sea. Nowadays, the Dahan dynasty is becoming more and more powerful, and there are treasures in Dahan's treasure house that are not weak.

Moreover, in these decades, even if there is any treasure, it will certainly not be able to keep it.

"Oh? What's this?" Gu Hai looked at it slightly, looking at a huge cannon tube. This looks a bit like the cannons that the ancient sea saw in the past. It's just bigger, five feet long, covered with runes.

"This? This is called 'Hangtian Cannon'. It used to be the most powerful treasure in Yipintang. Unfortunately, it's broken now!" Mu Chenfeng said unfortunately.

"Booming sky gun?" Gu Hai wondered.

"This is the treasure that was used in the past. It was not used in the holy and was given to the owner of Long Xiaoyue Church. However, when the battle with the people in the South China Sea was broken in the past, it was brought back. This treasure is holy. Eliminated, the owner of Long Xiaoyue Church was also embarrassed to find the Holy Spirit to repair it, and has been shelving it here. He wanted to repair it, but it has not been repaired! "Mu Chenfeng regretted.

"Booming gun? How does this work?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

Yipintang's most powerful treasure? The ancient sea suddenly became interested.

"Go get the thunderous sky!" Mu Chenfeng cried.

The disciples from Yizhongtang rushed to the warehouse, and soon brought ten huge boxes. The boxes opened, and inside were ten huge black balls.

"This is it?" Gu Hai said suddenly.

"This is Hun Tian Lei, which was refined in the past. Just put Hun Tian Lei in this 'Huang Tian Cannon', and then start the formation on the Destructive Hun Tian Cannon, Hun Tian Lei will fly in the direction of the tube. Go out, and then blasted the opponents in the middle, all of them in the middle of the palace, all at once! "Mu Chenfeng sighed slightly.

"Booming cannon? This is really a cannon?" Gu Hai shook slightly.

"What cannon?" Everyone froze slightly.

"This is a cannon. This thunderbolt is a cannonball? Is it made by the Dagan Saint?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Yeah!" Mu Chenfeng nodded blankly.

The cannon, the ancient sea once thought about refining. After all, it is not difficult. Casting gun barrels, leads, and gunpowder are not high-tech. Even the fireworks and firecrackers in the mortal world used this principle, but the power of gunpowder was too small. It has never been considered.

But in front of this, the artillery is the same.

"This thunderstorm was made by Dagan Sheng personally? Can it really bomb the Zhongtian Temple?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes in the past. The owner of Long Xiaoyue Church was so powerful in the South China Sea that he killed many powerful ones!" Mu Chenfeng nodded.

"The key is that this thunderous sky was made by the Holy Spirit himself, but unfortunately, there are ten left. I heard that in the past, the Lord Xiaolong Church was given eighty-one pieces!" Mu Chenfeng recalled.

Ancient sea detective touched the gun barrel.

"The key is this booming thunder!" Gu Hai nodded.

Gunpowder naturally cannot have much effect, but if things refined on Dagan Sheng cannot be dealt with by even the Zhongtian Temple, it will be too small.

The things in Yipintang are your own. Looking at the booming cannon, Gu Hai's eyes flashed with satisfaction.

broken? What if it ’s broken, you have the power to repair it, what ca n’t be repaired?

While the ancient sea was showing a satisfied smile, the outside world suddenly burst into a rage: "Bold, who, dare you break into my Yipintang headquarters?"

"What? Come out!"

"Teacher, it's not good. I Yipintang is shrouded in formation!"

"Host, there is an enemy attack!"




There was a sudden anxious voice from Yipintang guards.

"What's wrong? Did you start the formation?" Mu Chenfeng's face changed and rushed out.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a roar of noise from the outside.

"The formation is open, but the guardian enchantment is about to break, the church owner, ah, it's an angel, the church owner, it's the angels coming!" The voice of anxiety came from the outside.

Mu Chenfeng has rushed out.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Angel? Oh? It seems to be looking for me!"

"Teacher, what should I do?" Yizhongpinpin worried.

"It's okay, take this boomerang out to me, I'll test it!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Ah? But this is bad?" Said the disciples of Yizhongtang.

Gu Haishou touched the body of Hengtian Cannon and shook his head, "Yes!"

"Ah? How is that possible? It was said by the owner of Long Xiaoyuetang!" A group of subordinates anxiously said.

"I said it was good, it is good, carry it out!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Yizhong Yipin disciples nodded blankly.

The ancient sea stepped on, with a bunch of Yipintang disciples carrying the sky gun, and slowly walked out of the treasure house——

Outside Yipintang.

Ye Hua stood on a mountain in the distance outside Yipintang, only a few angels stood behind him, and looked coldly at the Yipintang area covered by fog in the distance.

"Second son, we have already set up a haze array outside Yipintang. The outside must not be able to see the inside. They should go together and they should soon be able to screw down Gu Hai's head!" A subordinate sneered.

"Okay, okay, hum, only Gu Hai and Mu Chenfeng came back with a disciple of Yipintang? Gu Hai is dead this time, ha ha ha ha ha!" Ye Hua sulked. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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