Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 24: Just set rules

Tianchen City, the city's main mansion!

At this moment a man in an official robe looked coldly at his subordinates.

"City Master, we have tried our best. The former Tiancheng West Piano Sound was a musician who carelessly played too much to make an impact!" A subordinate said ugly.

"Hum, how many times have I told you, the Halloween Convention is imminent, and no trouble can come out, at least in Tianchen City, and no trouble can be found. Do you know how many nobles there are in the heavenly court? The luthier is not careful? Wouldn't you warn before? Every country in the world comes to Tianting City. If there is any joke, how can I confess to the Holy One? "The owner of the city glared.

"Yes!" The subordinate bowed his head.

"I am the Lord of a city, but in the heavenly courts, what do I think of this City Lord? There are nobles everywhere, and there are high officials everywhere. What messes up at this time, I can't save you!" The Lord of the City said coldly.


"Notify all the city guards. Keep your eyes brighter. Any troubles should be stopped in time. If it happens, the influence must be controlled to the smallest extent. The smallest scope is that only people within a radius of ten miles know, know?" The city owner said coldly.

"Only ten miles?" One subordinate said in astonishment.

"Yes, only ten miles allowed!" The city owner said coldly.

The subject of the city fell. Suddenly, the whole city sounded anxiously.

"Help, second son save!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise swept across Tianchen City.


A huge storm of wind swept across the main city.

The owner suddenly changed his face: "Who, who!"


The lord of the city flocked out with a crowd of surprises--

The sky-fired cannon rang, and the people of the city turned their heads.

In Tianchen City, there is a Longchen Hall.

Outside the Longchen Hall, a large number of dragons were flying. Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the other direction of the city. In the Longchen Hall, Prince Ao Sheng frowned slightly: "What's the matter? Someone came to Tianchen City to make trouble?"

A large number of dragons are flying curiously in that direction.

Not only the Dragons, at this moment, the guards in the city reacted for the first time, and immediately came towards the explosion center.

The Halloween Conference is about to happen. Thirty-three cities in heaven are almost all under martial law. How can there be such a big movement?

"It's Yipintang, sir, it's Yipintang!"

"Fifth Army, quickly gather Yipintang!"




The army gathered in Yipintang.

A restaurant not far from Yipintang.

Li Shenji also widened his eyes, his face changed: "How can it be a sky-high gun? Isn't it broken?"

"Booming heaven?" A group of subordinates looked at Li Shenji in astonishment.

"Yes, a shot that can kill a Seraphim can only be a sky gun. Guhai has never used it before, and that one might be the mouth in the headquarters of Yipintang. Impossible. How many people have quietly entered the treasure house of Yipintang. It must be bad. I have also checked it by myself. Why, once the ancient sea returns, it will be all right? "Li Shenji's face was gloomy.

"Ah? What now?" A group of subordinates worried.

"Hum, look first, it's not our business. Don't get involved!" Li Shenji said coldly.

"Yes!" The subordinates nodded.

In the distance, as the formations arranged by the angels were withdrawn, the fog slowly dissipated, and at the foot of the mountain, a large number of angels slowly flew towards Yehua.

Ye Hua looked somber and looked at the sharded angel in the sky.

"Blow up? This is ..., is this a sky-high gun?" Ye Hua's face changed, and his face was sullen.

"Second son, Archangel Gal has exploded. What should we do?"

"Second son, let's go!"




"Junk, what are you going to do, there are others!" Ye Hua looked cold.

Around, a lot of good people quickly gathered around.

"Look, that's right there. I saw it with my own eyes. A black ball flew out and instantly blew up that six-winged angel!"

"Seraph, that's the strength of Zhongtian Temple, it just blows up in a flash?"

"Dead without a corpse? It was a black ball shot in Yipintang. Didn't Yipintang have died in name?"

"It's a blasting cannon. I've heard it before. The owner of Long Xiaoyue Church used it. I heard that it was a treasure refined from the Holy Spirit. It's especially powerful!"




The more good people get, the more they surround.

A large number of city guards have approached and started to prevent the people from approaching.

"Get out, get out. It's dangerous inside, step back!"

A large number of soldiers came to isolate the people. At the same time, they looked at Yipintang with great alertness, took out their weapons, and looked at Yipintang with cold eyes.

Many people refused to leave, watching from a distance.

In the sky, a large number of angels previously responsible for the formation flew in the direction of Yehua. A number of city guards also guarded Yahua.

At the moment, Ye Hua's face was extremely gloomy, and Archangel Ga was bombarded by artillery. What happened inside it, wasn't it only the ancient sea? What about the rest?


The wind blew, and the fog outside Yipintang slowly dispersed.

Yipintang main hall square.

At this moment, the row of strong men bound to the Sun Temple, except for the Gada angel who had just escaped and was blown up, other angels, assassinations, etc. were all captured. One by one, his mouths were blocked, his face was pained, his stomach was slightly swollen, and he was tied to the ground, kneeling on the square.

"Ah? There is a seraph? Get caught? Kneeling there!"

"That is King of Assassins, King of Hedgehog Demon, I heard that it is also Zhongtian Temple!"

"More than a thousand two-winged angels? And four-winged angels, is that Xiatian Temple?"

"Here, there are dozens of Xiatian palaces and 2,000 yuan infant realms, right? There are also two bound Zhongtian palaces, and one of them has been bombed previously. Why, this ........."




There were no hundreds of people, and the guards and soldiers showed horror.

Is this still the name of the dying restaurant?

That was a group of extremely fierce powerhouses. They were all taken down?

The generals and the people looked towards the back of the square.

Behind each Sun Shrine, there is a very excited Yipintang disciple, and in the rear, there are a crowd of Yipintang disciples crowding a black brocade man sitting on a chair excitedly.

There was a cold light in the man's eyes, and his gaze was patrolled by the fog.

Next to the man was Mu Chenfeng, who was excited, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood excitedly next to a super cannon.

The huge muzzle was still smoking a little smoke, obviously, just now the thunder that the muzzle blasted out.

"Look, that's the sky rocket, I've seen it before!"

"That's it, it bombarded Zhongtian Temple!"




A crowd of people suddenly excited.

"Bold, in Tianchen City, those above Yuanying's borders are not allowed to fight. You dare ..."!

But he saw that the man in the black brocade sitting there showed a slight sneer, and gently pointed with his hand.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Mu Chenfeng and other disciples of Yipintang immediately aimed the muzzle at the leader of the city guard called Langzhong.

The leader of the city guards just said half, and when he saw the muzzle facing himself, he was trembling. A thriller, his voice stuck in his throat.

The sky cannon, but that one shot can blow up the Zhongtian Temple. Wouldn't it be ...

"The place where you stand is the border of Yipintang, exit!" Gu Haidandan said.

Surrounded by his own sound reinforcement array method, the sound of the ancient sea was amplified.

The icy voice instantly made the leader of the city guard an excitement, stepping back and forth.

It wasn't until a mile away that the muzzle was removed from him.

But at this moment, the city guards clawed before the leader, and there was no more. I dare not reprimand.

"Who is he?" The people looked around Guhai in astonishment.

"That is the master of Mu Chenfeng, Mu Chenfeng is standing beside him respectfully. Is it Yipintang, Guhai?"

"Ancient sea?"




The people all around showed a look of surprise. Obviously, many methods of the front line ancient sea have not yet passed, even if it is passed, it is limited. At least the battle of Emperor Xiyu was at least killed, and only a few knew the internal situation.

Gu Hai turned his head to the angel group not far away.

"Teacher, you want tea!" A subordinate handed out a cup of tea respectfully.

Gu Hai took it, took a sip, and his expression was quite relaxed.

"Ancient sea ~~~~~~~~~!" Ye Hua sighed coldly in the distance.

After drinking a cup of tea, Gu Hai held a tea cup, revealing a slight smile and looked at Yehua in the distance: "Yehua, have you finally come out? Forget the last time, what did I tell you?"

"Huh, my subordinates, they're wrong to break into you without me, but they are my subordinates, you let them go immediately!" Ye Hua said coldly.

Hiding you? Breaking into a product hall?

Many people show their doubts, but more people are disdainful, apparently looking for excuses.

"What matters to me?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh?" Ye Hua stared.

"Without permission from Yipintang, anyone who breaks into Yipintang is dead!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Wow ~~~?"

People and city guards looked around at the ancient sea in surprise. Is this to kill the angels?

"Why don't I know this one, how many people have run through it before, why ..." Ye Hua said coldly.

"Just now, I set the rules!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Quietly all around, the new owner of this Pintang, he is domineering. Just set the rules.

"Do you dare!" Yeah suddenly flew up, seeming to shoot.

"Kaka Kaka!"

But he saw that Mu Chenfeng quickly adjusted the direction of the blasting gun, and the muzzle was facing Yehua.

"How? You have to challenge my rules once more?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Ye Hua's face became cold and he paused.

"Well, there is no need to drag on, kill it!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Yes!" Yizhongtang said with excitement.

Moquan rubbed his palms, grabbed the sword, and cut off the head of the solar shrine powerhouse tied in front.

At this moment, I have been waiting too long. After Long Xiaoyue's death, the disciples of Yipintang lived in the nest. Man with his head down, never thought that there was such a stingy day.

PS: Today's postgraduate exam, I wish the candidates who look at the eternal fairyland to win! This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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