Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 30: Scramble for little beggars

"The artillery was blasted by me. It has nothing to do with Ao Shun. Your Lingshan Holy Land did not offend the Dragon clan, but it offended me. Just now, this **** went to assassinate Gou Chen, but you gave it away. Gou Chen is my disciple of Yipintang. People assassinated court officials in the Daqian dynasty, but what did you say from the third Buddha of Lingshan Holy Land? "

Gu Hai drank a cold drink, so that all the monks and the people widened their eyes.

This person not only bombarded the Zizhu Bodhisattva with that weird magic weapon, but also called her a slut? More insulting himself?

"You, cough, cough!" The Zizhu Bodhisattva was glaring and drank in the weakness, but the shot just now was too strong, Zizhu Bodhisattva was seriously injured and it was difficult to say a complete sentence.

This is also the amazing practice of the Zizhu Bodhisattva, which can blast the middle stage of the Zhongtian Temple. If the Zizhu Bodhisattva did not reach this practice, it would have been blown into pieces.


"Who are you? Slander Zizhu Bodhisattva!"

"How did the Dragons get involved with such people?"

"Zizhu Buddha is destroying the magic!"




People all around the place suddenly yelled at the ancient sea. Obviously, there is great trust in the people of the Holy Land.

Monks stared at Gu Hai.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, the poor monk's law is 'precept'. I don't know who you are? Disgrace me to the Holy Mountain Holy Land?" Not far away, the monk folded his hands again, and one person spoke on the side.

"Caution the Buddha, now the proud disciple of Buddha!" ​​Ao Shun told Gu Hai aside.

Buddha now? There are three Buddhas in the Holy Mountain Holy Land. The past Buddha, the present Buddha, and the future Buddha. The three Buddhas dominate the Lingshan Holy Land, but the current Buddha is the main one. Is this his disciple?

"The insulter, the insult of the talent, the despise one, the ancient sea! The demon you said to be destroyed is my person, the cadre of life. In your eyes, the cadre of life is the devil, or am I slandering you Holy Mountain Holy Land? "Gu Hai said coldly.

After Gu Hai said, the people frowned.

Extermination? Is the demon that Zizhu Bodhisattva just destroyed? Suddenly, many people were shaken. Turn your head to look at the ringing Buddha and Zizhu Buddha.

"Master, they are a group of shameless people. If I want to brainwash this little beggar, I ca n’t see it. I have decided to accept this little beggar as a disciple. He is my disciple. Master, you must keep him. Ah! "Gou Chen screamed.

Gu Hai frowned at the teenager next to Gou Chen.

The boy was speechless and hid behind Gou Chen, but his eyes were not fearful and very pure.

"Mortal? Not a little cultivation?" Ao Shun looked at the boy in doubt.

"Huh, turn around and pack up again!" Gu Hai ticked Leng Chen with a cold hum.

While speaking, Feizhou slowly landed on the ruined listening hall square.

"Oh, the master of the ancient church? Your left sentence is Dagan Mingguan, another sentence is Dagan Mingguan, how about? When you reach Dagan Land, your Dagan Mingguan can freely insult me ​​to the Holy Mountain Holy Land? I was attacked by your sneak attack. Is this the way of hospitality for Dagan? Or did Dagan Sheng deliberately do it? "The Bodhisattva looked coldly at the ancient sea, and his subordinates spoke on their behalf.

"Sneak attack? Hahahaha, who the **** is attacking? Although there are many practitioners in Tiancheng City, it is not your eyes and ears of Lingshan. They have their own distinguishing. Everyone can see clearly before. You Douqin Road, then you You can fight, if Chen Chen is not as good as humans, and loses more than others, it is no wonder who is waiting. With more people, you have already gained the upper hand, but you still have to do this sneak attack? Haha , Sneak attack, sneak attack, and also screamed something like 'The demon is arrogant, treat me to destroy the magic!', Ridiculous, shameful, sad, shameful! "Gu Hai said coldly.

Gu Hai shouted, and all the monks who heard it leaped wildly.

The people also frowned all around. It was true that as the ancient sea said, the Zizhu Bodhisattva seemed to be overdone.

However, they are doing magic.

"Anyway, Gou Chen will be fine, Zizhu Bodhisattva will be seriously injured by you after all, but?" Caution Bodhisattva looked at Guhai coldly.

"Dagan invited you to attend the Halloween conference this time. The purpose is to meet friends in writing, communicate in writing, and wait for their own injuries. Who is to blame? Well, the future Buddha is not here. If the future Buddha is here, I would ask Ask him, Lingshan Holy Land likes to do sneak attacks behind it? There are countless Buddhas in the world, and I ’ve seen a lot of them. Most of them are gentle and good. How did you get here and become so vicious? At this moment, I let Er et al know that in Dagan, they have the rules of Dagan, not the place where Er and so on wantonly, huh! "Gu Hai said coldly.

The ancient sea drank for a while, but hidden mysteries. In a split second, the Buddhist practitioners were split up. After all, it is a big job. Your people do n’t care about Buddhist cultivation. However, the Buddhist practitioners are divided into good and evil. support? You are big people, and you should stand on the side of big people.

Suddenly, some people meditated, and some people still stood by the ring of the Bodhisattva and looked coldly at Gu Hai and his party.

"You, you, warn the Bodhisattva and take him down ........." The Zizhu Bodhisattva pointed at the ancient sea and drank in the weak.

Gu Hai glanced coldly at the Zizhu Bodhisattva: "Take the blame for it, who is weird?"

Then, Gu Hai turned to look at Gou Chen: "Okay, Gou Chen, follow me!"

"Okay, master!" Gou Chen suddenly excited.

Pulling the boy, Gou Chen is about to fly to the ancient sea.

"Gou Chen can go with you, this boy, can't go!" Ring Bodhisattva folded his hands, and the person next to him said on his behalf.

"Master, take him and leave him, you must be insulted by these bald donkeys!" Gou Chen immediately asked.

"Presumptuous!" A group of monks suddenly stared at Gou Chen.

insult? Will it use words?

But Gu Hai sneered at the commanding Buddha: "What? Is it a demon again? This is a big cadre, even if it is a demon, it will not be your turn to spend the Holy Mountain Holy Land!"

"This young man has a relationship with my Buddha, and I ask the owner of the ancient church not to entangle it blindly!" Caution Bodhisattva solemnly said.

"Entangled? Didn't you just talk about the demon just now? Now is your fate with your Buddha? Fate? What is it about me?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Gou Chen, take him to the flying boat!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Okay!" Gou Chen called suddenly.

"Stop!" Ringing the Bodhisattva, all the monks suddenly changed their expressions and became angry.

"Lord of the ancient church, please do n’t make mistakes. This boy really has a relationship with my Buddha. Even if the Buddha returns in the future, he wo n’t let him leave. Moreover, this is my Lingshan Holy Land Palace. In our Palace, no one can take him away. The ringing Bodhisattva suddenly rose up in the air, blocking the way of the flying boat. Around them, all the monks in cloaks were wearing golden light, watching the ancient flying boat coldly.

"Oh, warn the Bodhisattva. After all, this is a big job. You can't rob it?" Ao Shun sneered coldly.

Qunlong frowned at Ao Shun, but no one spoke, the Prince's attitude was his own attitude.

"Prince Ao Shun did exaggerate in the West in the past. If in the past, the poor monk would not have been entangled with Prince Ao Shun, but today, I am sorry, this young man, I must bring back to the Dalaiyin Temple in Lingshan Holy Land and give it to me The Buddha handles it! "

Around the people who were on the sidelines were astonished. Obviously, this little beggar has become the object of so many strong rivals.

"Who is making trouble in Tiancheng?" A loud scream came from a distance.

It was a flying boat that flew to the front, but it was above the flying boat, and a man in an official robe stood, looking at the field coldly.

"Tiancheng Lord?" Ao Shun coldly.

"The Lord of the Heavenly City is just here. Not long ago, the future Buddha asked you to find the person you were looking for. This is the young man. Now, we are taking him back, but we are blocked. We still want the Lord of the Heavenly City! "Let the Bodhisattva look at the Lord of the Heavens, and the people beside him speak on their behalf.

"You are welcome to warn the Bodhisattva!"

Turning his head, the Lord of the Heavens looked at Ao Shun and others: "The person the future Buddha is looking for has already said to the Holy One. The Holy One has me to take full responsibility for helping to find.

"Sacred?" Ao Shun's face sank.

"Yes, the Holy Communion is here, and we will give our full assistance!"

Ao Shun's face was slightly heavy.

"Prince Ao Shun, you don't need to intervene, I'll come!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"How do you do that, Mr. Gu, I promised you before, you can rest assured that even today, I will go to the holy place, and I will assist you!" Ao Shun suddenly called.

Gu Hai turned to look at the Lord of the City of Heaven, and sneered: "The Lord of the City of Heaven, this is my Yipintang and Lingshan Holy Land. You better not get involved, otherwise, the end of the city of Tianchen is your example!"

"Bold, dare you threaten the Lord of the City?" A guard glared.

The Lord of the Heavens is looking at Guhai with a narrow eyes: "Oh? The master of the ancient hall of Yipintang? Oh, I have heard of you, but what did you just say? The end of the Lord of the Heavens? I wonder what?"

The ancient sea smiled a little, and Mu Chenfeng immediately aimed the sky gun at the Tiancheng city master.

Lord of Heaven: "………………!"

Command the Bodhisattva: "...............!"

People around: "...............!"

Bombard the city master? Impossible, where did this ancient sea come from? So bold?

"Haha, the sky gun?" The eyes of the Tiancheng city looked cold.

The big pit on the ground is still there, and the serious injury of Zizhu Bodhisattva is still on the ground.

"Ancient master, you are so courageous, you dare to bombard the master of Tianchen City? Oh, I guess, he must have broken some rules, right? He is upright and good at the orders of the Holy Ghost. There are no bad rules, but you bombarded me. It's the big rules that break, hum, my official is standing here, I see if you dare to fire at me! "Tianzhang City's eyes stared.

Mu Chenfeng's face changed, looking at the ancient sea.

Ancient sea eyes are cold. The Lord of Heavenly City and the Lord of Heavenly City are indeed different. The Lord of Heavenly City broke into the border of Yipintang, seized the handle, and the ancient sea was arrogantly bombarded. Now, the Lord of Heavenly City occupies the righteousness, and the courageous but extremely difficult.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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