Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 35: Closed meditation

This is the second more!



Ao Shun saw it, and Long Shenwu naturally saw it. No wonder Lingshan Holy Land stared at the little beggar.

Phage? Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed too. If this young man used it well, he would be a super power in the future, Gu Hai? No wonder he is so persistent.

"Master Wang?" Sima Changkong reminded in a low voice.

Long Shenwu's face sank, ancient sea? Holy Mountain Holy Land? Long Shenwu didn't want them to get little beggars, but the two harms were the slightest.

"The victory and defeat have been divided, warn the Bodhisattva, and I hope you remain faithful!" Long Shenwu suddenly said.

Long Shenwu spoke. The disciples of Yipintang laughed out loud: "Ha ha ha, master, we won!"

"The phage?" Gu Hai stared at the beggar for a moment, revealing a hint of surprise at Gou Chen.

"Master, what's going on with Fa-ming? He is so painful, will he die?" Gou Chen anxiously said.

Ao Shun laughed aloud: "Can't die, he got great fortune, all the Taoist method contained in the great tragedy spell just swallowed up by him, he can't digest it for a while, and it will be all right soon!"

"Oh, that's good!" Gou Chen booed.

"Do you know he is a phage?" Gu Hai looked at Gou Chen in doubt.

"I don't know!" Gou Chen shook his head.

"Why, you are so concerned about him? I just listened to the Quartet's argument, this little beggar is just lonely, you have pity on his life? Isn't that your character?" Gu Hai looked suspiciously at Gou Chen.

"Why can't I have mercy ..." Gou Chen also refuted.

However, Gu Hai's eyes fluttered, but Gou Chen's cheeky words stopped abruptly, because Gou Chen's shameless, Gu Hai knows best.

"Uh, it's because my singing voice, to this day, only he can understand except the master!" Gou Chen whispered.

"Singing?" Gu Hai frowned.

I can understand a fart myself, gossip about Chen Gesheng, and bring ‘unpleasant attributes’, no one can bear it.

"Because he's dumb, won't he refuse?" Gu Hai frowned.

"No, he likes it very much. He claps his hands and is different from others. How many places have I walked in these years? It is the first time I have encountered it. I have also encountered many dumb people before, but they always cover their ears. He ran away, even the deaf covered his ears and ran away, but Zheng Faming won't, he really likes it! "Gou Chen said eagerly.

The ancient sea looked strangely at Gou Chen, did someone listen to your song?

"Because this little beggar liked your song, did you try to protect him? Isn't it because of his phage?" Ao Shun looked blankly at Gou Chen.

"Yes, the master said, money is easy to obtain, and the conscience is hard to find. I have encountered the conscience, and naturally I have to fight to protect him!" Gou Chen nodded.

Ao Shun: "………………!"

Long Shenwu in the distance: "………………!"

Monks in Lingshan Holy Land: "..............."

For this reason, everyone who listened had an eggache for a while.

Anyway, Gu Hai won. It is an indisputable fact that the Holy Land of Lingshan was defeated.

"No, no, no, this little beggar must be brought back to the Holy Land of Lingshan! Kekekeke!" Zizhu Bodhuo coughed with blood and glared.

A group of monks are also anxiously looking at the Ring Buddha.

Ringing the Bodhisattva is also anxious. Before, how could you think of defeat? That "Sadness" is not the opponent of the "Devil's Scriptures" at all. Who thought that Gu Hai had created a "Great Tragedy" again?

It is uncertain whether the ancient sea was temporarily created, but it is definitely the first time in this world.

I already promised it before, but who can think of losing?

If the Bodhisattva wanted to cheat, it would look at the people around him. At this moment, Gu Hai and his party would no longer be regarded as demons. Some people even clasped their hands together, as if thanking Gu Hai for creating the great tragedy.

How to do? How to do?

"Future Buddha, disciples are incompetent, I urge the future Buddha to be the master!" Ringing the Buddha with his hands folded, a person beside him preached.

"I beg the future Buddha!" ​​All the monks were anxious, all hands folded.

The monks opened their hands, and the people around them frowned suddenly.

"Caution Bodhisattva, why can't you lose?"

"Yeah, you said so resolutely just now. If you lose, you won't be entangled in the ancient sea. Now you have to move the soldiers?"

"Lingshan Holy Land, how can this be? The Buddhist and Taoist Holy Land in my heart, it turns out that these kind of fat and fat people are bodhisattvas?"

"Lingshan Holy Land, but this is still my best job, the Holy Ghost and the Crown Princes, do everything they say."




Many people show contempt, but more people show unbelief. These monks are too shameful, right? Do n’t you admit it?

At the same time, the heavenly city, in a hall.

"Dharma? Is this what you are looking for? In the future, Buddha, you didn't tell him before!" A majestic voice came out slowly.

"Dagan Shengming Mingjian, this is indeed the person we are looking for, the Daoist. He is also just the Buddhism. He is the one who is in desperate need of seeking in the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Take control and give it back to Lingshan Holy Land! "The voice of the future Buddha sounded.

"I promised you, but your Lingshan Holy Land lost it to Dagan Yipintang, and that's no wonder!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"The ringing Bodhisattva is too blind and self-confident, it is foolishness, and their words cannot represent the Holy Land Holy Land!" The future Buddha solemnly said.

"Can't represent Lingshan Holy Land?"

"As long as Admiral Dagan gave the young man to the Lingshan Holy Land and warned the Bodhisattva, they could be expelled from the Lingshan Holy Land right away," said the future Buddha.

Outside the main hall, a large number of cadres and monks in Lingshan Holy Land all stared wide.

In the future, the Buddha would rather expel the Ring Buddha from Lingshan Holy Land? The Bodhisattva is a disciple of 'Now Buddha'.

"Oh, what good is it for you if you expel the monks?"

There was a silence in the hall.

"I look at the reincarnation pond in the Holy Mountain Holy Land." The future Buddha solemnly said.

"Oh?" Dagan Sheng seemed excited.

"This is the maximum I can do, holy god!" The future Buddha sighed slightly.

The hall was silent for a while, and after a while, the voice of Dagan Sheng said: "Reincarnation pool? Let's take a look? That can only give them another chance at most, and it is impossible to give the phage. You! Can you win a good job, then let's get rid of it. "

"So, enough, thank you, Lord Gangan!" The future Buddha suddenly sighed.


In Tiancheng City, listening to the Temple Square, a group of monks asked for the future Buddha.

Finally, two sounds seemed to reach the ears of the ringing Bodhisattva and Dragon God Wu.

"Thank you Buddha!" ​​The Bodhisattva commanded the hands to clasp their hands, and the surrogates were grateful.

Above the flying boat, Long Shenwu frowned slightly, then respectfully saluted in the direction of Tianting City: "Yes, Father!"

"Uncle San, I heard from you?" Long Aotian wondered.

Everyone looked at Long Shenwu, not knowing what order the Saint uploaded.

Long Shenwu looked at the crowd in the field: "There is a sacred purpose, Yipintang and the messenger of Lingshan Holy Land in the Square of the Listening to the Temple of the Buddha, once again compare the Qin Tao, to be a little beggar!"

"What? Holy said?"

"Surely the future Buddha pleads before the Holy!"

"I'm so shameless, I've lost everything, and those who are still embarrassed will come again!"

"Because of the kindness of the Holy Spirit, they gave them another chance, Lingshan Holy Land, I misunderstood them!"




People all around suddenly counted a number of monks.

The previous attitude to the monks was still very good, but at this moment, how can I look awkward? I still do better than the practice of Buddhism. The Yipintang I do is not weaker than your holy mountain holy place, and you can create a great tragedy, and you can win It ’s really blinding to worship Lingshan Holy Land before.

People have accused monks.

The monks didn't take it seriously, and they all showed excitement.

Not far away, Ao Shun's face was gloomy. If it wasn't for Dagan Sheng to speak, Ao Shun would have to turn his face with a group of monks. Need a piano fight? The way of the previous tragedy curse has been swallowed up by the little beggar. How to fight again?

"Church master?" Mu Chenfeng looked at Gu Hai worriedly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly and didn't take it for granted: "Okay. I think Lingshan Holy Land lost again this time. Does anyone have a face to speak again?"

"Huh!" The monks snorted for a moment.

The success of the Great Sadness Curse has reassured Gu Hai a lot. The great tragedy can win them. Gu Hai also has the more powerful "Kingdom Sutra" and "Heart Sutra". This thing, I have heard a lot in previous temples, even a popular queen named Wang on the earth.

Beaver song? I can recall several of the most classic songs in minutes.

Gu Hai showed a sneer, but the monks across the face were dull.

"How many times is the" Devil "this time?" Gu Hai laughed.

Among the vomiting blood of the thousand Luohan who is still biting back at this moment, where can they read the magic scriptures?

"I don't need it this time, I'm the only one!" Said the substitute who ordered the Buddha.

"You? Ring the Buddha?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes!" The Bodhisattva commanded humanity on the side.

"Aren't you not talking?" Gu Hai said suddenly.

Command the Bodhisattva: "...............!"

"Mr. Gu, ringing a bodhisattva should be a‘ closed meditation ’, not a long mouth!” Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"Keep your mouth shut?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, closed meditation and closed eyes pure world meditation are the top secret methods of the Holy Mountain Holy Land. With closed meditation, the eight winds do not move. After closing your mouth, do n’t speak again, just wait for the last time to speak! The power of breaking the ground broke out. ”Ao Shun solemnly said.

"Similar to Jing Shijing who closed his eyes, he opened his eyes only once in his lifetime, and he only spoke once in his lifetime? After one time, he would die?" Gu Hai frowned.

"That wouldn't be true. If you open your mouth, you'll just be able to practice everything, and you won't die!" Ao Shun shook his head.

"Then how does he fight the piano?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Do not move like a mountain, surrounded by your own Buddha sound, slowly influencing your opponent! And, with no meditation, you have great immunity to countless piano channels, and you can stand still and stay unaffected by the piano channel attack!" Road.

"That is to say, just tell Bodhisattva to sit there, and let Gochen attack him," Gu Hai wondered.

"Almost, but in general, those who have no effect on the ringing of the bodhisattva, just wait for the ringing bodhisattva's body sounds to constantly affect the opponent, the power may not be as good as in the" Devil of Sutra ", but they stand still for a long time. Surrender, I heard that in the past, the Bodhisattva and the Qin Tao master had been stalemate for half a year, and the Bodhisattvas had been motionless. The Qin Tao master ’s Qin Tao had no effect on him at all. The master gave up completely! "Ao Shun explained.

"The people in this holy place in Lingshan are shameless. This is a trick!" Mu Chenfeng said anxiously.

"Looks like, I don't need to give any music to Gouchen!" Gu Hai suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Eh?" Everyone looked at Guhai in doubt.

"Gou Chen, you can sing to him, can he not listen to the music with patience? You sing slowly and see how many songs he can listen to!" Gu Hai looked weird.

"I sing for him?" Gou Chen slightly hesitated.

PS: Something happened today, updated in advance, QQ chat continued at night, it may be a little bit later, but definitely come.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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