Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 40: Set

Heaven, in a small courtyard!

A group of men and women in white clothes surrounded a small house in the middle. The men and women in white clothes muttered words as if they were chanting for someone in the house.

Above the hut, a pattern of tai chi yin and yang fish floats and slowly rotates.

Around the hut, there are a number of halls, and there are also a lot of people in white clothes, but the chests of these people in white clothes each have a Tai Chi pattern, and the status seems to be higher than that of men and women in pure white clothes.

One of the halls was seated in the old Silver Moon City who saved Xuan Eun from Feng Tong. The elders of Wanshou Taoism are too close.

Xuan En drank tea and looked at the center cabin.

"I was stared at all around. There is still more than half a month left in the Halloween Convention, and the giant now has great enlightenment and must not be disturbed in the slightest!" Xuan En said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Master!" A man in white respected.

"How about Feng Tong Lao?" Xuan En frowned.

"Master Feng, Master Feng, he ........." The man in white looked ugly.

"What's wrong?" Xuan En frowned.

"He went to Tianchen City!" The man in white whispered.

"I've told him something. I'm not allowed to make that little beggar's idea anymore. Why is he still going?" Xuan En's eyes glared.

"The disciples persuaded, but ...!"

"Gu Hai is so insidious and cunning. He must have found out something. He's already waiting. He's going at this time? Isn't he looking for death?" Xuan En looked cold.


"It's really not worrying. When the master comes out of the customs, just ask for the master, won't Waner still give him a match? Do you need to be so stupid? Huh, if it wasn't for the master's account, I would have been ... "Xuan En's face changed, she suddenly got up, her body fluttered away to the outside world.


Tianchen City, in the middle of a small forest filled with mist near Yipintang station.

Feng Tonglao arranged a sound barrier, with a group of subordinates, staring at the distant beggars.

"Master came, look, here, I saw them here yesterday, and the grave of the little beggar's parents was set up here, and I knew that he would definitely come again. Look, there are a few disciples from Yipintang! "A birthmark man excited.

"Ice fire stone is laid out?" Feng Tong's old eyes flashed with excitement.

"Yes, the ice and fire spirit stone has been put away, just wait for Master to sit with the little beggar. I am playing" Swinging Soul ", destroying the soul of the little beggar, and then blending into Master's flesh and blood soul, then! Man respectfully said.

It is in the middle of Kobayashi. At this moment, a luthier is sitting cross-legged with his hands on the guqin, and he can play "Soul Song" with a single order. In the middle of the luthier, it is a The altar, the altar is surrounded by runes, and in the center is a huge stone with a Tai Chi pattern. Above the stone, there seems to be a red and a blue energy slowly rotating.

"Huh!" Feng Tonglao nodded with satisfaction.

"An hour, it only takes one hour, Master. This ice and fire spirit stone, but I am so precious to the treasure, how could it be in your hands?"

"It's my uncle's, this time I secretly took it out! Okay, stop talking nonsense, you'll go and lead them over!" Feng Tong always said coldly.


The birthmark man immediately stepped out of the wood of the sound barrier.

The one stepped out, the one with a figure, pretending to fall. As if seriously injured.

"Ah, ah, ah ..." The little beggar shouted immediately, and ran to it.

"The Fa-rectification, don't get out of the world, don't go!"

"A barren mountain and a mountain, suddenly someone appears, don't go there!"




Several Yipintang disciples stopped the beggar immediately.

The little beggar shook his head, constantly gesticulating.

"Do you know that person?" A Yipintang disciple wondered.

The little beggar nodded immediately, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

"People who are familiar with the Fa-rectification? Let's go and see!" Shouted disciples from Yizhongtang.

This is the boundary of Yipintang's boundary. Everyone was in the large array before, so Feng Tonglao and others did not dare to act rashly.

Waiting for the moment when the beggars and other people were cheated out of a good hall.


Suddenly a storm seemed to come out of nowhere, and for a moment, the little beggar was inhaled with the disciples of Yipintang.

"Ah, ah, ah!" The beggar cried suddenly.

"Who are you?"

"Bold, this is Yipintang Realm!"




Shouted apprentices from the public.

"Hahahaha, Yipintang Realm? You are caught!" Feng Tonglao laughed.


Suddenly, a group of men in white flew forward and immediately caught the little beggar, and all the disciples in Yipintang were arrested without resistance.

"Hurry up, put the little beggar on the ice and fire spirit, Master, let's get started, one hour, the ancient sea in the province is suspicious!" The birthmark man also rushed into the battle.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The little beggar pointed at the birthmark man, with a look of unbelief.

"Little dumb, don't blame me, who makes you stupid? Hahahaha!" The birthmark man laughed.

"Hurry up, bet the little beggar on the stone of fire and ice." Feng Tonglao excited.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, quickly, quickly, urge the formation, ready to play ........." Feng Tonglao shouted excitedly.

Feng Tong and his party moved quickly.

But they didn't know that they were on a mountain not far away.

Gu Hai, Gou Chen, Mu Chenfeng and others all looked at the foggy place.

"Almost!" Gu Hai snorted.

During the exploration, Gu Hai held a chess piece at his fingertips and Ling Xu pressed it.


There seemed to be a crisp sound. Suddenly, beyond the formation of Feng Tong's old formation, there was endless fog in the sky. In the fog, a peerless general suddenly formed.

"Li Ba Shan Xi Qi world!" Peerless shouted loudly.


In the hand, the sky painting halberd chopped down. In a split second, the large array arranged by Feng Tonglao exploded and opened.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, Feng Tonglao's big burst exploded, and the surrounding trees burst and opened instantly. In the Feng Tonglao's big burst, everything was immediately exposed to people.

A gust of wind rushed straight into the square with the sawdust.

"What?" Feng Tong's face changed.

He turned around and looked around.

But when they saw the mountains not far away, Gu Hai and his party looked at themselves coldly.

"No, we caught the Guhai trap! Guhai deliberately placed the graves of the parents of the little beggars here, and let the little beggars worship here every day, just to attract us. Guhai set up an ambush earlier this time?" The man's face suddenly changed.

"Kill the horrible birds, fast!" Exclaimed Feng Tong, his face changed.

Too much? Too much?

"Liba Mountain is alive!" "Liba Mountain is alive!" ............

Suddenly, more than a dozen peerless warriors emerged out of thin air, and suddenly killed a group of pianists. In the battle of Gu Hai, still wanted to attack Gu Hai?

Play the piano? There was no time to play the piano, and in a blink of an eye, the people killed by a cloud of beasts were turned over.

"Hold up the little beggar, fast!" Feng Tong's old face changed, and he was arrested to threaten Gu Hai.

"Ang!" "Ang!" ………………

The disciples of Yipintang, who had been caught before, suddenly made a sound of dragon yin and suddenly flew the people who had escorted them all around. Suddenly turned into a dragon, instantly supporting the little beggar to fly to the sky.


The little beggar was rescued instantly and flew to the ancient sea.


The little beggar fell beside Gou Chen, and several dragons turned into human figures again. It turned out that these disciples of Yipintang were all turned into dragons.

"Gu Hai, since you guessed it was them, why bother with it? Just grab them directly?" Lin Shizi, the head of the dragon crow frowned.

"I guessed it, but I want to make sure that they were on a temporary basis, or have they planned? Are they the true enemies of Fa-ming?" Gu Hai shook his head.

While speaking, the ancient sea looked coldly at the foot of the mountain.

now. Under the ancient sea formation, fifty Xiangyuyun beasts appeared, clutching Fangtian's painting halberd, and staring coldly at the besieged Fengtong.

The brief confrontation just now, the person who sealed the old boy has turned upside down. Looking at the ancient sea on the mountain peak at this moment, his face suddenly turned wild.

"Gu Hai! It's you again!" Feng Tonglao stared.

"Feng Tong, you are really stupid!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Well, I confessed today's matter. Open your big team and let me leave. What I can do is not happening!" Feng Tong always said coldly.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" Gu Hai suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Feng Tong always stared.

"What am I laughing? I don't know before I die? Do you think you can get away today? Huh, kill them, Xiang Yu!" Gu Hai said coldly.


A group of cloud beasts immediately raised Fang Tianhua's halber and beheaded.

"Don't, don't kill me!" Exclaimed the birthmark man.


Fifty Xiang Yu immediately fought, and the musicians who had just died suddenly died more than half.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" Feng Tong's old face changed and he grabbed a sword and rushed towards Gu Hai.


Mu Chenfeng waved his hand, and the muzzle of the sky gun aimed at Feng Tonglao.


Feng Tonglao's face froze, and he stopped. With the power of the sky-fire gun, Feng Tonglao was very clear, and he couldn't handle it at all.

"You, you, I am a disciple of Wanshou Taoism, my master is Xuan En, and my uncle is Xuan Du! You dare to move me to try!" Feng Tonglao stared.

"Xuan En? Xuan Du? Oh, what happened to me? I killed you, who knows?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Feng Tong's old face changed.

The birthmark man not far away suddenly changed his face and said, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I all listen to his orders, it doesn't matter to me!"

Gu Hai stared at the birthmark man with a narrowed eye: "If I guessed well, the death of Fa Mingfa is related to you?"

"No, no, it's not me, it's not me!" Exclaimed the birthmark man's face.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold: "Say, besides you, who else is targeting Fa-rectification?"

"Ah? You, how do you know?" The birthmark man's face changed.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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