Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Boom Camp

The thick fog covered the boundary of Yipintang. Tianchen City main away.

In the fog.

In a short time, all the people brought by Feng Tonglao had been killed.

"Well, Xiaoming, I told the host, there are a group of enemies, we will help you find it as soon as possible!" Gou Chen said to Zheng Faming.

Zheng Faming immediately knelt down and rubbed three heads in front of Gu Hai.

"Well, get up. Gou Chen's singing is more unique. I am also busy with business. I don't have time to help him correct. You can appreciate his singing but find a partner for Gou Chen. Later, let Gou Chen teach you to practice. Gu Hai nodded.

Zheng Faming nodded immediately, standing respectfully behind Gou Chen.

"Lin Shizi, thank you for your cooperation!" Gu Hai looked at the cooperating Dragons.

"Before the prince left, let me listen to you. Don't thank us, thank the prince!" Lin Shizi said unconcernedly.

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded with a smile.

"That's the ice-fire spirit stone. It's too precious, you have to be careful. There must be someone who is too strong to find you in the future!" Lin Shizi said in a deep voice.

"Let them come!" Gu Hai laughed.

After the people were settled, Gu Hai took out the ice and fire spirit stone and went to retreat alone. Because just now, Dantian in the ancient sea seemed to have a slight reaction to the ice fire spirit stone.

The gate of the main hall was closed, and in front of the ancient sea was the huge ice and fire spirit stone.

Among the Dantians, it is not the reaction of the Goddess of the Spirit Mother, but the trembling of Tianye to replenish Tianchi.

This thing is useful for the chemical industry to supplement Tianchi?

Looking at the hand, Gu Hai put his right hand on the ice and fire stone, and when he posted it, he picked up the work of "The Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth".


Suddenly, the icy fire stone trembled, and when it trembled, it seemed to be fighting back the absorption of the great tragedy of heaven and earth, and two energy burst into the ancient sea body.

"Sanmai really fire?" Gu Hai's face changed.

Two energies, one fire and one ice, but the fire is the true fire of Samadhi, instantly poured into the body of the ancient sea. If it was someone else, it would be burned and died instantly.

"Huh!" Vulcan hummed in Vulcan Palace.

Suddenly, the fire gourd on the back produced a suction, which instantly absorbed the real fire of Samadhi.

The other is an ice-cold air, which penetrates into the ancient sea, and seems to be frozen in the ancient sea.

Originally, one fire, one ice, and two energy collisions could produce a violent explosion in the ancient sea. But now, the fire has been collected by the fire gourd. The cold air on the other side was absorbed by the water **** in the water **** palace, and poured into the already smaller iceberg.


The iceberg absorbs the cold, and it seems to grow bit by bit.

When the fire and cold were absorbed, the ice and fire spirit seemed to be melting, and a strange energy slowly poured into Dantian.


In the Dantian, a colorful mist was condensed in an instant, shrouding the Tianhua Industry Pool.

"Ice fire spirit stone? Will it help me to practice the Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth?" Gu Hai suddenly showed a touch of joy.

You know, although Tianfu's great tragedy is powerful, it has n’t been promoted since practice to a heavy sky. Guhai has tried many ways, but it is useless. Today, this ice fire spirit is like its tonic, and it is fast. Get up and running.

The ancient sea closed its eyes and absorbed the ice and fire spirits.

The ice and fire spirit stone melted into liquid, and the soldiers divided into three ways. The ice and fire entered the water **** palace and the fire **** palace. The strange energy, but the formation of nine colorful mists, enveloped the celestial chemical industry pool.

Gu Hai sat cross-legged for a day. On this day, the ice and fire spirit stone was completely absorbed by the ancient sea.


Suddenly, there was a muffled noise in Dantian, and the colorful mist suddenly poured into the pool of the chemical industry and disappeared.

"The colorful mist enters the pool. According to the Gongfa description, it should be a double sky! The heavens and earth's great tragedy, the double sky?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

Heaven and Earth's Great Compassion has taken a step forward, but in Dantian, nothing has changed? Bu Tianchi is still the same, chemical industry pool is still the same, nothing?

"No, there is a slight change?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

But I saw that on the inner wall of the chemical industry pool, there was an additional word ‘Scattered’, and there was an additional word ‘Gathered’ in the Bu Tianchi!

Scattered? Gather?

"There is a record on the Great Compassion of Heaven and Earth. The scattered things are divided, and the gathered are divided into things? What do you mean?" Gu Hai thought for a moment.

Silent for a while, Gu Hai took out a small sword from the storage bracelet. He vomited a package of true qi, took a sharp sip, and inhaled the small sword into Dantian, and the enthusiasm wrapped in the small sword instantly went to the chemical industry pool.

"Heaven and earth sorrow has been given to the second sky. It can be wrapped in objects and sent into Dantian, but what's the use of it?"

Gu Hai carefully sent Xiaojian into the chemical industry pool.


Suddenly, Xiaojian was absorbed by the chemical industry pool, but saw that the word "San" suddenly emits a golden light, but a small amount of invigorating power in the Tianchi Lake was reduced, as if it were reduced to the word "San".

The golden light shrouded the small sword. For a split second, the small sword was decomposed strangely, turned into a dozen small pieces of metal, and a small group of black things.

"This is copper? This is iron? This is gold?" Gu Hai looked at these dozens of small metals in amazement.

"Loose matter is divided? That is to break down the object? The required decomposition energy, but to make up for the power?" Gu Hai looked.

"Well, this little black group is ...?" Gu Hai was puzzled, and he slightly urged the word "ju" in Butianchi.


But I saw that, in addition to the small mass of black matter, a dozen small pieces of metal suddenly turned to the bottom of the chemical industry pool, and then appeared from the word "Ju" in Butianchi. As can be seen, a group of metal was recovered strangely, and restored to the previous small sword.

"Gathering into things?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

Wrap the sword and the black substance with qi, and open up.


The small sword fell into the hands of the ancient sea once again, but the mass of black matter was extremely strange.

"This black substance is an impurity? Useless thing! This little sword has been refined a lot!" Gu Hai's eyes lightened slightly.

The double heavens of heaven and earth can be used to extract treasures? What is going to be consumed?

"Wait, that's wrong!" Gu Hai looked for a moment.

Suddenly, he turned his hands out of the storage bracelet and took out a large amount of various metals, but it was the metal contained in the previous small sword.

Gu Hai spit out an infuriating package and sucked suddenly. The group of metals suddenly entered Dantian Butianchi.


Under the consumption of Bu Tianli, Ju Zi emits bursts of golden light. Those metals are quickly fused in a specific proportion in the golden light. Gradually, five small swords are smelted again, and there are some residual metals and impurities.

Wrapped up with anger, he opened his mouth and spit it all out.


The five-handed sword and the residual metal and impurities fell to the ground, and Guhai no longer thought about those impurities. Instead, he looked in horror at the small sword with exactly the same five handles.

Compared to the handle in his hand, the six-handed sword is exactly the same.

"As long as the chemical industry pool disperses the articles once and fills the sky pool, can it repeat the polymer according to the dispersal standards?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Wasn't it said that if the treasure is put into the chemical industry pool and decomposed into various materials, I only need to find the corresponding materials, and I can continue to copy? What I need to consume is just to supplement the power?" Stand up in excitement.

"Copying? Copying treasures?" Gu Hai suddenly looked happy.

Duplicate the dagger, the dagger? Gu Hai was excited, and suddenly hesitated for a moment, and smiled slightly bitterly: "Scattering treasures, you need to replenish the power, the knife is dead? Forget it, repairing a crack requires countless power to rehabilitate, re-gather a knife, Know how much you need. "

"But ...!" Gu Hai stepped up excitedly and opened the door of the hall.

"Church master?" Mu Chenfeng waited outside the hall.

"Take a thunderstorm!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng quickly fetched Sky Thunder.


In an instant, the ancient sea closed the door, leaving the morning breeze outside the hall.

One breath, one breath, inhaled Hongtianlei into the chemical industry pool.

"Scatter!" Gu Hai drank softly.


After consuming the power of the sky, Hun Tianlei quickly decomposed it, and in an instant, 108 materials were decomposed.


Gu Hai drank softly, and 108 materials instantly agglomerated from Butianchi.

The ancient sea froze a little: "It is worthy of being a treasure made on the Dagan Holy Land, with no impurities at all."

Hengtianlei was put into the chemical industry pool again.



Once again reduced to 108 materials.


With a spit in the mouth, 108 materials fell in front of the ancient sea according to the classification.

"108 kinds of materials? Oh, I only know 88 kinds?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

After a moment of silence, Gu Hai opened the gate of the temple again.

"Daughter, but broke through?" Mu Chenfeng laughed.

"Mu Chenfeng, here are twenty kinds of materials, you go to the shops in the city to inquire, and then buy them back for me, how much, how much!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Ah?" Mu Chenfeng was slightly surprised.

"People parted to ask! Also, fetch me the sky gun." Gu Hai ordered.

"Oh, okay!" Mu Chenfeng answered.

Gu Hai ordered Mu Chenfeng, and also ordered Gou Chen, and asked him to contact the Dahan Jinyiwei lurkers in the city to find other materials.

In just two days, a large amount of material gathered in the hall where the ancient sea is located.

After another two days, Mu Chenfeng brought a group of relatives into the hall, staring blankly at the hall that had been filled.

"This, this, these eighteen, seventeen are the sky guns copied by the master?"

"Here, these thousand pieces are the thunderous imitations of the master?"

Disciples of Yizhongtang are incredible.

"Churchmaster, did you really make the sky gun? Can this really be copied?" Mu Chenfeng was stunned.

Gu Hai looked at these blasting cannons and sighed slightly. The materials were very difficult to find, especially one of the materials called 'Dragon Thunder Stone'. Coincidentally, there were only thirty-three cities in Tianting. Maximum ability, only so much has been refined. What's more, that kind of material, even the heavenly court, is certainly poor in the whole world.

"Go, give it a try!" Gu Hai smiled.

After a joss stick.

"Boom!" In the expectation of the disciples of Yipintang, a mountain exploded and opened, and this shock made the earth tremble, and the whole Tianchen City trembled.

City main house.

"Citylord, the explosion comes from the boundary of Yipintang. It should be the sound of a sky gun. Citylord, should we go and see?"

"What to see? No one is allowed to pass if there is a cannon again!" Said the Tianchen Lord depressedly.

How is Yipintang again? Three days with two shots?

Yipintang boundary.

"Master, really, really!" Mu Chenfeng said excitedly.

"Yipintang Jinmu Shuihutudu Five Rudder has survived in name, it's time to reorganize. The first one to be established is called the Hengtian Camp. From today, you are the owner of the Hengtian Camp!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng said excitedly.

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