Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 52: Halloween Convention

Celestial City! Go to the study!

Dagan Sheng sat at his desk, seemingly reviewing the seals, listening to the curtain of Sima Changkong and Ye Shenzhen outside the curtain.

"On Qilu Holy, Wei Chen has made clear with Gu Hai, Gu Hai has agreed!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

Dagan Sheng got a little brush on hand and said, "What can he say?"

"No!" Sima Changkong shook his head.

"Oh, it really is a smart man!" Da Gansheng smiled slightly.

"Holy, Guhai is quite extraordinary. Yipintang is only a big foreign affairs department. Guhai is not an official but a big dynasty, and the tail is not big. In the long run, it will only benefit the ancient sea fishermen. Please go to the holy and include the ancient sea Courtier! "Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

Dagan Sheng said indifferently: "If you include the courtier, you must be loyal to you?"

"Yes, this time all the resources are tilted towards the ancient sea, it will certainly cause dissatisfaction among the Chinese side!" Ye Shenzhen worried.

"Chaozheng, aren't you involved?" Dagan Sheng fluttered softly.


Ye Shenpin suddenly knelt down in cold sweat.

"The princes have passed, holy forgiveness!" Ye Shen pinned his head against the ground.

"Just do your own thing. Dissatisfaction with the DPRK and China? Who would dare dissatisfaction?" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Yes!" Ye Shen asked.

"Are you all back?" Dagan Sheng asked again.

"Yes, all three crown princes, all return." Ye Shenpin answered.

"Return, let them all come to see you!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.


"Let the ram holy, inform the holy holy, and start the holy holy congress!" Dagan holy said lightly.



Tianyin City, Long Wanyu Palace.

Inside the ancient sea study.

"The emperor, the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty has been sent away, and has already asked some! I just don't know ..." Mo Yike solemnly said.


"Bing Ji, who has the blood of the royal family of the Huanghuang Dynasty, but did not know how to flow to the Sunshine Palace, but the Sunshine Palace and the Huanghuang Heavenly Kingdom seem to have resentment. The appearance of Bingji is similar to a disappeared Rhubarb princess, and Kongdi concluded that ice Ji was the daughter of the rhubarb princess and wanted to take it away. Then the looting happened that day! "Mo Yike explained.

"The daughter of Princess Rhubarb?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"All confessions have been compiled into books, and the emperor can watch them by himself!" Mo Yike nodded.

"The emperor, just sent a letter from a big lad, and the Halloween Convention officially opened three days later. The hurried arrival of the minister came and was registered in a hurry, but I don't know what the ranking is!" Mo Yike worried.

"The ranking is not important anymore!"


Gu Hai shook his head without saying more.

Ranking number? This time, all the resources of the cadre are leaning towards themselves. Need to worry about this?


Three days later. Tianyin City, the central square.

At this moment, the central square is full of people. People crowded and looked at the huge square curiously. There are hundreds of people in the Dagan dynasty, and the monks of countless countries and ancestors in the world. All gathered outside Tianyin City.

A large number of troops maintain the order of Tianyin City, a Tianyin City, the number of people gathered at this moment, more than 500 million.

The attention was drawn to a large square at the center. Above the square, there are 100,000 Wendao practitioners.

Not one hundred thousand practitioners of Buddhism can stand here. Except for the invitations sent by Dagan Tianchao, others who want to stand here must pass the screening of countless masters of Buddhism.

Hundreds of thousands of people are all masters of literary arts, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy. Each has its own cultivation, each has its own strengths, and has only one purpose, to get the first of the Halloween Assembly, and enter the temple of Wendao!

Mo Yike, Bing Ji, Mu Chenfeng and others stood in the distance and stopped entering, looking at the center of the square from afar, watching the ancient sea standing in the first row.

"Mr. Mo, why didn't you enter? With your chess power, even if it is not as good as the master, it should be ...!" Mu Chenfeng wondered.

"Chess power? With the emperor here, wouldn't I go up to delay the emperor's time?" Mo Yike laughed.

"Mr. Mo is good at chess and can help the emperor defeat others?" Bingji frowned.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "The emperor won't let me go up, and said he was afraid of hurting me!"

"Oh?" Mu Chenfeng and Bingji showed a hint of doubt.

There was silence for a while, and everyone looked at the center of the square.

Among the squares.

Gu Hai stands in the middle of the first row. There were three people standing around the ancient sea, Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei.

Gou Chen looked at Ziwei with a look of indignation at the moment. Ziwei and Changsheng did not look good at Gu Hai either.

"Master, why do you take them both? They are burdensome!" Gou Chen whispered to Gu Hai.

"Who is the burden? You have a broken throat, I don't know how you became a celestial piano!" Ziwei's eyes glared.

"That is, there is such a celestial harp, too Mr. Diugu!" Changsheng also stared at Gou Chen.

"You're ashamed!" Gou Chen stared.

"Alright!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Hum!" The crowd hummed.

Gu Hai smiled slightly.

When Changsheng and Ziwei were called, they met Gou Chen, at the time Gu Hai was studying the Bingji information that Mo Yike had handed over.

Three people, tianqin, tianji brush, tianji brush. As soon as I heard about each other's identity, they immediately flirted with each other. Talking very happy. You praise me, I praise you. Exaggerated to the point where there is no more exercise. The others next to me couldn't listen anymore and left.

This shameless exaggeration made the three of them exaggerated, and they have been exaggerating each other for three hours.

Before worshipping, the three of them should present the best things to each other for brotherly gift.

Gou Chen sent a song of his own, Ziwei sent a poem he recited, and Changsheng sent a picture.

Then, ..., there is no more.

The friendship of the three hours instantly vanished, and the three immediately turned into hatred. If it weren't for the early emergence of the ancient sea, all three would be desperate.

The big game of Halloween can bring their own pens, their own harps, and naturally, these three people are closely following the ancient sea.

Tian Qin is also a piano, and Tian Qin is also a pen.

Not only Gu Hai, but also some others. The Qing Emperor, not far away, stood beside the Tian Qin Qi Qi Qi Qi. Not far from Xuan En, there was a man standing beside him. There is also a man in white wins, and there is also a man standing next to it. The man in white clothing wins the snow, not a bystander, but the Emperor Kongdi from the Huanghuang dynasty.

A white suit, extremely elegant, middle-aged appearance, extraordinary style.

Conte also stood in the first row, glanced at where the ancient sea was, and smiled slightly. There seems to be no such anger at the arrest of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty.

When Gu Hai saw the smile of Kong Di, he nodded, which was a nod.

Conte's eyes brightened, and he nodded with a smile.

Contender stood next to Contender Wuyazi. Wuyazi saw Gu Hai with his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a slight smile.

On the other side, the Qing Emperor looked at Gu Hai, and touched his finger on his hand, showing a slight chuckle: "Gu Hai? He won the bet, and he was chosen by Dagan Sheng!"

"Emperor, what did you choose for him?" Seven Kills wondered.

The Qing Emperor shook his head without explanation.

In the first row, Ye Hua was still standing. At this moment, looking at Gu Hai was quite angry. There are also some monks and some disciples of Wanshou Taoism who are standing on the square at this moment.

In front of the 100,000 contestants, there are four huge round tables. On the round table, there is a word for each, "Qin Qi, calligraphy and painting"!

"Chenshi has arrived!" A loud cry came.


But I saw that, above the sky, the billowing sea of ​​righteousness and righteousness suddenly turned, and just above the central square, it looked like a mighty righteousness vortex, slowly rotating. In the rotation, there seems to be a giant, looming, it is the Temple of Wendao.

The Temple of Wendao is rather hazy, but slowly, with the ups and downs of the sea of ​​righteousness, slowly, in the haze, its edges gradually appear.

A huge white jade palace, floating in the sky, the palace is gradually clear. From above the palace, it exudes a mighty atmosphere, and it radiates in all directions.


In Tianyin City, the noise of the previous 500 million onlookers suddenly quieted down. This power seemed to be overwhelming everyone's mind, making people feel out of breath.

A huge white jade palace appeared. A plaque above the palace was written with the four characters "Wen Tao Temple".

"That's the Temple of Wendao?" There were surprises in the eyes of countless Wenxiu.


The gate of the Wendao Temple slowly opened, and from the inside, a moment of gushing righteousness like the collapse of the Tianhe River burst into the entire city of Tianyin.

For a moment, everyone calmed down and looked at the radiant Wendao Temple.

"Here are four people. After the inspection, you can start the Halloween Assembly!" A majestic voice came out from the hall.

"Yes!" The four of them rang and rang, and then, from the hall, slowly flew out of the four, and slowly fell to the four huge round platforms in front of the ancient sea.

"How can they enter the Temple of Wendao?" Gou Chen said in surprise.

"What do you know, this is the person who presided over the Halloween Conference, went to be inspected, they just entered the periphery and could not go deep!" Ziwei disdain.

"Oh? It's them?" Gu Hai shuddered slightly.

Four people, three of them knew each other. The ram saint, the master of fleeting years, and the ninth son of the nine sons who watched chess have played against the island in the past. The last one is a mighty man in purple clothes, but Gu Hai is ignorant.

However, I saw that the ram of the ram fell on the round table of the 'Book' character. Master Liu Nian landed on the round table of 'painting'. The nine sons landed on the 'Qi' round table. The mighty man in purple clothes landed on the round platform of the 'Qin' character.

"Mr. Gu, that's Ding Ding!" A voice came from behind him.

Just behind Gu Hai, Sima Changkong stood. There are also some great people standing around, all around the ancient sea. It seems to help the ancient sea, protect the ancient sea, and protect the ancient sea in the center. Except for the calm look of Sima Changkong, everyone's eyes are a little envious.

"Dingding? Heavenly Qin on Dagan Sheng?" Gu Hai frowned.

In the past, Yinyue Shanzhuang had a total of four celestial pianos. The army was given to King Lu Yang and Gou Chen was given to the ancient sea. The six fingers now return to Yinyue Shanzhuang, and there is one more, Dingding, which was given to Dagan Sheng.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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