Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 54: Sage's review

Longevity painting eggs?

Gu Hai subconsciously wanted to stop it, but in the presence of 500 million people, this is one of the world's top powerhouses. This is ... they have not pinched themselves in minutes.

However, the next moment, Gu Hai stopped.


Is it just making people pregnant? It's like the singing of Gou Chen, Gu Hai actually suspected that in the morning, there might be something unknown in it.

The Sage of Heaven is here, and maybe he can help himself to decrypt.

The ancient sea stopped.

However, even if prevented, Gu Hai could not let the Quartet people be harmed.

The detective waved.


A moment of water vapor was attracted by the power of the water god, and the eternal life and his paintings were wrapped like a cylinder, blocking the peeping of the Quartet, and there was only a mouth directly above, facing Halloween in the high sky.

"What? Gu Hai won't let us see?"

"Is this fraud? It's not fair to show it to us!"




Suddenly, countless contestants chanted.

"What shout, shouting, and the judge is not me doing the dynasty, how can I cheat? The ancient sea is at the front, not without your chance!" Gongyang Sheng yelled.

Sifang Wenxiu frowned at Gu Hai.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, you Wenxiu, please be calm and restless, the ancient sea is also good for you, otherwise, the damage will be too great, wait ..." The Master Liu Nian smiled bitterly.

Others don't know what it is, but Master Liunian understands it. The master of fleeting years knows that the egg diagram of the ancient sea was given by Changsheng.

In Kongkong City, the bat ancestors became pregnant with the number of great thieves.

Today, 500 million people are staring, the three sacred places, and the three heavenly people are staring. If this portrait conceives everyone, it will be scary to think about it.

Fortunately, the ancient sea blocked the sight of everyone.

Not far away, the Seven Kills were originally indignant, but when they saw the outline of the pattern drawn by Changsheng, they were suddenly shocked.

"Did he paint it, did he paint it?" Qi Xia exclaimed.

"Seven kills, are you crazy?" Qingdi's eyes froze.

With a cold drink, the Seven Kills were calmed down.

The Seven Kills calmed down, but still panicked in his eyes: "Emperor, the ancient sea is looking for death, he is looking for death, the original egg was painted by Changsheng, he is finished, he is dead!"

"Shut up!" Qingdi said coldly.

Not far away, Conte, Xuan En, and Ye Hua all showed their doubts.


Mu Chenfeng opened his mouth wide: "The host, what about the host ..., is this a game?"

Draw an egg? So many people here have gathered the eyes of the whole world. Is this the host who wants to avenge the whole world?

The future Buddha in the west folded his hands.

"Buddha, why didn't the ancient sea let me wait to watch? Is he cheating?" A Boss frowned.

"Be quiet, our saints haven't started yet!" The future Buddha said lightly.


To the south, the place where Taishangdao is too big.

"Giant, what the **** does that ancient sea do?" A man in white frowned.

"Huh, hell? He dares!" The glamorous Tai Shangzi sank.

To the east, the land of the beginning.

Tai Chu was sitting on a white throne, surrounded by a group of angels, frowning one by one.

"God, the second son has heard the news that the ancient sea has dealt with the second son again and again, and killed other angels!" Said an angel with a grimace.

At the beginning, he didn't change his look. He glanced at the ancient sea: "Ancient sea? How could it be valued by Dagan Sheng if there is no point?

"But he was cheating in public ...!"

"Be quiet and restless!" Tai Chu said faintly.

"Yes!" The angels kept silent.

Too early to look at the ancient sea, turned to look at the crowd in the distance watching. Instantly staring at a person, it was Bing Ji who was standing behind Mo Yike.

Bing Ji seemed to feel something, turned his head and looked at him, and immediately saw Tai Chi's first look. Seems fearful. Then a slight gift to Tai Chu.

Tai Chu smiled slightly, turned his head to continue to look at the ancient sea in the center.

Right north, Dagan Sheng sits on a high platform. Standing next to him were Sima Zongheng, Long Shenwu, and others.

"Holy, Gu Hai is so reckless and covers the paintings, but ..." Sima Zong bowed her head respectfully.

Lord Dagan: "Wait!"

"Yes!" Everyone answered.


Longevity waved his strokes and his paintings became more and more shaped.

Although Gou Chen and Ziwei were isolated, their complexions were extremely complicated at the moment.

"Master, will there be trouble?" Gou Chen said with anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Mr. Gu, in fact, I also think that Changsheng shouldn't paint this, will it ...!" Ziwei worried.

"You do n’t know the goods, and people who know the goods eventually, Changsheng said that painting this is the best. Naturally, it has its good side, don't be restless!" Gu Haidandan said.

Ziwei and Gouchen showed ugly faces, but the words of Gu Hai were also heard by Changsheng who was blocked by water vapor.

"Ziwei and Gou Chen, what do you guys mean? Lao Tzu is doing his best, and you are still dragging me down, or Mr. Gu knows the goods. I tell you, look down on my paintings, and I will never show you again! "When Changsheng was painting, he was extremely angry.

"It couldn't be better!" Ziwei and Gou Chen were instantly grateful.

"Well, I won't tell you any more. I will continue to paint. Mr. Gu believes me so much. I must paint the best and give Mr. Gu a face!" Changsheng said angrily.

Longevity continued to paint.

Gu Hai looked up at the sky Halloween.

Of the 10,000 saints, 8,000 are the three holy sages and will not participate in the first round. I did not look at the 2,000 saints selected in the first round, each with 500 paintings, chess and calligraphy.

In other words, five hundred saints were the first judges.

At this moment, as the ram saint invited the painting saint to watch, gradually, some saint looked down and looked at the painting.

Gu Hai looked forward to the sky.


Suddenly, from the water vapor cylinder, a turquoise light burst into the sky, five hundred saints straight into the sky.

"You're done. Okay, I've finished drawing, Mr. Gu, come and see!" Changsheng stepped out of it and invited Gu Hai excitedly.

Gu Hai looked dumbfounded: "Forget it, please ask the saint to comment!"

"Uh, okay!" Changsheng looked at the sky excitedly.

"Please draw a sage comment!" Master Liu Nian cried to the sky.

Master Liunian doesn't know what the ancient sea is doing, but at this moment, the resources of the cadres are leaning towards the ancient sea. All help the ancient sea.

The long-lived eggs are so weird. Maybe I can't understand them like ordinary men and women. Let this group of saints see it. You should see the beauty?

Gu Hai looked forward to the sky.

Above the sky, the five hundred painting saints may be too proud, not all the painting saints looked down at the painting, only one hundred slowly lowered their heads. Seems to comment.

"Is this just the painting?"

"Not ordinary!"

"Can it be called painting?"






Hundreds of saints immediately commented. At this moment, no one saint praised the eternal life. In his tone, he was disdainful and disdainful.

Such paintings have the feeling of staining their eyes, and look disgusted.

"What?" One hundred thousand contestants Wen Xiu slightly hesitated.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" A lot of people laughed.

"Dagan is a fraudster who paints for this person. I don't know what the original painting is!"

"The saints are dismissive, it seems that the painting must be unsightly!"




Suddenly, the previous jealous Wen Xiu looked at Gu Hai with a mockery. At the same time, I was curious and wondered what ancient seas cost Changsheng.

There are only seven kills in the distance, a spirit, looking at the Saints in horror, and at the same time looking at the ancient sea strangely, I want to say 'you have a kind', but at this moment, the atmosphere is afraid to breathe, waiting to be answered Strange things may happen.

The 500 million people were also anxious at this moment. Most of the big people, naturally stood on the side of Dagan, stood on the side of Dagan, and stood on the side of the ancient sea.

"How can this be? Is my painting so embarrassing? Is it that the saints in heaven are disdainful?"

"Who is that ancient sea? Is painting so bad?"

"Why did he choose him?"




Anxious voices came from the people.

Mo Yike, Mu Chenfeng, and Bing Ji all changed suddenly. This picture is so familiar, isn't it next ...

In the future Buddha, Taishang Giant, Taichu, the three giants all frowned at this moment.

"It shouldn't be, the ancient sea is a shame. How could you use ordinary paintings to show the saints to the painting? It's not reasonable, and it's still on this important occasion!" The future Buddha frowned.

"Painting the saints all over the sky is disdainful? How ugly should the painting be? Dagan, this time I will be ashamed." The Supreme Master also sneered.

Too early, he looked at Tian in doubt, and then glanced at the distant expression of Bingji in the distance, and frowned: "No, a painting full of saints are scorned, why is that expression of Bingji? Certainly there Weird! "

Hundreds of saints fell for a while.

Ram Ram was anxious, and turned his head to look at Dagan on the high platform.

A large number of major officials were extremely anxious. But only Dagan Sheng still looked unmoved without saying a word.

Dagan Sheng said nothing, and no one dared to say anything.

In the sky, hundreds of saints kept counting long-life paintings.

Longevity is also anxious: "Do you know how to paint, what **** draws saints, I don't know my painting?"

Changsheng yelled and scolded Sifang Wenxiu suddenly, and this person dared to scold the judge?

"Well, you can't help yourself, what are you painting, dare to call me and wait?" A saint said coldly.

"Huh, this painting almost stained my eyes, and thought I would recommend you? Never mind!"

"Ignorant Junior, do you deserve to talk to me?"




All the saints yelled and cursed. Obviously, Changsheng's painting is completely denied.

Changsheng looked anxious and looked at the ancient sea. Gu Hai looked at the Saints at this moment, but his face twitched slightly: "It's bad!"

"Ah? Mr. Gu, what's worse?" Changsheng was puzzled.

As he was puzzled by the longevity, when the Quartet Wenxiu was preparing to count the longevity together, suddenly, above the sky, there was a voice of a saint in the group of the longevity sages.

"His, my stomach doesn't seem right ...!" The voice of a saint passed from the sky.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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