Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 56: Ancient sea VS one hundred thousand literacy

The saints roared in pain, noisy, and everything, but the 500 million people below, the Quartet forces, and the major literary scholars had already looked silly!

Nearly everyone had an idea, and the ancient sea was over.

Do you still want to play? This group of saints who are responsible for judging you has made you belly in front of so many people. Do you want to continue the game? It's impossible even if you have a big boss to help you cheat. You did too much this time.

Too much? Thinking about it, people without hundreds of people and the three holy places all feel a kind of egg pain. What is it called?

Numerous officials in Dagan also had their eyes widened, as if they were doing in an angry ancient sea. We have all the resources to assist you, even more grandly to help you, you show this to the saints?

Numerous officials looked at Gu Hai angrily, and anxiously looked at Dagan Sheng.

This person was decided holy, and officials didn't know what to do for a while.

Dagan Sheng still sat safely on the dragon chair, and there was nothing unusual on his face.

Suddenly, a white light suddenly flew to the place of Dagan.


A large number of guards seem to be shooting this uninvited guest.

Dagan Sheng waved his hand and stopped the guards.


But it was a child wearing a large white robe with a catfish on the front and a dipeng pattern on the back.

"Holy, what is this? Hahaha!" The white robe child suddenly laughed.

"Bei Mingshou, how about Wanyu?" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Rest assured, she's okay, everything is the same as before. Only temporarily fell asleep!" The white robe child Bei Mingshou laughed.

"Well, she worked hard this time!" Da Gansheng nodded.

"This is the ancient sea? What is the situation? The ancient sea has enlarged the self-proclaimed saints' belly? Hahahaha!" Bei Mingshou laughed.

Dagan Sheng looked at the sky again, but at this moment it looked like he felt a little relaxed.

"I hate you! Ah!"

"I will never recommend you, whoops!"

"It hurts. I want to enter the Temple of Wendao. Don't think about it for a lifetime. Oh, it hurts!"




The roar shouted with hatred in pain.

Hundreds of saints almost showed their faces. Looking at the ancient sea is like swallowing it alive.

"Mr. Gu, sorry, maybe I ...!" Changsheng looked bitterly towards Gu Hai.

No matter how the saints didn't know the goods, they seemed to have broken the good old things.

"Mr. Changsheng need not blame himself!" Gu Hai shook his head.

But I saw that the saints who were angry and screaming just now are no longer screaming, but they have no strength to scream.

"Shoot this person out of the competition!" The former medical sage saint pointed at Gu Hai and cursed.

"Expulsion!" The other saints yelled.

For a while, 100,000 participants in the square gloated. There was anxiety among the 500 million people.

The three sacred places in the beginning, the upper stage, and the future did not say a word, their expressions were quite strange.

This is the first time in ancient times. During the Halloween conference, the person who was expelled by Halloween named you.

Sima Changkong and others who are ready to assist Gu Hai are also bitter. How can this be so **** nasty?

However, a large number of contestants have brightened their eyes and Halloween expelled the ancient sea. Isn't it that we have a chance?

One by one, the contestants looked at the contestants on the high platform. There was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Ding Ding, Master Liu Nian, Rams Saint, and Nine Sons all looked at Dagan Sheng to see how Dagan Sheng dealt with it.

Dagan Sheng looked the same, without saying a word.

Obviously, Dagan Sheng supported the ancient sea.

"Expulsion from the competition!" A group of saints were still shouting.

The sacred look of the ram said: "Sages, I'm sorry, I'm the host of the Halloween Conference, and I'm the judge of the Halloween Conference. Who is expelled is not within the rights of the Saints!"

"Huh?" Quan Sheng stared at Rams with a stare.

The ram of the ram sacrificed slightly, apparently, unwilling to expel the ancient sea.

"Ah!" "Ah!" .........

The hundred saints seemed to pass out in pain.

"Even so, I wouldn't be able to recommend this person, huh!" The Doctor Qin Sheng hummed.

"Well, since we are judging, let's all start, all the paintings and calligraphy, all of them will be displayed, hum!" Said a saint.

"So ...!" Ram Ram is about to speak.

Suddenly, the sage of the Qinqin interrupted the words of the ram saint.

"Well, since I'm waiting for judgement, do I wait for judgement, host? You just need to maintain the scene, I'll wait for the proposition, answer the question!" The medical sage screamed suddenly.

"Yes, I'm waiting for the proposition!" The saints yelled.

Some 100,000 contestants had their eyes brightened, and some looked dull.

According to the previous statement, it is to show each one what they are best at, and then to the saints. The saints think it is good and will recommend it to you. Therefore, before the Halloween conference, how many texts have already been written in the manuscript, or to be shown later The works are all works that have been figured out for a long time. Crafted work.

But now, suddenly changed to a proposition? In this way, all those preparations are made obsolete?

The contestants were anxious, but there were also many rejoices. In this way, the advantages of the majors were gone?

However, it seems that Dagan is cheating for the ancient sea, and the heavenly saint is extremely angry at the moment, and he refuses to recommend the ancient sea one by one. Isn't the ancient sea finished?

The ram's face sank, and he turned to look at Dagan, not far away.

Dagan Sheng sat on the dragon chair without saying a word.

"Well, please ask the saints!" Said the Ram, solemnly.

One of the saints said, "I was in charge of judging the book, and the book was titled" qi ". The weather changed and there was" weather ". There was" geo gas "in different regions, and" water and gas "transpired in water. There is 'fire gas' in flames, 'poor gas' in rotten corpses, 'popularity' in fishy sweat, 'yang gas' from day to midday, 'yin gas' in nighttime, and 'anger' in insults and evils '. With the title of' qi ', all poems, songs and fu can be done, sketch it out! "

The sage of the Taoist shouted aloud, and numerous cultivators of the Taoist shouted, "Yes!"

However, it is obvious that the saint has mentioned the last "anger", and is it "anger" that is degrading?

Countless practitioners glanced at the ancient sea. This is the rhythm of being cut down by the mouth.

"Just according to the book, saints, with‘ qi ’as the inscription!” Said Ram Ram.

Another sage: "I'll be in charge of judging the chess course. The chess course is simple, the order is played, and each other plays. The winner is the best. I'll recommend it as appropriate!"

The meaning of the chess sage is obvious, you fight, the chess player fights to the last one, whoever wins, we want to choose you no longer.

"Just according to the chess sages, judge the chess first, and then be selected by the saints!" Nine sons answered.

"I'll be in charge of judging the painting. One hundred saints encountered a villain's calculation. Huh, I will use this 'little man' as the subject and draw with him. I will judge it myself!" The painting saint Shen said.

"Just draw the saints and paint under the title of" little man! "Master Liu Nian respectfully said.

"I'll judge the Qin Tao and compose with the title" Little Man ", I'll judge it myself!" Shen Qin, a medical doctor.

"Just say the saint on the lyre and compose music with the title" Villain! "Ding Ding solemnly said.

The evil of the group saints on the ancient sea can no longer be described by anger.

The book is angry, and draws the villain and the piano villain. The chess course cannot be targeted by chess. It can only be ranked first and then commented.

Almost all saints have excluded the ancient sea.

Not far away, Ye Hua, Xuan En, and the Seven Kills all showed gleeful expressions. Who made you die?

Emperor Qing and Kong Di looked at Dagan Sheng frowningly.

Because Qingdi, Confucius, even Taishang, Taichu, the future and other giants can see it, all resources of Dagan this time are leaning towards the ancient sea, but now how does this lean?

A hundred saints are now fainted, and other saints are angry at the ancient sea. This is almost a desperate situation. Is it necessary to abandon the ancient sea in Dagan?

Dagan Sheng has not yet spoken, but the courtiers behind him are extremely anxious.

"Holy Father, Gu Hai was hated by the Holy Saints, and he rejected them all. How to continue to support him?" Long Shenwu frowned.

"Yes, holy, Gu Hai is unsaved. It is impossible for him to make any achievements at this Halloween conference. Fortunately, this is just the beginning. Please refer to another person quickly!"

"Holy, the ancient sea is now ...!"




Officials anxiously pleaded with the Dragon Warring States.

The Dragon Warring States did not speak, and Bei Mingshou faintly said, "When is the matter decided on the holy side, when will it be changed?"

"Uh?" The officials froze.

"It's not up to you to decide on the holy things!" Bei Mingshou said lightly.

"Yes!" The officials immediately bowed their heads, afraid to say more.

There is no substitution in the holy kingdom. How can it be changed casually?

In the distance, Ram Ram and others looked at the ancient sea and took a deep breath. Began to host it.

"Chess player, register here and start a two-on-two showdown!" Jiugongzi said coldly.

Suddenly, there were a large number of big servants quickly moving a large number of chessboards, and an area was opened for chess players to settle.

"The writer, here is the book, with the title" Qi ", you can ponder and think, after thinking about it, write it down quickly for the saints to judge!" Said Ram Ram.

A large number of attendants moved to the desk, pen and ink dangling.

Of course, the topic this time is to write down the ancient sea, and I don't know how many swearing words slandered the ancient sea.

"Qin Taoist, you can think about composing and wait for the song to come out, you can play it in the judgment of the saints!"

"Those who paint the Tao can start painting, and when they are drawn, they can be judged by the saints!"

Ding Ding and Liunian Master solemnly.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

Regardless of painting, poetry, or composition, they are all for the saints and used to attack the ancient sea. In a short while, Gu Hai seemed to face all the literary cults and face all the attacks from the literary cults.

Qin Qi calligraphy and painting, 100,000 literacy, at the same time attack the ancient sea.

For a time, the ancient sea became the target of criticism.

There are no hundreds of people in the Quartet, and the practitioners are looking at Gu Hai at this moment, all of which have no cause to worry. What ’s wrong with painting? The painting made the saint pregnant. Is that all right?

You are going to hit 100,000 by yourself.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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