Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 79: Sleeping Fairy, Longevity Dream

The defeat of chess sages, Gu Hai's recommendation signs, has reached 3,400 in an instant!

For countless officials who are busy doing this, this is definitely a good achievement that was not previously thought.

Ten thousand referrals, as long as it reaches 5,001, can overwhelmingly get the first place. Today, there are only 1,501, and as long as one, one thousand and five are another.

The nine sons, the ram's holy man, the master of passing years, and Ding Ding all smiled.

"End of chess, Qindao next, Mr. Gu, do you have something to say?" Ding Ding looked at Gu Hai.

After all, the task this time is to help Gu Hai get more referrals, of course, ask Gu Hai.

"Qindao? I said before that I'm not good at it, so I won't step in. Since Mr. Sima is ready, then Mr. Sima will come on my behalf!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

There is no such thing as Gu Haiqin Tao, and there is no Qin Tao mood at all, and Gu Hai is not easy to intervene.

However, in the eyes of others, it seems that Gu Hai is deliberately angry with the saint.

"Mr. Gu ...!" Ding Ding said anxiously.

Gu Hai shook his head.

"Well, Sima Changkong, you are Gu Hai's deputy. Later, you work hard!" Ding Ding looked at Sima Changkong.

Sima Changkong also confirmed to Gu Hai that Gu Hai could no longer do anything. Sima Changkong could only respond with a bitter smile.

"You Qindao saints, please ask questions!" Ding Ding looked up.

There are thousands of sages in Qindao, at this moment I looked down together. Although he didn't say anything in his mouth, just now the chess course was picked up by Gu Hai, so naturally he can no longer make mistakes.

"Competitor, compose a song for each of them. I'll decide on the pros and cons after listening to it, then I will recommend it!"

"Title?" Ding Ding called.

"Untitled!" The sage of the piano said coldly.

This time, no matter how you make it, our referrals will only be voted for the three holy places. What topics do you want?

"Let's go!" Ding Ding Shen said.

There are only four participants in the Qindao competition.

Sima Changkong, Taichu, Future Buddha, Taishang Giant.

At this moment, Gu Hai sat in the chair behind Sima Changkong and looked at the three giants carefully.

A ribbon was put on the eyes of the future Buddha, and his eyes were clearly invisible.

Looking at himself at first, he smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, but Gu Hai seemed to see a deep malice from this smile. This person needs to beware.

Taishangdaozi is a peerless and enchanting woman. Although she is beautiful, her cold eyes seem to kill herself, and her ancient brows are slightly frowned.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, the poor monk's piano path is sparse. There is only a wooden fish. It is a small success. Today, knocking on a wooden fish is ugly!" The future Buddha said lightly.

While talking, he turned his hands and took out a wooden fish.

As soon as the wooden fish came out, some people in the Quartet laughed, but most of them were still watching because that was the future Buddha after all. Knocking fish, maybe different?


The sound of the most common wooden fish is not the same. Under the wooden fish, suddenly, it seems like a world of silence.

Hundreds of people, including the ancient sea, suddenly felt that only the sound of this wooden fish was left between heaven and earth. Close your eyes and you can see that there are countless Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats chanting in the sky.

A realm of big Buddha shrouded Tianyin City with the sound of wooden fish.

"This is a voice of the mind, be careful!" Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

Speaking, Sima Skyman took out a bit of turquoise guqin and played it gently.

"My song, called" The Voice of Sima ", was created by my father in the past!" Sima Changkong abruptly said in a deep voice.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

As soon as Sima Changkong Guqin played, suddenly, a mood of Qin Tao seemed to condense rolling clouds, the clouds rushed out of the army, and ran toward the Saints in the roar.







The saints burst into anger.

"Qindao saints, I play this song to make you look more carefully and see clearly!" Sima Changkong laughed.


Thousands of horses and horses suddenly rushed towards the Tianqindao saints, and kept running in front of them, and the sky was chaotic.

"Be careful, this is Gu Hai's conspiracy. He wants to stun us with these ten thousand horses, and then let us vote for the referral symbol to be confused!"

"Yes, the last time the old man watched chess was to condense Mr. Yinyue with chess power, and we were confused at the time!"

"Hum, he is far worse than the old man watching chess!"




The saints have fallen.

Too early to look at Taishang Daozi.

"It's too high, for another thousand years, we haven't entered the Temple of Wendao yet. I don't know if there will be a problem with that thing. Our three holy places will take turns to enter, in order to prevent the world ’s souls from painting charcoal. Maybe a calamity is coming! "Too faint at first.

I looked up too early and nodded.

"Tai Shang Dao, I remember there is a song" Tai Shang Chang Sheng Yin "? For the secret of Tai Shang Shang? This time ...!" Tai Chu smiled lightly.

When the future Buddha heard "Tai Shang Chang Sheng Yin", he turned his head abruptly.

"Tai Shang Da Sheng Yin" is the voice of my Tai Shang Dao Zi. It contains the secret of my Tai Sheng Dao. Can you play it at will? Tai Tai Dao Zi said coldly.

"At this moment, and at the same time, and who can understand? Isn't it?" Laughed too early.

Taishangdaozi frowned deeply, then looked at the ancient sea not far away.

"This Halloween conference has already changed its taste. It's too high. Think for yourself!"

Silent for a while, nodded too much. Detective fiddles.

"Too long Changsheng!" Too lightly.

In the Quartet, countless practitioners don't understand what is too long.

But I saw that the finger on the upper side was a little flick.


A piano sounded, quite crisp.

"Well? Nothing great!" Long Wanyu said blankly.

Indeed, the sound of playing too much does not seem to have any huge vision of the world.

"No, she touched the piano with five fingers. Why did she only have a 'ding'?" Bingji said blankly.

"Ah, yes, I also saw one string on each of her five fingers. Why is there only one sound under one button?" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"What has only one sound? Obviously five sounds?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Five tones? No, am I wrong?" Long Wanyu said blankly.

But I saw that it was playing faster and faster, the fingers seemed to be quivering fast. The ancient sea was listening to the sound of the harp, and there was a feeling of moving clouds. No one else felt it. With a boundless horizon, he seemed to be trapped in his body, and his consciousness became blurred.

"Why is it 'Ding', 'Ding', 'Ding', one by one, the fingers are buckled so many times, only these few voices?" Long Wanyu complained.

The people of Quartet also stared at the distance too far.

"Is this too gigantic? What's the bomb?"

"Yeah, it's not a song at all!"




When the people were anxious.

"Not good, holy, the ancient sea passed out!" Suddenly, Bei Mingshou was startled.

For a moment, all the dignitaries looked down together, but saw the ancient sea sitting behind Sima Changkong, and fell asleep.

"What happened? Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!" Ding Ding's face changed.

Guhai, what happened?

"Ah? Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, are you okay? Uh, fell asleep? Brother-in-law, how did you fall asleep? Wake up soon!" Long Wanyu's face continued to shake the ancient sea.

However, you can't shake the ancient sea in any way.

"It's her, her harp, she's lethargic to the emperor!" Bing Ji's face suddenly changed to look at the Taishang Daozi.

Too coldly smiled, but ignored.

"Oops, Father, there is something wrong with the piano music too!" Long Shenwu's face changed.

"Hurry up, stop it too fast!" Suddenly a minister exclaimed.

"Too good, stop!" Ding Ding was the host, exclaimed angrily.


Tai Shang gently stopped the piano in his hand and said lightly, "What's wrong? I'm not allowed to compete?"

"Mr. Gu, wake up!" Ding Ding said anxiously.

However, at this moment Gu Hai could not wake up, so she slept.

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu kept shaking the ancient sea, but still could not shake the ancient sea. Just fall asleep.

"It's you, isn't it? You're on the right track, hurting my emperor?" Bingji growled and yelled.

Outside, the Qing Emperor and the Emperor Kong had their eyes closed.

"Too much Changshengyin? Longlife dream?" From the north side, Dagan Sheng suddenly said.

"Dagan Sheng went to learn!" Taishang said lightly.

"Sleeping fairy, longevity dream? Too long to live long? Really too willing to go too!" The green emperor's eyes stunned slightly.

"Use the longevity dream on Gu Hai, let Gu Hai sleep for ten days and ten nights? Oh, Gu Hai fell asleep, and can no longer participate in the Halloween Conference? The three holy places are really everything! Smiled coldly.

Not far away, Bingji's face changed when he heard Dagan Sheng mentioned the longevity dream.

"You are afraid that the emperor will take the first place, and use this magic sound to frame the emperor?" Bingji's face changed.

"Sister Bingji, why does your brother-in-law fall asleep, you know?" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

Bingji immediately said the dream of longevity.

"Vile man, you framed my brother-in-law? Ding Ding, she harmed my brother-in-law and expelled her!" Long Wanyu was extremely angry.

"Hurt? Who said it hurts Gu Hai too? Sleeping fairy, longevity dream? Too much is a gift to Gu Hai, do not believe it, you ask the Dragon Warring States!" Tai Chu said with a cold smile.

Directly to the north, the Dragon Warring States is also cold with both eyes: "What a great fortune, let the ancient sea sleep for ten days and ten nights?"

Too early to look at the Dragon Warring States coldly: "On Dagan Sheng, God handed the host of the Halloween Conference to Dagan. It is for Dagan to open the Halloween Conference impartially, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate, from the first round In the beginning, the big gangs were helping Gu Hai cheat? Are you big gangsters, fair? "

"Sun Temple? You talk to me fair?" Dragon Warring States showed a slight disdain.

Obviously, the Wendao Temple has already been contracted by the three holy places, and your three holy places have face to face fairness? This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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