Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 86: Tied first

At the end of the fight, Gu Hai won 5000 referrals! Well deserved first!

"Yipintang, Yipintang, Yipintang!"

"Mr. Gu!"

"First, first!"




Among the people, there was a natural cheer. From the previous time, Gu Hai was dismissive of saints. Before being beaten by the Taoism of Wanshou Taoism, he suffered for ten days and ten nights, and now he returns with his face. For a time, Gu Hai became the hero of all the people in Tianyin City.

As for the other Taoist practitioners, at this moment no one underestimates the ancient sea, and no longer believes that the ancient sea was won by mean means.

That is the "Tai Shang Jing", the Holy Book of Heavenly Taoism, not to say absolute first, but it is definitely one of the first steps, inherited from ancient times, perfected through the ages, is already unmatched. It can be seen from the previous battle of Sima Changkong that he used the Clear Sky Scripture, the Blood River Scripture, and the Huangquan Extermination Scripture, and even the ordinary scriptures of the Holy Word were in front of him.

But Gu Hai did it, writing the scriptures on the scene, and pressing the Taishangjing. Is there anyone dare to underestimate this text?

I don't know how many people suddenly looked at the volume of the Tao Te Ching suddenly.

That's the scripture that can surpass the Supreme Scriptures. It hasn't spread, and the power has already reached the sky. Gu Hai is just Yuanying, he can't hold it.

Even the Rams, Sima, and the sky were sizzling at the moment.

"Hahaha, brother-in-law, we won, you are amazing!" Long Wanyu shouted excitedly.

Gu Hai nodded and smiled slightly.

"Emperor!" Bing Ji looked at Gu Hai, and her eyes were full of worship.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, and gently probed to get the Tao Te Ching.

"Mr. Gu!" Ram Ram said suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at Ram Ram.

"Mr. Gu made the article of the Tao Te Ching, which was not available in the ancient times. Since it was published by the Halloween Assembly, it is natural to show the world. What if the sub-inspector of our country is responsible for notifying the world? Leave it to me for safekeeping!" Cried Sheep Sheng.

"Mr. Gu, our Sima family has a large number of academies in Dagan, and the publicity effect is no worse than that of the Guozi prison. Let it be kept by our Sima family!" Sima Changkong also cried immediately.

Gu Hai looked at the Tao Te Ching, which was full of Zijin, and shook his head: "No need!"

I'm going to catch it.

"Mr. Gu!" Ram Ram, Sima Changkong anxiously.

"The Tao Te Ching is written by me and written by my people!" Gu Hai said lightly.

Gu Haiyi said that the ram saint and Sima Changkong looked stiff and smiled slightly.

At this moment, the two finally understood why Gu Hai was looking for Bing Ji instead of letting Sima Changkong act as a ghostwriter.

Gently holding up the volume of the Tao Te Ching, the Tao Te Ching swelled with anger, and it was not ordinary.

How many Wenxiu's eyes were drawn by that "Tao Da Jing", Kong Di, Qing Di and Tai Chu all stared at the Da Dao Jing until Gu Hai waved his hand, closed it, and disappeared before everyone. Only then did everyone get a greedy look for a moment.

At this moment, the saints in the sky looked at Gu Hai, and they had lost their previous pride. They naturally understood the power of the Taishang Scriptures, but they were still defeated by the Tao Te Ching. There is nothing to doubt about the ancient Haiwen. Can only be stuffy one by one.

"Mr. Ram, can you continue?" Gu Hai looked at Ram.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Gu won the first and fifth thousand referrals, and overwhelmed all the contestants. When entering the temple of literary Tao!" Ram Ram stiffened and excited.

Many senior officials also smiled.

"Wait!" A sudden sound came.

The crowd looked, but they saw that the words of the ram saint were interrupted too early.

"At the beginning, you have already submitted your referrals and withdrew from the competition. You have no right to ask the results!" Sheng Sheng said.

Too early smiled: "I am not interfering with the Halloween Conference, I just said the fact that Gu Hai won first place? Overpowering all participants? Not necessarily?"

"Huh?" Sheng Ram raised a brow.

"In the beginning, this is a big job, not the place where you refer to the deer as a horse. The ancient sea received five thousand referrals, and it should be the first!" Sheng Ram said coldly.

The people also calmed down all around and looked coldly towards Taichu.

"I did not say that Guhai is not the first, but Guhai may not be able to overpower all the participants!" Tai Chu said lightly.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, right from the beginning!" The future Buddha solemnly said.

"The ancient sea had to recommend 5000, and the Taoist Giant had to recommend 4990. Ten casual practitioners had to recommend 10. Why didn't they overpower everyone?" Ram Ram said coldly.

"It's not over yet!" Too chuckled at the beginning, sneer, and suddenly turned to look at the ten casual repairers.

"You folks, do you know who I am? Give the referral to the Taishang Dao, the deity Yuner, and so on," Tai Chu Jing ", countless treasures, my treasure house, you can take a treasure, otherwise ..., Huh! "Too early, smiled at the ten Sanxiu.

In words, all threats.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, I'm the same as Taichu. Everyone is scattered, so I can make a quick decision!" The future Buddha also said.

"Bold, you dare to disturb the order of the arena, threaten words, and force the contestants to surrender their referrals?" Ram Ram stared.

There was a sound of crusade all over the Quartet, but at the beginning of the moment, the future Buddha has not cared so much. This time, we must let the Taoist giant enter the Temple of Wendao.

"Future Buddha? Too early? They insisted so much. What in the Temple of Wendao made them care so much? Even he did not hesitate to turn his face with Dagan?" Kong Di narrowed his eyes.

"Persecution by words? It ’s a coincidence. If the top tycoon had the ten referrals, he would be tied with Gu Hai first!" Qingdi said with a narrow gaze.

Ten Sanxiu frowned and frowned, but did not look at the future Buddha and Taichu.

"Huh?" Tai Chu frowned.

But when they saw ten casual repairs, they worshiped Dagan Sheng in the north respectfully.

"The guardian's recommendation sign came to the end, please go to the holy decree!" The ten casual practitioners worshiped at the same time.


Suddenly, the people of Quartet were uproar.

Even the ram saint and Sima Changkong had wide-eyed eyes. Obviously, they did not know before. The ten casual practitioners were actually big officials?

Is this someone who has been arranged on the Dagan Sheng? Ready to have some special effect at the end?

"How, how?" Tai Chu's face changed.

The Buddha in the future also sighed a little: "The Buddha of Wuliang Shou. There are no omissions in Dagan Sheng, I am waiting for Meng Lang!"

"Cough, cough, big dry man?" Tai Shang Dao Zi coughed his blood, and there was a cloudiness in his eyes.

How much preparation did God make this time? These ten casual repairs were also arranged by the Dragon Warring States?

Dagan Sheng stood on the high platform at this moment, and all the officials stood behind Dagan Sheng.

"The Dagan Heavenly Kingdom convened a Halloween conference. The Three Holy Lands came to the world. He did not want to let Er wait for nothing. Ten referrals of Fuer were given to Er wait." Dagan Saint said lightly.

"What?" The upper-handed giant chuckled slightly.

Dragon Warring States so kind, gave me ten recommendations?

"Yes!" Ten casual chanters answered.

The ram Sheng looked at Dagan Sheng suddenly and nodded his head finally: "Competitors Wang Tianming, Zhao Wou-ki .......... Ten contestants are willing to transfer their referrals to Taishangdao Giants, please God Ming Jian! "

Ram Ram shouted loudly.


The light of the ten referral symbols flew away from the ten retreats in an instant, and suddenly fell on the Supreme Master Tao Sheng.

"Ahhhhhhh!" There was a puzzlement in the eyes of Taishang Daozi.

The future buddha and the beginning of the day were dull, but it was because of the saying from the **** Gangan, "Jiyuer, etc."? Thanks? When will it be your turn to give it away?

And this time the three holy places can have representatives enter the Temple of Wendao, more like the gift of your great work.

People were at a loss for a while.

Confucius and Qingdi were also puzzled.

Ten thousand referrals at the moment. Ancient sea: 5000. Taishang Giant: 5000.

Tied first, you can enter the Temple of Bunda.

"Mr. Gu, please go to the Holy Place. The Admiral will explain, and will enter the Temple of Wendao soon!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

Stepping forward, the ancient sea flew towards the high platform where the holy deities are located.


In an instant, the ancient sea fell in front of Dagan Sheng.

In the past, I watched from afar. The Dagan Holy One is as huge as the heavenly power, overlooking the world, and now standing in front of the Big Gan Sheng, there is a huge deterrent coming straight.

Daqian Sheng did not let out the slightest breath, this is the natural breath of the king. An invincible atmosphere.

"Dahan ancient sea, Yipintang ancient sea, I've seen the great gods!" Guhai gave a small gift.

This ceremony is not a courtesy to the king, but a peer ceremony.

Behind Dagansheng, a number of courtiers stared, seemingly dissatisfied with Gu Hai. But Dagan Sheng didn't care. There was a touch of softness in his eyes.

"Ancient sea? Dragon among people, I have been paying attention to you for a long time!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Uh!" Gu Hai froze slightly.

But he saw a wave on Dagan Sheng.


There seemed to be a thick mist wrapping the two up, instantly isolated from everyone else.

The next moment, the scene around them seemed to suddenly change. Everyone disappeared, and the two seemed to be standing on top of a mountain, watching the sunset set in the distance.

"Is this a fantasy?" Gu Hai frowned slightly, showing a hint of surprise.

In this illusion, everything is too real.

Dagan Sheng looked at the sunset in the distance and said faintly: "This Halloween conference, you have done a good job. You have defeated the three holy sites by means of text, and the protagonist of the province has used some extraordinary means!"

"Extreme means?" Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank. There was a hint of surprise.

"Sure enough, he's a conscious person, it's so clear! It's easy to talk to you." Dagan Sheng smiled slightly.

"If I can't get enough referrals, you want to use force to force them to surrender referrals? This, is this torn from the three holy places? Are you ready to fight the three holy places? Gu Hai stared in surprise.

"After you enter the Temple of Wendao, the three holy sites will no longer be eligible to fight against You!"


"You did a good job, so praise you as a guide, after the Supreme Master enters the Temple of Wendao, you can follow closely behind you, and I will give you everything that belongs to the Temple of Wendao. ! And will protect your physical body! "Dagan Sheng said lightly.

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