Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 91: Dragon oracle and dragon oracle

The saints in the sky are horrified, and the people in the Quartet are also shocked. Will the saints kill all the saints in the sky?



The future Buddha and Taichu all screamed angrily.

"God, help!"

"Buddha, help!"




One of the leaders of the two holy places was angry, and a group of saints seemed to find the direction for help in an instant, and shouted too early and the future Buddha together.


Taking a step too early, the detective waved a scroll.

"The first classics?" The emperor's eyes narrowed in the distance.

But when I saw the Taichu Scriptures, a holy light suddenly appeared. From the Taichu Scriptures, an endless number of angels suddenly flew out, but these angels seemed to be stunned, and there was no glimmer in their eyes.

"The origin of the heavens and the earth originated too early, too early and Wanfasheng ...............!"

The angels chanted aloud the primordial sutras, rolled up in the air, and rushed towards the saints, enveloping the saints in the sky.

The billowing chain was blocked in a blink of an eye by all the angels.

傀儡 Angels are not worth the chain, but there are too many angels, too many, so that the saints will not be affected for a short time.

The disciples of the Sun Temple, brought by Tai Chu, all flew up, one by one, holding arms, flying around in the early stage, looking coldly at Dagan Sheng.

"The Immortal Buddha!"

The Buddha of the future is also stepping forward, and the whole body exudes a golden light. Above the right hand, there is also a skin, and on the skin, there is a large slang character, for a time. From the scriptures of the Nuo characters, it seems that there are flying Luohan and Bodhisattva in the light and shadow, and they are like the Nuo, standing behind the future Buddha.

"Future Economics?" Conti narrowed his eyes in the distance.

"The sky is infinite, the time is infinite, and everything is the future. There is nothing in the world, everything is dusty. All methods are falling, only the future ........."

Countless bodhisattvas are singing.

The disciples of the Holy Land in the surrounding mountains also stood behind the future Buddha with a war-like look, and also protected the saints in the sky.

In the beginning and the future, the Buddha is just the holy light and the light of the Buddha, but its subordinates are all released one by one, and a super mighty force forms a storm that goes straight to Tianyin City in all directions.

For a time, under the huge storm, hundreds of people were suddenly blown up and down, some buildings were even toppled, and countless children cried.

"Dragon Warring States, what do you want to do?" Tai Chu coldly.

"Wuliang Shou Buddha, Dagan Sheng, have you done too much?" The future Buddha also said coldly.

Dagan Sheng glanced at the two, revealing a sneer: "People in the Sun Temple? People in the Holy Land of the Holy Mountain? No matter what you think, for what. But here is the heaven, the city of Tianyin, living There are countless big people. If anyone dares to hurt them, leave their heads today and sacrifice them, including your early days, including your future! "

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

"This is your grandmother. You need to report to you if you want to do something?"

"But they are heavenly servants and saints!" Tai Chu drank.

Dagansheng took a cold look at Taichu Sheng.

"Today, I will break with heaven. How are you going?" Da Gansheng glared.

In the beginning, the future changed.

"A bunch of crickets are here, come, let's throw arrows!" Sima glared and smirked.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ……………………

Suddenly, a large amount of arrow rain soared into the sky, and instantly blasted to the angels and Buddhas.


Suddenly burst, the chain rushed towards the Saints again.

"God, help!" Exclaimed the saints.

"Well, today, I just want to protect them, Dragon Warring States, how are you going?" At first, his eyes glared, his body fluttered into the sky, and he rushed towards the countless chains.

"The beginning of the Sun Shrine? Oh, the Prince is not talented, and he still hopes to advise!" Suddenly, one person behind Dragon Warring States suddenly soared into the sky and went straight to the beginning.

"Prince, Long Shen!" Kong Di narrowed his eyes in the distance.

However, when he saw that Long Shenxi came to Taichu in an instant, he stabbed a punch and dared to hit Taichu.

"I'm rude! The Dragon Warring States and I just shot, and you deserve it?" Taichu's eyes glared, and a punch greeted him.

The dragon **** shouted a puppet, his eyes stared, and two punches collided.


Under one punch, it seemed that the void was violently shaken, but in the wave of Bei Mingshou, the waves did not radiate the Quartet's people. The two fists collided, and they just froze for a short while, and instantly separated.

Too early to take a step back, Long Shenzheng took five steps back.

It seems that Dragon God Clan lost, but who is Dragon God Clan? It's just the son of the Dragon Warring States. How many failures didn't show up in one punch?

Tai Chu's face sank.

"Come again!" Long Shen's face was exposed again and punched again.


One punch was separated again.

Too early to take a step back, Long Shenzheng took four steps back.

"Impossible, how can your strength become stronger and stronger?" Tai Chu sank.

"Come again!" Dragon God shouted loudly.

During the talk, the eyes of the dragon god's eyes turned red, and on the back, it seemed as if a pair of black giant wings appeared. Another punch. The whole city of Tianyin shook.


Dragon Gods only took three steps back this time.

The wings of the dragon god's back finally came out, but it was a giant wing with the dragon's skin against the dragon's skin. In the mouth of the dragon god, two huge **** tusks were spit out. The whole body exudes a golden energy.


Dragon God shouted a loud roar and punched again at Taichu.


This time, the strength was actually the same as the beginning, and the two fists stalemate. No one let it be ordinary.

"Dragon God? What is this secret method? The strength is actually too low?" Conte's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The body of General Chen? The Dragon God has practiced the body of General Chen? One of the four zombies, General Chen?" Qing Emperor's face changed.

Tai Chu's face changed wildly, and he looked surprised at the dragon **** who was facing him and his fist. This was not the strongest Dragon Warring States.

At this moment, the Dragon Warring States didn't care about the early days at all, and stared at the black water pouring out from the Wendao Temple more and more.

"Too early? Your power doesn't seem to be enough!" Dragon God sneered.

Around, a large number of angels flew towards the dragon god.

"Arrow!" Sima yelled.


A large amount of arrow rain soared into the sky and immediately destroyed all the puppets.


The chains continued, quickly covering the heavenly saints.

"Buddha, help!" Cried the Sage.

In the future, the Buddha's face sank, as if to rise to the sky.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the future Buddha, and a punch hit the future Buddha. A punch, it seemed to bring out a black dragon ghost, violently collided with the fist of the future Buddha in haste.


A loud noise.

Tianyin City shuddered again, the figure of fists stopped in place, but the Buddha in the future took three steps backwards.

"What?" The countless practitioners in Quartet changed their faces.

That is the future Buddha, but he lost a punch? Even if it is a hasty punch, it should not be so defeated.

"Future Buddha, you still stay there obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for keeping you here today!" The figure said coldly.

Threatening the future Buddha?

Numerous practitioners in the Quartet looked at the figure in shock.

"Extreme Dragons, Ao Tianhuang?" The Qing Emperor's eyes narrowed in the distance.

It is indeed Ao Tianhuang, stepping in the void, powerful momentum, it seems that everyone has stepped on their feet. A fierce rush towards the future Buddha.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​The Buddha in the future is also in doubt.

Holding the future scriptures in hand, I didn't know how to get forward.

"Boom!" The chain of sky bound all the saints all at once.


Suddenly, the saint in the sky was suddenly thrown by the chains towards the square below.




"Buddha, save me!"




Nearly all Saints shouted anxiously.

However, in the face of countless void chains, they were totally vulnerable and all were bound and fell to the square ground.

"Shou Zhen? Yin City is full of Shou Zhen this day?" Kong Di narrowed his eyes in the distance.


Suddenly, a large number of soldiers came to the heavenly saint.

"Dragon Warring States, how dare you!" Taichu yelled with a stare.

"Huh, you can arbitrarily name Father Father's name?" Long Shen shouted and yelled.


Great power, stalemate with the early days.

The angels wanted to stop it, but the countless powerful archers led by Sima Zongzhuang immediately prevented them from approaching the slightest.

Jewa's face turned wild.

My father was suppressed. What's the best way? I can't go up again.

In the anxiety of Ye Hua, suddenly seeing the ancient sea in the center of the square, Long Wanyu stood in front of the ancient sea. Long Wanyu? She is the lifeblood of Dagan Sheng. Controlling Long Wanyu, she is invincible.

"Come with me!" Ye Hua glared and roared.


A large number of angels rushed towards Long Wanyu.

The one who rushed to the front was Ye Hua, and it seemed that she would rush to the place of Long Wanyu.

Behind the Dragon Warring States, a sneer came again suddenly: "Do yourself a favor, and you cannot live!"


Another white figure went straight to Long Wanyu. The speed is too fast, and Yehua hasn't found it yet. The white figure has reached Long Wanyu and punched Yehua.

"Prince II, Long Shenwen?" Kong Di's voice came from a distance.

"Don't!" Taichu's expression in the sky changed.


Long Shenwen's powerful punch hit Yehua's fist. The huge force did not repulse Yehua, but for a moment, Yehua's entire body exploded and opened instantly, turning into a mist of blood. Instant transpiration disappeared.

The strong man at the peak of Zhongtian Temple, one punch, burst?

Did not even say a scream.

"My son!" Tai Chu's face turned wild.

But when they saw Long Shenwen punch Yehua with a punch, he yelled openly.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Like a supersonic wave of power, rushed straight towards the angel that came down.


The angels screamed in an instant, covering their ears one by one, shocked by the roaring waves of the dragon **** text, rushing out, and flying out, there was a lot of blood in each ear, like an instant all Deaf, in general.

"Kill the dog festival flag!" Sima yelled out.

"Yes!" The soldier in the square yelled.


With a knife in his hand and falling, he nearly flew out of the head of the Saint.

All the saints in the sky were killed.

From beginning to end, the expression of the Dragon Warring States has not changed even a trace.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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