Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 95: Reincarnated king

A group of ghost soldiers escorted Gu Hai, and Bingji walked towards the city of rebirth.

When a group of ghost soldiers came before, Bingji was ready to start, but was pressed down by the ancient sea.

Bing Ji immediately understood the meaning of the ancient sea. Pretending to be lost to the ghost soldiers, he was escorted.

"Hahaha, the saint of the Halloween? Not so good!" The judge who had ordered the arrest of Gu Hai laughed happily.

"Lu Ju, this time, the king will definitely reward you, maybe he will give you a thousand yuan?" A subordinate of the judge was excited.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Lu Quan looked happy.

"Lu Ju, the king asked you to take two thieves to the chess pool!" The judge who had previously reported to the newspaper immediately came to report.

"Let's go!" Lu Quan answered in excitement.

Gu Hai and Bingji looked at each other and smiled slightly.

The city of rebirth is very large. It took Gu Gu an hour to reach the so-called chess pool.

The chess pool is like a football field that the ancient sea has seen in the past. There are a large number of high platforms around it, a huge field in the center, and a huge go game inside.

On the high platform around, there were already ghosts who came to hear the news, one by one wearing official robes, as if in the ghost, their status was extremely valuable.

Right above the high platform in the north, a group of ghost officials stood respectfully at this moment. Let's worship the ghost of a man in a dragon robe above the dragon chair together.

"Meet the King, meet the adults, these two thieves, their subordinates, have been brought here. I found them outside the city, and they were arrested as soon as possible!" Lu Ju suddenly excitedly faced the man wearing the dragon robe. The man worshiped.

On the high platform around, countless ghost officials also talked about the two.

"Who's in the pool?" The king sang coldly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Rebirth King, you send someone to give me a reward order, will you not know who I am?"

"Bold!" The ghost officials around yelled.

Gu Hai smiled coldly without fear.

"Huh, are you the ancient sea? The Halloween conference won the first place of Wendao, and defeated the ancient sea of ​​all chess saints!" The reincarnation king said coldly.

"Oh? I don't know the reincarnation king, how do you know me?" Gu Hai frowned.

"How does the king know you, and he still needs to report to you!" The reincarnated Wang said coldly.

Gu Hai sneered slightly.

"Since you have no match in chess, then let me show you, what exactly is this game of chess?" Shen Shengsheng said.

"Watch the chess game left by the old man?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"You don't care who stays, you just need to know that now you only have three souls, your strength is already weak, and the ghost soldiers here can make you survive or die!" Road.

Gu Hai turned his head carefully to the game.

"Master, can this kid unlock the chess game of the old man watching chess?" A person next to him replied whispered to the reincarnation king.

"For so many years, no ghost can solve it. I can only count on him. Besides, she said ... Moreover, I heard that Gu Hai defeated the saint of saints in this battle." Shensheng Wang said.

Gu Hai did not fight with the reincarnation king, because Gu Hai also wanted to see how this game was. You do n’t need to guess it, it must be the old man who watched chess.

Gu Hai looked carefully.

This game is not very complicated. It is far worse than Twenty-nine Heaven and Earth.

After looking at it for a while, Gu Hai frowned.

"Emperor, is the message left by the old man watching chess on the chessboard?" Bingji whispered.

"The checkerboards are scattered, it looks like a map!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Map?" Bingji showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, and it seems to be pointing somewhere?" Gu Hai curiously.

"But why can't they see?"

"He moved the disk!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"What is moving disk?"

"It's the whole game, and moved a few squares in a certain direction! Although this board is a 19-board crossword board, the old man who watched chess played a board game with 29 cross-board boards. He will play the whole board. , Moved ten positions! "Gu Hai laughed.

"Ten positions moved? Where did you move? How do you find this?"

"It's very simple. The old man who watched chess played chess. The first son was Tian Yuan. As long as he pushed the game backwards and found the position of the first son, you could know where the game was moved!" Gu Haishen said.

"So simple?"

"Simple? Not simple. The old man watching Guanqi pointed out a specific position through this game. I don't know what it is, but watching the old man watching Guanqi so carefully must be something extremely precious!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Come on, where, where?" Reincarnated Wang suddenly stood up from the dragon chair in excitement.

"Bring the map!" Gu Hai cried.

"Hurry up!"

Suddenly, a ghost official sent a huge map, centered on the city of rebirth, and surrounded by a huge area.

"Gu Hai, tell me, where is it? Anything!" Said the reincarnated king excitedly.

Gu Hai looked at the map and showed a smile of satisfaction.

"Thank you for your guidance!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Come on, where is it?" The reincarnation king cried.

Ghost officials around looked excitedly at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Bold, the king asked what you said, and has not answered yet!" Lu Quan, who escorted Gu Hai, stared.

"The old man who watched chess used a chessboard to show that it was intended for people who understand chess, not for everyone, you still don't think about it, reincarnation king, let's talk, who leaked my news? You should let her out! "Gu Hai laughed.

"Presumptuous, Gu Hai, believe it or not, I stab you to death!" Lu Guan stared.

During the conversation, Lu Jian added an extra long whip in his hand, and the long whip slammed and drew towards the ancient sea.

"Lu Ju's Soul Capture Whip, one whip can kill him half a life!" A ghost soldier whispered in the distance.


A whip was thrown towards the ancient sea, but in the air was caught by Bing Ji in his hands.

"Huh? Smelly girl, do you dare stop me? I wanted to be afterwards and ask the king to be a little wife. Now I don't want to kill you!" Lu Quan exclaimed.

"Huh, I don't know what's dead or alive!" Bingji snorted coldly. Flick in your hand. A chill erupted from the fingers.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Along the long whip, a rapid freeze rose, and in the moment of Lu Pan's dismay, Lu Pan froze into an ice sculpture.

"What?" The judges' faces turned around.

"Kaka Kaka!"

Lu Quan's body suddenly frosted and cracked. The next moment, he burst into a blast, exploded to the Quartet, turned into fragments, and disappeared. Strands of blue ghost shards soar into the sky.

"Presumptuous!" The judges and ghost soldiers screamed.

Suddenly, a large number of ghost soldiers rushed towards the two.

"Do you really think that I and the emperor were escorted by you?" Bingji said coldly.

While talking, Bingji splattered. A white chill surged in all directions.


The void rose suddenly cold, as if there were a few snowfalls of white feathers, and the white cold air arrived, and all the ghost soldiers were frozen like ice for a moment, all of them exploded into fragments and exploded to the Quartet the next moment.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of ghost soldiers were destroyed by Bingji.

The reincarnation king over there changed his face and seemed to run away quietly.

Gu Hai looked up at the Incarnation King: "Incarnation King, you better not move!"

However, the reincarnation king looked stiff and stunned.

"Come on, take them down, take them down!" The reincarnation king roared.

"The Three Souls don't have much energy, we don't have much energy, aren't you strong, right? Oh!" Gu Hai sneered step by step towards the King of Rebirth.


A large number of ghost soldiers rushed towards the ancient sea and Bingji.

The ancient sea stepped forward and ignored it at all. Bingji waved his hands, and the goose feather snow in the void was getting heavier and heavier. All the ghosts touched by the goose feather snow were frozen and burst.

"Go up, go up, you guys!" Shouted a lot of ghost officials.

However, where Bing Ji arrived, it was an area of ​​ice and snow, and no ghost could come near.

"The emperor, they are really vulnerable, they are just ordinary ghosts. In the past, the emperor had been given ice cream by the emperor. This time, they can also bring the way for the emperor!" Bingji excitedly.

Gu Hai didn't bother, but walked step by step towards the reincarnated king.

"Come on, come on, grab me these two thieves!" The reincarnated king cried with a hint of fear.

"Ice and snow, whoever comes and who explodes!" Bingji chuckled coldly.


A large number of ghosts still rushed over regardless of life and death, but as soon as they entered the chess pool, they were suddenly frozen and exploded, and instantly turned into a broken soul.

Bing Ji was invincible.

Gu Hai walked ahead, but came to the reincarnated king little by little.

The King of Rebirth was horrified: "What do you want to do? I was arranged here by Heaven as the King of Rebirth!"

"Arranged by heaven? Yeah, after you die, heaven will definitely re-arrange a new reincarnation king, isn't it?" Gu Hai slowly approached.

The ghost officials around had already scrambled and escaped.

In a blink of an eye, only the reincarnated king Yigui walked forward facing the ancient sea.

"Sage sacrifices life, saint sacrifices life, me, I am also a ghost, and I was sent by a letter before, saying that you can unlock the chess game of the old man who watched chess. Knelt begging for mercy.

Gu Hai frowned slightly. Is this the reincarnation king who commanded billions of ghosts? Is this kneeling?

"Just your mercy? God made you the master of the ghosts?" Gu Hai frowned, a flash of unbelief flashed in his eyes.

"No, no, there were 10,000 reincarnation kings in the past, but later, the others died bizarrely, so I am the only reincarnation king!" The reincarnation king was terrified.

"Mysteriously dead? Someone helped you kill them, right? The three holy places?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Ah?" The rebirth king's face changed, and Gu Hai guessed it.

"Well, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I came all the way before, and I heard from a number of judges that their book of souls is just a copy, the original is in your hands, give me the book of souls, and I will find a ghost , You will be returned when you run out! "Said Gu Haidandan.

"Ah? Soulbook? No, God doesn't allow outsiders to touch it! Otherwise I will ...!" Incarnation Wang suddenly exclaimed.

Without saying a word, Gu Hai's face sank.

"Do you want me to do it?" Bing Jihan whispered.

Detective Bingji burst into the cold, grabbing at the reincarnation king.

"Don't, don't, I'll give it, I'll give it!" The reincarnated king bitterly in horror. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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