Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 101: Six-color water seal

Humane secret, in the snowy mountains!

A huge snow valley, the Taishang Giant stands outside a pool in the snow valley.

Even though the place was bitterly cold, the pool was not frozen.

The pool seems to have six different colors of water, slowly spinning, with a strange light.


Above the pool, the void was trembling slightly, and a black cat could be seen faintly, the black cat that Gu Hai saw in the lava pool.

Seeing too coming forward, the black cat's eyes flashed with anger, and his teeth danced towards Tai.

Too low looking down at the pool.

"The seal of the six immortals, the six-color water, has become so clear and clear? Someone is cracking the six-color water seal?" Taishang Daozi narrowed his eyes.

He looked up and looked up at the black cat in front of him, looking ugly.

"Are you coming out? Well, fortunately, I came in time, otherwise, the world will be in chaos if you come out!" Too narrowed his eyes.

Take out a small bottle from the probe.

The small bottle opened, and a slight white liquid burst from the bottle.

The white liquid slowly poured into the pool.

In the pool, the waters of different colors in the six middle schools spin up quickly and suddenly. In the bubbling of the grunts, the waters of the six middle schools seem to be slowly blending together. Uniform colors are average.

"Meow, the power of faith? Bitch, do you dare to pour the power of faith? Strengthen the seal?" The black cat suddenly burst into black hair. Staring and yelling too.

However, across a small space, only the sound of ‘meow’ came out.

at the same time.

In the magma cave, the pool of magma suddenly tumbling up, and during the tumbling, the chess set on the chessboard was faster.

Sunspots dropped in the ancient sea, and suddenly a white one appeared.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Mr. Gu, what's wrong?" Yan Qingshan wondered.

"I seemed to have caught the flaw of this chess just now, but this one is like a pen from God, as if the chess board is more complicated?" Gu Hai's face was dark.

"It's more complicated? What's the situation?" Qizhong Xiu said blankly.

"It's more complicated, which shows that this seal is stronger. Something must have happened." Yan Qingshan changed his face.

"Meow!" The black cat was anxious.

"Mr. Gu, how is it good now?" Yan Qingshan worried.

"Anyway, I like complex chess games!" Gu Hai's eyes condensed and he meditated quietly.

After thinking for a while, Gu Haishou fell down.


The chess game continued, the chess game was sealed by the seal, the seal became stronger and stronger, and the ancient sea thought more and more. Settlement is getting slower and slower.

slow? Slow means that nothing goes wrong.

The ancient sea fell, and the seal was untied for a moment, but it was too strong for a drop of faith.

In the snow valley.

"What's going on? The power of faith can strengthen the seal, just now, hasn't it already been strengthened? Isn't the six-color water already fused? Why, how is it separated again?" Too sullen.

Pour into some faith again.

The seal was strengthened again, and the six-color water was fused again. However, after a while, the six-color water was separated again.

"What's going on? The seal can't be blocked?" Too complexion changed. Continue to increase the power of faith.

On the other side, Gu Hai fell one son at a time, and at the moment also entered the realm of selflessness.

"Meow? Good boy, good chess skills, ha ha ha ha ha, I thought it was over. I didn't expect that your chess skills were so great? OK, continue to solve, continue to solve!" The black cat looked at Gu Hai suddenly and excitedly.

"Slut, you are still pouring into the power of faith? Hum, wait for me to come out and see that I won't kill you!" The black cat looked irritable on the stage.

At this moment, the black cat is full of hope on the one hand, but despair on the other.

"Slap!" "Slap!" ...............


The ancient sea and Taishang stalemate the six-color water seal.

In the cave, watching the chess pieces on the chessboard keep falling, the figure of the black cat keeps appearing, and everyone understands that Gu Hai really did.

Yan Qingshan's eyes flashed a happy look, and the chess players waited patiently.

The ancient soul of the sea is the three souls in the end. The chess souls of the flesh and the heart did not follow it. The ancient sea just let the spirits analyze the chess game through the connection between the soul and the soul.

"Meow, boy, well done, go ahead, be sure to untie me! Untie, I will give you great benefits." The black cat screamed anxiously.

However, the sounds passed to Gu Hai are ‘meow’, ‘meow’, and ‘meow’.

Gu Hai didn't have time to pay attention, but Bing Ji looked curiously.

"This dead cat is actually going to come out? The chess game left by the old man watching chess looses the six-color water seal? He didn't let it go back then? The old man watching chess was worried that this dead cat would break his good thing? But he wanted to play When it came out, it intentionally left a half-game? "Suddenly a voice sounded in Bing Ji's ears.

"His!" Bing Ji's expression suddenly turned wild and looked around.

Too early? Is it too early?

"Little girl, don't look around, you can't see me, I'm still in Tianyin City, it's because of the" Fu Shen Tang "that you brought me that I feel the situation inside!" Tai Chu's voice sounded again.

Bingji's eyes were cloudy for a while.

"Too much up there, it must be strengthening the seal. Gu Hai wants to dismantle the seal here? Hehe, fight, or fight!" Tai Chu said coldly.

"You, what do you want?" Bingji whispered. The sound is controlled on the body surface and not let out.

In the cave, everyone couldn't hear Bing Ji's voice, but it could be sensed in the beginning.

"What do I want? Bingji, I remember I was in the square earlier, I told you? This ancient sea can't stay!" Tai Chu's voice was low.

"Why?" Bing Ji anxiously.

"Why? First, this dead cat ca n’t be released, it will be released, too. Taiyi will also have a headache. This is the demon with the seal of heaven. For the sake of life, it must be sealed inside. Second, Guhai and Taiji, there are There is a trace of cause and effect. Taiyi wants to control him! Taiyi wants him to die, he must die, you know? "Taichu coldly.

Bingji shook her head, showing pain.

"Of course, it doesn't have to be dead. After drinking two bowls of Fushen soup, he can be loyal to Taiyi, right? Not necessarily, you can just ask Taiyi, isn't it? Taiyi doesn't want to kill Guhai, Guhai can't die!" Taichu Shen said.

"No, no, I can't ...!" Bingji anxiously.

"No, hum, today, you have to do it, and you have to do it. Do you forget your mother? Your mother is dead, but there is a way to bring her back to life. You don't want her to come back to life?" Road.

"What? My mother can be resurrected?" Bingji's face changed.

"Your mother is a princess of the rhubarb dynasty, and she is feudal with the Sun Temple, but I do n’t want her to be resurrected, even Taiyi is not willing. If you want to save her, it depends on whether you have value. Besides, why did Taiyi bring you to Guhai, you forgot? Already a bowl of Fushen soup? Another bowl, hurry up! "Too cold at first.

"No, no, don't force me!" Bingji looked terrified.

"Forcing you? Didn't you look at the little white face of Gu Hai? Don't look at it, hurry up. The Dragon Warring States has gone mad and actually wants to rebel against heaven? This dead cat, can't come out again, fast!" Too cold at first .

"No, no, no!" Bingji looked horrified.

"Think about it. I'll give you a joss stick. If this game is finished and you haven't given Gu Hai a drink, I will go back and ruin your mother's body, believe it?" Tai Chu said coldly.

Bingji suddenly showed pain.

After a lot of chess, Gu Hai did not find Bing Ji abnormal, because everyone's eyes were in that game.

Gu Hailuozi is getting slower and slower, but getting more accurate. Similarly, the connection between soul and soul is becoming more and more expensive. Gu Hai rubbed his head, and seemed to be mentally struggling.

"Kid, take it easy, you have to untie it, you untie it. Which woman do you like in the world, I will help you sing" dry spring "and let her like you immediately!" The black cat anxiously said.

The black cat was anxious, and Xueya's Tai Shang was extremely anxious.

"How much faith is there? Why isn't it working?" Looking up at the small bottle too much anxiety at this moment.

The chess game is getting more and more complicated, and the ancient sea is getting harder and harder.

Gu Hai rubbed his head. All the chess players can only worry about Gu Hai.

Bingji closed her eyes, as if she had endured the pain of a thousand swords, and there was a mist in her eyes, but she had to be steamed. After a while, there seemed to be a mental exhaustion.

Under the repeated persecution of Taichu, Bingji said sourly: "I am sorry, emperor!"

The voice was also down, Gu Hai didn't hear it.

Bingji turned around, a cold air condensed an ice bowl, and the bowl filled with some soup.

"That's right, Bingji, Fushen Tang, gave Guhai a drink, ambush between the ancient gods and souls, from now on, it will be easy to control the ancient sea too! Give him a drink, give him a drink!" Too sneer at first.

Bingji took a difficult step slowly, 10,000 unwilling in his eyes. However, Bingji was so sad that Eunuch's embarrassment resounded in her ears.

"Separation of soul and soul really hurts the brain!" Gu Hai rubbed his head.

"Emperor, Emperor!" Bingji timidly said.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at Bingji in doubt.

"The emperor, this is 'Yangshen Soup', which can nourish the soul. You will be better after drinking the Yangshen Soup!" Bingji pretended to be calm.

"Yangshen Soup?" Gu Hai frowned and looked at a bowl of soup sent to Bing Ji.

"Can nourish the soul? Mr. Gu, you drink quickly, the seal still needs you to unravel it!" Chess repair suddenly said.

Bing Ji is a person brought by the ancient sea. Of course, the chess players did not expect Bing Ji to harm the ancient sea. Suddenly agitated.

However, the black cat in a small space has a sudden shrinking pupil.

"Fu Shen Tang? Meow, another slut, don't drink, boy, don't drink, meow!" The black cat growled with its teeth dancing.

However, no voice except "meow" can be heard.

Gu Hai looked at Bingji, and carefully took the "Yangshen Soup".

"This can nourish the soul?" Gu Hai stared at Bing Ji, and asked carefully.

"Yes, okay, okay!" Bingji felt the whole person trembling, but resisted trembling, and nodded.

"Since it can nourish the soul, why don't you take it out early!" Gu Hai smiled.

Looking at Bing Ji, Gu Hai slowly sent the bowl of "Yangshen Soup" to his mouth.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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