Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 105: When Heaven was angry, Cangsheng knelt down

The moment when the ancient sea spirit returned to the flesh. In the heart of the eyebrows, the town of Xizhen suddenly blasted.


The ancient sea instantly awakened, sober from the cast of the black cat.

The moment when I woke up, the ancient sea consciousness instantly reached the whole body, and suddenly found the abnormality of the whole body.

Fire gourd returns to Vulcan Palace.

In the water shrine, the elementary infant of Bingji surrounds Vulcan.

In the Golden God Palace, Chen Xianer's Yuan Ying surrounds the Golden God.

In the earth shrine, the Taiyuan Yuanying entangled the earth god.

Gu Hai was completely awake, and the three women woke up from the dimness.

"Xianer?" Gu Hai suddenly burst into joy.

The next moment, his face changed. It was thought that Chen Xianer had no physical body. What can she do without a physical body?

"Sexy thief! I want you to die!" Tai Shang Yuanying woke up suddenly, but he suddenly shouted and yelled.

Taishang Yuanying seems to throw out a strong earthy yellow energy. Suddenly, it erupted from the ancient sea and earth shrine.


Gu Hai felt like his whole body was about to explode.

For a moment, Chen Xianer, Bing Ji, and Tai Shang Yuan Ying all flew out of the mouth of the ancient sea in the explosion.

"Xianer!" Gu Hai roared, his eyes glaring.

But they saw that the three Yuan infants suddenly flew out.

Bing Ji's Yuan Ying flew back to Bing Ji's body instantly.


Bingji's body suddenly blasted a super airflow, sweeping the entire square in an instant.

"Zhongtian Palace? Bing Ji Xiu arrived at Zhong Tian Gong? Double practice exercises? Huh, but my Ji family's double practice exercises are used by a force other than my family?" Kong Di's eyes were stunned.

Yuan Shang, too, flew back instantly.


Yuan Ying entered the body. Tai Shang didn't stand up in anger and anger, but suddenly he kept saying something.

"Heart is too high, ruthless and forgetful, I am Bingqing, and the dust does not stick to the heart!" Too anxious and constantly urged the exercises.

Too good practice, once broken, it will be broken down, broken body, not only the physical body, but also the soul, the breaking of the soul, even more terrible.

Too anxious, steady mind, and firmly cultivated.

Gu Hai is a scout, grabbing a blue ball.

The former Chen Xianer Yuanying flew out, and instantly poured into the blue ball.

"Primitive human soul? Go back again?" Gu Hai's face changed, her face showing anger.

When angry, Gu Hai could only sigh slightly.

"Perhaps it's a good thing to change back, it's better than dissipating!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

During the exploration, Gu Hai took out a jade box, and carefully placed Chen Xianer's human soul into it, and carefully collected it.

Bing Ji woke up, waking up with a sense of guilt.

Looking up, I just saw the distant eyes that seemed to kill.

On the other side, Conte also looked at Bingji coldly, making Bingji's face sink.

"Emperor, before, I'm sorry!" Bingji bitterly.

"I said, I don't blame you!" Gu Hairou whispered.

However, the more ancient seas are, the more painful Bingji is.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked at Taishang in the distance, watching Taishang's eager sweaty steady repair, Guhai frowned slightly, and for a moment did not know how to speak.

"Juzi, Juzi, I was changed for a soul!" A subordinate next to Tai Shang suddenly woke up and was anxious.

It is the Taishang disciple who was previously named by Taishang to enter the humanitarian mystery. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and was exchanged by Zizhu Bodhisattva.

Gu Hai turned to look at the Zizhu Bodhisattva, but found that Zizhu Bodhisattva slowly opened her eyes in weakness.

After a long distance, I also saw the ancient sea. The moment he saw the ancient sea, his face changed, and he was agitated.

"Zhuzhu Bodhisattva, how are you?" Said the Bodhisattvas anxiously.

The Zizhu Bodhisattva was shaking, as if speechless, just looking at the ancient sea, shivering.

"Huh, it's really a disaster!" Gu Hai looked cold.

"Brother-in-law, are you awake? Great, the old man was successful just now!" Long Wanyu looked at Gu Hai excitedly.

At this moment, most people in the square did not pay attention to the ancient sea, but looked at the Dragon Warring States who had a cloud rising from the distance.

Dragon Warring States closed their eyes, holding a bubble in their hands. There seemed to be a blue vortex channel in the bubble, slowly rotating, it seemed to be drawing endless strange power between heaven and earth.

"Booming ...............!"

The Shou Zhen enchantment that envelops Tianyin City disappeared, and all the air bubbles in the hands of the Dragon Warring States, like the whale sucking water, were all inhaled into it.

Not only that, in the void, it seems that the endless blue light is being forcibly accepted.

All the courtiers of Dagan are guarded by the side of the Dragon Warring States, Bei Mingshou, Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, Sima Zong, and Ao Tianhuang. All the strong are guarding the Quartet. Waiting for the Dragon Warring States to open his eyes.

"That's the old man's Xianqiong. I heard them called Xianqiong, brother-in-law, do you know Xianqiong? Listening to people's discussions, it's called the" Warring Kingdom Xianqiong "!

"Xian Qiong?" Gu Hai's face changed.

This world is the Six Immortals.

Is a fairy dome in the hands of the Dragon Warring States? The Warring States Period? Isn't that the palm of the Dragon Warring States a world?

Lao Tzu once said to himself that he must first find the fairy sky, is this the fairy sky?

"The humane mystery just now was dragged into the immortal vault of the Warring States Period, look, ah?" Long Wanyu's face changed, pointing to the sky.

But I saw that where the mystery of humanity disappeared, suddenly a void crack appeared.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom .........!"

The cracks suddenly split into two, two, four, eight, eight, and ten thousand, and they stretched out toward the heavens and the earth in all directions.


From the cracks in the void, there was a sudden burst of black gas, which instantly covered the sky and stretched endlessly. From Tianyin City, to the thirty-three cities in Tianting, and still expanding, it seemed that the heavens and the earth were injured. This void crack suddenly passed To all directions, the whole land of Divine Land was instantly covered.

"Ah, it hurts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Suddenly, a torn roar came from the crack in the void.

The sound was loud, with a weird majesty, as if the sound directly penetrated human souls.

"噗通!" "噗通!" "噗通!" ……………………

Suddenly, Tianyin City fell to its knees.

Bingji, Long Wanyu, Taishang, Future Buddha, Taichu, and even Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, Dragon Gods, Qing Emperor, Kong Emperor, all the people, all the major soldiers, all of them are 噗噗 通 噗Knelt down.

In just a moment, all the overwhelming kneels. From Tianyin City to the outside world, the thirty-three cities in Tianting, the entire Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, and even the entire Shenzhou land.

Almost everyone suddenly knelt down. There was no reason to kneel, just because of this voice.

A heavenly roar. Cang Sheng was kneeled down by this majesty. Countless beings were shaking.

Tianyin City Square.

There is only one person who can stand.

Even the ancient sea, I instantly felt a towering majesty overwhelmed my heart, as if the soul instinctively wanted to kneel.

That kind of boundless coercion, so much that the ancient sea was too late to resist.


Do not!

Gu Hai's strong will braced his knees, but couldn't hold it.


The heart of Tianzhen Shenxi suddenly trembled, seemingly resisting this might.

Unfortunately, that's not enough. Offset more than half, and a part, let Gu Hai knee slowly bend down.


In the ancient sea, a burst of blue light suddenly emitted, and the ancient sea vaguely felt that ‘thin human soul’ was somewhere in the body, as if it was resisting this mighty power, but it still could n’t.


At the last moment Gu Hai was about to kneel, her body twisted, and her bottom slanted to the ground.

However, the repression of Tianwei continued to destroy the ancient sea from the soul, as if the ancient sea continued to kneel.

The soul is thin and the town's seal is constantly resisting, allowing Gu Hai to have the opportunity to persist without kneeling. But it's also uneasy.

"Tianwei?" Gu Hai's eyes were shocked.

With only one voice, he fell to his knees?

"Brother-in-law, me, I'm scared, oh oh!" Long Wanyu whispered in horror before kneeling.

Gu Hai couldn't hold herself anymore, why comfort Long Wanyu?

Humane mystery, forced by the Dragon Warring States, awakened to heaven, the sky is angry, and the anger is about to vent?

Gu Hai's eyes flashed a horrifying look at the Dragon Warring States not far away.

Everyone was on his knees. He was the only one standing, standing proudly in the wind and bearing the anger from heaven alone.

Everyone lives on his knees, only Dragon Warring States does not kneel.

Dragon Warring States seems to have withstood the most powerful Tianwei suppression. It seems that there is a wave of Tianwei anger coming from all directions, blowing the Dragon Warring States fiercely.

However, apart from the dragon robes screaming in the wind, the Dragon Warring States showed no signs of being oppressed, and even those eyes did not open.


Over the heavens, the dark clouds grew thicker and thicker, and more and more irritable. The dark cumulus clouds even glowed red from the center.

The dragon robes of the Dragon Warring States were blown more and more intense. It seems that Skyfury has gradually locked the Dragon Warring States. A wave of super anger struck, as if the void had an endless blade.

But at this moment, the eyes of the Dragon Warring States opened.


The moment that opened, a burst of colorful light burst out.


The raging wind that was blowing towards the Dragon Warring States burst into a blast and completely disappeared. It seems that Tianwei has not completely affected the Dragon Warring States, and even, above the Dragon Warring States' head, the auspicious cloud has become even larger.

In the wrath of the sky, the Dragon Warring States did not move. There was a trace of murderous gas in his eyes.

"My humanitarian mystery, who!" The sky roared again.

"Boom, boom!"

Then I heard two loud noises in the sky, and the scarlet black cloud suddenly separated towards the two sides, and a pair of cold blue eyes suddenly appeared in the dark cloud.

Two eyes seemed to occupy the entire sky. Each eye was larger than the 36 cities of Tianting as a whole, a hundred times or a thousand times larger.

A pair of eyes covering the whole sky. A pair of ice-cold eyes.

A pair of eyes can scare the frozen eyes.

God's eyes! Is scorning the whole land, his eyes are furious, and he comes straight to the Dragon Warring States.

PS: Today is Thursday, but, watching chess in the mother-in-law's home in the field, there is no net here, really no. Upload is updated today via mobile upload. QQ chat, transferred to the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow to watch chess can go home.

In addition, the New Year will be celebrated immediately. Please follow the old rules of chess. Please take an annual leave from New Year's Eve to the seventh day. There will be eight days in total. Watching chess only asks for this leisure vacation once a year. At most, it was only because of illness and could not be updated. At other times, no matter how busy, watching chess will be updated. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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